Help Menu

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The Help Menu lets you find out more about the Audacity program and how to use it. It also includes some more advanced tools such as for taking Audacity screenshots, or viewing log messages generated by the program.

About Audacity...

Displays the "About Audacity" dialog, containing tabs for:

  • Audacity version information, credits and list of libraries used in Audacity
  • Build information for the current build, including file format support and enabled libraries and features
  • GPL v2 License
Note: on Macs this item is under the Audacity menu.

Quick Help (in web browser)

The "Getting Started" section of our Manual - quick information on how to play, record and edit audio, and export to an audio file like MP3 or WAV.

Manual (in web browser)

Takes you to the main sections of our Manual:

Screenshot Tools...

Displays the "Screen Capture Frame". This tool lets you capture all or part of your project window to an image file in PNG format. Click the "Choose..." button to pick the location where you want to save the screenshot. Then click the button corresponding to the part of the project window you want to capture. Most of these buttons are self-explanatory.

For "Capture entire window or screen":

  • "Capture Window Only" captures the window without its title bar.
  • "Capture Full Window" captures the window including its title bar.
  • "Capture Window Plus" captures the window including its title bar, plus a small border region outside the window for context.
  • "Capture Full Screen" captures the entire computer screen as you see it.

For "Scale":

  • The "Sec", "Min" and "One Hour" buttons zoom the project window horizontally so that a little more than the length indicated on the button is shown on the Timeline.
  • The "Tracks" buttons zoom all the tracks in the project to a preset height. For example, "Short Tracks" displays the tracks at minimal height so they only show the Track Drop-Down Menu and Collapse/Expand button.
  • Screenshot Tools can be handy for capturing:
    • Tracks with their waveform or spectrogram (use any of the "Track(s)" buttons)
    • Plots of amplitude against frequency for a selected region (use any of the "Capture Window" buttons to capture the Frequency Analysis window on its own).
  • Limitations:
    • Screenshot Tools resets all the Toolbars to default positions and settings.
    • Some individual parts of the interface cannot be captured, such as menus, and dialogs that do not allow you to click anywhere else while the dialog is open.
    As alternatives, you can use File > Print...   to print an image of the current tracks with the Timeline above, excluding the Track Control Panel and vertical scale. Or you can use the operating system commands to capture the entire screen or the active window, then open your favorite image editor and paste then save the image.

Audio Device Info...

Shows technical information about your detected audio device(s), including their supported sample rates.

Show Log...

Launches the "Debug Log" window. This is largely a debugging aid. It should normally be empty, except that if you use the optional FFmpeg library, it will show entries for the steps to load the individual FFmpeg components. Occasionally, an Alpha build of Audacity might have extra log entries if a specific problem was under investigation.

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