Public API Reference

iPcMechanicsObject Struct Reference

A dynamic body. More...

#include <propclass/mechsys.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void AddForceDuration (const csVector3 &force, bool relative, const csVector3 &position, float seconds)=0
 During the specified time (in seconds) add the force every step.
virtual void AddForceFrame (const csVector3 &force, bool relative, const csVector3 &position)=0
 During the next frame add the force every step.
virtual void AddForceOnce (const csVector3 &force, bool relative, const csVector3 &position)=0
 Add a force once to the given object.
virtual uint32 AddForceTagged (const csVector3 &force, bool relative, const csVector3 &position)=0
 Add a force with the given tag, to be manually removed later.
virtual void AddToGroup (const char *group)=0
 Add this body to the specified group.
virtual void AttachColliderBoundingBox (const csVector3 &sizeadjustment=csVector3(0))=0
 Create a box collider for this object, automatically sized and positioned from it's mesh.
virtual void AttachColliderBoundingSphere (float radiusadjustment=0.0f)=0
 Create a sphere collider for this object, automatically sized and positioned from it's mesh.
virtual void AttachColliderBox (const csVector3 &size, const csOrthoTransform &trans)=0
 Create a box collider for this object.
virtual void AttachColliderCylinder (float length, float radius, const csOrthoTransform &trans)=0
 Create a cylinder collider for this object.
virtual void AttachColliderMesh ()=0
 Create a mesh collider for this object from the attached iPcMesh.
virtual void AttachColliderPlane (const csPlane3 &plane)=0
 Create a plane collider for this object.
virtual void AttachColliderSphere (float radius, const csVector3 &offset)=0
 Create a sphere collider for this object.
virtual void ClearForces ()=0
 Clear the permanent forces on this body.
virtual iJoint * CreateJoint (iPcMechanicsObject *other)=0
 Create a joint between this object and another.
virtual const csVector3 GetAngularVelocity ()=0
 Get the current angular velocity (rotation) of the object.
virtual iRigidBody * GetBody ()=0
 Get the associated rigid body.
virtual iPcCameraGetCamera ()=0
 Get the associated camera property class.
virtual float GetDensity ()=0
 Get the object's density.
virtual float GetDrag ()=0
 Get the object's drag.
virtual float GetElasticity ()=0
 Get the object's elasticity.
virtual float GetFriction ()=0
 Get the object's friction.
virtual const csVector3 & GetLift ()=0
 Get the object's lift.
virtual iPcLightGetLight ()=0
 Get the associated light property class.
virtual const csVector3 GetLinearVelocity ()=0
 Get the current linear velocity (movement) of the object.
virtual float GetMass ()=0
 Get the object's mass.
virtual iPcMechanicsSystemGetMechanicsSystem ()=0
 Get the associated mechanics system.
virtual iPcMeshGetMesh ()=0
 Get the associated mesh property class.
virtual float GetSoftness ()=0
 Get the object's softness.
virtual bool IsCollisionCallbackEnabled () const =0
 Return true if collision callback is enabled.
virtual bool IsStatic () const =0
 Return true if static.
virtual csVector3 LocalToWorld (csVector3 local)=0
 Convert a vector from this objects local system to world coord system.
virtual void MakeStatic (bool stat)=0
 Make static.
virtual void RemoveForceTagged (uint32 forceid)=0
 Remove the force with the given tag.
virtual void RemoveFromGroup (const char *group)=0
 Remove this body from the specified group.
virtual void SetAngularVelocity (const csVector3 &vel)=0
 Set the initial angular velocity (rotation) of the object.
virtual void SetCamera (iPcCamera *camera)=0
 Set the camera which this body will control.
virtual void SetCollisionCallbackEnabled (bool en)=0
 Set to true if you want to receive collision detection events (pcdynamicbody_collision).
virtual void SetDensity (float density)=0
 Set the object's density.
virtual void SetDrag (float drag)=0
 Set the object's drag.
virtual void SetElasticity (float elasticity)=0
 Set the object's elasticity.
virtual void SetFriction (float friction)=0
 Set the object's friction.
virtual void SetLift (const csVector3 &lift)=0
 Set the object's lift.
virtual void SetLight (iPcLight *light)=0
 Set the light which this body will control.
virtual void SetLinearVelocity (const csVector3 &vel)=0
 Set the initial linear velocity (movement) of the object.
virtual void SetMass (float mass)=0
 Set the object's mass.
virtual void SetMechanicsSystem (iPcMechanicsSystem *mechsys)=0
 Set the mechanics system to use.
virtual void SetMesh (iPcMesh *mesh)=0
 Set the mesh which this body will control.
virtual void SetSoftness (float softness)=0
 Set the object's softness.
virtual csVector3 WorldToLocal (csVector3 world)=0
 Convert a vector from world coord system to this objects local system.

Detailed Description

A dynamic body.

This property class can send out the following messages to the behaviour (add prefix 'cel.parameter.' to get the ID for parameters):

This property class supports the following actions (add prefix 'cel.action.' to get the ID of the action and add prefix 'cel.parameter.' to get the ID of the parameter):

This property class supports the following properties (add prefix 'cel.property.' to get the ID of the property:

Definition at line 283 of file mechsys.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::AddForceDuration ( const csVector3 &  force,
bool  relative,
const csVector3 &  position,
float  seconds 
) [pure virtual]

During the specified time (in seconds) add the force every step.

force a vector representing the force to add to this object.
relative if set to true, the given force and position are both in object space; otherwise they are in world space.
position the position of the force.
seconds the number of seconds that this force should last.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::AddForceFrame ( const csVector3 &  force,
bool  relative,
const csVector3 &  position 
) [pure virtual]

During the next frame add the force every step.

force a vector representing the force to add to this object.
relative if set to true, the given force and position are both in object space; otherwise they are in world space.
position the position of the force.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::AddForceOnce ( const csVector3 &  force,
bool  relative,
const csVector3 &  position 
) [pure virtual]

Add a force once to the given object.

force a vector representing the force to add to this object.
relative if set to true, the given force and position are both in object space; otherwise they are in world space.
position the position of the force.

virtual uint32 iPcMechanicsObject::AddForceTagged ( const csVector3 &  force,
bool  relative,
const csVector3 &  position 
) [pure virtual]

Add a force with the given tag, to be manually removed later.

force a vector representing the force to add to this object.
relative if set to true, the given force and position are both in object space; otherwise they are in world space.
position the position of the force. return value is the force id tag (use it to remove the force later).

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::AddToGroup ( const char *  group  )  [pure virtual]

Add this body to the specified group.

group the name of the group to add the body to. Creates the group if it does not exist.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::AttachColliderBoundingBox ( const csVector3 &  sizeadjustment = csVector3(0)  )  [pure virtual]

Create a box collider for this object, automatically sized and positioned from it's mesh.

sizeadjustment Amount to vary the size from actual bounding size.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::AttachColliderBoundingSphere ( float  radiusadjustment = 0.0f  )  [pure virtual]

Create a sphere collider for this object, automatically sized and positioned from it's mesh.

radiusadjustment Amount to vary the radius from actual bounding radius.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::AttachColliderBox ( const csVector3 &  size,
const csOrthoTransform &  trans 
) [pure virtual]

Create a box collider for this object.

size the size of the box in each direction.
trans the transformation to apply to the box.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::AttachColliderCylinder ( float  length,
float  radius,
const csOrthoTransform &  trans 
) [pure virtual]

Create a cylinder collider for this object.

length the length of the cylinder.
radius the radius of the cylinder.
trans the transformation to apply to the cylinder.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::AttachColliderMesh (  )  [pure virtual]

Create a mesh collider for this object from the attached iPcMesh.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::AttachColliderPlane ( const csPlane3 &  plane  )  [pure virtual]

Create a plane collider for this object.

plane the definition of the plane to use.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::AttachColliderSphere ( float  radius,
const csVector3 &  offset 
) [pure virtual]

Create a sphere collider for this object.

radius the radius of the sphere.
offset the offset from the center of the object to the center of the sphere.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::ClearForces (  )  [pure virtual]

Clear the permanent forces on this body.

virtual iJoint* iPcMechanicsObject::CreateJoint ( iPcMechanicsObject other  )  [pure virtual]

Create a joint between this object and another.

virtual const csVector3 iPcMechanicsObject::GetAngularVelocity (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the current angular velocity (rotation) of the object.

virtual iRigidBody* iPcMechanicsObject::GetBody (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the associated rigid body.

virtual iPcCamera* iPcMechanicsObject::GetCamera (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the associated camera property class.

virtual float iPcMechanicsObject::GetDensity (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the object's density.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 1.

virtual float iPcMechanicsObject::GetDrag (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the object's drag.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 0.

virtual float iPcMechanicsObject::GetElasticity (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the object's elasticity.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 0.

virtual float iPcMechanicsObject::GetFriction (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the object's friction.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 1.

virtual const csVector3& iPcMechanicsObject::GetLift (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the object's lift.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 0.

virtual iPcLight* iPcMechanicsObject::GetLight (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the associated light property class.

virtual const csVector3 iPcMechanicsObject::GetLinearVelocity (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the current linear velocity (movement) of the object.

virtual float iPcMechanicsObject::GetMass (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the object's mass.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 1.

virtual iPcMechanicsSystem* iPcMechanicsObject::GetMechanicsSystem (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the associated mechanics system.

virtual iPcMesh* iPcMechanicsObject::GetMesh (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the associated mesh property class.

virtual float iPcMechanicsObject::GetSoftness (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the object's softness.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 0.

virtual bool iPcMechanicsObject::IsCollisionCallbackEnabled (  )  const [pure virtual]

Return true if collision callback is enabled.

virtual bool iPcMechanicsObject::IsStatic (  )  const [pure virtual]

Return true if static.

virtual csVector3 iPcMechanicsObject::LocalToWorld ( csVector3  local  )  [pure virtual]

Convert a vector from this objects local system to world coord system.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::MakeStatic ( bool  stat  )  [pure virtual]

Make static.

stat if true, the object is static; otherwise it is affected by forces.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::RemoveForceTagged ( uint32  forceid  )  [pure virtual]

Remove the force with the given tag.

forceid the tag of the desired force.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::RemoveFromGroup ( const char *  group  )  [pure virtual]

Remove this body from the specified group.

group the name of the group to remove the body from.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetAngularVelocity ( const csVector3 &  vel  )  [pure virtual]

Set the initial angular velocity (rotation) of the object.

vel the angular velocity to apply to the object

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetCamera ( iPcCamera camera  )  [pure virtual]

Set the camera which this body will control.

If this is used then this overrides the default behaviour of trying to find 'pcmesh', 'pclight', and 'pccamera' in that order.

camera a pointer to the iPcCamera to control.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetCollisionCallbackEnabled ( bool  en  )  [pure virtual]

Set to true if you want to receive collision detection events (pcdynamicbody_collision).

By default this is true.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetDensity ( float  density  )  [pure virtual]

Set the object's density.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 1.

density the density of this object.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetDrag ( float  drag  )  [pure virtual]

Set the object's drag.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 0.

drag the drag generated by this object in a fluid.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetElasticity ( float  elasticity  )  [pure virtual]

Set the object's elasticity.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 0.

elasticity the elasticity of this object.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetFriction ( float  friction  )  [pure virtual]

Set the object's friction.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 1.

friction the friction coefficient for this object.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetLift ( const csVector3 &  lift  )  [pure virtual]

Set the object's lift.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 0.

lift the lift generated by this object in a fluid.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetLight ( iPcLight light  )  [pure virtual]

Set the light which this body will control.

If this is used then this overrides the default behaviour of trying to find 'pcmesh', 'pclight', and 'pccamera' in that order.

light a pointer to the iPcLight to control.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetLinearVelocity ( const csVector3 &  vel  )  [pure virtual]

Set the initial linear velocity (movement) of the object.

vel the linear velocity to apply to the object.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetMass ( float  mass  )  [pure virtual]

Set the object's mass.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 1.

mass the mass of this object.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetMechanicsSystem ( iPcMechanicsSystem mechsys  )  [pure virtual]

Set the mechanics system to use.

If you don't do this then the object will look in the object registry for a suitable mechanics system.

mechsys a pointer to the iPcMechanicsSystem to use.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetMesh ( iPcMesh mesh  )  [pure virtual]

Set the mesh which this body will control.

If this is used then this overrides the default behaviour of trying to find 'pcmesh', 'pclight', and 'pccamera' in that order.

mesh a pointer to the iPcMesh to control.

virtual void iPcMechanicsObject::SetSoftness ( float  softness  )  [pure virtual]

Set the object's softness.

Must be called before Attach..., otherwise defaults to 0.

softness the softness of this object.

virtual csVector3 iPcMechanicsObject::WorldToLocal ( csVector3  world  )  [pure virtual]

Convert a vector from world coord system to this objects local system.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
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