Public Attributes

dtCrowdAgentParams Struct Reference

Configuration parameters for a crowd agent. More...

#include <DetourCrowd.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

float collisionQueryRange
 Defines how close a collision element must be before it is considered for steering behaviors. [Limits: > 0].
float height
 Agent height. [Limit: > 0].
float maxAcceleration
 Maximum allowed acceleration. [Limit: >= 0].
float maxSpeed
 Maximum allowed speed. [Limit: >= 0].
unsigned char obstacleAvoidanceType
 The index of the avoidance configuration to use for the agent. [Limits: 0 <= value <= DT_CROWD_MAX_OBSTAVOIDANCE_PARAMS].
float pathOptimizationRange
 The path visibility optimization range. [Limit: > 0].
float radius
 Agent radius. [Limit: >= 0].
float separationWeight
 How aggresive the agent manager should be at avoiding collisions with this agent. [Limit: >= 0].
unsigned char updateFlags
 Flags that impact steering behavior. (See: UpdateFlags)
void * userData
 User defined data attached to the agent.

Detailed Description

Configuration parameters for a crowd agent.

See also:
dtCrowdAgent, dtCrowd::addAgent(), dtCrowd::updateAgentParameters()

Definition at line 68 of file DetourCrowd.h.

Member Data Documentation

Defines how close a collision element must be before it is considered for steering behaviors. [Limits: > 0].

Collision elements include other agents and navigation mesh boundaries.

This value is often based on the agent radius and/or maximum speed. E.g. radius * 8

Definition at line 76 of file DetourCrowd.h.

Agent height. [Limit: > 0].

Definition at line 71 of file DetourCrowd.h.

Maximum allowed acceleration. [Limit: >= 0].

Definition at line 72 of file DetourCrowd.h.

Maximum allowed speed. [Limit: >= 0].

Definition at line 73 of file DetourCrowd.h.

The index of the avoidance configuration to use for the agent. [Limits: 0 <= value <= DT_CROWD_MAX_OBSTAVOIDANCE_PARAMS].

dtCrowd permits agents to use different avoidance configurations. This value is the index of the dtObstacleAvoidanceParams within the crowd.

See also:
dtObstacleAvoidanceParams, dtCrowd::setObstacleAvoidanceParams(), dtCrowd::getObstacleAvoidanceParams()

Definition at line 88 of file DetourCrowd.h.

The path visibility optimization range. [Limit: > 0].

Only applicalbe if updateFlags includes the DT_CROWD_OPTIMIZE_VIS flag.

This value is often based on the agent radius. E.g. radius * 30

See also:

Definition at line 78 of file DetourCrowd.h.

Agent radius. [Limit: >= 0].

Definition at line 70 of file DetourCrowd.h.

How aggresive the agent manager should be at avoiding collisions with this agent. [Limit: >= 0].

A higher value will result in agents trying to stay farther away from each other at the cost of more difficult steering in tight spaces.

Definition at line 81 of file DetourCrowd.h.

Flags that impact steering behavior. (See: UpdateFlags)

Definition at line 84 of file DetourCrowd.h.

User defined data attached to the agent.

Definition at line 91 of file DetourCrowd.h.

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