Version: 3.0.2
wxMenuItem Class Reference

#include <wx/menuitem.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for wxMenuItem:

Detailed Description

A menu item represents an item in a menu.

Note that you usually don't have to deal with it directly as wxMenu methods usually construct an object of this class for you.

Also please note that the methods related to fonts and bitmaps are currently only implemented for Windows, Mac and GTK+.

Events emitted by this class

The following event handler macros redirect the events to member function handlers 'func' with prototypes like:

void handlerFuncName(wxCommandEvent& event) or void handlerFuncName(wxMenuEvent& event)

Event macros for events emitted by this class:

  • EVT_MENU(id, func):
    Process a wxEVT_MENU command, which is generated by a menu item. This type of event is sent as wxCommandEvent.
  • EVT_MENU_RANGE(id1, id2, func):
    Process a wxEVT_MENU command, which is generated by a range of menu items. This type of event is sent as wxCommandEvent.
  • EVT_MENU_OPEN(func):
    A menu is about to be opened. On Windows, this is only sent once for each navigation of the menubar (up until all menus have closed). This type of event is sent as wxMenuEvent.
  • EVT_MENU_CLOSE(func):
    A menu has been just closed. This type of event is sent as wxMenuEvent.
  • EVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT(id, func):
    The menu item with the specified id has been highlighted: used to show help prompts in the status bar by wxFrame This type of event is sent as wxMenuEvent.
    A menu item has been highlighted, i.e. the currently selected menu item has changed. This type of event is sent as wxMenuEvent.

Library:  wxCore
Category:  Menus
See Also
wxMenuBar, wxMenu


wxColourGetBackgroundColour () const
 Returns the background colour associated with the menu item.
virtual const wxBitmapGetBitmap (bool checked=true) const
 Returns the checked or unchecked bitmap.
virtual const wxBitmapGetDisabledBitmap () const
 Returns the bitmap to be used for disabled items.
wxFontGetFont () const
 Returns the font associated with the menu item.
const wxStringGetHelp () const
 Returns the help string associated with the menu item.
int GetId () const
 Returns the menu item identifier.
virtual wxString GetItemLabel () const
 Returns the text associated with the menu item including any accelerator characters that were passed to the constructor or SetItemLabel().
virtual wxString GetItemLabelText () const
 Returns the text associated with the menu item, without any accelerator characters.
wxItemKind GetKind () const
 Returns the item kind, one of wxITEM_SEPARATOR, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxITEM_CHECK or wxITEM_RADIO.
wxString GetLabel () const
 Returns the text associated with the menu item without any accelerator characters it might contain.
int GetMarginWidth () const
 Gets the width of the menu item checkmark bitmap.
wxMenuGetMenu () const
 Returns the menu this menu item is in, or NULL if this menu item is not attached.
wxString GetName () const
 Returns the text associated with the menu item.
wxMenuGetSubMenu () const
 Returns the submenu associated with the menu item, or NULL if there isn't one.
const wxStringGetText () const
 Returns the text associated with the menu item, such as it was passed to the wxMenuItem constructor, i.e.
wxColourGetTextColour () const
 Returns the text colour associated with the menu item.
virtual wxAcceleratorEntryGetAccel () const
 Get our accelerator or NULL (caller must delete the pointer)
static wxAcceleratorEntryGetAccelFromString (const wxString &label)
 Extract the accelerator from the given menu string, return NULL if none found.

Public Member Functions

 wxMenuItem (wxMenu *parentMenu=NULL, int id=wxID_SEPARATOR, const wxString &text=wxEmptyString, const wxString &helpString=wxEmptyString, wxItemKind kind=wxITEM_NORMAL, wxMenu *subMenu=NULL)
 Constructs a wxMenuItem object.
virtual ~wxMenuItem ()
virtual void Check (bool check=true)
 Checks or unchecks the menu item.
virtual void Enable (bool enable=true)
 Enables or disables the menu item.
bool IsCheck () const
 Returns true if the item is a check item.
bool IsCheckable () const
 Returns true if the item is checkable.
virtual bool IsChecked () const
 Returns true if the item is checked.
virtual bool IsEnabled () const
 Returns true if the item is enabled.
bool IsRadio () const
 Returns true if the item is a radio button.
bool IsSeparator () const
 Returns true if the item is a separator.
bool IsSubMenu () const
 Returns true if the item is a submenu.
void SetBackgroundColour (const wxColour &colour)
 Sets the background colour associated with the menu item.
virtual void SetBitmap (const wxBitmap &bmp, bool checked=true)
 Sets the bitmap for the menu item.
void SetBitmaps (const wxBitmap &checked, const wxBitmap &unchecked=wxNullBitmap)
 Sets the checked/unchecked bitmaps for the menu item.
void SetDisabledBitmap (const wxBitmap &disabled)
 Sets the to be used for disabled menu items.
void SetFont (const wxFont &font)
 Sets the font associated with the menu item.
void SetHelp (const wxString &helpString)
 Sets the help string.
virtual void SetItemLabel (const wxString &label)
 Sets the label associated with the menu item.
void SetMarginWidth (int width)
 Sets the width of the menu item checkmark bitmap.
void SetMenu (wxMenu *menu)
 Sets the parent menu which will contain this menu item.
void SetSubMenu (wxMenu *menu)
 Sets the submenu of this menu item.
virtual void SetText (const wxString &text)
 Sets the text associated with the menu item.
void SetTextColour (const wxColour &colour)
 Sets the text colour associated with the menu item.
virtual void SetAccel (wxAcceleratorEntry *accel)
 Set the accel for this item - this may also be done indirectly with SetText()
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxObject
 wxObject ()
 Default ctor; initializes to NULL the internal reference data.
 wxObject (const wxObject &other)
 Copy ctor.
virtual ~wxObject ()
virtual wxClassInfoGetClassInfo () const
 This virtual function is redefined for every class that requires run-time type information, when using the wxDECLARE_CLASS macro (or similar).
wxObjectRefDataGetRefData () const
 Returns the wxObject::m_refData pointer, i.e. the data referenced by this object.
bool IsKindOf (const wxClassInfo *info) const
 Determines whether this class is a subclass of (or the same class as) the given class.
bool IsSameAs (const wxObject &obj) const
 Returns true if this object has the same data pointer as obj.
void Ref (const wxObject &clone)
 Makes this object refer to the data in clone.
void SetRefData (wxObjectRefData *data)
 Sets the wxObject::m_refData pointer.
void UnRef ()
 Decrements the reference count in the associated data, and if it is zero, deletes the data.
void UnShare ()
 This is the same of AllocExclusive() but this method is public.
void operator delete (void *buf)
 The delete operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier WXDEBUG is defined.
void * operator new (size_t size, const wxString &filename=NULL, int lineNum=0)
 The new operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier WXDEBUG is defined.

Static Public Member Functions

static wxString GetLabelFromText (const wxString &text)
static wxString GetLabelText (const wxString &text)
 Strips all accelerator characters and mnemonics from the given text.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from wxObject
void AllocExclusive ()
 Ensure that this object's data is not shared with any other object.
virtual wxObjectRefDataCreateRefData () const
 Creates a new instance of the wxObjectRefData-derived class specific to this object and returns it.
virtual wxObjectRefDataCloneRefData (const wxObjectRefData *data) const
 Creates a new instance of the wxObjectRefData-derived class specific to this object and initializes it copying data.
- Protected Attributes inherited from wxObject
 Pointer to an object which is the object's reference-counted data.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

wxMenuItem::wxMenuItem ( wxMenu parentMenu = NULL,
int  id = wxID_SEPARATOR,
const wxString text = wxEmptyString,
const wxString helpString = wxEmptyString,
wxItemKind  kind = wxITEM_NORMAL,
wxMenu subMenu = NULL 

Constructs a wxMenuItem object.

Menu items can be standard, or "stock menu items", or custom. For the standard menu items (such as commands to open a file, exit the program and so on, see Stock Items for the full list) it is enough to specify just the stock ID and leave text and helpString empty. Some platforms (currently wxGTK only, and see the remark in SetBitmap() documentation) will also show standard bitmaps for stock menu items.

Leaving at least text empty for the stock menu items is actually strongly recommended as they will have appearance and keyboard interface (including standard accelerators) familiar to the user.

For the custom (non-stock) menu items, text must be specified and while helpString may be left empty, it's recommended to pass the item description (which is automatically shown by the library in the status bar when the menu item is selected) in this parameter.

Finally note that you can e.g. use a stock menu label without using its stock help string:

// use all stock properties:
// use the stock label and the stock accelerator but not the stock help string:
helpMenu->Append(wxID_ABOUT, "", "My custom help string");
// use all stock properties except for the bitmap:
wxMenuItem *mymenu = new wxMenuItem(helpMenu, wxID_ABOUT);

that is, stock properties are set independently one from the other.

parentMenuMenu that the menu item belongs to. Can be NULL if the item is going to be added to the menu later.
idIdentifier for this menu item. May be wxID_SEPARATOR, in which case the given kind is ignored and taken to be wxITEM_SEPARATOR instead.
textText for the menu item, as shown on the menu. See SetItemLabel() for more info.
helpStringOptional help string that will be shown on the status bar.
subMenuIf non-NULL, indicates that the menu item is a submenu.
virtual wxMenuItem::~wxMenuItem ( )


Member Function Documentation

virtual void wxMenuItem::Check ( bool  check = true)

Checks or unchecks the menu item.

Note that this only works when the item is already appended to a menu.

virtual void wxMenuItem::Enable ( bool  enable = true)

Enables or disables the menu item.

virtual wxAcceleratorEntry* wxMenuItem::GetAccel ( ) const

Get our accelerator or NULL (caller must delete the pointer)

static wxAcceleratorEntry* wxMenuItem::GetAccelFromString ( const wxString label)

Extract the accelerator from the given menu string, return NULL if none found.

wxColour& wxMenuItem::GetBackgroundColour ( ) const

Returns the background colour associated with the menu item.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW port.
virtual const wxBitmap& wxMenuItem::GetBitmap ( bool  checked = true) const

Returns the checked or unchecked bitmap.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW port.
virtual const wxBitmap& wxMenuItem::GetDisabledBitmap ( ) const

Returns the bitmap to be used for disabled items.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW port.
wxFont& wxMenuItem::GetFont ( ) const

Returns the font associated with the menu item.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW port.
const wxString& wxMenuItem::GetHelp ( ) const

Returns the help string associated with the menu item.

int wxMenuItem::GetId ( ) const

Returns the menu item identifier.

virtual wxString wxMenuItem::GetItemLabel ( ) const

Returns the text associated with the menu item including any accelerator characters that were passed to the constructor or SetItemLabel().

See Also
GetItemLabelText(), GetLabelText()
virtual wxString wxMenuItem::GetItemLabelText ( ) const

Returns the text associated with the menu item, without any accelerator characters.

See Also
GetItemLabel(), GetLabelText()
wxItemKind wxMenuItem::GetKind ( ) const

Returns the item kind, one of wxITEM_SEPARATOR, wxITEM_NORMAL, wxITEM_CHECK or wxITEM_RADIO.

wxString wxMenuItem::GetLabel ( ) const

Returns the text associated with the menu item without any accelerator characters it might contain.

This function is deprecated in favour of GetItemLabelText().
See Also
static wxString wxMenuItem::GetLabelFromText ( const wxString text)
This function is deprecated; please use GetLabelText() instead.
See Also
static wxString wxMenuItem::GetLabelText ( const wxString text)

Strips all accelerator characters and mnemonics from the given text.

For example:


will return just "Hello".

See Also
GetItemLabelText(), GetItemLabel()
int wxMenuItem::GetMarginWidth ( ) const

Gets the width of the menu item checkmark bitmap.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW port.
wxMenu* wxMenuItem::GetMenu ( ) const

Returns the menu this menu item is in, or NULL if this menu item is not attached.

wxString wxMenuItem::GetName ( ) const

Returns the text associated with the menu item.

This function is deprecated. Please use GetItemLabel() or GetItemLabelText() instead.
See Also
GetItemLabel(), GetItemLabelText()
wxMenu* wxMenuItem::GetSubMenu ( ) const

Returns the submenu associated with the menu item, or NULL if there isn't one.

const wxString& wxMenuItem::GetText ( ) const

Returns the text associated with the menu item, such as it was passed to the wxMenuItem constructor, i.e.

with any accelerator characters it may contain.

This function is deprecated in favour of GetItemLabel().
See Also
wxColour& wxMenuItem::GetTextColour ( ) const

Returns the text colour associated with the menu item.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW port.
bool wxMenuItem::IsCheck ( ) const

Returns true if the item is a check item.

Unlike IsCheckable() this doesn't return true for the radio buttons.

bool wxMenuItem::IsCheckable ( ) const

Returns true if the item is checkable.

Notice that the radio buttons are considered to be checkable as well, so this method returns true for them too. Use IsCheck() if you want to test for the check items only.

virtual bool wxMenuItem::IsChecked ( ) const

Returns true if the item is checked.

virtual bool wxMenuItem::IsEnabled ( ) const

Returns true if the item is enabled.

bool wxMenuItem::IsRadio ( ) const

Returns true if the item is a radio button.

bool wxMenuItem::IsSeparator ( ) const

Returns true if the item is a separator.

bool wxMenuItem::IsSubMenu ( ) const

Returns true if the item is a submenu.

virtual void wxMenuItem::SetAccel ( wxAcceleratorEntry accel)

Set the accel for this item - this may also be done indirectly with SetText()

void wxMenuItem::SetBackgroundColour ( const wxColour colour)

Sets the background colour associated with the menu item.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW port.
virtual void wxMenuItem::SetBitmap ( const wxBitmap bmp,
bool  checked = true 

Sets the bitmap for the menu item.

It is equivalent to wxMenuItem::SetBitmaps(bmp, wxNullBitmap) if checked is true (default value) or SetBitmaps(wxNullBitmap, bmp) otherwise.

SetBitmap() must be called before the item is appended to the menu, i.e. appending the item without a bitmap and setting one later is not guaranteed to work. But the bitmap can be changed or reset later if it had been set up initially.

Notice that GTK+ uses a global setting called gtk-menu-images to determine if the images should be shown in the menus at all. If it is off (which is the case in e.g. Gnome 2.28 by default), no images will be shown, consistently with the native behaviour.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW, wxOSX, wxGTK ports.
void wxMenuItem::SetBitmaps ( const wxBitmap checked,
const wxBitmap unchecked = wxNullBitmap 

Sets the checked/unchecked bitmaps for the menu item.

The first bitmap is also used as the single bitmap for uncheckable menu items.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW port.
void wxMenuItem::SetDisabledBitmap ( const wxBitmap disabled)

Sets the to be used for disabled menu items.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW port.
void wxMenuItem::SetFont ( const wxFont font)

Sets the font associated with the menu item.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW port.
void wxMenuItem::SetHelp ( const wxString helpString)

Sets the help string.

virtual void wxMenuItem::SetItemLabel ( const wxString label)

Sets the label associated with the menu item.

Note that if the ID of this menu item corresponds to a stock ID, then it is not necessary to specify a label: wxWidgets will automatically use the stock item label associated with that ID. See the constructor for more info.

The label string for the normal menu items (not separators) may include the accelerator which can be used to activate the menu item from keyboard. An accelerator key can be specified using the ampersand & character. In order to embed an ampersand character in the menu item text, the ampersand must be doubled.

Optionally you can specify also an accelerator string appending a tab character \t followed by a valid key combination (e.g. CTRL+V). Its general syntax is any combination of "CTRL", "RAWCTRL", "ALT" and "SHIFT" strings (case doesn't matter) separated by either '-' or '+' characters and followed by the accelerator itself. Notice that CTRL corresponds to the "Ctrl" key on most platforms but not under Mac OS where it is mapped to "Cmd" key on Mac keyboard. Usually this is exactly what you want in portable code but if you really need to use the (rarely used for this purpose) "Ctrl" key even under Mac, you may use RAWCTRL to prevent this mapping. Under the other platforms RAWCTRL is the same as plain CTRL.

The accelerator may be any alphanumeric character, any function key (from F1 to F12) or one of the special characters listed in the table below (again, case doesn't matter):

  • DEL or DELETE: Delete key
  • BACK : Backspace key
  • INS or INSERT: Insert key
  • ENTER or RETURN: Enter key
  • PGUP: PageUp key
  • PGDN: PageDown key
  • LEFT: Left cursor arrow key
  • RIGHT: Right cursor arrow key
  • UP: Up cursor arrow key
  • DOWN: Down cursor arrow key
  • HOME: Home key
  • END: End key
  • SPACE: Space
  • TAB: Tab key
  • ESC or ESCAPE: Escape key (Windows only)


m_pMyMenuItem->SetItemLabel("My &item\tCTRL+I");
m_pMyMenuItem2->SetItemLabel("Clean && build\tF7");
m_pMyMenuItem3->SetItemLabel("Simple item");
m_pMyMenuItem4->SetItemLabel("Item with &accelerator");
In wxGTK using "SHIFT" with non-alphabetic characters currently doesn't work, even in combination with other modifiers, due to GTK+ limitation. E.g. Shift+Ctrl+A works but Shift+Ctrl+1 or Shift+/ do not, so avoid using accelerators of this form in portable code.
See Also
GetItemLabel(), GetItemLabelText()
void wxMenuItem::SetMarginWidth ( int  width)

Sets the width of the menu item checkmark bitmap.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW port.
void wxMenuItem::SetMenu ( wxMenu menu)

Sets the parent menu which will contain this menu item.

void wxMenuItem::SetSubMenu ( wxMenu menu)

Sets the submenu of this menu item.

virtual void wxMenuItem::SetText ( const wxString text)

Sets the text associated with the menu item.

This function is deprecated in favour of SetItemLabel().
See Also
void wxMenuItem::SetTextColour ( const wxColour colour)

Sets the text colour associated with the menu item.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW port.