Public API Reference

iBillboardManager Struct Reference

This is a manager to handle billboards. More...

#include <tools/billboard.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual int BillboardToScreenX (int x) const =0
 Convert a billboard X position to screen space.
virtual int BillboardToScreenY (int y) const =0
 Convert a billboard Y position to screen space.
virtual iBillboardCreateBillboard (const char *name)=0
 Create a new billboard with the given name.
virtual iBillboardLayerCreateBillboardLayer (const char *name)=0
 Create a new billboard layer with the given name.
virtual iBillboardFindBillboard (const char *name) const =0
 Find a billboard with a given name.
virtual iBillboardLayerFindBillboardLayer (const char *name) const =0
 Find a billboard layer with a given name.
virtual iBillboardGetBillboard (size_t idx) const =0
 Get a billboard by index.
virtual size_t GetBillboardCount () const =0
 Get the number of all billboards.
virtual iBillboardLayerGetBillboardLayer (size_t idx) const =0
 Get a billboard layer by index.
virtual size_t GetBillboardLayerCount () const =0
 Get the number of all billboard layers.
virtual const csColor & GetDefaultTextBgColor () const =0
 Get the default background color to use for text.
virtual const csColor & GetDefaultTextFgColor () const =0
 Get the default foreground color to use for text.
virtual const char * GetDefaultTextFont () const =0
 Get the default font to use for text.
virtual float GetDefaultTextFontSize () const =0
 Get the default font size to use for text.
virtual iSector * GetShowroom ()=0
 Get the showroom.
virtual void RemoveAll ()=0
 Remove all billboards.
virtual void RemoveBillboard (iBillboard *billboard)=0
 Remove a billboard.
virtual void RemoveBillboardLayer (iBillboardLayer *layer)=0
 Remove a billboard layer.
virtual int ScreenToBillboardX (int x) const =0
 Convert a screen X position to billboard space.
virtual int ScreenToBillboardY (int y) const =0
 Convert a screen Y position to billboard space.
virtual void SetDefaultTextBgColor (const csColor &color)=0
 Setup the default background color to use for text.
virtual void SetDefaultTextBgTransparent ()=0
 Setup the default text background to use transparency.
virtual void SetDefaultTextFgColor (const csColor &color)=0
 Setup the default foreground color to use for text.
virtual bool SetDefaultTextFont (const char *fontname, float fontsize)=0
 Setup the default font to use for text.
virtual void SetFlags (uint32 flags, uint32 mask)=0
 Set flags for all billboards.
virtual void StackAfter (iBillboard *bb, iBillboard *other)=0
 Put a billboard after the given other billboard.
virtual void StackBefore (iBillboard *bb, iBillboard *other)=0
 Put a billboard before the given other billboard.
virtual void StackBottom (iBillboard *bb)=0
 Bring a billboard to the bottom of the stack.
virtual void StackDown (iBillboard *bb)=0
 Bring a billboard one closer to the bottom.
virtual void StackTop (iBillboard *bb)=0
 Bring a billboard to the top of the stack (first visible).
virtual void StackUp (iBillboard *bb)=0
 Bring a billboard one closer to the top.
virtual bool TestCollision (iBillboard *bb1, iBillboard *bb2)=0
 Test if two billboards collide with each other and return true if they do.

Detailed Description

This is a manager to handle billboards.

This is used in combination with the billboard property class.

Definition at line 415 of file billboard.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual int iBillboardManager::BillboardToScreenX ( int  x  )  const [pure virtual]

Convert a billboard X position to screen space.

virtual int iBillboardManager::BillboardToScreenY ( int  y  )  const [pure virtual]

Convert a billboard Y position to screen space.

virtual iBillboard* iBillboardManager::CreateBillboard ( const char *  name  )  [pure virtual]

Create a new billboard with the given name.

Returns 0 on failure. By default a new billboard will be visible and not movable.

virtual iBillboardLayer* iBillboardManager::CreateBillboardLayer ( const char *  name  )  [pure virtual]

Create a new billboard layer with the given name.

Returns 0 on failure. Note that there is always a layer with name 'default' which is used for new billboards.

virtual iBillboard* iBillboardManager::FindBillboard ( const char *  name  )  const [pure virtual]

Find a billboard with a given name.

virtual iBillboardLayer* iBillboardManager::FindBillboardLayer ( const char *  name  )  const [pure virtual]

Find a billboard layer with a given name.

virtual iBillboard* iBillboardManager::GetBillboard ( size_t  idx  )  const [pure virtual]

Get a billboard by index.

virtual size_t iBillboardManager::GetBillboardCount (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the number of all billboards.

virtual iBillboardLayer* iBillboardManager::GetBillboardLayer ( size_t  idx  )  const [pure virtual]

Get a billboard layer by index.

virtual size_t iBillboardManager::GetBillboardLayerCount (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the number of all billboard layers.

virtual const csColor& iBillboardManager::GetDefaultTextBgColor (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the default background color to use for text.

virtual const csColor& iBillboardManager::GetDefaultTextFgColor (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the default foreground color to use for text.

virtual const char* iBillboardManager::GetDefaultTextFont (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the default font to use for text.

virtual float iBillboardManager::GetDefaultTextFontSize (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the default font size to use for text.

virtual iSector* iBillboardManager::GetShowroom (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the showroom.

This is a special sector that is used for rendering meshes in. If you call this function for the first time it will create a sector with two white lights (one at (-10, 3, 0) and one at (10, 3, 0) with radius 50. The object will be placed at (0,0,0). You can modify this sector freely (adding/removing lights, changing renderloop, ...)

virtual void iBillboardManager::RemoveAll (  )  [pure virtual]

Remove all billboards.

virtual void iBillboardManager::RemoveBillboard ( iBillboard billboard  )  [pure virtual]

Remove a billboard.

virtual void iBillboardManager::RemoveBillboardLayer ( iBillboardLayer layer  )  [pure virtual]

Remove a billboard layer.

Note that all billboards that use this layer will be put back on the default layer. Also note that you can't remove the default layer.

virtual int iBillboardManager::ScreenToBillboardX ( int  x  )  const [pure virtual]

Convert a screen X position to billboard space.

virtual int iBillboardManager::ScreenToBillboardY ( int  y  )  const [pure virtual]

Convert a screen Y position to billboard space.

virtual void iBillboardManager::SetDefaultTextBgColor ( const csColor &  color  )  [pure virtual]

Setup the default background color to use for text.

virtual void iBillboardManager::SetDefaultTextBgTransparent (  )  [pure virtual]

Setup the default text background to use transparency.

virtual void iBillboardManager::SetDefaultTextFgColor ( const csColor &  color  )  [pure virtual]

Setup the default foreground color to use for text.

virtual bool iBillboardManager::SetDefaultTextFont ( const char *  fontname,
float  fontsize 
) [pure virtual]

Setup the default font to use for text.

virtual void iBillboardManager::SetFlags ( uint32  flags,
uint32  mask 
) [pure virtual]

Set flags for all billboards.

virtual void iBillboardManager::StackAfter ( iBillboard bb,
iBillboard other 
) [pure virtual]

Put a billboard after the given other billboard.

virtual void iBillboardManager::StackBefore ( iBillboard bb,
iBillboard other 
) [pure virtual]

Put a billboard before the given other billboard.

virtual void iBillboardManager::StackBottom ( iBillboard bb  )  [pure virtual]

Bring a billboard to the bottom of the stack.

virtual void iBillboardManager::StackDown ( iBillboard bb  )  [pure virtual]

Bring a billboard one closer to the bottom.

virtual void iBillboardManager::StackTop ( iBillboard bb  )  [pure virtual]

Bring a billboard to the top of the stack (first visible).

virtual void iBillboardManager::StackUp ( iBillboard bb  )  [pure virtual]

Bring a billboard one closer to the top.

virtual bool iBillboardManager::TestCollision ( iBillboard bb1,
iBillboard bb2 
) [pure virtual]

Test if two billboards collide with each other and return true if they do.

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