Public API Reference

iPcMechanicsSteering Struct Reference

Property class representing a steering mechanism that affects forces on the attached object, dependent on the forward velocity of the object. More...

#include <propclass/mechsteer.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual percentage GetAngle ()=0
 Get the angle of the steering mechanism.
virtual const csVector3 GetAxis ()=0
 Get the axis of rotation for this steering mechanism.
virtual const char * GetID ()=0
 Get this thruster's identifier.
virtual float GetMaxAngle ()=0
 Get the maximum angle of the steering mechanism.
virtual float GetMaxTurnSpeed ()=0
 Get the maximum turning speed this steering mechanism.
virtual iPcMechanicsObjectGetMechanicsObject ()=0
 Get the associated mechanics object.
virtual const csVector3 GetPosition ()=0
 Get the position of this steering mechanism.
virtual void SetAngle (percentage angle)=0
 Set the angle of the steering mechanism.
virtual void SetAxis (const csVector3 axis)=0
 Set the axis of rotation for this steering mechanism.
virtual void SetID (const char *id)=0
 Set this thruster's identifier.
virtual void SetMaxAngle (float maxangle)=0
 Set the maximum angle of the steering mechanism.
virtual void SetMaxTurnSpeed (float maxspeed)=0
 Set the maximum turning speed of this steering mechanism.
virtual void SetMechanicsObject (iPcMechanicsObject *mechsys)=0
 Set the mechanics object to affect.
virtual void SetPosition (const csVector3 position)=0
 Set the position of this steering mechanism.
virtual void Turn (percentage speed=0.0)=0
 Turn the steering mechanism.
virtual void TurnTo (percentage angle, percentage speed=1.0)=0
 Turn the steering mechanism to the given angle percentage.

Detailed Description

Property class representing a steering mechanism that affects forces on the attached object, dependent on the forward velocity of the object.

Definition at line 37 of file mechsteer.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual percentage iPcMechanicsSteering::GetAngle (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the angle of the steering mechanism.

virtual const csVector3 iPcMechanicsSteering::GetAxis (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the axis of rotation for this steering mechanism.

virtual const char* iPcMechanicsSteering::GetID (  )  [pure virtual]

Get this thruster's identifier.

virtual float iPcMechanicsSteering::GetMaxAngle (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the maximum angle of the steering mechanism.

virtual float iPcMechanicsSteering::GetMaxTurnSpeed (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the maximum turning speed this steering mechanism.

virtual iPcMechanicsObject* iPcMechanicsSteering::GetMechanicsObject (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the associated mechanics object.

virtual const csVector3 iPcMechanicsSteering::GetPosition (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the position of this steering mechanism.

virtual void iPcMechanicsSteering::SetAngle ( percentage  angle  )  [pure virtual]

Set the angle of the steering mechanism.

virtual void iPcMechanicsSteering::SetAxis ( const csVector3  axis  )  [pure virtual]

Set the axis of rotation for this steering mechanism.

virtual void iPcMechanicsSteering::SetID ( const char *  id  )  [pure virtual]

Set this thruster's identifier.

virtual void iPcMechanicsSteering::SetMaxAngle ( float  maxangle  )  [pure virtual]

Set the maximum angle of the steering mechanism.

virtual void iPcMechanicsSteering::SetMaxTurnSpeed ( float  maxspeed  )  [pure virtual]

Set the maximum turning speed of this steering mechanism.

virtual void iPcMechanicsSteering::SetMechanicsObject ( iPcMechanicsObject mechsys  )  [pure virtual]

Set the mechanics object to affect.

This is required.

virtual void iPcMechanicsSteering::SetPosition ( const csVector3  position  )  [pure virtual]

Set the position of this steering mechanism.

virtual void iPcMechanicsSteering::Turn ( percentage  speed = 0.0  )  [pure virtual]

Turn the steering mechanism.

(speed from -1.0 to 1.0, negative means clockwise.)

virtual void iPcMechanicsSteering::TurnTo ( percentage  angle,
percentage  speed = 1.0 
) [pure virtual]

Turn the steering mechanism to the given angle percentage.

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