
Public API Reference

csBox3 Class Reference
[Geometry utilities]

A bounding box in 3D space. More...

#include <csgeom/box.h>

Inheritance diagram for csBox3:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void AddBoundingBox (const csBox3 &box)
 Add another bounding box into this one, combining the two of them.
void AddBoundingVertex (const csVector3 &v)
 Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.
void AddBoundingVertex (float x, float y, float z)
 Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.
void AddBoundingVertexSmart (const csVector3 &v)
 Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.
void AddBoundingVertexSmart (float x, float y, float z)
 Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.
bool AddBoundingVertexSmartTest (const csVector3 &v)
 Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.
bool AddBoundingVertexSmartTest (float x, float y, float z)
 Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.
bool AddBoundingVertexTest (const csVector3 &v)
 Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.
bool AddBoundingVertexTest (float x, float y, float z)
 Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.
int Adjacent (const csBox3 &other, float epsilon=SMALL_EPSILON) const
 Test if this box is adjacent to the other one.
bool AdjacentX (const csBox3 &other, float epsilon=SMALL_EPSILON) const
 Test if this box is adjacent to the other on the X side.
bool AdjacentY (const csBox3 &other, float epsilon=SMALL_EPSILON) const
 Test if this box is adjacent to the other on the Y side.
bool AdjacentZ (const csBox3 &other, float epsilon=SMALL_EPSILON) const
 Test if this box is adjacent to the other on the Z side.
float Area () const
 Compute area of box.
bool Between (const csBox3 &box1, const csBox3 &box2) const
 Test if this box is between two others.
int CalculatePointSegment (const csVector3 &pos) const
 Assume that 3D space is divided into 27 areas.
bool Contains (const csBox3 &box) const
 Test if this box contains the other box.
 csBox3 (float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2)
 Initialize this box with the given values.
 csBox3 (const csVector3 &v1, const csVector3 &v2)
 Initialize this box with two points.
 csBox3 (const csVector3 &v)
 Initialize this box with one point.
 csBox3 ()
 Initialize this box to empty.
csString Description () const
 Return a textual representation of the box in the form "(minx,miny,minz)-(maxx,maxy,maxz)".
bool Empty () const
 Test if this box is empty.
void GetAxisPlane (int side, int &axis, float &where) const
 Get axis aligned plane information from a side of this box.
csVector3 GetCenter () const
 Get the center of this box.
void GetConvexOutline (const csVector3 &pos, csVector3 *array, int &num_array, bool bVisible=false) const
 Get a convex outline (not a polygon unless projected to 2D) for for this box as seen from the given position.
csVector3 GetCorner (int corner) const
 Return every corner of this bounding box from 0 to 7.
void GetEdge (int edge, csSegment3 &e) const
 Return every edge (segment) of this bounding box from 0 to 23 (use one of the CS_BOX_EDGE_Xyz_xyz etc.
csSegment3 GetEdge (int edge) const
 Return every edge (segment) of this bounding box from 0 to 23 (use one of the CS_BOX_EDGE_Xyz_xyz etc.
void GetEdgeInfo (int edge, int &v1, int &v2, int &fleft, int &fright) const
 Given an edge index (CS_BOX_EDGE_Xyz_xyz etc.
const uint8GetFaceEdges (int face) const
 Given a face index (CS_BOX_SIDE_x etc.
csBox2 GetSide (int side) const
 Get a side of this box as a 2D box.
csVector3 GetSize () const
 Get the size of the box.
int GetVisibleSides (const csVector3 &pos, int *visible_sides) const
 Fill the array (which should be three long at least) with all visible sides (CS_BOX_SIDE_x etc.
bool In (const csVector3 &v) const
 Test if the given coordinate is in this box.
bool In (float x, float y, float z) const
 Test if the given coordinate is in this box.
void ManhattanDistance (const csBox3 &other, csVector3 &dist) const
 Calculate the minimum manhattan distance between this box and another one.
const csVector3Max () const
 Get the 3d vector of maximum (x, y, z) values.
float Max (int idx) const
 Get Max component for 0 (x), 1 (y), or 2 (z).
float MaxX () const
 Get the maximum X value of the box.
float MaxY () const
 Get the maximum Y value of the box.
float MaxZ () const
 Get the maximum Z value of the box.
const csVector3Min () const
 Get the 3d vector of minimum (x, y, z) values.
float Min (int idx) const
 Get Min component for 0 (x), 1 (y), or 2 (z).
float MinX () const
 Get the minimum X value of the box.
float MinY () const
 Get the minimum Y value of the box.
float MinZ () const
 Get the minimum Z value of the box.
csBox3operator *= (const csBox3 &box)
 Compute the intersection of two bounding boxes.
csBox3operator+= (const csVector3 &point)
 Compute the union of a point with this bounding box.
csBox3operator+= (const csBox3 &box)
 Compute the union of two bounding boxes.
bool Overlap (const csBox3 &box) const
 Test if this box overlaps with the given box.
bool ProjectBox (const csTransform &trans, float fov, float sx, float sy, csBox2 &sbox, float &min_z, float &max_z) const
 Project this box to a 2D bounding box given the view point transformation and also the field-of-view and shift values (for perspective projection).
bool ProjectBoxAndOutline (const csTransform &trans, float fov, float sx, float sy, csBox2 &sbox, csPoly2D &poly, float &min_z, float &max_z) const
 Project this box to the 2D outline given the view point transformation and also the field-of-view and shift values (for perspective correction).
bool ProjectOutline (const csVector3 &origin, int axis, float where, csPoly2D &poly) const
 Project this box to the 2D outline given the origin and an axis aligned plane.
bool ProjectOutline (const csVector3 &origin, int axis, float where, csArray< csVector2 > &poly) const
 Project this box to the 2D outline given the origin and an axis aligned plane.
bool ProjectOutline (const csTransform &trans, float fov, float sx, float sy, csPoly2D &poly, float &min_z, float &max_z) const
 Project this box to the 2D outline given the view point transformation and also the field-of-view and shift values (for perspective correction).
void Set (float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2)
 Sets the bounds of the box with the given values.
void Set (const csVector3 &bmin, const csVector3 &bmax)
 Sets the bounds of the box with the given values.
void SetCenter (const csVector3 &c)
 Set the center of this box.
void SetMax (int idx, float val)
 Set Max component for 0 (x), 1 (y), or 2 (z).
void SetMin (int idx, float val)
 Set Min component for 0 (x), 1 (y), or 2 (z).
void SetSize (const csVector3 &s)
 Set the size of the box but keep the center intact.
void Split (int axis, float where, csBox3 &bl, csBox3 &br) const
 Split this box along an axis and construct two new boxes.
float SquaredOriginDist () const
 Calculate the squared distance between (0,0,0) and the box This routine is extremely efficient.
float SquaredOriginMaxDist () const
 Calculate the squared distance between (0,0,0) and the point on the box which is furthest away from (0,0,0).
float SquaredPosDist (const csVector3 &pos) const
 Calculate the squared distance between pos and the box This routine is extremely efficient.
float SquaredPosMaxDist (const csVector3 &pos) const
 Calculate the squared distance between pos and the point on the box which is furthest away from pos.
void StartBoundingBox (const csVector3 &v)
 Initialize this box to one vertex.
void StartBoundingBox ()
 Initialize this box to empty.
bool TestIntersect (const csBox3 &box) const
 Test if the two boxes have an intersection.
int TestSplit (int axis, float where) const
 Test if this box intersects with the given axis aligned plane.
float Volume () const
 Compute volume of box.

Static Public Member Functions

static int OtherSide (int side)
 Static function to get the 'other' side (i.e.

Protected Types

typedef uint8 bFace [4]
 Indices of four clock-wise edges (0..23).

Protected Attributes

csVector3 maxbox
 The bottom-right.
csVector3 minbox
 The top-left of this bounding box.

Static Protected Attributes

static const bEdge edges [24]
 Index by edge number.
static const bFace faces [6]
 Index by CS_BOX_SIDE_? number.
static const Outline outlines [27]
 Outline lookup table.


csBox3 operator * (const csBox3 &box1, const csBox3 &box2)
 Compute the intersection of two bounding boxes.
bool operator!= (const csBox3 &box1, const csBox3 &box2)
 Tests if two bounding boxes are unequal.
csBox3 operator+ (const csBox3 &box, const csVector3 &point)
 Compute the union of a bounding box and a point.
csBox3 operator+ (const csBox3 &box1, const csBox3 &box2)
 Compute the union of two bounding boxes.
bool operator< (const csVector3 &point, const csBox3 &box)
 Tests if a point is contained in a box.
bool operator< (const csBox3 &box1, const csBox3 &box2)
 Tests if box1 is a subset of box2.
bool operator== (const csBox3 &box1, const csBox3 &box2)
 Tests if two bounding boxes are equal.
bool operator> (const csBox3 &box1, const csBox3 &box2)
 Tests if box1 is a superset of box2.


struct  bEdge
struct  Outline
 This table also contains an array of sides visible from that region. More...

Detailed Description

A bounding box in 3D space.

In order to operate correctly, this bounding box assumes that all values entered or compared against lie within the range (-CS_BOUNDINGBOX_MAXVALUE, CS_BOUNDINGBOX_MAXVALUE). It is not recommended to use points outside of this range.

Definition at line 595 of file box.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef uint8 csBox3::bFace[4] [protected]

Indices of four clock-wise edges (0..23).

Definition at line 611 of file box.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

csBox3::csBox3 (  )  [inline]

Initialize this box to empty.

Definition at line 932 of file box.h.

csBox3::csBox3 ( const csVector3 v  )  [inline]

Initialize this box with one point.

Definition at line 941 of file box.h.

csBox3::csBox3 ( const csVector3 v1,
const csVector3 v2 
) [inline]

Initialize this box with two points.

Definition at line 945 of file box.h.

csBox3::csBox3 ( float  x1,
float  y1,
float  z1,
float  x2,
float  y2,
float  z2 
) [inline]

Initialize this box with the given values.

Definition at line 950 of file box.h.

Member Function Documentation

void csBox3::AddBoundingBox ( const csBox3 box  )  [inline]

Add another bounding box into this one, combining the two of them.

Definition at line 920 of file box.h.

References csMax(), csMin(), maxbox, minbox, csVector3::x, csVector3::y, and csVector3::z.

void csBox3::AddBoundingVertex ( const csVector3 v  )  [inline]

Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.

Reimplemented in csOBB.

Definition at line 836 of file box.h.

References csVector3::x, csVector3::y, and csVector3::z.

void csBox3::AddBoundingVertex ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
) [inline]

Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.

Definition at line 828 of file box.h.

References csVector3::x.

void csBox3::AddBoundingVertexSmart ( const csVector3 v  )  [inline]

Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.

This version is a little more optimal. It assumes however that at least one point has been added to the bounding box.

Definition at line 858 of file box.h.

References csVector3::x, csVector3::y, and csVector3::z.

void csBox3::AddBoundingVertexSmart ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
) [inline]

Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.

This version is a little more optimal. It assumes however that at least one point has been added to the bounding box.

Definition at line 846 of file box.h.

bool csBox3::AddBoundingVertexSmartTest ( const csVector3 v  )  [inline]

Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.

This version is a little more optimal. It assumes however that at least one point has been added to the bounding box. Returns true if box was modified.

Definition at line 912 of file box.h.

References csVector3::x, csVector3::y, and csVector3::z.

bool csBox3::AddBoundingVertexSmartTest ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
) [inline]

Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.

This version is a little more optimal. It assumes however that at least one point has been added to the bounding box. Returns true if box was modified.

Definition at line 894 of file box.h.

bool csBox3::AddBoundingVertexTest ( const csVector3 v  )  [inline]

Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.

Returns true if box was modified.

Definition at line 883 of file box.h.

References csVector3::x, csVector3::y, and csVector3::z.

bool csBox3::AddBoundingVertexTest ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
) [inline]

Add a new vertex and recalculate the bounding box.

Returns true if box was modified.

Definition at line 867 of file box.h.

int csBox3::Adjacent ( const csBox3 other,
float  epsilon = SMALL_EPSILON 
) const

Test if this box is adjacent to the other one.

Return -1 if not adjacent or else any of the CS_BOX_SIDE_x etc. flags to indicate the side of this box that the other box is adjacent with. The epsilon value is used to decide when adjacency is ok.

bool csBox3::AdjacentX ( const csBox3 other,
float  epsilon = SMALL_EPSILON 
) const

Test if this box is adjacent to the other on the X side.

bool csBox3::AdjacentY ( const csBox3 other,
float  epsilon = SMALL_EPSILON 
) const

Test if this box is adjacent to the other on the Y side.

bool csBox3::AdjacentZ ( const csBox3 other,
float  epsilon = SMALL_EPSILON 
) const

Test if this box is adjacent to the other on the Z side.

float csBox3::Area (  )  const [inline]

Compute area of box.

Definition at line 656 of file box.h.

bool csBox3::Between ( const csBox3 box1,
const csBox3 box2 
) const

Test if this box is between two others.

int csBox3::CalculatePointSegment ( const csVector3 pos  )  const

Assume that 3D space is divided into 27 areas.

One is inside the box. The other 26 are rectangular segments around the box. This function will calculate the right segment for a given point and return that.

bool csBox3::Contains ( const csBox3 box  )  const [inline]

Test if this box contains the other box.

Definition at line 794 of file box.h.

References maxbox, minbox, csVector3::x, csVector3::y, and csVector3::z.

csString csBox3::Description (  )  const

Return a textual representation of the box in the form "(minx,miny,minz)-(maxx,maxy,maxz)".

bool csBox3::Empty (  )  const [inline]

Test if this box is empty.

Definition at line 802 of file box.h.

void csBox3::GetAxisPlane ( int  side,
int &  axis,
float &  where 
) const

Get axis aligned plane information from a side of this box.

Side is one of CS_BOX_SIDE_x. Axis will be one of CS_AXIS_X, CS_AXIS_Y or CS_AXIS_Z.

csVector3 csBox3::GetCenter (  )  const [inline]

Get the center of this box.

Definition at line 700 of file box.h.

void csBox3::GetConvexOutline ( const csVector3 pos,
csVector3 array,
int &  num_array,
bool  bVisible = false 
) const

Get a convex outline (not a polygon unless projected to 2D) for for this box as seen from the given position.

The coordinates returned are world space coordinates. Note that you need place for at least six vectors in the array. If you set bVisible true, you will get all visible corners - this could be up to 7.

csVector3 csBox3::GetCorner ( int  corner  )  const

Return every corner of this bounding box from 0 to 7.

This contrasts with Min() and Max() because those are only the min and max corners. Corner 0 = xyz, 1 = xyZ, 2 = xYz, 3 = xYZ, 4 = Xyz, 5 = XyZ, 6 = XYz, 7 = XYZ. Use CS_BOX_CORNER_xyz etc. defines. CS_BOX_CENTER3 also works.

Reimplemented in csOBB.

Referenced by csPolygonMeshBox::SetBox().

void csBox3::GetEdge ( int  edge,
csSegment3 e 
) const [inline]

Return every edge (segment) of this bounding box from 0 to 23 (use one of the CS_BOX_EDGE_Xyz_xyz etc.

indices). The returned edge is undefined for any other index.

Definition at line 763 of file box.h.

References csSegment3::SetEnd(), and csSegment3::SetStart().

csSegment3 csBox3::GetEdge ( int  edge  )  const [inline]

Return every edge (segment) of this bounding box from 0 to 23 (use one of the CS_BOX_EDGE_Xyz_xyz etc.

indices). The returned edge is undefined for any other index.

Definition at line 753 of file box.h.

void csBox3::GetEdgeInfo ( int  edge,
int &  v1,
int &  v2,
int &  fleft,
int &  fright 
) const [inline]

Given an edge index (CS_BOX_EDGE_Xyz_xyz etc.

) return the two vertices (index CS_BOX_CORNER_xyz, etc.) and left/right faces (CS_BOX_SIDE_x, etc.).

Definition at line 680 of file box.h.

const uint8* csBox3::GetFaceEdges ( int  face  )  const [inline]

Given a face index (CS_BOX_SIDE_x etc.

) return the four edges oriented clockwise around this face (CS_BOX_EDGE_Xyz_xyz etc.).

Definition at line 692 of file box.h.

csBox2 csBox3::GetSide ( int  side  )  const

Get a side of this box as a 2D box.

Use CS_BOX_SIDE_x etc. defines.

csVector3 csBox3::GetSize (  )  const [inline]

Get the size of the box.

Definition at line 716 of file box.h.

int csBox3::GetVisibleSides ( const csVector3 pos,
int *  visible_sides 
) const

Fill the array (which should be three long at least) with all visible sides (CS_BOX_SIDE_x etc.

defines) as seen from the given point. Returns the number of visible sides.

bool csBox3::In ( const csVector3 v  )  const [inline]

Test if the given coordinate is in this box.

Definition at line 779 of file box.h.

References csVector3::x, csVector3::y, and csVector3::z.

bool csBox3::In ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
) const [inline]

Test if the given coordinate is in this box.

Definition at line 770 of file box.h.

void csBox3::ManhattanDistance ( const csBox3 other,
csVector3 dist 
) const

Calculate the minimum manhattan distance between this box and another one.

const csVector3& csBox3::Max (  )  const [inline]

Get the 3d vector of maximum (x, y, z) values.

Definition at line 651 of file box.h.

float csBox3::Max ( int  idx  )  const [inline]

Get Max component for 0 (x), 1 (y), or 2 (z).

Definition at line 646 of file box.h.

float csBox3::MaxX (  )  const [inline]

Get the maximum X value of the box.

Definition at line 637 of file box.h.

float csBox3::MaxY (  )  const [inline]

Get the maximum Y value of the box.

Definition at line 639 of file box.h.

float csBox3::MaxZ (  )  const [inline]

Get the maximum Z value of the box.

Definition at line 641 of file box.h.

const csVector3& csBox3::Min (  )  const [inline]

Get the 3d vector of minimum (x, y, z) values.

Definition at line 649 of file box.h.

float csBox3::Min ( int  idx  )  const [inline]

Get Min component for 0 (x), 1 (y), or 2 (z).

Definition at line 643 of file box.h.

float csBox3::MinX (  )  const [inline]

Get the minimum X value of the box.

Definition at line 631 of file box.h.

float csBox3::MinY (  )  const [inline]

Get the minimum Y value of the box.

Definition at line 633 of file box.h.

float csBox3::MinZ (  )  const [inline]

Get the minimum Z value of the box.

Definition at line 635 of file box.h.

csBox3& csBox3::operator *= ( const csBox3 box  ) 

Compute the intersection of two bounding boxes.

csBox3& csBox3::operator+= ( const csVector3 point  ) 

Compute the union of a point with this bounding box.

csBox3& csBox3::operator+= ( const csBox3 box  ) 

Compute the union of two bounding boxes.

static int csBox3::OtherSide ( int  side  )  [inline, static]

Static function to get the 'other' side (i.e.


Definition at line 743 of file box.h.

bool csBox3::Overlap ( const csBox3 box  )  const [inline]

Test if this box overlaps with the given box.

Definition at line 785 of file box.h.

References maxbox, minbox, csVector3::x, csVector3::y, and csVector3::z.

bool csBox3::ProjectBox ( const csTransform trans,
float  fov,
float  sx,
float  sy,
csBox2 sbox,
float &  min_z,
float &  max_z 
) const

Project this box to a 2D bounding box given the view point transformation and also the field-of-view and shift values (for perspective projection).

The transform should transform from world to camera space (using Other2This). The minimum and maximum z are also calculated. If the bounding box is behind the camera then the 'sbox' will not be calculated (min_z and max_z are still calculated) and the function will return false. If the camera is inside the transformed box then this function will return true and a conservative screen space bounding box is returned.

bool csBox3::ProjectBoxAndOutline ( const csTransform trans,
float  fov,
float  sx,
float  sy,
csBox2 sbox,
csPoly2D poly,
float &  min_z,
float &  max_z 
) const

Project this box to the 2D outline given the view point transformation and also the field-of-view and shift values (for perspective correction).

The minimum and maximum z are also calculated. If the box is fully behind the camera then false is returned and this function will not do anything. If the box is partially behind the camera you will get an outline that is conservatively correct (i.e. it will overestimate the box). In addition to the outline this function also returns the projected screen-space box. So it is a combination of ProjectBox() and ProjectOutline().

bool csBox3::ProjectOutline ( const csVector3 origin,
int  axis,
float  where,
csPoly2D poly 
) const

Project this box to the 2D outline given the origin and an axis aligned plane.

If this fails (because some of the points cannot be projected) then it will return false.

bool csBox3::ProjectOutline ( const csVector3 origin,
int  axis,
float  where,
csArray< csVector2 > &  poly 
) const

Project this box to the 2D outline given the origin and an axis aligned plane.

If this fails (because some of the points cannot be projected) then it will return false. Note that this function will NOT clear the input array. So it will add the projected vertices after the vertices that may already be there.

bool csBox3::ProjectOutline ( const csTransform trans,
float  fov,
float  sx,
float  sy,
csPoly2D poly,
float &  min_z,
float &  max_z 
) const

Project this box to the 2D outline given the view point transformation and also the field-of-view and shift values (for perspective correction).

The minimum and maximum z are also calculated. If the box is fully behind the camera then false is returned and this function will not do anything. If the box is partially behind the camera you will get an outline that is conservatively correct (i.e. it will overestimate the box).

void csBox3::Set ( float  x1,
float  y1,
float  z1,
float  x2,
float  y2,
float  z2 
) [inline]

Sets the bounds of the box with the given values.

Definition at line 962 of file box.h.

void csBox3::Set ( const csVector3 bmin,
const csVector3 bmax 
) [inline]

Sets the bounds of the box with the given values.

Definition at line 955 of file box.h.

Referenced by Split().

void csBox3::SetCenter ( const csVector3 c  ) 

Set the center of this box.

This will not change the size of the box but just relocate the center.

void csBox3::SetMax ( int  idx,
float  val 
) [inline]

Set Max component for 0 (x), 1 (y), or 2 (z).

Definition at line 981 of file box.h.

void csBox3::SetMin ( int  idx,
float  val 
) [inline]

Set Min component for 0 (x), 1 (y), or 2 (z).

Definition at line 973 of file box.h.

void csBox3::SetSize ( const csVector3 s  ) 

Set the size of the box but keep the center intact.

void csBox3::Split ( int  axis,
float  where,
csBox3 bl,
csBox3 br 
) const [inline]

Split this box along an axis and construct two new boxes.

Definition at line 997 of file box.h.

References CS_AXIS_X, CS_AXIS_Y, CS_AXIS_Z, and Set().

float csBox3::SquaredOriginDist (  )  const

Calculate the squared distance between (0,0,0) and the box This routine is extremely efficient.

float csBox3::SquaredOriginMaxDist (  )  const

Calculate the squared distance between (0,0,0) and the point on the box which is furthest away from (0,0,0).

This routine is extremely efficient.

float csBox3::SquaredPosDist ( const csVector3 pos  )  const

Calculate the squared distance between pos and the box This routine is extremely efficient.

float csBox3::SquaredPosMaxDist ( const csVector3 pos  )  const

Calculate the squared distance between pos and the point on the box which is furthest away from pos.

This routine is extremely efficient.

void csBox3::StartBoundingBox ( const csVector3 v  )  [inline]

Initialize this box to one vertex.

Definition at line 822 of file box.h.

void csBox3::StartBoundingBox (  )  [inline]

Initialize this box to empty.

Definition at line 811 of file box.h.


bool csBox3::TestIntersect ( const csBox3 box  )  const

Test if the two boxes have an intersection.

Referenced by csIntersect3::BoxBox().

int csBox3::TestSplit ( int  axis,
float  where 
) const [inline]

Test if this box intersects with the given axis aligned plane.

Returns < 0 if box is completely in left half. Returns > 0 if box is completely in right half. Returns 0 if box is intersected.

Definition at line 1028 of file box.h.

float csBox3::Volume (  )  const [inline]

Compute volume of box.

Definition at line 653 of file box.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

csBox3 operator * ( const csBox3 box1,
const csBox3 box2 
) [friend]

Compute the intersection of two bounding boxes.

bool operator!= ( const csBox3 box1,
const csBox3 box2 
) [friend]

Tests if two bounding boxes are unequal.

csBox3 operator+ ( const csBox3 box,
const csVector3 point 
) [friend]

Compute the union of a bounding box and a point.

csBox3 operator+ ( const csBox3 box1,
const csBox3 box2 
) [friend]

Compute the union of two bounding boxes.

bool operator< ( const csVector3 point,
const csBox3 box 
) [friend]

Tests if a point is contained in a box.

bool operator< ( const csBox3 box1,
const csBox3 box2 
) [friend]

Tests if box1 is a subset of box2.

bool operator== ( const csBox3 box1,
const csBox3 box2 
) [friend]

Tests if two bounding boxes are equal.

bool operator> ( const csBox3 box1,
const csBox3 box2 
) [friend]

Tests if box1 is a superset of box2.

Member Data Documentation

const bEdge csBox3::edges[24] [static, protected]

Index by edge number.

Edge e and e+1 with e even are opposite edges. (CS_BOX_EDGE_...)

Definition at line 616 of file box.h.

const bFace csBox3::faces[6] [static, protected]

Index by CS_BOX_SIDE_? number.

Definition at line 618 of file box.h.

The bottom-right.

Definition at line 601 of file box.h.

Referenced by AddBoundingBox(), Contains(), and Overlap().

The top-left of this bounding box.

Definition at line 599 of file box.h.

Referenced by AddBoundingBox(), Contains(), and Overlap().

const Outline csBox3::outlines[27] [static, protected]

Outline lookup table.

Definition at line 628 of file box.h.

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Generated for Crystal Space by doxygen 1.4.7