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gistbuild.c File Reference

#include "postgres.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "access/genam.h"
#include "access/gist_private.h"
#include "catalog/index.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "optimizer/cost.h"
#include "storage/bufmgr.h"
#include "storage/smgr.h"
#include "utils/memutils.h"
#include "utils/rel.h"
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Data Structures

struct  GISTBuildState
struct  ParentMapEntry






static void gistInitBuffering (GISTBuildState *buildstate)
static int calculatePagesPerBuffer (GISTBuildState *buildstate, int levelStep)
static void gistBuildCallback (Relation index, HeapTuple htup, Datum *values, bool *isnull, bool tupleIsAlive, void *state)
static void gistBufferingBuildInsert (GISTBuildState *buildstate, IndexTuple itup)
static bool gistProcessItup (GISTBuildState *buildstate, IndexTuple itup, BlockNumber startblkno, int startlevel)
static BlockNumber gistbufferinginserttuples (GISTBuildState *buildstate, Buffer buffer, int level, IndexTuple *itup, int ntup, OffsetNumber oldoffnum, BlockNumber parentblk, OffsetNumber downlinkoffnum)
static Buffer gistBufferingFindCorrectParent (GISTBuildState *buildstate, BlockNumber childblkno, int level, BlockNumber *parentblk, OffsetNumber *downlinkoffnum)
static void gistProcessEmptyingQueue (GISTBuildState *buildstate)
static void gistEmptyAllBuffers (GISTBuildState *buildstate)
static int gistGetMaxLevel (Relation index)
static void gistInitParentMap (GISTBuildState *buildstate)
static void gistMemorizeParent (GISTBuildState *buildstate, BlockNumber child, BlockNumber parent)
static void gistMemorizeAllDownlinks (GISTBuildState *buildstate, Buffer parent)
static BlockNumber gistGetParent (GISTBuildState *buildstate, BlockNumber child)
Datum gistbuild (PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
void gistValidateBufferingOption (char *value)

Define Documentation


Definition at line 30 of file gistbuild.c.

Referenced by gistBuildCallback().


Definition at line 38 of file gistbuild.c.

Referenced by gistBuildCallback().

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 40 of file gistbuild.c.

    GIST_BUFFERING_DISABLED,    /* in regular build mode and aren't going to
                                 * switch */
    GIST_BUFFERING_AUTO,        /* in regular build mode, but will switch to
                                 * buffering build mode if the index grows too
                                 * big */
    GIST_BUFFERING_STATS,       /* gathering statistics of index tuple size
                                 * before switching to the buffering build
                                 * mode */
    GIST_BUFFERING_ACTIVE       /* in buffering build mode */
} GistBufferingMode;

Function Documentation

static int calculatePagesPerBuffer ( GISTBuildState buildstate,
int  levelStep 
) [static]

Definition at line 429 of file gistbuild.c.

References GISTBuildState::freespace, GISTBuildState::indtuples, GISTBuildState::indtuplesSize, rint(), and SizeOfPageHeaderData.

Referenced by gistBuildCallback(), and gistInitBuffering().

    double      pagesPerBuffer;
    double      avgIndexTuplesPerPage;
    double      itupAvgSize;
    Size        pageFreeSpace;

    /* Calc space of index page which is available for index tuples */
    pageFreeSpace = BLCKSZ - SizeOfPageHeaderData - sizeof(GISTPageOpaqueData)
        - sizeof(ItemIdData)
        - buildstate->freespace;

     * Calculate average size of already inserted index tuples using gathered
     * statistics.
    itupAvgSize = (double) buildstate->indtuplesSize /
        (double) buildstate->indtuples;

    avgIndexTuplesPerPage = pageFreeSpace / itupAvgSize;

     * Recalculate required size of buffers.
    pagesPerBuffer = 2 * pow(avgIndexTuplesPerPage, levelStep);

    return (int) rint(pagesPerBuffer);

static void gistBufferingBuildInsert ( GISTBuildState buildstate,
IndexTuple  itup 
) [static]

Definition at line 534 of file gistbuild.c.

References GISTBuildState::gfbb, gistProcessEmptyingQueue(), gistProcessItup(), and GISTBuildBuffers::rootlevel.

Referenced by gistBuildCallback().

    /* Insert the tuple to buffers. */
    gistProcessItup(buildstate, itup, 0, buildstate->gfbb->rootlevel);

    /* If we filled up (half of a) buffer, process buffer emptying. */

static Buffer gistBufferingFindCorrectParent ( GISTBuildState buildstate,
BlockNumber  childblkno,
int  level,
BlockNumber parentblk,
OffsetNumber downlinkoffnum 
) [static]

Definition at line 844 of file gistbuild.c.

References BufferGetPage, elog, ERROR, FirstOffsetNumber, GIST_EXCLUSIVE, gistcheckpage(), gistGetParent(), GISTBuildState::indexrel, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber, ItemPointerGetBlockNumber, LockBuffer(), OffsetNumberNext, PageGetItem, PageGetItemId, PageGetMaxOffsetNumber, ReadBuffer(), and IndexTupleData::t_tid.

Referenced by gistbufferinginserttuples().

    BlockNumber parent;
    Buffer      buffer;
    Page        page;
    OffsetNumber maxoff;
    OffsetNumber off;

    if (level > 0)
        parent = gistGetParent(buildstate, childblkno);
         * For a leaf page, the caller must supply a correct parent block
         * number.
        if (*parentblkno == InvalidBlockNumber)
            elog(ERROR, "no parent buffer provided of child %d", childblkno);
        parent = *parentblkno;

    buffer = ReadBuffer(buildstate->indexrel, parent);
    page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
    LockBuffer(buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
    gistcheckpage(buildstate->indexrel, buffer);
    maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);

    /* Check if it was not moved */
    if (parent == *parentblkno && *parentblkno != InvalidBlockNumber &&
        *downlinkoffnum != InvalidOffsetNumber && *downlinkoffnum <= maxoff)
        ItemId      iid = PageGetItemId(page, *downlinkoffnum);
        IndexTuple  idxtuple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, iid);

        if (ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(idxtuple->t_tid)) == childblkno)
            /* Still there */
            return buffer;

     * Downlink was not at the offset where it used to be. Scan the page to
     * find it. During normal gist insertions, it might've moved to another
     * page, to the right, but during a buffering build, we keep track of the
     * parent of each page in the lookup table so we should always know what
     * page it's on.
    for (off = FirstOffsetNumber; off <= maxoff; off = OffsetNumberNext(off))
        ItemId      iid = PageGetItemId(page, off);
        IndexTuple  idxtuple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, iid);

        if (ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(idxtuple->t_tid)) == childblkno)
            /* yes!!, found it */
            *downlinkoffnum = off;
            return buffer;

    elog(ERROR, "failed to re-find parent for block %u", childblkno);
    return InvalidBuffer;       /* keep compiler quiet */

static BlockNumber gistbufferinginserttuples ( GISTBuildState buildstate,
Buffer  buffer,
int  level,
IndexTuple itup,
int  ntup,
OffsetNumber  oldoffnum,
BlockNumber  parentblk,
OffsetNumber  downlinkoffnum 
) [static]

Definition at line 676 of file gistbuild.c.

References Assert, GISTPageSplitInfo::buf, BufferGetBlockNumber(), BufferGetPage, DEBUG2, GISTPageSplitInfo::downlink, elog, FirstOffsetNumber, GISTBuildState::freespace, GISTBuildState::gfbb, GIST_ROOT_BLKNO, GIST_SHARE, gistBufferingFindCorrectParent(), gistMemorizeAllDownlinks(), gistMemorizeParent(), gistplacetopage(), gistRelocateBuildBuffersOnSplit(), GISTBuildState::giststate, i, GISTBuildState::indexrel, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidBuffer, InvalidOffsetNumber, ItemPointerGetBlockNumber, lfirst, list_free_deep(), list_length(), LockBuffer(), PageGetItem, PageGetItemId, PageGetMaxOffsetNumber, palloc(), ReadBuffer(), GISTBuildBuffers::rootlevel, IndexTupleData::t_tid, and UnlockReleaseBuffer().

Referenced by gistProcessItup().

    GISTBuildBuffers *gfbb = buildstate->gfbb;
    List       *splitinfo;
    bool        is_split;
    BlockNumber placed_to_blk = InvalidBlockNumber;

    is_split = gistplacetopage(buildstate->indexrel,
                               itup, ntup, oldoffnum, &placed_to_blk,

     * If this is a root split, update the root path item kept in memory. This
     * ensures that all path stacks are always complete, including all parent
     * nodes up to the root. That simplifies the algorithm to re-find correct
     * parent.
    if (is_split && BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer) == GIST_ROOT_BLKNO)
        Page        page = BufferGetPage(buffer);
        OffsetNumber off;
        OffsetNumber maxoff;

        Assert(level == gfbb->rootlevel);

        elog(DEBUG2, "splitting GiST root page, now %d levels deep", gfbb->rootlevel);

         * All the downlinks on the old root page are now on one of the child
         * pages. Visit all the new child pages to memorize the parents of the
         * grandchildren.
        if (gfbb->rootlevel > 1)
            maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
            for (off = FirstOffsetNumber; off <= maxoff; off++)
                ItemId      iid = PageGetItemId(page, off);
                IndexTuple  idxtuple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, iid);
                BlockNumber childblkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(idxtuple->t_tid));
                Buffer      childbuf = ReadBuffer(buildstate->indexrel, childblkno);

                LockBuffer(childbuf, GIST_SHARE);
                gistMemorizeAllDownlinks(buildstate, childbuf);

                 * Also remember that the parent of the new child page is the
                 * root block.
                gistMemorizeParent(buildstate, childblkno, GIST_ROOT_BLKNO);

    if (splitinfo)
         * Insert the downlinks to the parent. This is analogous with
         * gistfinishsplit() in the regular insertion code, but the locking is
         * simpler, and we have to maintain the buffers on internal nodes and
         * the parent map.
        IndexTuple *downlinks;
        int         ndownlinks,
        Buffer      parentBuffer;
        ListCell   *lc;

        /* Parent may have changed since we memorized this path. */
        parentBuffer =

         * If there's a buffer associated with this page, that needs to be
         * split too. gistRelocateBuildBuffersOnSplit() will also adjust the
         * downlinks in 'splitinfo', to make sure they're consistent not only
         * with the tuples already on the pages, but also the tuples in the
         * buffers that will eventually be inserted to them.
                                        buffer, splitinfo);

        /* Create an array of all the downlink tuples */
        ndownlinks = list_length(splitinfo);
        downlinks = (IndexTuple *) palloc(sizeof(IndexTuple) * ndownlinks);
        i = 0;
        foreach(lc, splitinfo)
            GISTPageSplitInfo *splitinfo = lfirst(lc);

             * Remember the parent of each new child page in our parent map.
             * This assumes that the downlinks fit on the parent page. If the
             * parent page is split, too, when we recurse up to insert the
             * downlinks, the recursive gistbufferinginserttuples() call will
             * update the map again.
            if (level > 0)

             * Also update the parent map for all the downlinks that got moved
             * to a different page. (actually this also loops through the
             * downlinks that stayed on the original page, but it does no
             * harm).
            if (level > 1)
                gistMemorizeAllDownlinks(buildstate, splitinfo->buf);

             * Since there's no concurrent access, we can release the lower
             * level buffers immediately. This includes the original page.
            downlinks[i++] = splitinfo->downlink;

        /* Insert them into parent. */
        gistbufferinginserttuples(buildstate, parentBuffer, level + 1,
                                  downlinks, ndownlinks, downlinkoffnum,
                                  InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber);

        list_free_deep(splitinfo);      /* we don't need this anymore */

    return placed_to_blk;

Datum gistbuild ( PG_FUNCTION_ARGS   ) 

Definition at line 112 of file gistbuild.c.

References Assert, XLogRecData::buffer, BufferGetBlockNumber(), BufferGetPage, GISTBuildState::bufferingMode, GiSTOptions::bufferingModeOffset, createTempGistContext(), CurrentMemoryContext, XLogRecData::data, DEBUG1, elog, END_CRIT_SECTION, ERROR, F_LEAF, GiSTOptions::fillfactor, fillfactor, freeGISTstate(), GISTBuildState::freespace, GIST_BUFFERING_ACTIVE, GIST_BUFFERING_AUTO, GIST_BUFFERING_DISABLED, GIST_BUFFERING_STATS, GIST_ROOT_BLKNO, gistBuildCallback(), gistEmptyAllBuffers(), gistFreeBuildBuffers(), gistGetFakeLSN(), GISTInitBuffer(), gistNewBuffer(), GISTBuildState::giststate, IndexBuildResult::heap_tuples, IndexBuildResult::index_tuples, IndexBuildHeapScan(), GISTBuildState::indexrel, GISTBuildState::indtuples, GISTBuildState::indtuplesSize, initGISTstate(), XLogRecData::len, MarkBufferDirty(), MemoryContextDelete(), MemoryContextSwitchTo(), XLogRecData::next, PageSetLSN, palloc(), PG_GETARG_POINTER, PG_RETURN_POINTER, RelationData::rd_node, RelationData::rd_options, RelationGetNumberOfBlocks, RelationGetRelationName, RelationNeedsWAL, START_CRIT_SECTION, GISTSTATE::tempCxt, UnlockReleaseBuffer(), XLOG_GIST_CREATE_INDEX, and XLogInsert().

    Relation    heap = (Relation) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
    Relation    index = (Relation) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1);
    IndexInfo  *indexInfo = (IndexInfo *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2);
    IndexBuildResult *result;
    double      reltuples;
    GISTBuildState buildstate;
    Buffer      buffer;
    Page        page;
    MemoryContext oldcxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
    int         fillfactor;

    buildstate.indexrel = index;
    if (index->rd_options)
        /* Get buffering mode from the options string */
        GiSTOptions *options = (GiSTOptions *) index->rd_options;
        char       *bufferingMode = (char *) options + options->bufferingModeOffset;

        if (strcmp(bufferingMode, "on") == 0)
            buildstate.bufferingMode = GIST_BUFFERING_STATS;
        else if (strcmp(bufferingMode, "off") == 0)
            buildstate.bufferingMode = GIST_BUFFERING_DISABLED;
            buildstate.bufferingMode = GIST_BUFFERING_AUTO;

        fillfactor = options->fillfactor;
         * By default, switch to buffering mode when the index grows too large
         * to fit in cache.
        buildstate.bufferingMode = GIST_BUFFERING_AUTO;
        fillfactor = GIST_DEFAULT_FILLFACTOR;
    /* Calculate target amount of free space to leave on pages */
    buildstate.freespace = BLCKSZ * (100 - fillfactor) / 100;

     * We expect to be called exactly once for any index relation. If that's
     * not the case, big trouble's what we have.
    if (RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(index) != 0)
        elog(ERROR, "index \"%s\" already contains data",

    /* no locking is needed */
    buildstate.giststate = initGISTstate(index);

     * Create a temporary memory context that is reset once for each tuple
     * processed.  (Note: we don't bother to make this a child of the
     * giststate's scanCxt, so we have to delete it separately at the end.)
    buildstate.giststate->tempCxt = createTempGistContext();

    /* initialize the root page */
    buffer = gistNewBuffer(index);
    Assert(BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer) == GIST_ROOT_BLKNO);
    page = BufferGetPage(buffer);


    GISTInitBuffer(buffer, F_LEAF);


    if (RelationNeedsWAL(index))
        XLogRecPtr  recptr;
        XLogRecData rdata;

        rdata.data = (char *) &(index->rd_node);
        rdata.len = sizeof(RelFileNode);
        rdata.buffer = InvalidBuffer;
        rdata.next = NULL;

        recptr = XLogInsert(RM_GIST_ID, XLOG_GIST_CREATE_INDEX, &rdata);
        PageSetLSN(page, recptr);
        PageSetLSN(page, gistGetFakeLSN(heap));



    /* build the index */
    buildstate.indtuples = 0;
    buildstate.indtuplesSize = 0;

     * Do the heap scan.
    reltuples = IndexBuildHeapScan(heap, index, indexInfo, true,
                                   gistBuildCallback, (void *) &buildstate);

     * If buffering was used, flush out all the tuples that are still in the
     * buffers.
    if (buildstate.bufferingMode == GIST_BUFFERING_ACTIVE)
        elog(DEBUG1, "all tuples processed, emptying buffers");

    /* okay, all heap tuples are indexed */


     * Return statistics
    result = (IndexBuildResult *) palloc(sizeof(IndexBuildResult));

    result->heap_tuples = reltuples;
    result->index_tuples = (double) buildstate.indtuples;


static void gistBuildCallback ( Relation  index,
HeapTuple  htup,
Datum values,
bool isnull,
bool  tupleIsAlive,
void *  state 
) [static]

Definition at line 462 of file gistbuild.c.

References BUFFERING_MODE_SWITCH_CHECK_STEP, BUFFERING_MODE_TUPLE_SIZE_STATS_TARGET, GISTBuildState::bufferingMode, calculatePagesPerBuffer(), effective_cache_size, GISTBuildState::freespace, GISTBuildState::gfbb, GIST_BUFFERING_ACTIVE, GIST_BUFFERING_AUTO, GIST_BUFFERING_STATS, gistBufferingBuildInsert(), gistdoinsert(), gistFormTuple(), gistInitBuffering(), GISTBuildState::giststate, IndexTupleSize, GISTBuildState::indtuples, GISTBuildState::indtuplesSize, GISTBuildBuffers::levelStep, MAIN_FORKNUM, MemoryContextReset(), MemoryContextSwitchTo(), GISTBuildBuffers::pagesPerBuffer, RelationData::rd_smgr, smgrnblocks(), HeapTupleData::t_self, IndexTupleData::t_tid, and GISTSTATE::tempCxt.

Referenced by gistbuild().

    GISTBuildState *buildstate = (GISTBuildState *) state;
    IndexTuple  itup;
    MemoryContext oldCtx;

    oldCtx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(buildstate->giststate->tempCxt);

    /* form an index tuple and point it at the heap tuple */
    itup = gistFormTuple(buildstate->giststate, index, values, isnull, true);
    itup->t_tid = htup->t_self;

    if (buildstate->bufferingMode == GIST_BUFFERING_ACTIVE)
        /* We have buffers, so use them. */
        gistBufferingBuildInsert(buildstate, itup);
         * There's no buffers (yet). Since we already have the index relation
         * locked, we call gistdoinsert directly.
        gistdoinsert(index, itup, buildstate->freespace,

    /* Update tuple count and total size. */
    buildstate->indtuples += 1;
    buildstate->indtuplesSize += IndexTupleSize(itup);


    if (buildstate->bufferingMode == GIST_BUFFERING_ACTIVE &&
        buildstate->indtuples % BUFFERING_MODE_TUPLE_SIZE_STATS_TARGET == 0)
        /* Adjust the target buffer size now */
        buildstate->gfbb->pagesPerBuffer =
            calculatePagesPerBuffer(buildstate, buildstate->gfbb->levelStep);

     * In 'auto' mode, check if the index has grown too large to fit in cache,
     * and switch to buffering mode if it has.
     * To avoid excessive calls to smgrnblocks(), only check this every
    if ((buildstate->bufferingMode == GIST_BUFFERING_AUTO &&
         buildstate->indtuples % BUFFERING_MODE_SWITCH_CHECK_STEP == 0 &&
         effective_cache_size < smgrnblocks(index->rd_smgr, MAIN_FORKNUM)) ||
        (buildstate->bufferingMode == GIST_BUFFERING_STATS &&
         buildstate->indtuples >= BUFFERING_MODE_TUPLE_SIZE_STATS_TARGET))
         * Index doesn't fit in effective cache anymore. Try to switch to
         * buffering build mode.

static void gistEmptyAllBuffers ( GISTBuildState buildstate  )  [static]

Definition at line 991 of file gistbuild.c.

References GISTNodeBuffer::blocksCount, GISTBuildBuffers::bufferEmptyingQueue, GISTBuildBuffers::buffersOnLevels, GISTBuildBuffers::buffersOnLevelsLen, GISTBuildBuffers::context, DEBUG2, elog, GISTBuildState::gfbb, gistProcessEmptyingQueue(), GISTBuildState::giststate, i, lcons(), linitial, list_delete_first(), MemoryContextSwitchTo(), NIL, GISTNodeBuffer::queuedForEmptying, and GISTSTATE::tempCxt.

Referenced by gistbuild().

    GISTBuildBuffers *gfbb = buildstate->gfbb;
    MemoryContext oldCtx;
    int         i;

    oldCtx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(buildstate->giststate->tempCxt);

     * Iterate through the levels from top to bottom.
    for (i = gfbb->buffersOnLevelsLen - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         * Empty all buffers on this level. Note that new buffers can pop up
         * in the list during the processing, as a result of page splits, so a
         * simple walk through the list won't work. We remove buffers from the
         * list when we see them empty; a buffer can't become non-empty once
         * it's been fully emptied.
        while (gfbb->buffersOnLevels[i] != NIL)
            GISTNodeBuffer *nodeBuffer;

            nodeBuffer = (GISTNodeBuffer *) linitial(gfbb->buffersOnLevels[i]);

            if (nodeBuffer->blocksCount != 0)
                 * Add this buffer to the emptying queue, and proceed to empty
                 * the queue.
                if (!nodeBuffer->queuedForEmptying)
                    nodeBuffer->queuedForEmptying = true;
                    gfbb->bufferEmptyingQueue =
                        lcons(nodeBuffer, gfbb->bufferEmptyingQueue);
                gfbb->buffersOnLevels[i] =
        elog(DEBUG2, "emptied all buffers at level %d", i);

static int gistGetMaxLevel ( Relation  index  )  [static]

Definition at line 1046 of file gistbuild.c.

References BufferGetPage, FirstOffsetNumber, GIST_SHARE, GistPageIsLeaf, ItemPointerGetBlockNumber, LockBuffer(), PageGetItem, PageGetItemId, ReadBuffer(), IndexTupleData::t_tid, and UnlockReleaseBuffer().

Referenced by gistInitBuffering().

    int         maxLevel;
    BlockNumber blkno;

     * Traverse down the tree, starting from the root, until we hit the leaf
     * level.
    maxLevel = 0;
    blkno = GIST_ROOT_BLKNO;
    while (true)
        Buffer      buffer;
        Page        page;
        IndexTuple  itup;

        buffer = ReadBuffer(index, blkno);

         * There's no concurrent access during index build, so locking is just
         * pro forma.
        LockBuffer(buffer, GIST_SHARE);
        page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer);

        if (GistPageIsLeaf(page))
            /* We hit the bottom, so we're done. */

         * Pick the first downlink on the page, and follow it. It doesn't
         * matter which downlink we choose, the tree has the same depth
         * everywhere, so we just pick the first one.
        itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page,
                                     PageGetItemId(page, FirstOffsetNumber));
        blkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(itup->t_tid));

         * We're going down on the tree. It means that there is yet one more
         * level in the tree.
    return maxLevel;

static BlockNumber gistGetParent ( GISTBuildState buildstate,
BlockNumber  child 
) [static]

Definition at line 1188 of file gistbuild.c.

References elog, ERROR, hash_search(), ParentMapEntry::parentblkno, and GISTBuildState::parentMap.

Referenced by gistBufferingFindCorrectParent().

    ParentMapEntry *entry;
    bool        found;

    /* Find node buffer in hash table */
    entry = (ParentMapEntry *) hash_search(buildstate->parentMap,
                                           (const void *) &child,
    if (!found)
        elog(ERROR, "could not find parent of block %d in lookup table", child);

    return entry->parentblkno;

static void gistInitBuffering ( GISTBuildState buildstate  )  [static]

Definition at line 268 of file gistbuild.c.

References tupleDesc::attrs, GISTBuildState::bufferingMode, calculatePagesPerBuffer(), DEBUG1, effective_cache_size, elog, GISTBuildState::freespace, GISTBuildState::gfbb, gistGetMaxLevel(), gistInitBuildBuffers(), gistInitParentMap(), i, GISTBuildState::indexrel, GISTBuildState::indtuples, GISTBuildState::indtuplesSize, maintenance_work_mem, MAXALIGN, tupleDesc::natts, RelationData::rd_att, and SizeOfPageHeaderData.

Referenced by gistBuildCallback().

    Relation    index = buildstate->indexrel;
    int         pagesPerBuffer;
    Size        pageFreeSpace;
    Size        itupAvgSize,
    double      avgIndexTuplesPerPage,
    int         i;
    int         levelStep;

    /* Calc space of index page which is available for index tuples */
    pageFreeSpace = BLCKSZ - SizeOfPageHeaderData - sizeof(GISTPageOpaqueData)
        - sizeof(ItemIdData)
        - buildstate->freespace;

     * Calculate average size of already inserted index tuples using gathered
     * statistics.
    itupAvgSize = (double) buildstate->indtuplesSize /
        (double) buildstate->indtuples;

     * Calculate minimal possible size of index tuple by index metadata.
     * Minimal possible size of varlena is VARHDRSZ.
     * XXX: that's not actually true, as a short varlen can be just 2 bytes.
     * And we should take padding into account here.
    itupMinSize = (Size) MAXALIGN(sizeof(IndexTupleData));
    for (i = 0; i < index->rd_att->natts; i++)
        if (index->rd_att->attrs[i]->attlen < 0)
            itupMinSize += VARHDRSZ;
            itupMinSize += index->rd_att->attrs[i]->attlen;

    /* Calculate average and maximal number of index tuples which fit to page */
    avgIndexTuplesPerPage = pageFreeSpace / itupAvgSize;
    maxIndexTuplesPerPage = pageFreeSpace / itupMinSize;

     * We need to calculate two parameters for the buffering algorithm:
     * levelStep and pagesPerBuffer.
     * levelStep determines the size of subtree that we operate on, while
     * emptying a buffer. A higher value is better, as you need fewer buffer
     * emptying steps to build the index. However, if you set it too high, the
     * subtree doesn't fit in cache anymore, and you quickly lose the benefit
     * of the buffers.
     * In Arge et al's paper, levelStep is chosen as logB(M/4B), where B is
     * the number of tuples on page (ie. fanout), and M is the amount of
     * internal memory available. Curiously, they doesn't explain *why* that
     * setting is optimal. We calculate it by taking the highest levelStep so
     * that a subtree still fits in cache. For a small B, our way of
     * calculating levelStep is very close to Arge et al's formula. For a
     * large B, our formula gives a value that is 2x higher.
     * The average size (in pages) of a subtree of depth n can be calculated
     * as a geometric series:
     * B^0 + B^1 + B^2 + ... + B^n = (1 - B^(n + 1)) / (1 - B)
     * where B is the average number of index tuples on page. The subtree is
     * cached in the shared buffer cache and the OS cache, so we choose
     * levelStep so that the subtree size is comfortably smaller than
     * effective_cache_size, with a safety factor of 4.
     * The estimate on the average number of index tuples on page is based on
     * average tuple sizes observed before switching to buffered build, so the
     * real subtree size can be somewhat larger. Also, it would selfish to
     * gobble the whole cache for our index build. The safety factor of 4
     * should account for those effects.
     * The other limiting factor for setting levelStep is that while
     * processing a subtree, we need to hold one page for each buffer at the
     * next lower buffered level. The max. number of buffers needed for that
     * is maxIndexTuplesPerPage^levelStep. This is very conservative, but
     * hopefully maintenance_work_mem is set high enough that you're
     * constrained by effective_cache_size rather than maintenance_work_mem.
     * XXX: the buffer hash table consumes a fair amount of memory too per
     * buffer, but that is not currently taken into account. That scales on
     * the total number of buffers used, ie. the index size and on levelStep.
     * Note that a higher levelStep *reduces* the amount of memory needed for
     * the hash table.
    levelStep = 1;
    for (;;)
        double      subtreesize;
        double      maxlowestlevelpages;

        /* size of an average subtree at this levelStep (in pages). */
        subtreesize =
            (1 - pow(avgIndexTuplesPerPage, (double) (levelStep + 1))) /
            (1 - avgIndexTuplesPerPage);

        /* max number of pages at the lowest level of a subtree */
        maxlowestlevelpages = pow(maxIndexTuplesPerPage, (double) levelStep);

        /* subtree must fit in cache (with safety factor of 4) */
        if (subtreesize > effective_cache_size / 4)

        /* each node in the lowest level of a subtree has one page in memory */
        if (maxlowestlevelpages > ((double) maintenance_work_mem * 1024) / BLCKSZ)

        /* Good, we can handle this levelStep. See if we can go one higher. */

     * We just reached an unacceptable value of levelStep in previous loop.
     * So, decrease levelStep to get last acceptable value.

     * If there's not enough cache or maintenance_work_mem, fall back to plain
     * inserts.
    if (levelStep <= 0)
        elog(DEBUG1, "failed to switch to buffered GiST build");
        buildstate->bufferingMode = GIST_BUFFERING_DISABLED;

     * The second parameter to set is pagesPerBuffer, which determines the
     * size of each buffer. We adjust pagesPerBuffer also during the build,
     * which is why this calculation is in a separate function.
    pagesPerBuffer = calculatePagesPerBuffer(buildstate, levelStep);

    /* Initialize GISTBuildBuffers with these parameters */
    buildstate->gfbb = gistInitBuildBuffers(pagesPerBuffer, levelStep,


    buildstate->bufferingMode = GIST_BUFFERING_ACTIVE;

    elog(DEBUG1, "switched to buffered GiST build; level step = %d, pagesPerBuffer = %d",
         levelStep, pagesPerBuffer);

static void gistInitParentMap ( GISTBuildState buildstate  )  [static]

Definition at line 1135 of file gistbuild.c.

References CurrentMemoryContext, HASHCTL::entrysize, HASHCTL::hash, HASH_CONTEXT, hash_create(), HASH_ELEM, HASH_FUNCTION, HASHCTL::hcxt, HASHCTL::keysize, and GISTBuildState::parentMap.

Referenced by gistInitBuffering().

    HASHCTL     hashCtl;

    hashCtl.keysize = sizeof(BlockNumber);
    hashCtl.entrysize = sizeof(ParentMapEntry);
    hashCtl.hcxt = CurrentMemoryContext;
    hashCtl.hash = oid_hash;
    buildstate->parentMap = hash_create("gistbuild parent map",
                                        HASH_ELEM | HASH_CONTEXT
                                        | HASH_FUNCTION);

static void gistMemorizeAllDownlinks ( GISTBuildState buildstate,
Buffer  parent 
) [static]

Definition at line 1167 of file gistbuild.c.

References Assert, BufferGetBlockNumber(), BufferGetPage, FirstOffsetNumber, gistMemorizeParent(), GistPageIsLeaf, ItemPointerGetBlockNumber, PageGetItem, PageGetItemId, PageGetMaxOffsetNumber, and IndexTupleData::t_tid.

Referenced by gistbufferinginserttuples().

    OffsetNumber maxoff;
    OffsetNumber off;
    BlockNumber parentblkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(parentbuf);
    Page        page = BufferGetPage(parentbuf);


    maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page);
    for (off = FirstOffsetNumber; off <= maxoff; off++)
        ItemId      iid = PageGetItemId(page, off);
        IndexTuple  idxtuple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, iid);
        BlockNumber childblkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(idxtuple->t_tid));

        gistMemorizeParent(buildstate, childblkno, parentblkno);

static void gistMemorizeParent ( GISTBuildState buildstate,
BlockNumber  child,
BlockNumber  parent 
) [static]

Definition at line 1151 of file gistbuild.c.

References hash_search(), ParentMapEntry::parentblkno, and GISTBuildState::parentMap.

Referenced by gistbufferinginserttuples(), gistMemorizeAllDownlinks(), and gistProcessItup().

    ParentMapEntry *entry;
    bool        found;

    entry = (ParentMapEntry *) hash_search(buildstate->parentMap,
                                           (const void *) &child,
    entry->parentblkno = parent;

static void gistProcessEmptyingQueue ( GISTBuildState buildstate  )  [static]

Definition at line 918 of file gistbuild.c.

References GISTBuildBuffers::bufferEmptyingQueue, GISTBuildState::gfbb, gistPopItupFromNodeBuffer(), gistProcessItup(), GISTBuildState::giststate, gistUnloadNodeBuffers(), GISTNodeBuffer::level, linitial, list_delete_first(), MemoryContextReset(), NIL, GISTNodeBuffer::nodeBlocknum, GISTNodeBuffer::queuedForEmptying, and GISTSTATE::tempCxt.

Referenced by gistBufferingBuildInsert(), and gistEmptyAllBuffers().

    GISTBuildBuffers *gfbb = buildstate->gfbb;

    /* Iterate while we have elements in buffers emptying stack. */
    while (gfbb->bufferEmptyingQueue != NIL)
        GISTNodeBuffer *emptyingNodeBuffer;

        /* Get node buffer from emptying stack. */
        emptyingNodeBuffer = (GISTNodeBuffer *) linitial(gfbb->bufferEmptyingQueue);
        gfbb->bufferEmptyingQueue = list_delete_first(gfbb->bufferEmptyingQueue);
        emptyingNodeBuffer->queuedForEmptying = false;

         * We are going to load last pages of buffers where emptying will be
         * to. So let's unload any previously loaded buffers.

         * Pop tuples from the buffer and run them down to the buffers at
         * lower level, or leaf pages. We continue until one of the lower
         * level buffers fills up, or this buffer runs empty.
         * In Arge et al's paper, the buffer emptying is stopped after
         * processing 1/2 node buffer worth of tuples, to avoid overfilling
         * any of the lower level buffers. However, it's more efficient to
         * keep going until one of the lower level buffers actually fills up,
         * so that's what we do. This doesn't need to be exact, if a buffer
         * overfills by a few tuples, there's no harm done.
        while (true)
            IndexTuple  itup;

            /* Get next index tuple from the buffer */
            if (!gistPopItupFromNodeBuffer(gfbb, emptyingNodeBuffer, &itup))

             * Run it down to the underlying node buffer or leaf page.
             * Note: it's possible that the buffer we're emptying splits as a
             * result of this call. If that happens, our emptyingNodeBuffer
             * points to the left half of the split. After split, it's very
             * likely that the new left buffer is no longer over the half-full
             * threshold, but we might as well keep flushing tuples from it
             * until we fill a lower-level buffer.
            if (gistProcessItup(buildstate, itup, emptyingNodeBuffer->nodeBlocknum, emptyingNodeBuffer->level))
                 * A lower level buffer filled up. Stop emptying this buffer,
                 * to avoid overflowing the lower level buffer.

            /* Free all the memory allocated during index tuple processing */

static bool gistProcessItup ( GISTBuildState buildstate,
IndexTuple  itup,
BlockNumber  startblkno,
int  startlevel 
) [static]

Definition at line 550 of file gistbuild.c.

References Assert, BUFFER_OVERFLOWED, BufferGetPage, CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS, GISTBuildState::gfbb, GIST_EXCLUSIVE, gistbufferinginserttuples(), gistchoose(), gistgetadjusted(), gistGetNodeBuffer(), gistMemorizeParent(), gistPushItupToNodeBuffer(), GISTBuildState::giststate, GISTBuildState::indexrel, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber, ItemPointerGetBlockNumber, LEVEL_HAS_BUFFERS, LockBuffer(), PageGetItem, PageGetItemId, ReadBuffer(), IndexTupleData::t_tid, and UnlockReleaseBuffer().

Referenced by gistBufferingBuildInsert(), and gistProcessEmptyingQueue().

    GISTSTATE  *giststate = buildstate->giststate;
    GISTBuildBuffers *gfbb = buildstate->gfbb;
    Relation    indexrel = buildstate->indexrel;
    BlockNumber childblkno;
    Buffer      buffer;
    bool        result = false;
    BlockNumber blkno;
    int         level;
    OffsetNumber downlinkoffnum = InvalidOffsetNumber;
    BlockNumber parentblkno = InvalidBlockNumber;


     * Loop until we reach a leaf page (level == 0) or a level with buffers
     * (not including the level we start at, because we would otherwise make
     * no progress).
    blkno = startblkno;
    level = startlevel;
    for (;;)
        ItemId      iid;
        IndexTuple  idxtuple,
        Page        page;
        OffsetNumber childoffnum;

        /* Have we reached a level with buffers? */
        if (LEVEL_HAS_BUFFERS(level, gfbb) && level != startlevel)

        /* Have we reached a leaf page? */
        if (level == 0)

         * Nope. Descend down to the next level then. Choose a child to
         * descend down to.

        buffer = ReadBuffer(indexrel, blkno);
        LockBuffer(buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);

        page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer);
        childoffnum = gistchoose(indexrel, page, itup, giststate);
        iid = PageGetItemId(page, childoffnum);
        idxtuple = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, iid);
        childblkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&(idxtuple->t_tid));

        if (level > 1)
            gistMemorizeParent(buildstate, childblkno, blkno);

         * Check that the key representing the target child node is consistent
         * with the key we're inserting. Update it if it's not.
        newtup = gistgetadjusted(indexrel, idxtuple, itup, giststate);
        if (newtup)
            blkno  = gistbufferinginserttuples(buildstate, buffer, level,
                                               &newtup, 1, childoffnum,
                                      InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber);
            /* gistbufferinginserttuples() released the buffer */

        /* Descend to the child */
        parentblkno = blkno;
        blkno = childblkno;
        downlinkoffnum = childoffnum;
        Assert(level > 0);

    if (LEVEL_HAS_BUFFERS(level, gfbb))
         * We've reached level with buffers. Place the index tuple to the
         * buffer, and add the buffer to the emptying queue if it overflows.
        GISTNodeBuffer *childNodeBuffer;

        /* Find the buffer or create a new one */
        childNodeBuffer = gistGetNodeBuffer(gfbb, giststate, blkno, level);

        /* Add index tuple to it */
        gistPushItupToNodeBuffer(gfbb, childNodeBuffer, itup);

        if (BUFFER_OVERFLOWED(childNodeBuffer, gfbb))
            result = true;
         * We've reached a leaf page. Place the tuple here.
        Assert(level == 0);
        buffer = ReadBuffer(indexrel, blkno);
        LockBuffer(buffer, GIST_EXCLUSIVE);
        gistbufferinginserttuples(buildstate, buffer, level,
                                  &itup, 1, InvalidOffsetNumber,
                                  parentblkno, downlinkoffnum);
        /* gistbufferinginserttuples() released the buffer */

    return result;

void gistValidateBufferingOption ( char *  value  ) 

Definition at line 245 of file gistbuild.c.

References ereport, errcode(), errdetail(), errmsg(), ERROR, and NULL.

    if (value == NULL ||
        (strcmp(value, "on") != 0 &&
         strcmp(value, "off") != 0 &&
         strcmp(value, "auto") != 0))
                 errmsg("invalid value for \"buffering\" option"),
              errdetail("Valid values are \"on\", \"off\", and \"auto\".")));