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libbp_sd.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  bp_info


#define BP_CAP   0x01 /* BIT_0 */
#define BP_STATUS_CAP   0x02
#define BP_STATUS_CHANGE_CAP   0x04
#define SW_CTL_CAP   0x08
#define BP_DIS_CAP   0x10
#define BP_DIS_STATUS_CAP   0x20
#define STD_NIC_CAP   0x40
#define BP_PWOFF_ON_CAP   0x80
#define BP_PWOFF_OFF_CAP   0x0100
#define BP_PWOFF_CTL_CAP   0x0200
#define BP_PWUP_ON_CAP   0x0400
#define BP_PWUP_OFF_CAP   0x0800
#define BP_PWUP_CTL_CAP   0x1000
#define WD_CTL_CAP   0x2000
#define WD_STATUS_CAP   0x4000
#define WD_TIMEOUT_CAP   0x8000
#define TX_CTL_CAP   0x10000
#define TX_STATUS_CAP   0x20000
#define TAP_CAP   0x40000
#define TAP_STATUS_CAP   0x80000
#define TAP_STATUS_CHANGE_CAP   0x100000
#define TAP_DIS_CAP   0x200000
#define TAP_DIS_STATUS_CAP   0x400000
#define TAP_PWUP_ON_CAP   0x800000
#define TAP_PWUP_OFF_CAP   0x1000000
#define TAP_PWUP_CTL_CAP   0x2000000
#define NIC_CAP_NEG   0x4000000 /* BIT 26 */
#define WD_MIN_TIME_GET(desc)   (desc & 0xf)
#define WDT_STEP_TIME   0x10


int is_bypass_sd (int if_index)
int get_bypass_slave_sd (int if_index)
int get_bypass_caps_sd (int if_index)
int get_wd_set_caps_sd (int if_index)
int set_bypass_sd (int if_index, int bypass_mode)
int get_bypass_sd (int if_index)
int get_bypass_change_sd (int if_index)
int set_dis_bypass_sd (int if_index, int dis_bypass)
int get_dis_bypass_sd (int if_index)
int set_bypass_pwoff_sd (int if_index, int bypass_mode)
int get_bypass_pwoff_sd (int if_index)
int set_bypass_pwup_sd (int if_index, int bypass_mode)
int get_bypass_pwup_sd (int if_index)
int set_bypass_wd_sd (int if_index, int ms_timeout, int *ms_timeout_set)
int get_bypass_wd_sd (int if_index, int *ms_timeout_set)
int get_wd_expire_time_sd (int if_index, int *ms_time_left)
int reset_bypass_wd_timer_sd (int if_index)
int set_std_nic_sd (int if_index, int nic_mode)
int get_std_nic_sd (int if_index)
int set_tx_sd (int if_index, int tx_state)
int get_tx_sd (int if_index)
int set_tpl_sd (int if_index, int tpl_state)
int get_tpl_sd (int if_index)
int get_bp_hw_reset_sd (int if_index)
int set_bp_hw_reset_sd (int if_index, int status)
int set_tap_sd (int if_index, int tap_mode)
int get_tap_sd (int if_index)
int get_tap_change_sd (int if_index)
int set_dis_tap_sd (int if_index, int dis_tap)
int get_dis_tap_sd (int if_index)
int set_tap_pwup_sd (int if_index, int tap_mode)
int get_tap_pwup_sd (int if_index)
int set_wd_exp_mode_sd (int if_index, int bypass_mode)
int get_wd_exp_mode_sd (int if_index)
int set_wd_autoreset_sd (int if_index, int time)
int get_wd_autoreset_sd (int if_index)
int set_bp_disc_sd (int if_index, int disc_mode)
int get_bp_disc_sd (int if_index)
int get_bp_disc_change_sd (int if_index)
int set_bp_dis_disc_sd (int if_index, int dis_disc)
int get_bp_dis_disc_sd (int if_index)
int set_bp_disc_pwup_sd (int if_index, int disc_mode)
int get_bp_disc_pwup_sd (int if_index)
int get_bypass_info_sd (int if_index, struct bp_info *bp_info)
int bp_if_scan_sd (void)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define BP_CAP   0x01 /* BIT_0 */

Definition at line 16 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define BP_DIS_CAP   0x10

Definition at line 20 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define BP_DIS_STATUS_CAP   0x20

Definition at line 21 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define BP_PWOFF_CTL_CAP   0x0200

Definition at line 25 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define BP_PWOFF_OFF_CAP   0x0100

Definition at line 24 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define BP_PWOFF_ON_CAP   0x80

Definition at line 23 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define BP_PWUP_CTL_CAP   0x1000

Definition at line 28 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define BP_PWUP_OFF_CAP   0x0800

Definition at line 27 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define BP_PWUP_ON_CAP   0x0400

Definition at line 26 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define BP_STATUS_CAP   0x02

Definition at line 17 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define BP_STATUS_CHANGE_CAP   0x04

Definition at line 18 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define NIC_CAP_NEG   0x4000000 /* BIT 26 */

Definition at line 42 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define STD_NIC_CAP   0x40

Definition at line 22 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define SW_CTL_CAP   0x08

Definition at line 19 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define TAP_CAP   0x40000

Definition at line 34 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define TAP_DIS_CAP   0x200000

Definition at line 37 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define TAP_DIS_STATUS_CAP   0x400000

Definition at line 38 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define TAP_PWUP_CTL_CAP   0x2000000

Definition at line 41 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define TAP_PWUP_OFF_CAP   0x1000000

Definition at line 40 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define TAP_PWUP_ON_CAP   0x800000

Definition at line 39 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define TAP_STATUS_CAP   0x80000

Definition at line 35 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define TAP_STATUS_CHANGE_CAP   0x100000

Definition at line 36 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define TX_CTL_CAP   0x10000

Definition at line 32 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define TX_STATUS_CAP   0x20000

Definition at line 33 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define WD_CTL_CAP   0x2000

Definition at line 29 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define WD_MIN_TIME_GET (   desc)    (desc & 0xf)

Definition at line 44 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define WD_STATUS_CAP   0x4000

Definition at line 30 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define WD_TIMEOUT_CAP   0x8000

Definition at line 31 of file libbp_sd.h.

#define WDT_STEP_TIME   0x10

Definition at line 45 of file libbp_sd.h.

Function Documentation

int bp_if_scan_sd ( void  )

Definition at line 7487 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_bp_dis_disc_sd ( int  if_index)

get_dis_disc - Get Disable DISC mode state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - on success (normal DISC mode/ Disable DISC) -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support TAP or it's a slave device)

get_dis_tap - Get Disable Disconnect mode state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - on success (normal Disconnect mode/ Disable Disconnect) -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Disconnect or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7396 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_bp_disc_change_sd ( int  if_index)

get_disc_change - Get change of DISC mode state from last status check : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - (off/on) on success -1 - on failure (device not support disconnect or it's a slave device)

get_bp_disc_change - Get change of Disconnect mode state from last status check : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - (off/on) on success -1 - on failure (device not support Disconnect or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7384 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_bp_disc_pwup_sd ( int  if_index)

get_disc_pwup - Get DISC mode state at power-up state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - on success (Disable DISC at power up state / normal DISC mode) -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support DISC or it's a slave device)

get_bp_disc_pwup - Get Disconnect mode state at power-up state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - on success (Disable Disconnect at power up state / normal Disconnect mode) -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support TAP or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7378 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_bp_disc_sd ( int  if_index)

get_disc - Get disc mode state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - (off/on) on success -1 - on failure (device not support disconnect or it's a slave device)

get_bp_disc - Get Disconnect mode state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - (off/on) on success -1 - on failure (device not support Disconnect or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7366 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_bp_hw_reset_sd ( int  if_index)

Definition at line 7476 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_bypass_caps_sd ( int  if_index)

get_bypass_caps - get second port participate in the Bypass pair : network device index

Output: flags word on success;flag word is a 32-bit mask word with each bit defines different capability as described bellow. Value of 1 for supporting this feature. 0 for not supporting this feature. -1 - on failure (if the device is not capable of the operation or not a Bypass device) Bit feature description

0 BP_CAP The interface is Bypass capable in general

1 BP_STATUS_CAP The interface can report of the current Bypass mode

2 BP_STATUS_CHANGE_CAP The interface can report on a change to bypass mode from the last time the mode was defined

3 SW_CTL_CAP The interface is Software controlled capable for bypass/non bypass modes.

4 BP_DIS_CAP The interface is capable of disabling the Bypass mode at all times. This mode will retain its mode even during power loss and also after power recovery. This will overcome on any bypass operation due to watchdog timeout or set bypass command.

5 BP_DIS_STATUS_CAP The interface can report of the current DIS_BP_CAP

6 STD_NIC_CAP The interface is capable to be configured to operate as standard, non Bypass, NIC interface (have direct connection to interfaces at all power modes)

7 BP_PWOFF_NO_CAP The interface can be in Bypass mode at power off state

8 BP_PWOFF_OFF_CAP The interface can disconnect the Bypass mode at power off state without effecting all the other states of operation

9 BP_PWOFF_CTL_CAP The behavior of the Bypass mode at Power-off state can be controlled by software without effecting any other state

*10 BP_PWUP_ON_CAP The interface can be in Bypass mode when power is turned on (until the system take control of the bypass functionality)

*11 BP_PWUP_OFF_CAP The interface can disconnect from Bypass mode when power is turned on (until the system take control of the bypass functionality)

*12 BP_PWUP_CTL_CAP The behavior of the Bypass mode at Power-up can be controlled by software

*13 WD_CTL_CAP The interface has watchdog capabilities to turn to Bypass mode when not reset for defined period of time.

*14 WD_STATUS_CAP The interface can report on the watchdog status (Active/inactive)

*15 WD_TIMEOUT_CAP The interface can report the time left till watchdog triggers to Bypass mode.


Definition at line 7449 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_bypass_change_sd ( int  if_index)

get_bypass_change - Get change of Bypass mode state from last status check : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - (off/on) on success -1 - on failure (device not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7234 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_bypass_info_sd ( int  if_index,
struct bp_info bp_info 

Definition at line 7482 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_bypass_pwoff_sd ( int  if_index)

get_bypass_pwoff - Get Bypass mode state at power-off state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - on success (Disable bypass at power off state / normal Bypass mode) -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7257 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_bypass_pwup_sd ( int  if_index)

get_bypass_pwup - Get Bypass mode state at power-up state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - on success (Disable bypass at power up state / normal Bypass mode) -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7269 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_bypass_sd ( int  if_index)

get_bypass - Get Bypass mode state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - (off/on) on success -1 - on failure (device not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7228 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_bypass_slave_sd ( int  if_index)

get_bypass_slave - get second port participate in the Bypass pair : network device index

Output: network device index of the slave device -1 - on failure (device not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7454 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_bypass_wd_sd ( int  if_index,
int ms_timeout_set 

get_bypass_wd - Get watchdog state : network device index of the controlling device (output): WDT timeout (in ms units), -1 for unknown wdt status 0 if WDT is disabled Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7283 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_dis_bypass_sd ( int  if_index)

get_dis_bypass - Get Disable Bypass mode state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - on success (normal Bypass mode/ Disable bypass) -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7245 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_dis_tap_sd ( int  if_index)

get_dis_tap - Get Disable TAP mode state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - on success (normal TAP mode/ Disable TAP) -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support TAP or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7354 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_std_nic_sd ( int  if_index)

get_std_nic - Get Standard NIC mode setting : network device index of the controlling device

Output: 0/1 (Default Bypass mode / Standard NIC mode) on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7312 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_tap_change_sd ( int  if_index)

get_tap_change - Get change of TAP mode state from last status check : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - (off/on) on success -1 - on failure (device not support TAP or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7342 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_tap_pwup_sd ( int  if_index)

get_tap_pwup - Get TAP mode state at power-up state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - on success (Disable TAP at power up state / normal TAP mode) -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support TAP or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7336 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_tap_sd ( int  if_index)

get_tap - Get TAP mode state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - (off/on) on success -1 - on failure (device not support TAP or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7324 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_tpl_sd ( int  if_index)

get_tpl - get TPL state (disable / enable) : network device index of the controlling device

Output: 0/1 (TPL Disable / TPL Enable) on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation)

get_tpl - Get TPL mode state : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - (off/on) on success -1 - on failure (device not support TPL or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7470 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_tx_sd ( int  if_index)

get_tx - get transmitter state (disable / enable) : network device index of the controlling device

Output: 0/1 (ransmit Disable / Transmit Enable) on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass)

get_std_nic - get transmitter state (disable / enable) : network device index of the controlling device

Output: 0/1 (ransmit Disable / Transmit Enable) on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass)

Definition at line 7464 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_wd_autoreset_sd ( int  if_index)

set_wd_autoreset - reset WDT periodically. : network device index of the controlling device : adapter mode (1=tap mode, 0=bypass mode) Output: 1 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device or unknown wdt status)

Definition at line 7443 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_wd_exp_mode_sd ( int  if_index)

get_wd_exp_mode - Get adapter state when WDT expired. : network device index of the controlling device Output: 0/1 - (bypass/tap) on success -1 - on failure (device not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7402 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_wd_expire_time_sd ( int  if_index,
int ms_time_left 

get_wd_expire_time - Get watchdog expire : network device index of the controlling device (output): time left till watchdog time expire, -1 if WDT has expired 0 if WDT is disabled Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device or unknown wdt status)

Definition at line 7289 of file bp_mod.c.

int get_wd_set_caps_sd ( int  if_index)

get_wd_set_caps - Obtain watchdog timer setting capabilities : network device index


Set of numbers defining the various parameters of the watchdog capable to be set to as described bellow. -1 - on failure (device not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Bit feature description

0-3 WD_MIN_TIME The interface WD minimal time period in 100mS units

4 WD_STEP_TIME The steps of the WD timer in 0 - for linear steps (WD_MIN_TIME * X) 1 - for multiply by 2 from previous step (WD_MIN_TIME * 2^X)

5-8 WD_STEP_COUNT Number of steps the WD timer supports in 2^X (X bit available for defining the value)

Definition at line 7300 of file bp_mod.c.

int is_bypass_sd ( int  if_index)

is_bypass - check if device is a Bypass controlling device : network device index

Output: 1 - if device is bypass controlling device, 0 - if device is bypass slave device -1 - device not support Bypass

Definition at line 7217 of file bp_mod.c.

int reset_bypass_wd_timer_sd ( int  if_index)

reset_bypass_wd_timer - Reset watchdog timer : network device index of the controlling device

Output: 1 - on success 0 - watchdog is not configured -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device or unknown wdt status)

Definition at line 7294 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_bp_dis_disc_sd ( int  if_index,
int  dis_disc 

set_dis_disc - Set Disable DISC mode : network device index of the controlling device : disable disconnect(1=dis, 0=en) Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support DISC or it's a slave device)

set_bp_dis_disc - Set Disable Disconnect mode : network device index of the controlling device : disable tap(1=dis, 0=en) Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable ofthe operation ordevice not support Disconnect or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7390 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_bp_disc_pwup_sd ( int  if_index,
int  disc_mode 

set_disc_pwup - Set DISC mode at power-up state : network device index of the controlling device : DISC mode setting at power up state (1= en, 0= Dis) Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support DISC or it's a slave device)

set_bp_disc_pwup - Set Disconnect mode at power-up state : network device index of the controlling device : tap mode setting at power up state (1=Disc en, 0=Disc Dis) Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Disconnect or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7372 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_bp_disc_sd ( int  if_index,
int  disc_mode 

set_disc - set DISC state : network device index of the controlling device : 1 DISC mode , 0 normal nic mode Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device not support disconnect or it's a slave device)

set_bp_disc - set Disconnect state : network device index of the controlling device : 1 disc mode , 0 non-disc mode Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device not support Disconnect or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7360 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_bp_hw_reset_sd ( int  if_index,
int  status 

Definition at line 7431 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_bypass_pwoff_sd ( int  if_index,
int  bypass_mode 

set_bypass_pwoff - Set Bypass mode at power-off state : network device index of the controlling device : bypass mode setting at power off state (1=BP en, 0=BP Dis) Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7251 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_bypass_pwup_sd ( int  if_index,
int  bypass_mode 

set_bypass_pwup - Set Bypass mode at power-up state : network device index of the controlling device : bypass mode setting at power up state (1=BP en, 0=BP Dis) Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7263 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_bypass_sd ( int  if_index,
int  bypass_mode 

set_bypass - set Bypass state : network device index of the controlling device : bypass mode (1=on, 0=off) Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7222 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_bypass_wd_sd ( int  if_index,
int  ms_timeout,
int ms_timeout_set 

set_bypass_wd - Set watchdog state : network device index of the controlling device : requested timeout (in ms units), 0 for disabling the watchdog timer (output): requested timeout (in ms units), that the adapter supports and will be used by the watchdog Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7275 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_dis_bypass_sd ( int  if_index,
int  dis_bypass 

set_dis_bypass - Set Disable Bypass mode : network device index of the controlling device : disable bypass(1=dis, 0=en) Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7240 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_dis_tap_sd ( int  if_index,
int  dis_tap 

set_dis_tap - Set Disable TAP mode : network device index of the controlling device : disable tap(1=dis, 0=en) Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support TAP or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7348 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_std_nic_sd ( int  if_index,
int  nic_mode 

set_std_nic - Standard NIC mode of operation : network device index of the controlling device : 0/1 (Default Bypass mode / Standard NIC mode)

Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7306 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_tap_pwup_sd ( int  if_index,
int  tap_mode 

set_tap_pwup - Set TAP mode at power-up state : network device index of the controlling device : tap mode setting at power up state (1=TAP en, 0=TAP Dis) Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support TAP or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7330 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_tap_sd ( int  if_index,
int  tap_mode 

set_tap - set TAP state : network device index of the controlling device : 1 tap mode , 0 normal nic mode Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device not support TAP or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7318 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_tpl_sd ( int  if_index,
int  tpl_state 

set_tpl - set TPL enable/disable : network device index of the controlling device : 0/1 (TPL Disable / TPL Enable)

Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation )

set_tpl - set TPL state : network device index of the controlling device : 1 tpl mode , 0 normal nic mode Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device not support TPL)

Definition at line 7425 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_tx_sd ( int  if_index,
int  tx_state 

set_tx - set transmitter enable/disable : network device index of the controlling device : 0/1 (Transmit Disable / Transmit Enable)

Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation )

Definition at line 7419 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_wd_autoreset_sd ( int  if_index,
int  time 

set_wd_autoreset - reset WDT periodically. : network device index of the controlling device : adapter mode (1=tap mode, 0=bypass mode) Output: 1 - on success -1 - on failure (device is not capable of the operation ordevice not support Bypass or it's a slave device or unknown wdt status)

Definition at line 7437 of file bp_mod.c.

int set_wd_exp_mode_sd ( int  if_index,
int  bypass_mode 

set_wd_exp_mode - Set adapter state when WDT expired. : network device index of the controlling device : adapter mode (1=tap mode, 0=bypass mode) Output: 0 - on success -1 - on failure (device not support Bypass or it's a slave device)

Definition at line 7407 of file bp_mod.c.