Chapter 17. Rendering

Table of Contents

Rendering by Parts
Panoramic renderings
Output formats
Rendering Animations
Motion Blur
Depth of Field
Cartoon Edges
The Unified Renderer
Preparing your work for video
Colour Saturation

Relevant to Blender v2.31

Rendering is the final process of CG (short of postprocessing, of course) and is the phase in which the image corresponding to your 3D scene is finally created.

The rendering buttons window is accessed via the Scene Context and Render Sub-context (F10 or the button). The rendering Panels and Buttons are shown in Figure 17.1, “Rendering Buttons.”.

Figure 17.1. Rendering Buttons.

Rendering Buttons.

The rendering of the current scene is performed by pressing the big RENDER button in the Render panel, or by pressing F12. The result of the rendering is kept in a buffer and shown in its own window. It can be saved by pressing F3 or via the File>>Save Image menu.

The image is rendered according to the dimensions defined in the Format Panel (Figure 17.2, “Image types and dimensions.”).

Figure 17.2. Image types and dimensions.

Image types and dimensions.

By default the dimensions SizeX and SizeY are 320x256 and can be changed as for any Num Button. The two buttons below define the aspect ratio of the pixels. This is the ratio between the X and Y dimensions of the pixel of the image. By default it is 1:1 since computer screen pixels are square, but can be varied if television shorts are being made since TV pixels are not square. To make life easier the rightmost block of buttons (Figure 17.3, “Image pre-set dimensions.”) provides some common presets:

Figure 17.3. Image pre-set dimensions.

Image pre-set dimensions.

Rendering by Parts

Relevant to Blender v2.31

It is possible to render an image in pieces, one after the other, rather than all at one time. This can be useful for very complex scenes, where rendering small sections one after the other only requires computation of a small part of the scene, which uses less memory.

By setting values different from 1 in the Xparts and Yparts NumButtons in the Render Panel (Figure 17.4, “Rendering by parts buttons.”), you force Blender to divide your image into a grid of Xparts times Yparts sub-images, which are then rendered one after the other and finally assembled together.

Figure 17.4. Rendering by parts buttons.

Rendering by parts buttons.


Blender cannot handle more than 64 parts.