
Public API Reference

iDynamicSystem Struct Reference

This is the interface for the dynamics core. More...

#include <ivaria/dynamics.h>

Inheritance diagram for iDynamicSystem:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void AttachCollider (iDynamicsSystemCollider *collider)=0
 Attach collider to dynamic system.
virtual bool AttachColliderBox (const csVector3 &size, const csOrthoTransform &trans, float friction, float elasticity, float softness=0.01f)=0
 Attaches a static collider box to world.
virtual bool AttachColliderCylinder (float length, float radius, const csOrthoTransform &trans, float friction, float elasticity, float softness=0.01f)=0
 Attaches a static collider cylinder to world (oriented along it's Z axis).
virtual bool AttachColliderMesh (iMeshWrapper *mesh, const csOrthoTransform &trans, float friction, float elasticity, float softness=0.01f)=0
 Attaches a static collider mesh to world.
virtual bool AttachColliderPlane (const csPlane3 &plane, float friction, float elasticity, float softness=0.01f)=0
 Attaches a static collider plane to world.
virtual bool AttachColliderSphere (float radius, const csVector3 &offset, float friction, float elasticity, float softness=0.01f)=0
 Attaches a static collider sphere to world.
virtual csPtr< iRigidBodyCreateBody ()=0
 Create a rigid body and add it to the simulation.
virtual csRef< iDynamicsSystemColliderCreateCollider ()=0
 Create static collider and put it into simulation.
virtual csPtr< iBodyGroupCreateGroup ()=0
 Create a body group. Bodies in a group don't collide with each other.
virtual csPtr< iJointCreateJoint ()=0
 Create a joint and add it to the simulation.
virtual void DestroyCollider (iDynamicsSystemCollider *collider)=0
 Destroy static collider.
virtual void DestroyColliders ()=0
 Destroy all static colliders.
virtual void EnableAutoDisable (bool enable)=0
 Turn on/off AutoDisable functionality.
virtual iRigidBodyFindBody (const char *name)=0
 Finds a body within a system.
virtual iRigidBodyGetBody (unsigned int index)=0
 Get Rigid Body by its index.
virtual int GetBodysCount ()=0
 Get rigid bodys count.
virtual csRef< iDynamicsSystemColliderGetCollider (unsigned int index)=0
 Get static collider.
virtual int GetColliderCount ()=0
 Get static colliders count.
virtual iDynamicsMoveCallbackGetDefaultMoveCallback ()=0
 Get the default move callback.
virtual const csVector3 GetGravity () const =0
 Get the global gravity.
virtual float GetLinearDampener () const =0
 Get the global linear dampener setting.
virtual float GetRollingDampener () const =0
 Get the global rolling dampener setting.
virtual iObjectQueryObject (void)=0
 returns the underlying object
virtual void RemoveBody (iRigidBody *body)=0
 Create a rigid body and add it to the simulation.
virtual void RemoveGroup (iBodyGroup *group)=0
 Remove a group from a simulation. Those bodies now collide.
virtual void RemoveJoint (iJoint *joint)=0
 Remove a joint from the simulation.
virtual void SetAutoDisableParams (float linear, float angular, int steps, float time)=0
 Set the parameters for AutoDisable.
virtual void SetGravity (const csVector3 &v)=0
 Set the global gravity.
virtual void SetLinearDampener (float d)=0
 Set the global linear dampener.
virtual void SetRollingDampener (float d)=0
 Set the global rolling dampener.
virtual void Step (float stepsize)=0
 Step the simulation forward by stepsize.

Detailed Description

This is the interface for the dynamics core.

It handles all bookkeeping for rigid bodies and joints. It also handles collision response. Collision detection is done in another plugin.

Main creators of instances implementing this interface:

Main ways to get pointers to this interface:

Definition at line 94 of file dynamics.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void iDynamicSystem::AttachCollider ( iDynamicsSystemCollider collider  )  [pure virtual]

Attach collider to dynamic system.

virtual bool iDynamicSystem::AttachColliderBox ( const csVector3 size,
const csOrthoTransform trans,
float  friction,
float  elasticity,
float  softness = 0.01f 
) [pure virtual]

Attaches a static collider box to world.

size the box size along each axis
trans a hard transform to apply to the mesh
friction how much friction this body has, ranges from 0 (no friction) to infinity (perfect friction)
elasticity the "bouncyness" of this object, from 0 (no bounce) to 1 (maximum bouncyness)
softness how "squishy" this object is, in the range 0...1; small values (range of 0.00001 to 0.01) give reasonably stiff collision contacts, larger values are more "mushy"

virtual bool iDynamicSystem::AttachColliderCylinder ( float  length,
float  radius,
const csOrthoTransform trans,
float  friction,
float  elasticity,
float  softness = 0.01f 
) [pure virtual]

Attaches a static collider cylinder to world (oriented along it's Z axis).

length the cylinder length along the axis
radius the cylinder radius
trans a hard transform to apply to the mesh
friction how much friction this body has, ranges from 0 (no friction) to infinity (perfect friction)
elasticity the "bouncyness" of this object, from 0 (no bounce) to 1 (maximum bouncyness)
softness how "squishy" this object is, in the range 0...1; small values (range of 0.00001 to 0.01) give reasonably stiff collision contacts, larger values are more "mushy"

virtual bool iDynamicSystem::AttachColliderMesh ( iMeshWrapper mesh,
const csOrthoTransform trans,
float  friction,
float  elasticity,
float  softness = 0.01f 
) [pure virtual]

Attaches a static collider mesh to world.

mesh the mesh to use for collision detection
trans a hard transform to apply to the mesh
friction how much friction this body has, ranges from 0 (no friction) to infinity (perfect friction)
elasticity the "bouncyness" of this object, from 0 (no bounce) to 1 (maximum bouncyness)
softness how "squishy" this object is, in the range 0...1; small values (range of 0.00001 to 0.01) give reasonably stiff collision contacts, larger values are more "mushy"

virtual bool iDynamicSystem::AttachColliderPlane ( const csPlane3 plane,
float  friction,
float  elasticity,
float  softness = 0.01f 
) [pure virtual]

Attaches a static collider plane to world.

plane describes the plane to added
friction how much friction this body has, ranges from 0 (no friction) to infinity (perfect friction)
elasticity the "bouncyness" of this object, from 0 (no bounce) to 1 (maximum bouncyness)
softness how "squishy" this object is, in the range 0...1; small values (range of 0.00001 to 0.01) give reasonably stiff collision contacts, larger values are more "mushy"

virtual bool iDynamicSystem::AttachColliderSphere ( float  radius,
const csVector3 offset,
float  friction,
float  elasticity,
float  softness = 0.01f 
) [pure virtual]

Attaches a static collider sphere to world.

radius the radius of the sphere
offset a translation of the sphere's center from the default (0,0,0)
friction how much friction this body has, ranges from 0 (no friction) to infinity (perfect friction)
elasticity the "bouncyness" of this object, from 0 (no bounce) to 1 (maximum bouncyness)
softness how "squishy" this object is, in the range 0...1; small values (range of 0.00001 to 0.01) give reasonably stiff collision contacts, larger values are more "mushy"

virtual csPtr<iRigidBody> iDynamicSystem::CreateBody (  )  [pure virtual]

Create a rigid body and add it to the simulation.

virtual csRef<iDynamicsSystemCollider> iDynamicSystem::CreateCollider (  )  [pure virtual]

Create static collider and put it into simulation.

After collision it will remain in the same place, but it will affect collided dynamic colliders (to make it dynamic, just attach it to the rigid body).

virtual csPtr<iBodyGroup> iDynamicSystem::CreateGroup (  )  [pure virtual]

Create a body group. Bodies in a group don't collide with each other.

virtual csPtr<iJoint> iDynamicSystem::CreateJoint (  )  [pure virtual]

Create a joint and add it to the simulation.

virtual void iDynamicSystem::DestroyCollider ( iDynamicsSystemCollider collider  )  [pure virtual]

Destroy static collider.

virtual void iDynamicSystem::DestroyColliders (  )  [pure virtual]

Destroy all static colliders.

virtual void iDynamicSystem::EnableAutoDisable ( bool  enable  )  [pure virtual]

Turn on/off AutoDisable functionality.

AutoDisable will stop moving objects if they are stable in order to save processing time. By default this is enabled.

virtual iRigidBody* iDynamicSystem::FindBody ( const char *  name  )  [pure virtual]

Finds a body within a system.

virtual iRigidBody* iDynamicSystem::GetBody ( unsigned int  index  )  [pure virtual]

Get Rigid Body by its index.

virtual int iDynamicSystem::GetBodysCount (  )  [pure virtual]

Get rigid bodys count.

virtual csRef<iDynamicsSystemCollider> iDynamicSystem::GetCollider ( unsigned int  index  )  [pure virtual]

Get static collider.

virtual int iDynamicSystem::GetColliderCount (  )  [pure virtual]

Get static colliders count.

virtual iDynamicsMoveCallback* iDynamicSystem::GetDefaultMoveCallback (  )  [pure virtual]

Get the default move callback.

virtual const csVector3 iDynamicSystem::GetGravity (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the global gravity.

virtual float iDynamicSystem::GetLinearDampener (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the global linear dampener setting.

virtual float iDynamicSystem::GetRollingDampener (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the global rolling dampener setting.

virtual iObject* iDynamicSystem::QueryObject ( void   )  [pure virtual]

returns the underlying object

virtual void iDynamicSystem::RemoveBody ( iRigidBody body  )  [pure virtual]

Create a rigid body and add it to the simulation.

virtual void iDynamicSystem::RemoveGroup ( iBodyGroup group  )  [pure virtual]

Remove a group from a simulation. Those bodies now collide.

virtual void iDynamicSystem::RemoveJoint ( iJoint joint  )  [pure virtual]

Remove a joint from the simulation.

virtual void iDynamicSystem::SetAutoDisableParams ( float  linear,
float  angular,
int  steps,
float  time 
) [pure virtual]

Set the parameters for AutoDisable.

linear Maximum linear movement to disable a body
angular Maximum angular movement to disable a body
steps Minimum number of steps the body meets linear and angular requirements before it is disabled.
time Minimum time the body needs to meet linear and angular movement requirements before it is disabled.

virtual void iDynamicSystem::SetGravity ( const csVector3 v  )  [pure virtual]

Set the global gravity.

virtual void iDynamicSystem::SetLinearDampener ( float  d  )  [pure virtual]

Set the global linear dampener.

virtual void iDynamicSystem::SetRollingDampener ( float  d  )  [pure virtual]

Set the global rolling dampener.

virtual void iDynamicSystem::Step ( float  stepsize  )  [pure virtual]

Step the simulation forward by stepsize.

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