Since: API Level 1
public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Ths interface represents a cookie attribute handler responsible for parsing, validating, and matching a specific cookie attribute, such as path, domain, port, etc. Different cookie specifications can provide a specific implementation for this class based on their cookie handling rules.


Public Methods
abstract boolean match(Cookie cookie, CookieOrigin origin)
Matches the given value (property of the destination host where request is being submitted) with the corresponding cookie attribute.
abstract void parse(SetCookie cookie, String value)
Parse the given cookie attribute value and update the corresponding Cookie property.
abstract void validate(Cookie cookie, CookieOrigin origin)
Peforms cookie validation for the given attribute value.

Public Methods

public abstract boolean match (Cookie cookie, CookieOrigin origin)

Since: API Level 1

Matches the given value (property of the destination host where request is being submitted) with the corresponding cookie attribute.

cookie Cookie to match
origin the cookie source to match against
  • true if the match is successful; false otherwise

public abstract void parse (SetCookie cookie, String value)

Since: API Level 1

Parse the given cookie attribute value and update the corresponding Cookie property.

cookie Cookie to be updated
value cookie attribute value from the cookie response header

public abstract void validate (Cookie cookie, CookieOrigin origin)

Since: API Level 1

Peforms cookie validation for the given attribute value.

cookie Cookie to validate
origin the cookie source to validate against
MalformedCookieException if cookie validation fails for this attribute