
Public API Reference

iRigidBody Struct Reference

This is the interface for a rigid body. More...

#include <ivaria/dynamics.h>

Inheritance diagram for iRigidBody:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void AddForce (const csVector3 &force)=0
 Add a force (world space) (active for one timestep).
virtual void AddForceAtPos (const csVector3 &force, const csVector3 &pos)=0
 Add a force (world space) at a specific position (world space) (active for one timestep).
virtual void AddForceAtRelPos (const csVector3 &force, const csVector3 &pos)=0
 Add a force (world space) at a specific position (local space) (active for one timestep).
virtual void AddRelForce (const csVector3 &force)=0
 Add a force (local space) (active for one timestep).
virtual void AddRelForceAtPos (const csVector3 &force, const csVector3 &pos)=0
 Add a force (local space) at a specific position (world space) (active for one timestep).
virtual void AddRelForceAtRelPos (const csVector3 &force, const csVector3 &pos)=0
 Add a force (local space) at a specific position (loacl space) (active for one timestep).
virtual void AddRelTorque (const csVector3 &force)=0
 Add a torque (local space) (active for one timestep).
virtual void AddTorque (const csVector3 &force)=0
 Add a torque (world space) (active for one timestep).
virtual void AdjustTotalMass (float targetmass)=0
 Set total mass to targetmass, and adjust properties.
virtual void AttachCamera (iCamera *camera)=0
 Attach an iCamera to this body.
virtual void AttachCollider (iDynamicsSystemCollider *collider)=0
 Attach collider to rigid body.
virtual bool AttachColliderBox (const csVector3 &size, const csOrthoTransform &trans, float friction, float density, float elasticity, float softness=0.01f)=0
 Add a collider box with given properties.
virtual bool AttachColliderCylinder (float length, float radius, const csOrthoTransform &trans, float friction, float density, float elasticity, float softness=0.01f)=0
 Cylinder orientated along its local z axis.
virtual bool AttachColliderMesh (iMeshWrapper *mesh, const csOrthoTransform &trans, float friction, float density, float elasticity, float softness=0.01f)=0
 Add a collider with a associated friction coefficient.
virtual bool AttachColliderPlane (const csPlane3 &plane, float friction, float density, float elasticity, float softness=0.01f)=0
 Add a collider plane with given properties.
virtual bool AttachColliderSphere (float radius, const csVector3 &offset, float friction, float density, float elasticity, float softness=0.01f)=0
 Add a collider sphere with given properties.
virtual void AttachLight (iLight *light)=0
 Attach an iLight to this body.
virtual void AttachMesh (iMeshWrapper *mesh)=0
 Attach an iMeshWrapper to this body.
virtual void Collision (iRigidBody *other, const csVector3 &pos, const csVector3 &normal, float depth)=0
 If there's a collision callback with this body, execute it.
virtual void DestroyCollider (iDynamicsSystemCollider *collider)=0
 Destroy body collider.
virtual void DestroyColliders ()=0
 Destroy body colliders.
virtual bool Disable (void)=0
 Temporarily ignores the body until something collides with it.
virtual bool Enable (void)=0
 Re-enables a body after calling Disable, or by being auto disabled.
virtual const csVector3 GetAngularVelocity () const =0
 Get the angular velocity (rotation).
virtual iCameraGetAttachedCamera ()=0
 Returns the attached camera.
virtual iLightGetAttachedLight ()=0
 Returns the attached light.
virtual iMeshWrapperGetAttachedMesh ()=0
 Returns the attached MeshWrapper.
virtual csVector3 GetCenter ()=0
 Get center.
virtual csRef< iDynamicsSystemColliderGetCollider (unsigned int index)=0
 Get body collider by its index.
virtual int GetColliderCount ()=0
 Get body colliders count.
virtual const csVector3 GetForce () const =0
 Get total force (world space).
virtual csRef< iBodyGroupGetGroup (void)=0
 Returns which group a body belongs to.
virtual csMatrix3 GetInertia ()=0
 Get inertia.
virtual const csVector3 GetLinearVelocity () const =0
 Get the linear velocity (movement).
virtual float GetMass ()=0
 Get mass.
virtual const csMatrix3 GetOrientation () const =0
 Get the orientation.
virtual const csVector3 GetPosition () const =0
 Get the position.
virtual void GetProperties (float *mass, csVector3 *center, csMatrix3 *inertia)=0
 Get the physic properties. 0 parameters are ignored.
virtual const csVector3 GetTorque () const =0
 Get total torque (world space).
virtual const csOrthoTransform GetTransform () const =0
 Get the transform.
virtual bool IsEnabled (void)=0
 Returns true if a body is enabled.
virtual bool IsStatic (void)=0
 Tells whether a body has been made static or not.
virtual bool MakeDynamic (void)=0
 Returns a static body to a dynamic state.
virtual bool MakeStatic (void)=0
 Makes a body stop reacting dynamically.
virtual iObjectQueryObject (void)=0
 returns the underlying object
virtual void SetAngularVelocity (const csVector3 &vel)=0
 Set the angular velocity (rotation).
virtual void SetCollisionCallback (iDynamicsCollisionCallback *cb)=0
 Set a callback to be executed when this body collides with another If 0, no callback is executed.
virtual void SetLinearVelocity (const csVector3 &vel)=0
 Set the linear velocity (movement).
virtual void SetMoveCallback (iDynamicsMoveCallback *cb)=0
 Set a callback to be executed when this body moves.
virtual void SetOrientation (const csMatrix3 &trans)=0
 Set the orientation.
virtual void SetPosition (const csVector3 &trans)=0
 Set the position.
virtual void SetProperties (float mass, const csVector3 &center, const csMatrix3 &inertia)=0
 Set the physic properties.
virtual void SetTransform (const csOrthoTransform &trans)=0
 Set the transform.
virtual void Update ()=0
 Update transforms for mesh and/or bone.

Detailed Description

This is the interface for a rigid body.

It keeps all properties for the body. It can also be attached to a movable or a bone, to automatically update it.

Main creators of instances implementing this interface:

Main ways to get pointers to this interface:

Main users of this interface:

Definition at line 360 of file dynamics.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void iRigidBody::AddForce ( const csVector3 force  )  [pure virtual]

Add a force (world space) (active for one timestep).

virtual void iRigidBody::AddForceAtPos ( const csVector3 force,
const csVector3 pos 
) [pure virtual]

Add a force (world space) at a specific position (world space) (active for one timestep).

virtual void iRigidBody::AddForceAtRelPos ( const csVector3 force,
const csVector3 pos 
) [pure virtual]

Add a force (world space) at a specific position (local space) (active for one timestep).

virtual void iRigidBody::AddRelForce ( const csVector3 force  )  [pure virtual]

Add a force (local space) (active for one timestep).

virtual void iRigidBody::AddRelForceAtPos ( const csVector3 force,
const csVector3 pos 
) [pure virtual]

Add a force (local space) at a specific position (world space) (active for one timestep).

virtual void iRigidBody::AddRelForceAtRelPos ( const csVector3 force,
const csVector3 pos 
) [pure virtual]

Add a force (local space) at a specific position (loacl space) (active for one timestep).

virtual void iRigidBody::AddRelTorque ( const csVector3 force  )  [pure virtual]

Add a torque (local space) (active for one timestep).

virtual void iRigidBody::AddTorque ( const csVector3 force  )  [pure virtual]

Add a torque (world space) (active for one timestep).

virtual void iRigidBody::AdjustTotalMass ( float  targetmass  )  [pure virtual]

Set total mass to targetmass, and adjust properties.

virtual void iRigidBody::AttachCamera ( iCamera camera  )  [pure virtual]

Attach an iCamera to this body.

virtual void iRigidBody::AttachCollider ( iDynamicsSystemCollider collider  )  [pure virtual]

Attach collider to rigid body.

If you have set colliders transform before then it will be considered as relative to attached body (but still if you will use colliders "GetTransform ()" it will be in the world coordinates. Colider become dynamic (which means that it will follow rigid body).

virtual bool iRigidBody::AttachColliderBox ( const csVector3 size,
const csOrthoTransform trans,
float  friction,
float  density,
float  elasticity,
float  softness = 0.01f 
) [pure virtual]

Add a collider box with given properties.

size the box's dimensions
trans a hard transform to apply to the mesh
friction how much friction this body has, ranges from 0 (no friction) to infinity (perfect friction)
density the density of this rigid body (used to calculate mass based on collider volume)
elasticity the "bouncyness" of this object, from 0 (no bounce) to 1 (maximum bouncyness)
softness how "squishy" this object is, in the range 0...1; small values (range of 0.00001 to 0.01) give reasonably stiff collision contacts, larger values are more "mushy"

virtual bool iRigidBody::AttachColliderCylinder ( float  length,
float  radius,
const csOrthoTransform trans,
float  friction,
float  density,
float  elasticity,
float  softness = 0.01f 
) [pure virtual]

Cylinder orientated along its local z axis.

length length of the cylinder
radius radius of the cylinder
trans a hard transform to apply to the mesh
friction how much friction this body has, ranges from 0 (no friction) to infinity (perfect friction)
density the density of this rigid body (used to calculate mass based on collider volume)
elasticity the "bouncyness" of this object, from 0 (no bounce) to 1 (maximum bouncyness)
softness how "squishy" this object is, in the range 0...1; small values (range of 0.00001 to 0.01) give reasonably stiff collision contacts, larger values are more "mushy"

virtual bool iRigidBody::AttachColliderMesh ( iMeshWrapper mesh,
const csOrthoTransform trans,
float  friction,
float  density,
float  elasticity,
float  softness = 0.01f 
) [pure virtual]

Add a collider with a associated friction coefficient.

mesh the mesh object which will act as collider
trans a hard transform to apply to the mesh
friction how much friction this body has, ranges from 0 (no friction) to infinity (perfect friction)
density the density of this rigid body (used to calculate mass based on collider volume)
elasticity the "bouncyness" of this object, from 0 (no bounce) to 1 (maximum bouncyness)
softness how "squishy" this object is, in the range 0...1; small values (range of 0.00001 to 0.01) give reasonably stiff collision contacts, larger values are more "mushy"

virtual bool iRigidBody::AttachColliderPlane ( const csPlane3 plane,
float  friction,
float  density,
float  elasticity,
float  softness = 0.01f 
) [pure virtual]

Add a collider plane with given properties.

plane the plane which will act as collider
friction how much friction this body has, ranges from 0 (no friction) to infinity (perfect friction)
density the density of this rigid body (used to calculate mass based on collider volume)
elasticity the "bouncyness" of this object, from 0 (no bounce) to 1 (maximum bouncyness)
softness how "squishy" this object is, in the range 0...1; small values (range of 0.00001 to 0.01) give reasonably stiff collision contacts, larger values are more "mushy"

virtual bool iRigidBody::AttachColliderSphere ( float  radius,
const csVector3 offset,
float  friction,
float  density,
float  elasticity,
float  softness = 0.01f 
) [pure virtual]

Add a collider sphere with given properties.

radius radius of sphere
offset position of sphere
friction how much friction this body has, ranges from 0 (no friction) to infinity (perfect friction)
density the density of this rigid body (used to calculate mass based on collider volume)
elasticity the "bouncyness" of this object, from 0 (no bounce) to 1 (maximum bouncyness)
softness how "squishy" this object is, in the range 0...1; small values (range of 0.00001 to 0.01) give reasonably stiff collision contacts, larger values are more "mushy"

virtual void iRigidBody::AttachLight ( iLight light  )  [pure virtual]

Attach an iLight to this body.

virtual void iRigidBody::AttachMesh ( iMeshWrapper mesh  )  [pure virtual]

Attach an iMeshWrapper to this body.

virtual void iRigidBody::Collision ( iRigidBody other,
const csVector3 pos,
const csVector3 normal,
float  depth 
) [pure virtual]

If there's a collision callback with this body, execute it.

pos is the position on which the collision occured.
normal is the collision normal.
depth is the penetration depth.

virtual void iRigidBody::DestroyCollider ( iDynamicsSystemCollider collider  )  [pure virtual]

Destroy body collider.

virtual void iRigidBody::DestroyColliders (  )  [pure virtual]

Destroy body colliders.

virtual bool iRigidBody::Disable ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Temporarily ignores the body until something collides with it.

virtual bool iRigidBody::Enable ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Re-enables a body after calling Disable, or by being auto disabled.

virtual const csVector3 iRigidBody::GetAngularVelocity (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the angular velocity (rotation).

virtual iCamera* iRigidBody::GetAttachedCamera (  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the attached camera.

virtual iLight* iRigidBody::GetAttachedLight (  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the attached light.

virtual iMeshWrapper* iRigidBody::GetAttachedMesh (  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the attached MeshWrapper.

virtual csVector3 iRigidBody::GetCenter (  )  [pure virtual]

Get center.

virtual csRef<iDynamicsSystemCollider> iRigidBody::GetCollider ( unsigned int  index  )  [pure virtual]

Get body collider by its index.

virtual int iRigidBody::GetColliderCount (  )  [pure virtual]

Get body colliders count.

virtual const csVector3 iRigidBody::GetForce (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get total force (world space).

virtual csRef<iBodyGroup> iRigidBody::GetGroup ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Returns which group a body belongs to.

virtual csMatrix3 iRigidBody::GetInertia (  )  [pure virtual]

Get inertia.

virtual const csVector3 iRigidBody::GetLinearVelocity (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the linear velocity (movement).

virtual float iRigidBody::GetMass (  )  [pure virtual]

Get mass.

virtual const csMatrix3 iRigidBody::GetOrientation (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the orientation.

virtual const csVector3 iRigidBody::GetPosition (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the position.

virtual void iRigidBody::GetProperties ( float *  mass,
csVector3 center,
csMatrix3 inertia 
) [pure virtual]

Get the physic properties. 0 parameters are ignored.

virtual const csVector3 iRigidBody::GetTorque (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get total torque (world space).

virtual const csOrthoTransform iRigidBody::GetTransform (  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the transform.

virtual bool iRigidBody::IsEnabled ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Returns true if a body is enabled.

virtual bool iRigidBody::IsStatic ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Tells whether a body has been made static or not.

virtual bool iRigidBody::MakeDynamic ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Returns a static body to a dynamic state.

virtual bool iRigidBody::MakeStatic ( void   )  [pure virtual]

Makes a body stop reacting dynamically.

This is especially useful for environmental objects. It will also increase speed in some cases by ignoring all physics for that body

virtual iObject* iRigidBody::QueryObject ( void   )  [pure virtual]

returns the underlying object

virtual void iRigidBody::SetAngularVelocity ( const csVector3 vel  )  [pure virtual]

Set the angular velocity (rotation).

virtual void iRigidBody::SetCollisionCallback ( iDynamicsCollisionCallback cb  )  [pure virtual]

Set a callback to be executed when this body collides with another If 0, no callback is executed.

virtual void iRigidBody::SetLinearVelocity ( const csVector3 vel  )  [pure virtual]

Set the linear velocity (movement).

virtual void iRigidBody::SetMoveCallback ( iDynamicsMoveCallback cb  )  [pure virtual]

Set a callback to be executed when this body moves.

If 0, no callback is executed.

virtual void iRigidBody::SetOrientation ( const csMatrix3 trans  )  [pure virtual]

Set the orientation.

virtual void iRigidBody::SetPosition ( const csVector3 trans  )  [pure virtual]

Set the position.

virtual void iRigidBody::SetProperties ( float  mass,
const csVector3 center,
const csMatrix3 inertia 
) [pure virtual]

Set the physic properties.

virtual void iRigidBody::SetTransform ( const csOrthoTransform trans  )  [pure virtual]

Set the transform.

virtual void iRigidBody::Update (  )  [pure virtual]

Update transforms for mesh and/or bone.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated for Crystal Space by doxygen 1.4.7