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CollisionObject2D Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for CollisionObject2D:
Node2D CanvasItem Node Object Area2D PhysicsBody2D KinematicBody2D RigidBody2D StaticBody2D

Public Member Functions

void add_shape (const Ref< Shape2D > &p_shape, const Matrix32 &p_transform=Matrix32())
int get_shape_count () const
void set_shape (int p_shape_idx, const Ref< Shape2D > &p_shape)
void set_shape_transform (int p_shape_idx, const Matrix32 &p_transform)
Ref< Shape2Dget_shape (int p_shape_idx) const
Matrix32 get_shape_transform (int p_shape_idx) const
void set_shape_as_trigger (int p_shape_idx, bool p_trigger)
bool is_shape_set_as_trigger (int p_shape_idx) const
void remove_shape (int p_shape_idx)
void clear_shapes ()
void set_pickable (bool p_enabled)
bool is_pickable () const
_FORCE_INLINE_ RID get_rid () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Node2D
virtual Variant edit_get_state () const
virtual void edit_set_state (const Variant &p_state)
virtual void edit_set_rect (const Rect2 &p_edit_rect)
virtual void edit_rotate (float p_rot)
virtual void edit_set_pivot (const Point2 &p_pivot)
virtual Point2 edit_get_pivot () const
virtual bool edit_has_pivot () const
void set_pos (const Point2 &p_pos)
void set_rot (float p_radians)
void set_rotd (float p_degrees)
void set_scale (const Size2 &p_scale)
void rotate (float p_radians)
void move_x (float p_delta, bool p_scaled=false)
void move_y (float p_delta, bool p_scaled=false)
void translate (const Vector2 &p_amount)
void global_translate (const Vector2 &p_amount)
void scale (const Vector2 &p_amount)
Point2 get_pos () const
float get_rot () const
float get_rotd () const
Size2 get_scale () const
Point2 get_global_pos () const
virtual Rect2 get_item_rect () const
void set_transform (const Matrix32 &p_transform)
void set_global_transform (const Matrix32 &p_transform)
void set_global_pos (const Point2 &p_pos)
void set_z (int p_z)
int get_z () const
void look_at (const Vector2 &p_pos)
float get_angle_to (const Vector2 &p_pos) const
void set_z_as_relative (bool p_enabled)
bool is_z_relative () const
Matrix32 get_relative_transform_to_parent (const Node *p_parent) const
Matrix32 get_transform () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from CanvasItem
virtual Size2 edit_get_minimum_size () const
bool is_visible () const
bool is_hidden () const
void show ()
void hide ()
void set_hidden (bool p_hidden)
void update ()
void set_blend_mode (BlendMode p_blend_mode)
BlendMode get_blend_mode () const
virtual void set_light_mask (int p_light_mask)
int get_light_mask () const
void set_opacity (float p_opacity)
float get_opacity () const
void set_self_opacity (float p_self_opacity)
float get_self_opacity () const
void draw_line (const Point2 &p_from, const Point2 &p_to, const Color &p_color, float p_width=1.0)
void draw_rect (const Rect2 &p_rect, const Color &p_color)
void draw_circle (const Point2 &p_pos, float p_radius, const Color &p_color)
void draw_texture (const Ref< Texture > &p_texture, const Point2 &p_pos, const Color &p_modulate=Color(1, 1, 1, 1))
void draw_texture_rect (const Ref< Texture > &p_texture, const Rect2 &p_rect, bool p_tile=false, const Color &p_modulate=Color(1, 1, 1), bool p_transpose=false)
void draw_texture_rect_region (const Ref< Texture > &p_texture, const Rect2 &p_rect, const Rect2 &p_src_rect, const Color &p_modulate=Color(1, 1, 1), bool p_transpose=false)
void draw_style_box (const Ref< StyleBox > &p_style_box, const Rect2 &p_rect)
void draw_primitive (const Vector< Point2 > &p_points, const Vector< Color > &p_colors, const Vector< Point2 > &p_uvs, Ref< Texture > p_texture=Ref< Texture >(), float p_width=1)
void draw_polygon (const Vector< Point2 > &p_points, const Vector< Color > &p_colors, const Vector< Point2 > &p_uvs=Vector< Point2 >(), Ref< Texture > p_texture=Ref< Texture >())
void draw_colored_polygon (const Vector< Point2 > &p_points, const Color &p_color, const Vector< Point2 > &p_uvs=Vector< Point2 >(), Ref< Texture > p_texture=Ref< Texture >())
void draw_string (const Ref< Font > &p_font, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_text, const Color &p_modulate=Color(1, 1, 1), int p_clip_w=-1)
float draw_char (const Ref< Font > &p_font, const Point2 &p_pos, const String &p_char, const String &p_next="", const Color &p_modulate=Color(1, 1, 1))
void draw_set_transform (const Point2 &p_offset, float p_rot, const Size2 &p_scale)
void set_as_toplevel (bool p_toplevel)
bool is_set_as_toplevel () const
void set_draw_behind_parent (bool p_enable)
bool is_draw_behind_parent_enabled () const
CanvasItemget_parent_item () const
virtual Matrix32 get_global_transform () const
virtual Matrix32 get_global_transform_with_canvas () const
CanvasItemget_toplevel () const
_FORCE_INLINE_ RID get_canvas_item () const
void set_block_transform_notify (bool p_enable)
bool is_block_transform_notify_enabled () const
Matrix32 get_canvas_transform () const
Matrix32 get_viewport_transform () const
Rect2 get_viewport_rect () const
RID get_viewport_rid () const
RID get_canvas () const
Ref< World2Dget_world_2d () const
void set_material (const Ref< CanvasItemMaterial > &p_material)
Ref< CanvasItemMaterialget_material () const
void set_use_parent_material (bool p_use_parent_material)
bool get_use_parent_material () const
InputEvent make_input_local (const InputEvent &pevent) const
Vector2 get_global_mouse_pos () const
Vector2 get_local_mouse_pos () const
void set_notify_local_transform (bool p_enable)
bool is_local_transform_notification_enabled () const
int get_canvas_layer () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Node
StringName get_name () const
void set_name (const String &p_name)
void add_child (Node *p_child, bool p_legible_unique_name=false)
void remove_child (Node *p_child)
int get_child_count () const
Nodeget_child (int p_index) const
bool has_node (const NodePath &p_path) const
Nodeget_node (const NodePath &p_path) const
Nodefind_node (const String &p_mask, bool p_recursive=true, bool p_owned=true) const
bool has_node_and_resource (const NodePath &p_path) const
Nodeget_node_and_resource (const NodePath &p_path, RES &r_res) const
Nodeget_parent () const
_FORCE_INLINE_ SceneTreeget_tree () const
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool is_inside_tree () const
bool is_a_parent_of (const Node *p_node) const
bool is_greater_than (const Node *p_node) const
NodePath get_path () const
NodePath get_path_to (const Node *p_node) const
void add_to_group (const StringName &p_identifier, bool p_persistent=false)
void remove_from_group (const StringName &p_identifier)
bool is_in_group (const StringName &p_identifier) const
void get_groups (List< GroupInfo > *p_groups) const
void move_child (Node *p_child, int p_pos)
void raise ()
void set_owner (Node *p_owner)
Nodeget_owner () const
void get_owned_by (Node *p_by, List< Node * > *p_owned)
void remove_and_skip ()
int get_index () const
void print_tree ()
void set_filename (const String &p_filename)
String get_filename () const
void set_editable_instance (Node *p_node, bool p_editable)
bool is_editable_instance (Node *p_node) const
void set_editable_instances (const HashMap< NodePath, int > &p_editable_instances)
HashMap< NodePath, int > get_editable_instances () const
void propagate_notification (int p_notification)
void set_fixed_process (bool p_process)
float get_fixed_process_delta_time () const
bool is_fixed_processing () const
void set_process (bool p_process)
float get_process_delta_time () const
bool is_processing () const
void set_process_input (bool p_enable)
bool is_processing_input () const
void set_process_unhandled_input (bool p_enable)
bool is_processing_unhandled_input () const
void set_process_unhandled_key_input (bool p_enable)
bool is_processing_unhandled_key_input () const
int get_position_in_parent () const
Nodeduplicate (bool p_use_instancing=false) const
Nodeduplicate_and_reown (const Map< Node *, Node * > &p_reown_map) const
void set_scene_instance_state (const Ref< SceneState > &p_state)
Ref< SceneStateget_scene_instance_state () const
void set_scene_inherited_state (const Ref< SceneState > &p_state)
Ref< SceneStateget_scene_inherited_state () const
void set_scene_instance_load_placeholder (bool p_enable)
bool get_scene_instance_load_placeholder () const
void replace_by (Node *p_node, bool p_keep_data=false)
void set_pause_mode (PauseMode p_mode)
PauseMode get_pause_mode () const
bool can_process () const
String validate_child_name (const String &p_name) const
void queue_delete ()
void force_parent_owned ()
void get_argument_options (const StringName &p_function, int p_idx, List< String > *r_options) const
void clear_internal_tree_resource_paths ()
_FORCE_INLINE_ Viewportget_viewport () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Object
_FORCE_INLINE_ void _change_notify (const char *p_what="")
bool _is_gpl_reversed () const
_FORCE_INLINE_ ObjectID get_instance_ID () const
void add_change_receptor (Object *p_receptor)
void remove_change_receptor (Object *p_receptor)
template<class T >
T * cast_to ()
template<class T >
const T * cast_to () const
virtual String get_type () const
virtual String get_save_type () const
virtual bool is_type (const String &p_type) const
virtual bool is_type_ptr (void *p_ptr) const
_FORCE_INLINE_ const StringNameget_type_name () const
void set (const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value, bool *r_valid=NULL)
Variant get (const StringName &p_name, bool *r_valid=NULL) const
void get_property_list (List< PropertyInfo > *p_list, bool p_reversed=false) const
bool has_method (const StringName &p_method) const
void get_method_list (List< MethodInfo > *p_list) const
Variant callv (const StringName &p_method, const Array &p_args)
virtual Variant call (const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Variant::CallError &r_error)
virtual void call_multilevel (const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount)
virtual void call_multilevel_reversed (const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount)
Variant call (const StringName &p_name, VARIANT_ARG_LIST)
void call_multilevel (const StringName &p_name, VARIANT_ARG_LIST)
void notification (int p_notification, bool p_reversed=false)
virtual Variant getvar (const Variant &p_key, bool *r_valid=NULL) const
virtual void setvar (const Variant &p_key, const Variant &p_value, bool *r_valid=NULL)
void set_script (const RefPtr &p_script)
RefPtr get_script () const
bool has_meta (const String &p_name) const
void set_meta (const String &p_name, const Variant &p_value)
Variant get_meta (const String &p_name) const
void get_meta_list (List< String > *p_list) const
void set_script_instance (ScriptInstance *p_instance)
_FORCE_INLINE_ ScriptInstanceget_script_instance () const
void add_user_signal (const MethodInfo &p_signal)
void emit_signal (const StringName &p_name, VARIANT_ARG_LIST)
void emit_signal (const StringName &p_name, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount)
void get_signal_list (List< MethodInfo > *p_signals) const
void get_signal_connection_list (const StringName &p_signal, List< Connection > *p_connections) const
void get_all_signal_connections (List< Connection > *p_connections) const
Error connect (const StringName &p_signal, Object *p_to_object, const StringName &p_to_method, const Vector< Variant > &p_binds=Vector< Variant >(), uint32_t p_flags=0)
void disconnect (const StringName &p_signal, Object *p_to_object, const StringName &p_to_method)
bool is_connected (const StringName &p_signal, Object *p_to_object, const StringName &p_to_method) const
void call_deferred (const StringName &p_method, VARIANT_ARG_LIST)
void set_block_signals (bool p_block)
bool is_blocking_signals () const
Variant::Type get_static_property_type (const StringName &p_property, bool *r_valid=NULL) const
virtual void get_translatable_strings (List< String > *p_strings) const
StringName XL_MESSAGE (const StringName &p_message) const
StringName tr (const StringName &p_message) const
bool is_queued_for_deletion () const
_FORCE_INLINE_ void set_message_translation (bool p_enable)
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool can_translate_messages () const
void clear_internal_resource_paths ()

Protected Member Functions

 CollisionObject2D (RID p_rid, bool p_area)
void _notification (int p_what)
bool _set (const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value)
bool _get (const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const
void _get_property_list (List< PropertyInfo > *p_list) const
void _update_pickable ()
void _input_event (Node *p_viewport, const InputEvent &p_input_event, int p_shape)
void _mouse_enter ()
void _mouse_exit ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Node2D
void _notification (int p_what)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CanvasItem
_FORCE_INLINE_ void _notify_transform ()
void item_rect_changed ()
void _notification (int p_what)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Node
void _block ()
void _unblock ()
void _notification (int p_notification)
virtual void add_child_notify (Node *p_child)
virtual void remove_child_notify (Node *p_child)
virtual void move_child_notify (Node *p_child)
void _propagate_replace_owner (Node *p_owner, Node *p_by_owner)
void _add_child_nocheck (Node *p_child, const StringName &p_name)
void _set_owner_nocheck (Node *p_owner)
void _set_name_nocheck (const StringName &p_name)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Object
virtual void _initialize_typev ()
virtual bool _setv (const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_property)
virtual bool _getv (const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_property) const
virtual void _get_property_listv (List< PropertyInfo > *p_list, bool p_reversed) const
virtual void _notificationv (int p_notification, bool p_reversed)
bool _set (const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_property)
bool _get (const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_property) const
void _get_property_list (List< PropertyInfo > *p_list) const
void _notification (int p_notification)
void cancel_delete ()
virtual void _changed_callback (Object *p_changed, const char *p_prop)
Variant _call_bind (const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Variant::CallError &r_error)
Variant _call_deferred_bind (const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Variant::CallError &r_error)
virtual const StringName_get_type_namev () const
DVector< String_get_meta_list_bind () const
Array _get_property_list_bind () const
Array _get_method_list_bind () const
void _clear_internal_resource_paths (const Variant &p_var)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void _bind_methods ()
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Node2D
static void _bind_methods ()
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from CanvasItem
static void _bind_methods ()
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Node
static void _bind_methods ()
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Object
static String _get_category ()
static void _bind_methods ()
static void get_valid_parents_static (List< String > *p_parents)
static void _get_valid_parents_static (List< String > *p_parents)


class CollisionShape2D
class CollisionPolygon2D
class Viewport

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CanvasItem
enum  BlendMode {
enum  {
- Public Types inherited from Node
enum  {
- Public Types inherited from Object
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Node
static Vector< Variantmake_binds (VARIANT_ARG_LIST)
static void print_stray_nodes ()
static void set_human_readable_collision_renaming (bool p_enabled)
static void init_node_hrcr ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Object
static void initialize_type ()
static _FORCE_INLINE_ void register_custom_data_to_otdb ()
static void * get_type_ptr_static ()
static void get_inheritance_list_static (List< String > *p_inheritance_list)
static String get_type_static ()
static String get_parent_type_static ()
static String get_category_static ()
- Public Attributes inherited from Object
bool _is_queued_for_deletion
- Protected Attributes inherited from Object
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool(Object::*)(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) _get_get () const)
_FORCE_INLINE_ bool(Object::*)(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_property) _get_set () const)
_FORCE_INLINE_ void(Object::*)(List< PropertyInfo > *p_list) _get_get_property_list () const)
_FORCE_INLINE_ void(Object::*)(int) _get_notification () const)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Object
static _FORCE_INLINE_ void(*)() _get_bind_methods ()

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