Public API Reference

iPcActorMove Struct Reference

ActorMove property class. More...

#include <propclass/actormove.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void AutoRun (bool start)=0
 Start/stop auto-running.
virtual void Backward (bool start)=0
 Start/stop going backward.
virtual void EnableMouseMove (bool en)=0
 Enable mouse move.
virtual void Forward (bool start)=0
 Start/stop going forward.
virtual float GetJumpingVelocity () const =0
 Get the jumping velocity (default 6.31).
virtual float GetMouseMoveSpeedX () const =0
 Get mouse move x factor.
virtual float GetMouseMoveSpeedY () const =0
 Get mouse move y factor.
virtual float GetMovementSpeed () const =0
 Get the movement speed (default 2.0).
virtual float GetRotationSpeed () const =0
 Get the rotation speed (default 1.75).
virtual float GetRunningSpeed () const =0
 Get the running speed (default 5.0).
virtual bool IsAutoRunning ()=0
 Returns the toogle value of autorunning.
virtual bool IsMouseMoveEnabled () const =0
 Test if mouse move is enabled.
virtual bool IsMouseMoveInverted () const =0
 Test if mouse move is inverted.
virtual bool IsMovingBackward ()=0
 Returns the toogle value of moving backward.
virtual bool IsMovingForward ()=0
 Returns the toogle value of moving forward.
virtual bool IsRotatingLeft ()=0
 Returns the toogle value of rotating left.
virtual bool IsRotatingRight ()=0
 Returns the toogle value of rotating right.
virtual bool IsRunning ()=0
 Returns the toogle value of running.
virtual bool IsStrafingLeft ()=0
 Returns the toogle value of strafing left.
virtual bool IsStrafingRight ()=0
 Returns the toogle value of strafing right.
virtual void Jump ()=0
virtual void MouseMove (float x, float y)=0
 Handle mouse movement.
virtual void RotateLeft (bool start)=0
 Start/stop rotating left.
virtual void RotateRight (bool start)=0
 Start/stop rotating right.
virtual void RotateTo (float yrot)=0
 Rotate to a specified angle.
virtual void Run (bool start)=0
 Start/stop running.
virtual void SetAnimation (const char *name, bool cycle=true)=0
 Set current animation on underlying pcmesh.
virtual void SetJumpingVelocity (float speed)=0
 Set the jumping velocity (default 6.31).
virtual void SetMouseMoveInverted (bool en)=0
 Enable mouse move inverted mode.
virtual void SetMouseMoveSpeed (float xs, float ys)=0
 Set mouse move speed factor.
virtual void SetMovementSpeed (float speed)=0
 Set the movement speed (default 2.0).
virtual void SetRotationSpeed (float speed)=0
 Set the rotation speed (default 1.75).
virtual void SetRunningSpeed (float speed)=0
 Set the running speed (default 5.0).
virtual void StrafeLeft (bool start)=0
 Start/stop strafing left.
virtual void StrafeRight (bool start)=0
 Start/stop strafing right.
virtual void ToggleCameraMode ()=0
 Toggle camera mode.

Detailed Description

ActorMove property class.

This property class makes a connection between pclinmove and pccamera and makes it easier to control movement for actors in a game. Typical usage would be to combine it with pccommandinput and then in the behaviour layer send out the appropriate calls here depending on the keys that are pressed. This class is also aware of animation actions using sprcal3d or spr3d.

This property class supports the following actions (add prefix 'cel.action.' to get the ID of the action and add prefix 'cel.parameter.' to get the ID of the parameter):

This property class supports the following properties (add prefix 'cel.property.' to get the ID of the property:

Definition at line 63 of file actormove.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void iPcActorMove::AutoRun ( bool  start  )  [pure virtual]

Start/stop auto-running.

virtual void iPcActorMove::Backward ( bool  start  )  [pure virtual]

Start/stop going backward.

virtual void iPcActorMove::EnableMouseMove ( bool  en  )  [pure virtual]

Enable mouse move.

To use this the behaviour must call 'MouseMove()' whenever the mouse moves.

virtual void iPcActorMove::Forward ( bool  start  )  [pure virtual]

Start/stop going forward.

virtual float iPcActorMove::GetJumpingVelocity (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the jumping velocity (default 6.31).

virtual float iPcActorMove::GetMouseMoveSpeedX (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get mouse move x factor.

virtual float iPcActorMove::GetMouseMoveSpeedY (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get mouse move y factor.

virtual float iPcActorMove::GetMovementSpeed (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the movement speed (default 2.0).

virtual float iPcActorMove::GetRotationSpeed (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the rotation speed (default 1.75).

virtual float iPcActorMove::GetRunningSpeed (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the running speed (default 5.0).

virtual bool iPcActorMove::IsAutoRunning (  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the toogle value of autorunning.

virtual bool iPcActorMove::IsMouseMoveEnabled (  )  const [pure virtual]

Test if mouse move is enabled.

virtual bool iPcActorMove::IsMouseMoveInverted (  )  const [pure virtual]

Test if mouse move is inverted.

virtual bool iPcActorMove::IsMovingBackward (  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the toogle value of moving backward.

virtual bool iPcActorMove::IsMovingForward (  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the toogle value of moving forward.

virtual bool iPcActorMove::IsRotatingLeft (  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the toogle value of rotating left.

virtual bool iPcActorMove::IsRotatingRight (  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the toogle value of rotating right.

virtual bool iPcActorMove::IsRunning (  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the toogle value of running.

virtual bool iPcActorMove::IsStrafingLeft (  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the toogle value of strafing left.

virtual bool iPcActorMove::IsStrafingRight (  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the toogle value of strafing right.

virtual void iPcActorMove::Jump (  )  [pure virtual]


virtual void iPcActorMove::MouseMove ( float  x,
float  y 
) [pure virtual]

Handle mouse movement.

Use this in combination with EnableMouseMove(). Note that you should set screenspace property to false in pccommandinput to get the right coordinates (i.e. coordinates centered around 0,0 being the center of the screen).

virtual void iPcActorMove::RotateLeft ( bool  start  )  [pure virtual]

Start/stop rotating left.

virtual void iPcActorMove::RotateRight ( bool  start  )  [pure virtual]

Start/stop rotating right.

virtual void iPcActorMove::RotateTo ( float  yrot  )  [pure virtual]

Rotate to a specified angle.

virtual void iPcActorMove::Run ( bool  start  )  [pure virtual]

Start/stop running.

virtual void iPcActorMove::SetAnimation ( const char *  name,
bool  cycle = true 
) [pure virtual]

Set current animation on underlying pcmesh.

virtual void iPcActorMove::SetJumpingVelocity ( float  speed  )  [pure virtual]

Set the jumping velocity (default 6.31).

virtual void iPcActorMove::SetMouseMoveInverted ( bool  en  )  [pure virtual]

Enable mouse move inverted mode.

In this mode the up-down mousemove will be inverted. By default this is disabled.

virtual void iPcActorMove::SetMouseMoveSpeed ( float  xs,
float  ys 
) [pure virtual]

Set mouse move speed factor.

Default is 1,1.

virtual void iPcActorMove::SetMovementSpeed ( float  speed  )  [pure virtual]

Set the movement speed (default 2.0).

virtual void iPcActorMove::SetRotationSpeed ( float  speed  )  [pure virtual]

Set the rotation speed (default 1.75).

virtual void iPcActorMove::SetRunningSpeed ( float  speed  )  [pure virtual]

Set the running speed (default 5.0).

virtual void iPcActorMove::StrafeLeft ( bool  start  )  [pure virtual]

Start/stop strafing left.

virtual void iPcActorMove::StrafeRight ( bool  start  )  [pure virtual]

Start/stop strafing right.

virtual void iPcActorMove::ToggleCameraMode (  )  [pure virtual]

Toggle camera mode.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated for CEL: Crystal Entity Layer by doxygen 1.4.7