#include "storage/block.h"
#include "storage/buf.h"
#include "storage/bufpage.h"
#include "storage/relfilenode.h"
#include "utils/relcache.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Definition at line 71 of file bufmgr.h.
Referenced by fill_seq_with_data(), FreeSpaceMapTruncateRel(), fsm_search_avail(), fsm_set_and_search(), fsm_vacuum_page(), GetVisibilityMapPins(), ginbuildempty(), gistbuildempty(), heap_delete(), heap_inplace_update(), heap_lock_tuple(), heap_lock_updated_tuple_rec(), heap_update(), heap_xlog_newpage(), heap_xlog_visible(), LockBuffer(), LockBufferForCleanup(), read_seq_tuple(), RelationGetBufferForTuple(), RestoreBackupBlockContents(), spgdoinsert(), SpGistNewBuffer(), spgprocesspending(), spgvacuumpage(), visibilitymap_clear(), visibilitymap_set(), visibilitymap_truncate(), XLogReadBuffer(), and XLogRecordPageWithFreeSpace().
Definition at line 70 of file bufmgr.h.
Referenced by acquire_sample_rows(), bitgetpage(), bt_metap(), bt_page_items(), bt_page_stats(), copy_heap_data(), count_nondeletable_pages(), fsm_search(), get_raw_page_internal(), GetTupleForTrigger(), heap_fetch(), heap_get_latest_tid(), heap_hot_search(), heapgetpage(), heapgettup(), index_fetch_heap(), IndexBuildHeapScan(), lazy_scan_heap(), LockBuffer(), pgrowlocks(), pgstat_heap(), pgstatindex(), spgGetCache(), spgWalk(), systable_recheck_tuple(), and validate_index_heapscan().
Definition at line 69 of file bufmgr.h.
Referenced by _bt_doinsert(), _bt_endpoint(), _bt_first(), _bt_getroot(), _bt_killitems(), _bt_next(), _bt_relandgetbuf(), _hash_chgbufaccess(), bitgetpage(), btvacuumpage(), ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(), copy_heap_data(), fsm_search_avail(), fsm_vacuum_page(), get_raw_page_internal(), GetTupleForTrigger(), GetVisibilityMapPins(), heap_delete(), heap_fetch(), heap_hot_search(), heap_lock_tuple(), heap_lock_updated_tuple_rec(), heap_page_prune_opt(), heap_update(), heapgetpage(), heapgettup(), index_fetch_heap(), IndexBuildHeapScan(), lazy_scan_heap(), LockBuffer(), LockBufferForCleanup(), pgrowlocks(), pgstat_heap(), pgstatindex(), RelationGetBufferForTuple(), SpGistNewBuffer(), systable_recheck_tuple(), UnlockReleaseBuffer(), validate_index_heapscan(), visibilitymap_clear(), and visibilitymap_set().
#define BufferGetBlock | ( | buffer | ) |
( \ AssertMacro(BufferIsValid(buffer)), \ BufferIsLocal(buffer) ? \ LocalBufferBlockPointers[-(buffer) - 1] \ : \ (Block) (BufferBlocks + ((Size) ((buffer) - 1)) * BLCKSZ) \ )
Definition at line 127 of file bufmgr.h.
Referenced by XLogInsert(), and XLogSaveBufferForHint().
#define BufferGetPage | ( | buffer | ) | ((Page)BufferGetBlock(buffer)) |
Definition at line 157 of file bufmgr.h.
Referenced by _bt_binsrch(), _bt_check_unique(), _bt_checkpage(), _bt_delitems_delete(), _bt_delitems_vacuum(), _bt_endpoint(), _bt_findinsertloc(), _bt_get_endpoint(), _bt_getbuf(), _bt_getroot(), _bt_getrootheight(), _bt_getstackbuf(), _bt_gettrueroot(), _bt_insert_parent(), _bt_insertonpg(), _bt_killitems(), _bt_moveright(), _bt_newroot(), _bt_pagedel(), _bt_parent_deletion_safe(), _bt_readpage(), _bt_restore_meta(), _bt_search(), _bt_split(), _bt_steppage(), _bt_vacuum_one_page(), _bt_walk_left(), _hash_addovflpage(), _hash_checkpage(), _hash_doinsert(), _hash_expandtable(), _hash_first(), _hash_freeovflpage(), _hash_getinitbuf(), _hash_getnewbuf(), _hash_getovflpage(), _hash_initbitmap(), _hash_metapinit(), _hash_next(), _hash_pgaddtup(), _hash_readnext(), _hash_readprev(), _hash_splitbucket(), _hash_squeezebucket(), _hash_step(), acquire_sample_rows(), allocNewBuffer(), AlterSequence(), bitgetpage(), BitmapHeapNext(), bt_metap(), bt_page_items(), btree_xlog_cleanup(), btree_xlog_delete(), btree_xlog_delete_get_latestRemovedXid(), btree_xlog_delete_page(), btree_xlog_insert(), btree_xlog_newroot(), btree_xlog_split(), btree_xlog_vacuum(), btvacuumpage(), BufferGetLSNAtomic(), collectMatchBitmap(), collectMatchesForHeapRow(), count_nondeletable_pages(), createPostingTree(), dataIsEnoughSpace(), dataLocateItem(), dataLocateLeafItem(), dataPlaceToPage(), dataSplitPage(), do_setval(), doPickSplit(), entryGetNextItem(), entryIsEnoughSpace(), entryLocateEntry(), entryLocateLeafEntry(), entryPlaceToPage(), entrySplitPage(), fill_seq_with_data(), FreeSpaceMapTruncateRel(), fsm_readbuf(), fsm_search(), fsm_search_avail(), fsm_set_and_search(), fsm_vacuum_page(), get_raw_page_internal(), GetBTPageStatistics(), GetRecordedFreeSpace(), GetTupleForTrigger(), GetVisibilityMapPins(), ginbuild(), ginbulkdelete(), ginContinueSplit(), ginDataFillRoot(), ginDeletePage(), ginEntryFillRoot(), ginEntryInsert(), ginFindLeafPage(), ginFindParents(), ginGetStats(), ginHeapTupleFastInsert(), GinInitBuffer(), GinInitMetabuffer(), ginInsertCleanup(), ginInsertValue(), GinNewBuffer(), ginPageGetLinkItup(), ginRedoCreateIndex(), ginRedoCreatePTree(), ginRedoDeleteListPages(), ginRedoDeletePage(), ginRedoInsert(), ginRedoInsertListPage(), ginRedoSplit(), ginRedoUpdateMetapage(), ginRedoVacuumPage(), ginScanToDelete(), ginTraverseLock(), ginUpdateStats(), ginvacuumcleanup(), ginVacuumEntryPage(), ginVacuumPostingTreeLeaves(), gistBufferingFindCorrectParent(), gistbufferinginserttuples(), gistbuild(), gistbulkdelete(), gistcheckpage(), gistdoinsert(), gistFindCorrectParent(), gistFindPath(), gistfixsplit(), gistformdownlink(), gistGetMaxLevel(), GISTInitBuffer(), gistMemorizeAllDownlinks(), gistNewBuffer(), gistplacetopage(), gistProcessItup(), gistRedoClearFollowRight(), gistRedoCreateIndex(), gistRedoPageSplitRecord(), gistRedoPageUpdateRecord(), gistScanPage(), gistvacuumcleanup(), hashbulkdelete(), hashgetbitmap(), hashgettuple(), heap_delete(), heap_fetch(), heap_get_latest_tid(), heap_hot_search_buffer(), heap_inplace_update(), heap_insert(), heap_lock_tuple(), heap_lock_updated_tuple_rec(), heap_multi_insert(), heap_page_is_all_visible(), heap_page_prune(), heap_page_prune_execute(), heap_page_prune_opt(), heap_prune_chain(), heap_update(), heap_xlog_clean(), heap_xlog_delete(), heap_xlog_freeze(), heap_xlog_inplace(), heap_xlog_insert(), heap_xlog_lock(), heap_xlog_lock_updated(), heap_xlog_multi_insert(), heap_xlog_newpage(), heap_xlog_update(), heap_xlog_visible(), heapgetpage(), heapgettup(), heapgettup_pagemode(), IndexBuildHeapScan(), lazy_check_needs_freeze(), lazy_scan_heap(), lazy_vacuum_heap(), lazy_vacuum_page(), log_heap_update(), log_newpage_buffer(), MarkBufferDirtyHint(), moveLeafs(), moveRightIfItNeeded(), nextval_internal(), pgstat_btree_page(), pgstat_gist_page(), pgstat_hash_page(), pgstat_heap(), pgstatginindex(), pgstatindex(), read_seq_tuple(), RelationGetBufferForTuple(), RelationPutHeapTuple(), RestoreBackupBlockContents(), scanGetCandidate(), scanPendingInsert(), scanPostingTree(), seq_redo(), shiftList(), spgAddNodeAction(), spgbuild(), spgdoinsert(), spgGetCache(), SpGistGetBuffer(), SpGistInitBuffer(), SpGistNewBuffer(), SpGistSetLastUsedPage(), SpGistUpdateMetaPage(), spgprocesspending(), spgRedoAddLeaf(), spgRedoAddNode(), spgRedoCreateIndex(), spgRedoMoveLeafs(), spgRedoPickSplit(), spgRedoSplitTuple(), spgRedoVacuumLeaf(), spgRedoVacuumRedirect(), spgRedoVacuumRoot(), spgSplitNodeAction(), spgvacuumpage(), spgWalk(), startScanEntry(), vacuumLeafPage(), vacuumLeafRoot(), vacuumRedirectAndPlaceholder(), validate_index_heapscan(), visibilitymap_clear(), visibilitymap_count(), visibilitymap_set(), visibilitymap_test(), visibilitymap_truncate(), vm_readbuf(), writeListPage(), XLogCheckBuffer(), XLogReadBufferExtended(), XLogRecordPageWithFreeSpace(), and xlogVacuumPage().
#define BufferGetPageSize | ( | buffer | ) |
( \ AssertMacro(BufferIsValid(buffer)), \ (Size)BLCKSZ \ )
Definition at line 147 of file bufmgr.h.
Referenced by _bt_getbuf(), _bt_restore_meta(), _bt_split(), _hash_freeovflpage(), _hash_getinitbuf(), _hash_getnewbuf(), btree_xlog_delete_page(), btree_xlog_newroot(), btree_xlog_split(), fill_seq_with_data(), GinInitBuffer(), GinInitMetabuffer(), GISTInitBuffer(), heap_xlog_insert(), heap_xlog_multi_insert(), heap_xlog_update(), lazy_scan_heap(), RelationGetBufferForTuple(), seq_redo(), and SpGistInitBuffer().
#define BufferIsPinned | ( | bufnum | ) |
( \ !BufferIsValid(bufnum) ? \ false \ : \ BufferIsLocal(bufnum) ? \ (LocalRefCount[-(bufnum) - 1] > 0) \ : \ (PrivateRefCount[(bufnum) - 1] > 0) \ )
Definition at line 109 of file bufmgr.h.
Referenced by BufferGetBlockNumber(), BufferGetLSNAtomic(), BufferGetTag(), BufferIsPermanent(), and IncrBufferRefCount().
#define BufferIsValid | ( | bufnum | ) |
( \ AssertMacro((bufnum) <= NBuffers && (bufnum) >= -NLocBuffer), \ (bufnum) != InvalidBuffer \ )
Definition at line 96 of file bufmgr.h.
Referenced by _bt_endpoint(), _bt_first(), _bt_get_endpoint(), _bt_insertonpg(), _bt_killitems(), _bt_next(), _bt_pagedel(), _bt_readpage(), _bt_relandgetbuf(), _bt_restore_meta(), _bt_search(), _bt_steppage(), _hash_next(), _hash_step(), btree_xlog_cleanup(), btree_xlog_delete(), btree_xlog_delete_get_latestRemovedXid(), btree_xlog_delete_page(), btree_xlog_insert(), btree_xlog_newroot(), btree_xlog_split(), btree_xlog_vacuum(), BufferGetLSNAtomic(), BufferIsPermanent(), CheckForSerializableConflictIn(), ConditionalLockBuffer(), ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(), entryGetItem(), ExecClearTuple(), ExecDelete(), ExecMaterializeSlot(), ExecStoreMinimalTuple(), ExecStoreTuple(), FreeSpaceMapTruncateRel(), fsm_search(), fsm_vacuum_page(), GetRecordedFreeSpace(), GetVisibilityMapPins(), ginContinueSplit(), ginRedoCreateIndex(), ginRedoCreatePTree(), ginRedoDeleteListPages(), ginRedoDeletePage(), ginRedoInsert(), ginRedoInsertListPage(), ginRedoSplit(), ginRedoUpdateMetapage(), ginRedoVacuumPage(), gistinserttuples(), gistplacetopage(), gistRedoClearFollowRight(), gistRedoCreateIndex(), gistRedoPageSplitRecord(), gistRedoPageUpdateRecord(), gistXLogSplit(), gistXLogUpdate(), hashendscan(), hashgettuple(), hashrescan(), heap_endscan(), heap_rescan(), heap_restrpos(), heap_update(), heap_xlog_clean(), heap_xlog_delete(), heap_xlog_freeze(), heap_xlog_inplace(), heap_xlog_insert(), heap_xlog_lock(), heap_xlog_lock_updated(), heap_xlog_multi_insert(), heap_xlog_newpage(), heap_xlog_update(), heap_xlog_visible(), heapgetpage(), heapgettup(), heapgettup_pagemode(), index_endscan(), index_getnext(), index_getnext_tid(), index_rescan(), lazy_scan_heap(), lazy_vacuum_heap(), lazy_vacuum_page(), LockBuffer(), LockBufferForCleanup(), log_heap_visible(), MarkBufferDirty(), MarkBufferDirtyHint(), PrintBufferLeakWarning(), ReleaseAndReadBuffer(), ReleaseBuffer(), RestoreBackupBlockContents(), seq_redo(), spgRedoAddLeaf(), spgRedoAddNode(), spgRedoCreateIndex(), spgRedoMoveLeafs(), spgRedoPickSplit(), spgRedoSplitTuple(), spgRedoVacuumLeaf(), spgRedoVacuumRedirect(), spgRedoVacuumRoot(), systable_recheck_tuple(), visibilitymap_clear(), visibilitymap_count(), visibilitymap_pin(), visibilitymap_pin_ok(), visibilitymap_set(), visibilitymap_test(), visibilitymap_truncate(), and XLogReadBuffer().
#define P_NEW InvalidBlockNumber |
Definition at line 64 of file bufmgr.h.
Referenced by _bt_getbuf(), _bt_getroot(), _bt_newroot(), _bt_relandgetbuf(), _bt_split(), _hash_getbuf(), _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(), _hash_getinitbuf(), _hash_getnewbuf(), BufTableInsert(), fill_seq_with_data(), ginbuildempty(), GinNewBuffer(), gistbuildempty(), gistNewBuffer(), RelationGetBufferForTuple(), SpGistNewBuffer(), and XLogReadBufferExtended().
#define RelationGetNumberOfBlocks | ( | reln | ) | RelationGetNumberOfBlocksInFork(reln, MAIN_FORKNUM) |
Definition at line 194 of file bufmgr.h.
Referenced by acquire_inherited_sample_rows(), acquire_sample_rows(), analyze_rel(), begin_heap_rewrite(), btbuild(), btvacuumscan(), copy_heap_data(), do_analyze_rel(), estimate_rel_size(), get_raw_page_internal(), get_relation_info(), ginbuild(), ginvacuumcleanup(), gistbuild(), gistvacuumcleanup(), hashbuild(), hashvacuumcleanup(), heap_get_latest_tid(), index_update_stats(), initscan(), lazy_scan_heap(), lazy_truncate_heap(), pg_relpages(), pgstat_index(), pgstatindex(), RelationGetBufferForTuple(), spgbuild(), spgvacuumscan(), and TidListCreate().
typedef enum BufferAccessStrategyType BufferAccessStrategyType |
Definition at line 26 of file bufmgr.h.
{ BAS_NORMAL, /* Normal random access */ BAS_BULKREAD, /* Large read-only scan (hint bit updates are * ok) */ BAS_BULKWRITE, /* Large multi-block write (e.g. COPY IN) */ BAS_VACUUM /* VACUUM */ } BufferAccessStrategyType;
enum ReadBufferMode |
Definition at line 36 of file bufmgr.h.
{ RBM_NORMAL, /* Normal read */ RBM_ZERO, /* Don't read from disk, caller will * initialize */ RBM_ZERO_ON_ERROR /* Read, but return an all-zeros page on error */ } ReadBufferMode;
void AbortBufferIO | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 3098 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, buftag::blockNum, BM_DIRTY, BM_IO_ERROR, BM_IO_IN_PROGRESS, BM_VALID, ereport, errcode(), errdetail(), errmsg(), sbufdesc::flags, buftag::forkNum, sbufdesc::io_in_progress_lock, IsForInput, LockBufHdr, LW_EXCLUSIVE, LWLockAcquire(), pfree(), relpathperm, buftag::rnode, sbufdesc::tag, TerminateBufferIO(), UnlockBufHdr, and WARNING.
Referenced by AbortSubTransaction(), AbortTransaction(), AtProcExit_Buffers(), BackgroundWriterMain(), CheckpointerMain(), and WalWriterMain().
{ volatile BufferDesc *buf = InProgressBuf; if (buf) { /* * Since LWLockReleaseAll has already been called, we're not holding * the buffer's io_in_progress_lock. We have to re-acquire it so that * we can use TerminateBufferIO. Anyone who's executing WaitIO on the * buffer will be in a busy spin until we succeed in doing this. */ LWLockAcquire(buf->io_in_progress_lock, LW_EXCLUSIVE); LockBufHdr(buf); Assert(buf->flags & BM_IO_IN_PROGRESS); if (IsForInput) { Assert(!(buf->flags & BM_DIRTY)); /* We'd better not think buffer is valid yet */ Assert(!(buf->flags & BM_VALID)); UnlockBufHdr(buf); } else { BufFlags sv_flags; sv_flags = buf->flags; Assert(sv_flags & BM_DIRTY); UnlockBufHdr(buf); /* Issue notice if this is not the first failure... */ if (sv_flags & BM_IO_ERROR) { /* Buffer is pinned, so we can read tag without spinlock */ char *path; path = relpathperm(buf->tag.rnode, buf->tag.forkNum); ereport(WARNING, (errcode(ERRCODE_IO_ERROR), errmsg("could not write block %u of %s", buf->tag.blockNum, path), errdetail("Multiple failures --- write error might be permanent."))); pfree(path); } } TerminateBufferIO(buf, false, BM_IO_ERROR); } }
void AtEOXact_Buffers | ( | bool | isCommit | ) |
Definition at line 1708 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, assert_enabled, AtEOXact_LocalBuffers(), NBuffers, PrintBufferLeakWarning(), and PrivateRefCount.
Referenced by AbortTransaction(), BackgroundWriterMain(), CheckpointerMain(), CommitTransaction(), PrepareTransaction(), and WalWriterMain().
{ #ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING if (assert_enabled) { int RefCountErrors = 0; Buffer b; for (b = 1; b <= NBuffers; b++) { if (PrivateRefCount[b - 1] != 0) { PrintBufferLeakWarning(b); RefCountErrors++; } } Assert(RefCountErrors == 0); } #endif AtEOXact_LocalBuffers(isCommit); }
void AtProcExit_LocalBuffers | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 532 of file localbuf.c.
References Assert, assert_enabled, i, LocalRefCount, NLocBuffer, and PrintBufferLeakWarning().
Referenced by AtProcExit_Buffers().
{ #ifdef USE_ASSERT_CHECKING if (assert_enabled && LocalRefCount) { int RefCountErrors = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < NLocBuffer; i++) { if (LocalRefCount[i] != 0) { Buffer b = -i - 1; PrintBufferLeakWarning(b); RefCountErrors++; } } Assert(RefCountErrors == 0); } #endif }
bool BgBufferSync | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 1350 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, bgwriter_lru_maxpages, bgwriter_lru_multiplier, BgWriterDelay, BgWriterStats, BUF_REUSABLE, BUF_WRITTEN, CurrentResourceOwner, DEBUG1, DEBUG2, elog, PgStat_MsgBgWriter::m_buf_alloc, PgStat_MsgBgWriter::m_buf_written_clean, PgStat_MsgBgWriter::m_maxwritten_clean, NBuffers, ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers(), StrategySyncStart(), and SyncOneBuffer().
Referenced by BackgroundWriterMain().
{ /* info obtained from freelist.c */ int strategy_buf_id; uint32 strategy_passes; uint32 recent_alloc; /* * Information saved between calls so we can determine the strategy * point's advance rate and avoid scanning already-cleaned buffers. */ static bool saved_info_valid = false; static int prev_strategy_buf_id; static uint32 prev_strategy_passes; static int next_to_clean; static uint32 next_passes; /* Moving averages of allocation rate and clean-buffer density */ static float smoothed_alloc = 0; static float smoothed_density = 10.0; /* Potentially these could be tunables, but for now, not */ float smoothing_samples = 16; float scan_whole_pool_milliseconds = 120000.0; /* Used to compute how far we scan ahead */ long strategy_delta; int bufs_to_lap; int bufs_ahead; float scans_per_alloc; int reusable_buffers_est; int upcoming_alloc_est; int min_scan_buffers; /* Variables for the scanning loop proper */ int num_to_scan; int num_written; int reusable_buffers; /* Variables for final smoothed_density update */ long new_strategy_delta; uint32 new_recent_alloc; /* * Find out where the freelist clock sweep currently is, and how many * buffer allocations have happened since our last call. */ strategy_buf_id = StrategySyncStart(&strategy_passes, &recent_alloc); /* Report buffer alloc counts to pgstat */ BgWriterStats.m_buf_alloc += recent_alloc; /* * If we're not running the LRU scan, just stop after doing the stats * stuff. We mark the saved state invalid so that we can recover sanely * if LRU scan is turned back on later. */ if (bgwriter_lru_maxpages <= 0) { saved_info_valid = false; return true; } /* * Compute strategy_delta = how many buffers have been scanned by the * clock sweep since last time. If first time through, assume none. Then * see if we are still ahead of the clock sweep, and if so, how many * buffers we could scan before we'd catch up with it and "lap" it. Note: * weird-looking coding of xxx_passes comparisons are to avoid bogus * behavior when the passes counts wrap around. */ if (saved_info_valid) { int32 passes_delta = strategy_passes - prev_strategy_passes; strategy_delta = strategy_buf_id - prev_strategy_buf_id; strategy_delta += (long) passes_delta *NBuffers; Assert(strategy_delta >= 0); if ((int32) (next_passes - strategy_passes) > 0) { /* we're one pass ahead of the strategy point */ bufs_to_lap = strategy_buf_id - next_to_clean; #ifdef BGW_DEBUG elog(DEBUG2, "bgwriter ahead: bgw %u-%u strategy %u-%u delta=%ld lap=%d", next_passes, next_to_clean, strategy_passes, strategy_buf_id, strategy_delta, bufs_to_lap); #endif } else if (next_passes == strategy_passes && next_to_clean >= strategy_buf_id) { /* on same pass, but ahead or at least not behind */ bufs_to_lap = NBuffers - (next_to_clean - strategy_buf_id); #ifdef BGW_DEBUG elog(DEBUG2, "bgwriter ahead: bgw %u-%u strategy %u-%u delta=%ld lap=%d", next_passes, next_to_clean, strategy_passes, strategy_buf_id, strategy_delta, bufs_to_lap); #endif } else { /* * We're behind, so skip forward to the strategy point and start * cleaning from there. */ #ifdef BGW_DEBUG elog(DEBUG2, "bgwriter behind: bgw %u-%u strategy %u-%u delta=%ld", next_passes, next_to_clean, strategy_passes, strategy_buf_id, strategy_delta); #endif next_to_clean = strategy_buf_id; next_passes = strategy_passes; bufs_to_lap = NBuffers; } } else { /* * Initializing at startup or after LRU scanning had been off. Always * start at the strategy point. */ #ifdef BGW_DEBUG elog(DEBUG2, "bgwriter initializing: strategy %u-%u", strategy_passes, strategy_buf_id); #endif strategy_delta = 0; next_to_clean = strategy_buf_id; next_passes = strategy_passes; bufs_to_lap = NBuffers; } /* Update saved info for next time */ prev_strategy_buf_id = strategy_buf_id; prev_strategy_passes = strategy_passes; saved_info_valid = true; /* * Compute how many buffers had to be scanned for each new allocation, ie, * 1/density of reusable buffers, and track a moving average of that. * * If the strategy point didn't move, we don't update the density estimate */ if (strategy_delta > 0 && recent_alloc > 0) { scans_per_alloc = (float) strategy_delta / (float) recent_alloc; smoothed_density += (scans_per_alloc - smoothed_density) / smoothing_samples; } /* * Estimate how many reusable buffers there are between the current * strategy point and where we've scanned ahead to, based on the smoothed * density estimate. */ bufs_ahead = NBuffers - bufs_to_lap; reusable_buffers_est = (float) bufs_ahead / smoothed_density; /* * Track a moving average of recent buffer allocations. Here, rather than * a true average we want a fast-attack, slow-decline behavior: we * immediately follow any increase. */ if (smoothed_alloc <= (float) recent_alloc) smoothed_alloc = recent_alloc; else smoothed_alloc += ((float) recent_alloc - smoothed_alloc) / smoothing_samples; /* Scale the estimate by a GUC to allow more aggressive tuning. */ upcoming_alloc_est = (int) (smoothed_alloc * bgwriter_lru_multiplier); /* * If recent_alloc remains at zero for many cycles, smoothed_alloc will * eventually underflow to zero, and the underflows produce annoying * kernel warnings on some platforms. Once upcoming_alloc_est has gone to * zero, there's no point in tracking smaller and smaller values of * smoothed_alloc, so just reset it to exactly zero to avoid this * syndrome. It will pop back up as soon as recent_alloc increases. */ if (upcoming_alloc_est == 0) smoothed_alloc = 0; /* * Even in cases where there's been little or no buffer allocation * activity, we want to make a small amount of progress through the buffer * cache so that as many reusable buffers as possible are clean after an * idle period. * * (scan_whole_pool_milliseconds / BgWriterDelay) computes how many times * the BGW will be called during the scan_whole_pool time; slice the * buffer pool into that many sections. */ min_scan_buffers = (int) (NBuffers / (scan_whole_pool_milliseconds / BgWriterDelay)); if (upcoming_alloc_est < (min_scan_buffers + reusable_buffers_est)) { #ifdef BGW_DEBUG elog(DEBUG2, "bgwriter: alloc_est=%d too small, using min=%d + reusable_est=%d", upcoming_alloc_est, min_scan_buffers, reusable_buffers_est); #endif upcoming_alloc_est = min_scan_buffers + reusable_buffers_est; } /* * Now write out dirty reusable buffers, working forward from the * next_to_clean point, until we have lapped the strategy scan, or cleaned * enough buffers to match our estimate of the next cycle's allocation * requirements, or hit the bgwriter_lru_maxpages limit. */ /* Make sure we can handle the pin inside SyncOneBuffer */ ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers(CurrentResourceOwner); num_to_scan = bufs_to_lap; num_written = 0; reusable_buffers = reusable_buffers_est; /* Execute the LRU scan */ while (num_to_scan > 0 && reusable_buffers < upcoming_alloc_est) { int buffer_state = SyncOneBuffer(next_to_clean, true); if (++next_to_clean >= NBuffers) { next_to_clean = 0; next_passes++; } num_to_scan--; if (buffer_state & BUF_WRITTEN) { reusable_buffers++; if (++num_written >= bgwriter_lru_maxpages) { BgWriterStats.m_maxwritten_clean++; break; } } else if (buffer_state & BUF_REUSABLE) reusable_buffers++; } BgWriterStats.m_buf_written_clean += num_written; #ifdef BGW_DEBUG elog(DEBUG1, "bgwriter: recent_alloc=%u smoothed=%.2f delta=%ld ahead=%d density=%.2f reusable_est=%d upcoming_est=%d scanned=%d wrote=%d reusable=%d", recent_alloc, smoothed_alloc, strategy_delta, bufs_ahead, smoothed_density, reusable_buffers_est, upcoming_alloc_est, bufs_to_lap - num_to_scan, num_written, reusable_buffers - reusable_buffers_est); #endif /* * Consider the above scan as being like a new allocation scan. * Characterize its density and update the smoothed one based on it. This * effectively halves the moving average period in cases where both the * strategy and the background writer are doing some useful scanning, * which is helpful because a long memory isn't as desirable on the * density estimates. */ new_strategy_delta = bufs_to_lap - num_to_scan; new_recent_alloc = reusable_buffers - reusable_buffers_est; if (new_strategy_delta > 0 && new_recent_alloc > 0) { scans_per_alloc = (float) new_strategy_delta / (float) new_recent_alloc; smoothed_density += (scans_per_alloc - smoothed_density) / smoothing_samples; #ifdef BGW_DEBUG elog(DEBUG2, "bgwriter: cleaner density alloc=%u scan=%ld density=%.2f new smoothed=%.2f", new_recent_alloc, new_strategy_delta, scans_per_alloc, smoothed_density); #endif } /* Return true if OK to hibernate */ return (bufs_to_lap == 0 && recent_alloc == 0); }
BlockNumber BufferGetBlockNumber | ( | Buffer | buffer | ) |
Definition at line 1854 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, buftag::blockNum, BufferDescriptors, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsPinned, LocalBufferDescriptors, and sbufdesc::tag.
Referenced by _bt_checkpage(), _bt_delitems_delete(), _bt_delitems_vacuum(), _bt_endpoint(), _bt_first(), _bt_getroot(), _bt_insert_parent(), _bt_insertonpg(), _bt_newroot(), _bt_pagedel(), _bt_search(), _bt_split(), _bt_steppage(), _bt_walk_left(), _hash_addovflpage(), _hash_checkpage(), _hash_freeovflpage(), _hash_getnewbuf(), _hash_step(), allocNewBuffer(), btvacuumpage(), CheckForSerializableConflictIn(), createPostingTree(), dataPlaceToPage(), dataSplitPage(), doPickSplit(), entryPlaceToPage(), entrySplitPage(), fill_seq_with_data(), ginDataFillRoot(), ginFindParents(), ginInsertValue(), ginPageGetLinkItup(), ginRedoSplit(), gistbufferinginserttuples(), gistbuild(), gistcheckpage(), gistformdownlink(), gistMemorizeAllDownlinks(), gistplacetopage(), gistRelocateBuildBuffersOnSplit(), gistXLogSplit(), gistXLogUpdate(), heap_delete(), heap_hot_search_buffer(), heap_multi_insert(), heap_page_is_all_visible(), heap_prune_chain(), heap_update(), index_getnext(), log_heap_clean(), log_heap_freeze(), log_heap_visible(), makeSublist(), moveLeafs(), ReadBufferBI(), RelationGetBufferForTuple(), RelationPutHeapTuple(), spgAddNodeAction(), spgbuild(), spgdoinsert(), SpGistSetLastUsedPage(), spgSplitNodeAction(), spgWalk(), vacuumLeafPage(), vacuumLeafRoot(), vacuumRedirectAndPlaceholder(), visibilitymap_clear(), visibilitymap_pin(), visibilitymap_pin_ok(), visibilitymap_set(), visibilitymap_test(), writeListPage(), XLogReadBufferExtended(), and xlogVacuumPage().
{ volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr; Assert(BufferIsPinned(buffer)); if (BufferIsLocal(buffer)) bufHdr = &(LocalBufferDescriptors[-buffer - 1]); else bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[buffer - 1]; /* pinned, so OK to read tag without spinlock */ return bufHdr->tag.blockNum; }
XLogRecPtr BufferGetLSNAtomic | ( | Buffer | buffer | ) |
Definition at line 2076 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, BufferDescriptors, BufferGetPage, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsPinned, BufferIsValid, DataChecksumsEnabled(), LockBufHdr, PageGetLSN, and UnlockBufHdr.
Referenced by gistScanPage(), and XLogCheckBuffer().
{ volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[buffer - 1]; char *page = BufferGetPage(buffer); XLogRecPtr lsn; /* * If we don't need locking for correctness, fastpath out. */ if (!DataChecksumsEnabled() || BufferIsLocal(buffer)) return PageGetLSN(page); /* Make sure we've got a real buffer, and that we hold a pin on it. */ Assert(BufferIsValid(buffer)); Assert(BufferIsPinned(buffer)); LockBufHdr(bufHdr); lsn = PageGetLSN(page); UnlockBufHdr(bufHdr); return lsn; }
void BufferGetTag | ( | Buffer | buffer, | |
RelFileNode * | rnode, | |||
ForkNumber * | forknum, | |||
BlockNumber * | blknum | |||
) |
Definition at line 1875 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, buftag::blockNum, BufferDescriptors, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsPinned, buftag::forkNum, LocalBufferDescriptors, buftag::rnode, and sbufdesc::tag.
Referenced by fsm_search_avail(), log_newpage_buffer(), and XLogCheckBuffer().
{ volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr; /* Do the same checks as BufferGetBlockNumber. */ Assert(BufferIsPinned(buffer)); if (BufferIsLocal(buffer)) bufHdr = &(LocalBufferDescriptors[-buffer - 1]); else bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[buffer - 1]; /* pinned, so OK to read tag without spinlock */ *rnode = bufHdr->tag.rnode; *forknum = bufHdr->tag.forkNum; *blknum = bufHdr->tag.blockNum; }
Definition at line 2046 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, BM_PERMANENT, BufferDescriptors, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsPinned, BufferIsValid, and sbufdesc::flags.
Referenced by SetHintBits().
{ volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr; /* Local buffers are used only for temp relations. */ if (BufferIsLocal(buffer)) return false; /* Make sure we've got a real buffer, and that we hold a pin on it. */ Assert(BufferIsValid(buffer)); Assert(BufferIsPinned(buffer)); /* * BM_PERMANENT can't be changed while we hold a pin on the buffer, so we * need not bother with the buffer header spinlock. Even if someone else * changes the buffer header flags while we're doing this, we assume that * changing an aligned 2-byte BufFlags value is atomic, so we'll read the * old value or the new value, but not random garbage. */ bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[buffer - 1]; return (bufHdr->flags & BM_PERMANENT) != 0; }
Size BufferShmemSize | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 164 of file buf_init.c.
References add_size(), mul_size(), NBuffers, and StrategyShmemSize().
Referenced by CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores().
{ Size size = 0; /* size of buffer descriptors */ size = add_size(size, mul_size(NBuffers, sizeof(BufferDesc))); /* size of data pages */ size = add_size(size, mul_size(NBuffers, BLCKSZ)); /* size of stuff controlled by freelist.c */ size = add_size(size, StrategyShmemSize()); return size; }
void BufmgrCommit | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 1840 of file bufmgr.c.
Referenced by PrepareTransaction(), and RecordTransactionCommit().
/* Nothing to do in bufmgr anymore... */
void CheckPointBuffers | ( | int | flags | ) |
Definition at line 1823 of file bufmgr.c.
References BufferSync(), CheckpointStats, CheckpointStatsData::ckpt_sync_end_t, CheckpointStatsData::ckpt_sync_t, CheckpointStatsData::ckpt_write_t, GetCurrentTimestamp(), and smgrsync().
Referenced by CheckPointGuts().
{ TRACE_POSTGRESQL_BUFFER_CHECKPOINT_START(flags); CheckpointStats.ckpt_write_t = GetCurrentTimestamp(); BufferSync(flags); CheckpointStats.ckpt_sync_t = GetCurrentTimestamp(); TRACE_POSTGRESQL_BUFFER_CHECKPOINT_SYNC_START(); smgrsync(); CheckpointStats.ckpt_sync_end_t = GetCurrentTimestamp(); TRACE_POSTGRESQL_BUFFER_CHECKPOINT_DONE(); }
Definition at line 2772 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, BufferDescriptors, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsValid, sbufdesc::content_lock, LW_EXCLUSIVE, and LWLockConditionalAcquire().
Referenced by _bt_getbuf(), ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(), GinNewBuffer(), gistNewBuffer(), SpGistGetBuffer(), SpGistNewBuffer(), and SpGistUpdateMetaPage().
{ volatile BufferDesc *buf; Assert(BufferIsValid(buffer)); if (BufferIsLocal(buffer)) return true; /* act as though we got it */ buf = &(BufferDescriptors[buffer - 1]); return LWLockConditionalAcquire(buf->content_lock, LW_EXCLUSIVE); }
Definition at line 2900 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferDescriptors, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsValid, ConditionalLockBuffer(), LocalRefCount, LockBuffer(), LockBufHdr, PrivateRefCount, sbufdesc::refcount, and UnlockBufHdr.
Referenced by heap_page_prune_opt(), lazy_scan_heap(), and lazy_vacuum_heap().
{ volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr; Assert(BufferIsValid(buffer)); if (BufferIsLocal(buffer)) { /* There should be exactly one pin */ Assert(LocalRefCount[-buffer - 1] > 0); if (LocalRefCount[-buffer - 1] != 1) return false; /* Nobody else to wait for */ return true; } /* There should be exactly one local pin */ Assert(PrivateRefCount[buffer - 1] > 0); if (PrivateRefCount[buffer - 1] != 1) return false; /* Try to acquire lock */ if (!ConditionalLockBuffer(buffer)) return false; bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[buffer - 1]; LockBufHdr(bufHdr); Assert(bufHdr->refcount > 0); if (bufHdr->refcount == 1) { /* Successfully acquired exclusive lock with pincount 1 */ UnlockBufHdr(bufHdr); return true; } /* Failed, so release the lock */ UnlockBufHdr(bufHdr); LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK); return false; }
void DropDatabaseBuffers | ( | Oid | dbid | ) |
Definition at line 2284 of file bufmgr.c.
References BufferDescriptors, RelFileNode::dbNode, i, InvalidateBuffer(), LockBufHdr, NBuffers, buftag::rnode, sbufdesc::tag, and UnlockBufHdr.
Referenced by dbase_redo(), and dropdb().
{ int i; /* * We needn't consider local buffers, since by assumption the target * database isn't our own. */ for (i = 0; i < NBuffers; i++) { volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[i]; /* * As in DropRelFileNodeBuffers, an unlocked precheck should be safe * and saves some cycles. */ if (bufHdr->tag.rnode.dbNode != dbid) continue; LockBufHdr(bufHdr); if (bufHdr->tag.rnode.dbNode == dbid) InvalidateBuffer(bufHdr); /* releases spinlock */ else UnlockBufHdr(bufHdr); } }
void DropRelFileNodeBuffers | ( | RelFileNodeBackend | rnode, | |
ForkNumber | forkNum, | |||
BlockNumber | firstDelBlock | |||
) |
Definition at line 2126 of file bufmgr.c.
References RelFileNodeBackend::backend, buftag::blockNum, BufferDescriptors, DropRelFileNodeLocalBuffers(), buftag::forkNum, i, InvalidateBuffer(), LockBufHdr, MyBackendId, NBuffers, RelFileNodeBackend::node, RelFileNodeBackendIsTemp, RelFileNodeEquals, buftag::rnode, sbufdesc::tag, and UnlockBufHdr.
Referenced by smgrdounlinkfork(), and smgrtruncate().
{ int i; /* If it's a local relation, it's localbuf.c's problem. */ if (RelFileNodeBackendIsTemp(rnode)) { if (rnode.backend == MyBackendId) DropRelFileNodeLocalBuffers(rnode.node, forkNum, firstDelBlock); return; } for (i = 0; i < NBuffers; i++) { volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[i]; /* * We can make this a tad faster by prechecking the buffer tag before * we attempt to lock the buffer; this saves a lot of lock * acquisitions in typical cases. It should be safe because the * caller must have AccessExclusiveLock on the relation, or some other * reason to be certain that no one is loading new pages of the rel * into the buffer pool. (Otherwise we might well miss such pages * entirely.) Therefore, while the tag might be changing while we * look at it, it can't be changing *to* a value we care about, only * *away* from such a value. So false negatives are impossible, and * false positives are safe because we'll recheck after getting the * buffer lock. * * We could check forkNum and blockNum as well as the rnode, but the * incremental win from doing so seems small. */ if (!RelFileNodeEquals(bufHdr->tag.rnode, rnode.node)) continue; LockBufHdr(bufHdr); if (RelFileNodeEquals(bufHdr->tag.rnode, rnode.node) && bufHdr->tag.forkNum == forkNum && bufHdr->tag.blockNum >= firstDelBlock) InvalidateBuffer(bufHdr); /* releases spinlock */ else UnlockBufHdr(bufHdr); } }
void DropRelFileNodesAllBuffers | ( | RelFileNodeBackend * | rnodes, | |
int | nnodes | |||
) |
Definition at line 2182 of file bufmgr.c.
References BufferDescriptors, DropRelFileNodeAllLocalBuffers(), i, InvalidateBuffer(), LockBufHdr, MyBackendId, NBuffers, RelFileNodeBackend::node, NULL, palloc(), pfree(), pg_qsort(), RelFileNodeBackendIsTemp, RelFileNodeEquals, buftag::rnode, rnode_comparator(), sbufdesc::tag, and UnlockBufHdr.
Referenced by smgrdounlink(), and smgrdounlinkall().
{ int i, n = 0; RelFileNode *nodes; bool use_bsearch; if (nnodes == 0) return; nodes = palloc(sizeof(RelFileNode) * nnodes); /* non-local relations */ /* If it's a local relation, it's localbuf.c's problem. */ for (i = 0; i < nnodes; i++) { if (RelFileNodeBackendIsTemp(rnodes[i])) { if (rnodes[i].backend == MyBackendId) DropRelFileNodeAllLocalBuffers(rnodes[i].node); } else nodes[n++] = rnodes[i].node; } /* * If there are no non-local relations, then we're done. Release the memory * and return. */ if (n == 0) { pfree(nodes); return; } /* * For low number of relations to drop just use a simple walk through, to * save the bsearch overhead. The threshold to use is rather a guess than a * exactly determined value, as it depends on many factors (CPU and RAM * speeds, amount of shared buffers etc.). */ use_bsearch = n > DROP_RELS_BSEARCH_THRESHOLD; /* sort the list of rnodes if necessary */ if (use_bsearch) pg_qsort(nodes, n, sizeof(RelFileNode), rnode_comparator); for (i = 0; i < NBuffers; i++) { RelFileNode *rnode = NULL; volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[i]; /* * As in DropRelFileNodeBuffers, an unlocked precheck should be safe * and saves some cycles. */ if (!use_bsearch) { int j; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (RelFileNodeEquals(bufHdr->tag.rnode, nodes[j])) { rnode = &nodes[j]; break; } } } else { rnode = bsearch((const void *) &(bufHdr->tag.rnode), nodes, n, sizeof(RelFileNode), rnode_comparator); } /* buffer doesn't belong to any of the given relfilenodes; skip it */ if (rnode == NULL) continue; LockBufHdr(bufHdr); if (RelFileNodeEquals(bufHdr->tag.rnode, (*rnode))) InvalidateBuffer(bufHdr); /* releases spinlock */ else UnlockBufHdr(bufHdr); } pfree(nodes); }
void FlushDatabaseBuffers | ( | Oid | dbid | ) |
Definition at line 2474 of file bufmgr.c.
References BM_DIRTY, BM_VALID, BufferDescriptors, sbufdesc::content_lock, CurrentResourceOwner, RelFileNode::dbNode, sbufdesc::flags, FlushBuffer(), LockBufHdr, LW_SHARED, LWLockAcquire(), LWLockRelease(), NULL, PinBuffer_Locked(), ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers(), buftag::rnode, sbufdesc::tag, UnlockBufHdr, and UnpinBuffer().
Referenced by dbase_redo().
{ int i; volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr; /* Make sure we can handle the pin inside the loop */ ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers(CurrentResourceOwner); for (i = 0; i < NBuffers; i++) { bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[i]; /* * As in DropRelFileNodeBuffers, an unlocked precheck should be safe * and saves some cycles. */ if (bufHdr->tag.rnode.dbNode != dbid) continue; LockBufHdr(bufHdr); if (bufHdr->tag.rnode.dbNode == dbid && (bufHdr->flags & BM_VALID) && (bufHdr->flags & BM_DIRTY)) { PinBuffer_Locked(bufHdr); LWLockAcquire(bufHdr->content_lock, LW_SHARED); FlushBuffer(bufHdr, NULL); LWLockRelease(bufHdr->content_lock); UnpinBuffer(bufHdr, true); } else UnlockBufHdr(bufHdr); } }
void FlushRelationBuffers | ( | Relation | rel | ) |
Definition at line 2384 of file bufmgr.c.
References ErrorContextCallback::arg, buftag::blockNum, BM_DIRTY, BM_VALID, BufferDescriptors, ErrorContextCallback::callback, sbufdesc::content_lock, CurrentResourceOwner, error_context_stack, sbufdesc::flags, FlushBuffer(), buftag::forkNum, LocalBufferDescriptors, LocalBufHdrGetBlock, LockBufHdr, LW_SHARED, LWLockAcquire(), LWLockRelease(), NLocBuffer, PageSetChecksumInplace(), PinBuffer_Locked(), ErrorContextCallback::previous, RelationData::rd_node, RelationData::rd_smgr, RelationOpenSmgr, RelationUsesLocalBuffers, RelFileNodeEquals, ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers(), buftag::rnode, smgrwrite(), sbufdesc::tag, UnlockBufHdr, and UnpinBuffer().
Referenced by ATExecSetTableSpace(), and heap_sync().
{ int i; volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr; /* Open rel at the smgr level if not already done */ RelationOpenSmgr(rel); if (RelationUsesLocalBuffers(rel)) { for (i = 0; i < NLocBuffer; i++) { bufHdr = &LocalBufferDescriptors[i]; if (RelFileNodeEquals(bufHdr->tag.rnode, rel->rd_node) && (bufHdr->flags & BM_VALID) && (bufHdr->flags & BM_DIRTY)) { ErrorContextCallback errcallback; Page localpage; localpage = (char *) LocalBufHdrGetBlock(bufHdr); /* Setup error traceback support for ereport() */ errcallback.callback = local_buffer_write_error_callback; errcallback.arg = (void *) bufHdr; errcallback.previous = error_context_stack; error_context_stack = &errcallback; PageSetChecksumInplace(localpage, bufHdr->tag.blockNum); smgrwrite(rel->rd_smgr, bufHdr->tag.forkNum, bufHdr->tag.blockNum, localpage, false); bufHdr->flags &= ~(BM_DIRTY | BM_JUST_DIRTIED); /* Pop the error context stack */ error_context_stack = errcallback.previous; } } return; } /* Make sure we can handle the pin inside the loop */ ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers(CurrentResourceOwner); for (i = 0; i < NBuffers; i++) { bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[i]; /* * As in DropRelFileNodeBuffers, an unlocked precheck should be safe * and saves some cycles. */ if (!RelFileNodeEquals(bufHdr->tag.rnode, rel->rd_node)) continue; LockBufHdr(bufHdr); if (RelFileNodeEquals(bufHdr->tag.rnode, rel->rd_node) && (bufHdr->flags & BM_VALID) && (bufHdr->flags & BM_DIRTY)) { PinBuffer_Locked(bufHdr); LWLockAcquire(bufHdr->content_lock, LW_SHARED); FlushBuffer(bufHdr, rel->rd_smgr); LWLockRelease(bufHdr->content_lock); UnpinBuffer(bufHdr, true); } else UnlockBufHdr(bufHdr); } }
void FreeAccessStrategy | ( | BufferAccessStrategy | strategy | ) |
Definition at line 462 of file freelist.c.
Referenced by FreeBulkInsertState(), heap_endscan(), and initscan().
BufferAccessStrategy GetAccessStrategy | ( | BufferAccessStrategyType | btype | ) |
Definition at line 407 of file freelist.c.
References BAS_BULKREAD, BAS_BULKWRITE, BAS_NORMAL, BAS_VACUUM, BufferAccessStrategyData::btype, elog, ERROR, Min, NBuffers, offsetof, palloc0(), and BufferAccessStrategyData::ring_size.
Referenced by do_autovacuum(), GetBulkInsertState(), initscan(), pgstat_heap(), pgstat_index(), pgstatindex(), and vacuum().
{ BufferAccessStrategy strategy; int ring_size; /* * Select ring size to use. See buffer/README for rationales. * * Note: if you change the ring size for BAS_BULKREAD, see also * SYNC_SCAN_REPORT_INTERVAL in access/heap/syncscan.c. */ switch (btype) { case BAS_NORMAL: /* if someone asks for NORMAL, just give 'em a "default" object */ return NULL; case BAS_BULKREAD: ring_size = 256 * 1024 / BLCKSZ; break; case BAS_BULKWRITE: ring_size = 16 * 1024 * 1024 / BLCKSZ; break; case BAS_VACUUM: ring_size = 256 * 1024 / BLCKSZ; break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized buffer access strategy: %d", (int) btype); return NULL; /* keep compiler quiet */ } /* Make sure ring isn't an undue fraction of shared buffers */ ring_size = Min(NBuffers / 8, ring_size); /* Allocate the object and initialize all elements to zeroes */ strategy = (BufferAccessStrategy) palloc0(offsetof(BufferAccessStrategyData, buffers) + ring_size * sizeof(Buffer)); /* Set fields that don't start out zero */ strategy->btype = btype; strategy->ring_size = ring_size; return strategy; }
bool HoldingBufferPinThatDelaysRecovery | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 2874 of file bufmgr.c.
References GetStartupBufferPinWaitBufId(), and PrivateRefCount.
Referenced by CheckRecoveryConflictDeadlock(), and RecoveryConflictInterrupt().
{ int bufid = GetStartupBufferPinWaitBufId(); /* * If we get woken slowly then it's possible that the Startup process was * already woken by other backends before we got here. Also possible that * we get here by multiple interrupts or interrupts at inappropriate * times, so make sure we do nothing if the bufid is not set. */ if (bufid < 0) return false; if (PrivateRefCount[bufid] > 0) return true; return false; }
void IncrBufferRefCount | ( | Buffer | buffer | ) |
Definition at line 2559 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsPinned, CurrentResourceOwner, LocalRefCount, PrivateRefCount, ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers(), and ResourceOwnerRememberBuffer().
Referenced by _bt_steppage(), btrestrpos(), ExecStoreTuple(), ReadBufferBI(), scanPostingTree(), and startScanEntry().
{ Assert(BufferIsPinned(buffer)); ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers(CurrentResourceOwner); ResourceOwnerRememberBuffer(CurrentResourceOwner, buffer); if (BufferIsLocal(buffer)) LocalRefCount[-buffer - 1]++; else PrivateRefCount[buffer - 1]++; }
void InitBufferPool | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 73 of file buf_init.c.
References Assert, buf, sbufdesc::buf_hdr_lock, sbufdesc::buf_id, BufferBlocks, CLEAR_BUFFERTAG, sbufdesc::content_lock, sbufdesc::flags, sbufdesc::freeNext, i, sbufdesc::io_in_progress_lock, LWLockAssign(), NBuffers, sbufdesc::refcount, ShmemInitStruct(), SpinLockInit, StrategyInitialize(), sbufdesc::tag, sbufdesc::usage_count, and sbufdesc::wait_backend_pid.
Referenced by CreateSharedMemoryAndSemaphores().
{ bool foundBufs, foundDescs; BufferDescriptors = (BufferDesc *) ShmemInitStruct("Buffer Descriptors", NBuffers * sizeof(BufferDesc), &foundDescs); BufferBlocks = (char *) ShmemInitStruct("Buffer Blocks", NBuffers * (Size) BLCKSZ, &foundBufs); if (foundDescs || foundBufs) { /* both should be present or neither */ Assert(foundDescs && foundBufs); /* note: this path is only taken in EXEC_BACKEND case */ } else { BufferDesc *buf; int i; buf = BufferDescriptors; /* * Initialize all the buffer headers. */ for (i = 0; i < NBuffers; buf++, i++) { CLEAR_BUFFERTAG(buf->tag); buf->flags = 0; buf->usage_count = 0; buf->refcount = 0; buf->wait_backend_pid = 0; SpinLockInit(&buf->buf_hdr_lock); buf->buf_id = i; /* * Initially link all the buffers together as unused. Subsequent * management of this list is done by freelist.c. */ buf->freeNext = i + 1; buf->io_in_progress_lock = LWLockAssign(); buf->content_lock = LWLockAssign(); } /* Correct last entry of linked list */ BufferDescriptors[NBuffers - 1].freeNext = FREENEXT_END_OF_LIST; } /* Init other shared buffer-management stuff */ StrategyInitialize(!foundDescs); }
void InitBufferPoolAccess | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 145 of file buf_init.c.
References calloc, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), FATAL, NBuffers, and PrivateRefCount.
Referenced by BaseInit().
{ /* * Allocate and zero local arrays of per-buffer info. */ PrivateRefCount = (int32 *) calloc(NBuffers, sizeof(int32)); if (!PrivateRefCount) ereport(FATAL, (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY), errmsg("out of memory"))); }
void InitBufferPoolBackend | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 1741 of file bufmgr.c.
References AtProcExit_Buffers(), and on_shmem_exit().
Referenced by AuxiliaryProcessMain(), and InitPostgres().
{ on_shmem_exit(AtProcExit_Buffers, 0); }
void LockBuffer | ( | Buffer | buffer, | |
int | mode | |||
) |
Definition at line 2746 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferDescriptors, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsValid, sbufdesc::content_lock, elog, ERROR, LW_EXCLUSIVE, LW_SHARED, LWLockAcquire(), and LWLockRelease().
Referenced by _bt_doinsert(), _bt_endpoint(), _bt_first(), _bt_getbuf(), _bt_getroot(), _bt_killitems(), _bt_next(), _bt_relandgetbuf(), _hash_chgbufaccess(), _hash_getbuf(), _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(), _hash_getinitbuf(), _hash_getnewbuf(), acquire_sample_rows(), bitgetpage(), bt_metap(), bt_page_items(), bt_page_stats(), btvacuumpage(), collectMatchBitmap(), ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(), copy_heap_data(), count_nondeletable_pages(), entryGetNextItem(), fill_seq_with_data(), FreeSpaceMapTruncateRel(), fsm_search(), fsm_search_avail(), fsm_set_and_search(), fsm_vacuum_page(), get_raw_page_internal(), GetTupleForTrigger(), GetVisibilityMapPins(), ginbuildempty(), ginbulkdelete(), ginDeletePage(), ginEntryInsert(), ginFindLeafPage(), ginFindParents(), ginGetStats(), ginHeapTupleFastInsert(), ginInsertCleanup(), ginInsertItemPointers(), ginInsertValue(), GinNewBuffer(), ginTraverseLock(), ginUpdateStats(), ginvacuumcleanup(), ginVacuumPostingTreeLeaves(), gistBufferingFindCorrectParent(), gistbufferinginserttuples(), gistbuildempty(), gistbulkdelete(), gistdoinsert(), gistFindCorrectParent(), gistFindPath(), gistfinishsplit(), gistfixsplit(), gistformdownlink(), gistGetMaxLevel(), gistinserttuples(), gistNewBuffer(), gistProcessItup(), gistScanPage(), gistvacuumcleanup(), heap_delete(), heap_fetch(), heap_get_latest_tid(), heap_hot_search(), heap_inplace_update(), heap_lock_tuple(), heap_lock_updated_tuple_rec(), heap_page_prune_opt(), heap_update(), heap_xlog_newpage(), heap_xlog_visible(), heapgetpage(), heapgettup(), index_fetch_heap(), IndexBuildHeapScan(), lazy_scan_heap(), LockBufferForCleanup(), moveRightIfItNeeded(), pgrowlocks(), pgstat_btree_page(), pgstat_gist_page(), pgstat_heap(), pgstatginindex(), pgstatindex(), read_seq_tuple(), RelationGetBufferForTuple(), RestoreBackupBlockContents(), scanGetCandidate(), scanPendingInsert(), scanPostingTree(), shiftList(), spgdoinsert(), spgGetCache(), SpGistNewBuffer(), spgprocesspending(), spgvacuumpage(), spgWalk(), startScanEntry(), systable_recheck_tuple(), UnlockReleaseBuffer(), validate_index_heapscan(), visibilitymap_clear(), visibilitymap_set(), visibilitymap_truncate(), XLogReadBuffer(), and XLogRecordPageWithFreeSpace().
{ volatile BufferDesc *buf; Assert(BufferIsValid(buffer)); if (BufferIsLocal(buffer)) return; /* local buffers need no lock */ buf = &(BufferDescriptors[buffer - 1]); if (mode == BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK) LWLockRelease(buf->content_lock); else if (mode == BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE) LWLockAcquire(buf->content_lock, LW_SHARED); else if (mode == BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE) LWLockAcquire(buf->content_lock, LW_EXCLUSIVE); else elog(ERROR, "unrecognized buffer lock mode: %d", mode); }
void LockBufferForCleanup | ( | Buffer | buffer | ) |
Definition at line 2802 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, BM_PIN_COUNT_WAITER, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, BufferDescriptors, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsValid, elog, ERROR, sbufdesc::flags, InHotStandby, LocalRefCount, LockBuffer(), LockBufHdr, MyProcPid, NULL, PrivateRefCount, ProcWaitForSignal(), sbufdesc::refcount, ResolveRecoveryConflictWithBufferPin(), SetStartupBufferPinWaitBufId(), UnlockBufHdr, and sbufdesc::wait_backend_pid.
Referenced by btree_xlog_vacuum(), btvacuumpage(), btvacuumscan(), ginVacuumPostingTreeLeaves(), heap_xlog_clean(), lazy_scan_heap(), and RestoreBackupBlockContents().
{ volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr; Assert(BufferIsValid(buffer)); Assert(PinCountWaitBuf == NULL); if (BufferIsLocal(buffer)) { /* There should be exactly one pin */ if (LocalRefCount[-buffer - 1] != 1) elog(ERROR, "incorrect local pin count: %d", LocalRefCount[-buffer - 1]); /* Nobody else to wait for */ return; } /* There should be exactly one local pin */ if (PrivateRefCount[buffer - 1] != 1) elog(ERROR, "incorrect local pin count: %d", PrivateRefCount[buffer - 1]); bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[buffer - 1]; for (;;) { /* Try to acquire lock */ LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE); LockBufHdr(bufHdr); Assert(bufHdr->refcount > 0); if (bufHdr->refcount == 1) { /* Successfully acquired exclusive lock with pincount 1 */ UnlockBufHdr(bufHdr); return; } /* Failed, so mark myself as waiting for pincount 1 */ if (bufHdr->flags & BM_PIN_COUNT_WAITER) { UnlockBufHdr(bufHdr); LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK); elog(ERROR, "multiple backends attempting to wait for pincount 1"); } bufHdr->wait_backend_pid = MyProcPid; bufHdr->flags |= BM_PIN_COUNT_WAITER; PinCountWaitBuf = bufHdr; UnlockBufHdr(bufHdr); LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK); /* Wait to be signaled by UnpinBuffer() */ if (InHotStandby) { /* Publish the bufid that Startup process waits on */ SetStartupBufferPinWaitBufId(buffer - 1); /* Set alarm and then wait to be signaled by UnpinBuffer() */ ResolveRecoveryConflictWithBufferPin(); /* Reset the published bufid */ SetStartupBufferPinWaitBufId(-1); } else ProcWaitForSignal(); PinCountWaitBuf = NULL; /* Loop back and try again */ } }
void MarkBufferDirty | ( | Buffer | buffer | ) |
Definition at line 984 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, BM_DIRTY, BufferDescriptors, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsValid, sbufdesc::content_lock, elog, ERROR, sbufdesc::flags, LockBufHdr, LWLockHeldByMe(), MarkLocalBufferDirty(), pgBufferUsage, PrivateRefCount, sbufdesc::refcount, BufferUsage::shared_blks_dirtied, UnlockBufHdr, VacuumCostActive, VacuumCostBalance, VacuumCostPageDirty, and VacuumPageDirty.
Referenced by _bt_delitems_delete(), _bt_delitems_vacuum(), _bt_getroot(), _bt_insertonpg(), _bt_newroot(), _bt_pagedel(), _bt_restore_meta(), _bt_split(), _hash_addovflpage(), _hash_chgbufaccess(), _hash_wrtbuf(), addLeafTuple(), AlterSequence(), btree_xlog_delete(), btree_xlog_delete_page(), btree_xlog_insert(), btree_xlog_newroot(), btree_xlog_split(), btree_xlog_vacuum(), createPostingTree(), do_setval(), doPickSplit(), fill_seq_with_data(), ginbuild(), ginbuildempty(), ginbulkdelete(), ginDeletePage(), ginHeapTupleFastInsert(), ginInsertValue(), ginRedoCreateIndex(), ginRedoCreatePTree(), ginRedoDeleteListPages(), ginRedoDeletePage(), ginRedoInsert(), ginRedoInsertListPage(), ginRedoSplit(), ginRedoUpdateMetapage(), ginRedoVacuumPage(), ginUpdateStats(), ginVacuumPostingTreeLeaves(), gistbuild(), gistbuildempty(), gistbulkdelete(), gistplacetopage(), gistRedoClearFollowRight(), gistRedoCreateIndex(), gistRedoPageSplitRecord(), gistRedoPageUpdateRecord(), heap_delete(), heap_inplace_update(), heap_insert(), heap_lock_tuple(), heap_lock_updated_tuple_rec(), heap_multi_insert(), heap_page_prune(), heap_update(), heap_xlog_clean(), heap_xlog_delete(), heap_xlog_freeze(), heap_xlog_inplace(), heap_xlog_insert(), heap_xlog_lock(), heap_xlog_lock_updated(), heap_xlog_multi_insert(), heap_xlog_newpage(), heap_xlog_update(), heap_xlog_visible(), lazy_scan_heap(), lazy_vacuum_page(), moveLeafs(), nextval_internal(), RestoreBackupBlockContents(), saveNodeLink(), seq_redo(), shiftList(), spgAddNodeAction(), spgbuild(), SpGistUpdateMetaPage(), spgRedoAddLeaf(), spgRedoAddNode(), spgRedoCreateIndex(), spgRedoMoveLeafs(), spgRedoPickSplit(), spgRedoSplitTuple(), spgRedoVacuumLeaf(), spgRedoVacuumRedirect(), spgRedoVacuumRoot(), spgSplitNodeAction(), spgvacuumpage(), vacuumLeafPage(), vacuumLeafRoot(), vacuumRedirectAndPlaceholder(), visibilitymap_clear(), visibilitymap_set(), visibilitymap_truncate(), and writeListPage().
{ volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr; if (!BufferIsValid(buffer)) elog(ERROR, "bad buffer ID: %d", buffer); if (BufferIsLocal(buffer)) { MarkLocalBufferDirty(buffer); return; } bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[buffer - 1]; Assert(PrivateRefCount[buffer - 1] > 0); /* unfortunately we can't check if the lock is held exclusively */ Assert(LWLockHeldByMe(bufHdr->content_lock)); LockBufHdr(bufHdr); Assert(bufHdr->refcount > 0); /* * If the buffer was not dirty already, do vacuum accounting. */ if (!(bufHdr->flags & BM_DIRTY)) { VacuumPageDirty++; pgBufferUsage.shared_blks_dirtied++; if (VacuumCostActive) VacuumCostBalance += VacuumCostPageDirty; } bufHdr->flags |= (BM_DIRTY | BM_JUST_DIRTIED); UnlockBufHdr(bufHdr); }
void MarkBufferDirtyHint | ( | Buffer | buffer | ) |
Definition at line 2585 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, BM_DIRTY, BM_JUST_DIRTIED, BM_PERMANENT, BufferDescriptors, BufferGetPage, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsValid, sbufdesc::content_lock, DataChecksumsEnabled(), PGXACT::delayChkpt, elog, ERROR, sbufdesc::flags, LockBufHdr, LWLockHeldByMe(), MarkLocalBufferDirty(), MyPgXact, PageSetLSN, PrivateRefCount, RecoveryInProgress(), sbufdesc::refcount, UnlockBufHdr, VacuumCostActive, VacuumCostBalance, VacuumCostPageDirty, VacuumPageDirty, XLogRecPtrIsInvalid, and XLogSaveBufferForHint().
Referenced by _bt_check_unique(), _bt_killitems(), btvacuumpage(), FreeSpaceMapTruncateRel(), fsm_search_avail(), fsm_set_and_search(), fsm_vacuum_page(), hashgettuple(), heap_page_prune(), read_seq_tuple(), SetHintBits(), and XLogRecordPageWithFreeSpace().
{ volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr; Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer); if (!BufferIsValid(buffer)) elog(ERROR, "bad buffer ID: %d", buffer); if (BufferIsLocal(buffer)) { MarkLocalBufferDirty(buffer); return; } bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[buffer - 1]; Assert(PrivateRefCount[buffer - 1] > 0); /* here, either share or exclusive lock is OK */ Assert(LWLockHeldByMe(bufHdr->content_lock)); /* * This routine might get called many times on the same page, if we are * making the first scan after commit of an xact that added/deleted many * tuples. So, be as quick as we can if the buffer is already dirty. We do * this by not acquiring spinlock if it looks like the status bits are * already set. Since we make this test unlocked, there's a chance we * might fail to notice that the flags have just been cleared, and failed * to reset them, due to memory-ordering issues. But since this function * is only intended to be used in cases where failing to write out the data * would be harmless anyway, it doesn't really matter. */ if ((bufHdr->flags & (BM_DIRTY | BM_JUST_DIRTIED)) != (BM_DIRTY | BM_JUST_DIRTIED)) { XLogRecPtr lsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr; bool dirtied = false; bool delayChkpt = false; /* * If checksums are enabled, and the buffer is permanent, then a full * page image may be required even for some hint bit updates to protect * against torn pages. This full page image is only necessary if the * hint bit update is the first change to the page since the last * checkpoint. * * We don't check full_page_writes here because that logic is * included when we call XLogInsert() since the value changes * dynamically. */ if (DataChecksumsEnabled() && (bufHdr->flags & BM_PERMANENT)) { /* * If we're in recovery we cannot dirty a page because of a hint. * We can set the hint, just not dirty the page as a result so * the hint is lost when we evict the page or shutdown. * * See src/backend/storage/page/README for longer discussion. */ if (RecoveryInProgress()) return; /* * If the block is already dirty because we either made a change * or set a hint already, then we don't need to write a full page * image. Note that aggressive cleaning of blocks * dirtied by hint bit setting would increase the call rate. * Bulk setting of hint bits would reduce the call rate... * * We must issue the WAL record before we mark the buffer dirty. * Otherwise we might write the page before we write the WAL. * That causes a race condition, since a checkpoint might occur * between writing the WAL record and marking the buffer dirty. * We solve that with a kluge, but one that is already in use * during transaction commit to prevent race conditions. * Basically, we simply prevent the checkpoint WAL record from * being written until we have marked the buffer dirty. We don't * start the checkpoint flush until we have marked dirty, so our * checkpoint must flush the change to disk successfully or the * checkpoint never gets written, so crash recovery will fix. * * It's possible we may enter here without an xid, so it is * essential that CreateCheckpoint waits for virtual transactions * rather than full transactionids. */ MyPgXact->delayChkpt = delayChkpt = true; lsn = XLogSaveBufferForHint(buffer); } LockBufHdr(bufHdr); Assert(bufHdr->refcount > 0); if (!(bufHdr->flags & BM_DIRTY)) { dirtied = true; /* Means "will be dirtied by this action" */ /* * Set the page LSN if we wrote a backup block. We aren't * supposed to set this when only holding a share lock but * as long as we serialise it somehow we're OK. We choose to * set LSN while holding the buffer header lock, which causes * any reader of an LSN who holds only a share lock to also * obtain a buffer header lock before using PageGetLSN(), * which is enforced in BufferGetLSNAtomic(). * * If checksums are enabled, you might think we should reset the * checksum here. That will happen when the page is written * sometime later in this checkpoint cycle. */ if (!XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(lsn)) PageSetLSN(page, lsn); } bufHdr->flags |= (BM_DIRTY | BM_JUST_DIRTIED); UnlockBufHdr(bufHdr); if (delayChkpt) MyPgXact->delayChkpt = false; if (dirtied) { VacuumPageDirty++; if (VacuumCostActive) VacuumCostBalance += VacuumCostPageDirty; } } }
void PrefetchBuffer | ( | Relation | reln, | |
ForkNumber | forkNum, | |||
BlockNumber | blockNum | |||
) |
Definition at line 125 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, BlockNumberIsValid, BufMappingPartitionLock, BufTableHashCode(), BufTableLookup(), ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, INIT_BUFFERTAG, LocalPrefetchBuffer(), LW_SHARED, LWLockAcquire(), LWLockRelease(), RelFileNodeBackend::node, RelationData::rd_smgr, RELATION_IS_OTHER_TEMP, RelationIsValid, RelationOpenSmgr, RelationUsesLocalBuffers, SMgrRelationData::smgr_rnode, and smgrprefetch().
Referenced by BitmapHeapNext().
{ #ifdef USE_PREFETCH Assert(RelationIsValid(reln)); Assert(BlockNumberIsValid(blockNum)); /* Open it at the smgr level if not already done */ RelationOpenSmgr(reln); if (RelationUsesLocalBuffers(reln)) { /* see comments in ReadBufferExtended */ if (RELATION_IS_OTHER_TEMP(reln)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cannot access temporary tables of other sessions"))); /* pass it off to localbuf.c */ LocalPrefetchBuffer(reln->rd_smgr, forkNum, blockNum); } else { BufferTag newTag; /* identity of requested block */ uint32 newHash; /* hash value for newTag */ LWLockId newPartitionLock; /* buffer partition lock for it */ int buf_id; /* create a tag so we can lookup the buffer */ INIT_BUFFERTAG(newTag, reln->rd_smgr->smgr_rnode.node, forkNum, blockNum); /* determine its hash code and partition lock ID */ newHash = BufTableHashCode(&newTag); newPartitionLock = BufMappingPartitionLock(newHash); /* see if the block is in the buffer pool already */ LWLockAcquire(newPartitionLock, LW_SHARED); buf_id = BufTableLookup(&newTag, newHash); LWLockRelease(newPartitionLock); /* If not in buffers, initiate prefetch */ if (buf_id < 0) smgrprefetch(reln->rd_smgr, forkNum, blockNum); /* * If the block *is* in buffers, we do nothing. This is not really * ideal: the block might be just about to be evicted, which would be * stupid since we know we are going to need it soon. But the only * easy answer is to bump the usage_count, which does not seem like a * great solution: when the caller does ultimately touch the block, * usage_count would get bumped again, resulting in too much * favoritism for blocks that are involved in a prefetch sequence. A * real fix would involve some additional per-buffer state, and it's * not clear that there's enough of a problem to justify that. */ } #endif /* USE_PREFETCH */ }
void PrintBufferLeakWarning | ( | Buffer | buffer | ) |
Definition at line 1782 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, buftag::blockNum, buf, BufferDescriptors, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsValid, elog, sbufdesc::flags, buftag::forkNum, LocalBufferDescriptors, LocalRefCount, MyBackendId, pfree(), PrivateRefCount, sbufdesc::refcount, relpathbackend(), buftag::rnode, sbufdesc::tag, and WARNING.
Referenced by AtEOXact_Buffers(), AtEOXact_LocalBuffers(), AtProcExit_Buffers(), AtProcExit_LocalBuffers(), and ResourceOwnerReleaseInternal().
{ volatile BufferDesc *buf; int32 loccount; char *path; BackendId backend; Assert(BufferIsValid(buffer)); if (BufferIsLocal(buffer)) { buf = &LocalBufferDescriptors[-buffer - 1]; loccount = LocalRefCount[-buffer - 1]; backend = MyBackendId; } else { buf = &BufferDescriptors[buffer - 1]; loccount = PrivateRefCount[buffer - 1]; backend = InvalidBackendId; } /* theoretically we should lock the bufhdr here */ path = relpathbackend(buf->tag.rnode, backend, buf->tag.forkNum); elog(WARNING, "buffer refcount leak: [%03d] " "(rel=%s, blockNum=%u, flags=0x%x, refcount=%u %d)", buffer, path, buf->tag.blockNum, buf->flags, buf->refcount, loccount); pfree(path); }
Buffer ReadBuffer | ( | Relation | reln, | |
BlockNumber | blockNum | |||
) |
Definition at line 190 of file bufmgr.c.
References MAIN_FORKNUM, NULL, RBM_NORMAL, and ReadBufferExtended().
Referenced by _bt_getbuf(), _hash_getbuf(), bt_metap(), bt_page_items(), bt_page_stats(), fill_seq_with_data(), GetTupleForTrigger(), ginFindLeafPage(), ginFindParents(), ginGetStats(), ginHeapTupleFastInsert(), ginInsertCleanup(), GinNewBuffer(), ginPrepareFindLeafPage(), ginUpdateStats(), gistBufferingFindCorrectParent(), gistbufferinginserttuples(), gistdoinsert(), gistFindCorrectParent(), gistFindPath(), gistfixsplit(), gistGetMaxLevel(), gistNewBuffer(), gistProcessItup(), gistScanPage(), heap_delete(), heap_fetch(), heap_get_latest_tid(), heap_hot_search(), heap_inplace_update(), heap_lock_tuple(), heap_update(), pgstatginindex(), read_seq_tuple(), ReadBufferBI(), RelationGetBufferForTuple(), ReleaseAndReadBuffer(), scanGetCandidate(), scanPendingInsert(), shiftList(), spgdoinsert(), spgGetCache(), SpGistGetBuffer(), SpGistNewBuffer(), SpGistUpdateMetaPage(), and spgWalk().
{ return ReadBufferExtended(reln, MAIN_FORKNUM, blockNum, RBM_NORMAL, NULL); }
Buffer ReadBufferExtended | ( | Relation | reln, | |
ForkNumber | forkNum, | |||
BlockNumber | blockNum, | |||
ReadBufferMode | mode, | |||
BufferAccessStrategy | strategy | |||
) |
Definition at line 228 of file bufmgr.c.
References buf, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, pgstat_count_buffer_hit, pgstat_count_buffer_read, RelationData::rd_rel, RelationData::rd_smgr, ReadBuffer_common(), RELATION_IS_OTHER_TEMP, and RelationOpenSmgr.
Referenced by _hash_getbuf_with_strategy(), _hash_getinitbuf(), _hash_getnewbuf(), acquire_sample_rows(), btvacuumpage(), btvacuumscan(), count_nondeletable_pages(), fsm_readbuf(), get_raw_page_internal(), ginbuildempty(), ginbulkdelete(), ginDeletePage(), ginScanToDelete(), ginvacuumcleanup(), ginVacuumPostingTreeLeaves(), gistbuildempty(), gistbulkdelete(), gistvacuumcleanup(), heapgetpage(), lazy_scan_heap(), lazy_vacuum_heap(), pgstat_btree_page(), pgstat_gist_page(), pgstat_heap(), pgstatindex(), ReadBuffer(), ReadBufferBI(), spgprocesspending(), spgvacuumpage(), and vm_readbuf().
{ bool hit; Buffer buf; /* Open it at the smgr level if not already done */ RelationOpenSmgr(reln); /* * Reject attempts to read non-local temporary relations; we would be * likely to get wrong data since we have no visibility into the owning * session's local buffers. */ if (RELATION_IS_OTHER_TEMP(reln)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("cannot access temporary tables of other sessions"))); /* * Read the buffer, and update pgstat counters to reflect a cache hit or * miss. */ pgstat_count_buffer_read(reln); buf = ReadBuffer_common(reln->rd_smgr, reln->rd_rel->relpersistence, forkNum, blockNum, mode, strategy, &hit); if (hit) pgstat_count_buffer_hit(reln); return buf; }
Buffer ReadBufferWithoutRelcache | ( | RelFileNode | rnode, | |
ForkNumber | forkNum, | |||
BlockNumber | blockNum, | |||
ReadBufferMode | mode, | |||
BufferAccessStrategy | strategy | |||
) |
Definition at line 270 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, InRecovery, InvalidBackendId, ReadBuffer_common(), RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT, and smgropen().
Referenced by XLogReadBufferExtended().
{ bool hit; SMgrRelation smgr = smgropen(rnode, InvalidBackendId); Assert(InRecovery); return ReadBuffer_common(smgr, RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT, forkNum, blockNum, mode, strategy, &hit); }
BlockNumber RelationGetNumberOfBlocksInFork | ( | Relation | relation, | |
ForkNumber | forkNum | |||
) |
Definition at line 2032 of file bufmgr.c.
References RelationData::rd_smgr, RelationOpenSmgr, and smgrnblocks().
Referenced by _hash_getnewbuf(), and _hash_metapinit().
{ /* Open it at the smgr level if not already done */ RelationOpenSmgr(relation); return smgrnblocks(relation->rd_smgr, forkNum); }
Buffer ReleaseAndReadBuffer | ( | Buffer | buffer, | |
Relation | relation, | |||
BlockNumber | blockNum | |||
) |
Definition at line 1037 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, buftag::blockNum, BufferDescriptors, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsValid, CurrentResourceOwner, buftag::forkNum, LocalBufferDescriptors, LocalRefCount, PrivateRefCount, RelationData::rd_node, ReadBuffer(), RelFileNodeEquals, ResourceOwnerForgetBuffer(), buftag::rnode, sbufdesc::tag, and UnpinBuffer().
Referenced by _bt_relandgetbuf(), bitgetpage(), entryGetNextItem(), ginFindLeafPage(), ginInsertValue(), index_fetch_heap(), moveRightIfItNeeded(), and scanPostingTree().
{ ForkNumber forkNum = MAIN_FORKNUM; volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr; if (BufferIsValid(buffer)) { if (BufferIsLocal(buffer)) { Assert(LocalRefCount[-buffer - 1] > 0); bufHdr = &LocalBufferDescriptors[-buffer - 1]; if (bufHdr->tag.blockNum == blockNum && RelFileNodeEquals(bufHdr->tag.rnode, relation->rd_node) && bufHdr->tag.forkNum == forkNum) return buffer; ResourceOwnerForgetBuffer(CurrentResourceOwner, buffer); LocalRefCount[-buffer - 1]--; } else { Assert(PrivateRefCount[buffer - 1] > 0); bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[buffer - 1]; /* we have pin, so it's ok to examine tag without spinlock */ if (bufHdr->tag.blockNum == blockNum && RelFileNodeEquals(bufHdr->tag.rnode, relation->rd_node) && bufHdr->tag.forkNum == forkNum) return buffer; UnpinBuffer(bufHdr, true); } } return ReadBuffer(relation, blockNum); }
void ReleaseBuffer | ( | Buffer | buffer | ) |
Definition at line 2512 of file bufmgr.c.
References Assert, BufferDescriptors, BufferIsLocal, BufferIsValid, CurrentResourceOwner, elog, ERROR, LocalRefCount, PrivateRefCount, ResourceOwnerForgetBuffer(), and UnpinBuffer().
Referenced by _bt_getbuf(), _hash_dropbuf(), AfterTriggerExecute(), btendscan(), btmarkpos(), btrescan(), btrestrpos(), entryGetNextItem(), EvalPlanQualFetch(), EvalPlanQualFetchRowMarks(), ExecClearTuple(), ExecDelete(), ExecEndIndexOnlyScan(), ExecLockRows(), ExecMaterializeSlot(), ExecStoreMinimalTuple(), ExecStoreTuple(), FreeBulkInsertState(), freeGinBtreeStack(), freeScanKeys(), fsm_vacuum_page(), get_raw_page_internal(), GetRecordedFreeSpace(), GetTupleForTrigger(), ginDeletePage(), ginFindParents(), ginInsertCleanup(), GinNewBuffer(), ginScanToDelete(), gistdoinsert(), gistFindCorrectParent(), gistNewBuffer(), heap_delete(), heap_endscan(), heap_fetch(), heap_hot_search(), heap_insert(), heap_multi_insert(), heap_rescan(), heap_restrpos(), heap_update(), heap_xlog_delete(), heap_xlog_insert(), heap_xlog_multi_insert(), heap_xlog_update(), heap_xlog_visible(), heapgetpage(), heapgettup(), heapgettup_pagemode(), index_endscan(), index_getnext_tid(), index_rescan(), lazy_scan_heap(), lazy_vacuum_heap(), pgstatindex(), ReadBufferBI(), RelationGetBufferForTuple(), ResourceOwnerReleaseInternal(), SpGistGetBuffer(), SpGistNewBuffer(), SpGistUpdateMetaPage(), TidNext(), UnlockReleaseBuffer(), visibilitymap_count(), visibilitymap_pin(), visibilitymap_test(), and XLogReadBufferExtended().
{ volatile BufferDesc *bufHdr; if (!BufferIsValid(buffer)) elog(ERROR, "bad buffer ID: %d", buffer); ResourceOwnerForgetBuffer(CurrentResourceOwner, buffer); if (BufferIsLocal(buffer)) { Assert(LocalRefCount[-buffer - 1] > 0); LocalRefCount[-buffer - 1]--; return; } bufHdr = &BufferDescriptors[buffer - 1]; Assert(PrivateRefCount[buffer - 1] > 0); if (PrivateRefCount[buffer - 1] > 1) PrivateRefCount[buffer - 1]--; else UnpinBuffer(bufHdr, false); }
void UnlockBuffers | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 2720 of file bufmgr.c.
References BM_PIN_COUNT_WAITER, sbufdesc::flags, LockBufHdr, MyProcPid, UnlockBufHdr, and sbufdesc::wait_backend_pid.
Referenced by AbortSubTransaction(), AbortTransaction(), AtProcExit_Buffers(), BackgroundWriterMain(), CheckpointerMain(), and WalWriterMain().
{ volatile BufferDesc *buf = PinCountWaitBuf; if (buf) { LockBufHdr(buf); /* * Don't complain if flag bit not set; it could have been reset but we * got a cancel/die interrupt before getting the signal. */ if ((buf->flags & BM_PIN_COUNT_WAITER) != 0 && buf->wait_backend_pid == MyProcPid) buf->flags &= ~BM_PIN_COUNT_WAITER; UnlockBufHdr(buf); PinCountWaitBuf = NULL; } }
void UnlockReleaseBuffer | ( | Buffer | buffer | ) |
Definition at line 2544 of file bufmgr.c.
References BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK, LockBuffer(), and ReleaseBuffer().
Referenced by _bt_relbuf(), _bt_restore_meta(), _hash_relbuf(), _hash_wrtbuf(), acquire_sample_rows(), allocNewBuffer(), AlterSequence(), bt_metap(), bt_page_items(), bt_page_stats(), btree_xlog_delete(), btree_xlog_delete_get_latestRemovedXid(), btree_xlog_delete_page(), btree_xlog_insert(), btree_xlog_newroot(), btree_xlog_split(), btree_xlog_vacuum(), count_nondeletable_pages(), createPostingTree(), do_setval(), doPickSplit(), fill_seq_with_data(), FreeSpaceMapTruncateRel(), fsm_search(), fsm_set_and_search(), ginbuild(), ginbuildempty(), ginbulkdelete(), ginContinueSplit(), ginDeletePage(), ginGetStats(), ginHeapTupleFastInsert(), ginInsertCleanup(), ginInsertValue(), ginRedoCreateIndex(), ginRedoCreatePTree(), ginRedoDeleteListPages(), ginRedoDeletePage(), ginRedoInsert(), ginRedoInsertListPage(), ginRedoSplit(), ginRedoUpdateMetapage(), ginRedoVacuumPage(), ginUpdateStats(), ginvacuumcleanup(), ginVacuumPostingTree(), ginVacuumPostingTreeLeaves(), gistbufferinginserttuples(), gistbuild(), gistbuildempty(), gistbulkdelete(), gistdoinsert(), gistFindCorrectParent(), gistFindPath(), gistGetMaxLevel(), gistinserttuples(), gistplacetopage(), gistProcessItup(), gistRedoClearFollowRight(), gistRedoCreateIndex(), gistRedoPageSplitRecord(), gistRedoPageUpdateRecord(), gistScanPage(), gistvacuumcleanup(), heap_delete(), heap_get_latest_tid(), heap_inplace_update(), heap_insert(), heap_lock_tuple(), heap_lock_updated_tuple_rec(), heap_multi_insert(), heap_update(), heap_xlog_clean(), heap_xlog_delete(), heap_xlog_freeze(), heap_xlog_inplace(), heap_xlog_insert(), heap_xlog_lock(), heap_xlog_lock_updated(), heap_xlog_multi_insert(), heap_xlog_newpage(), heap_xlog_update(), heap_xlog_visible(), lazy_scan_heap(), lazy_vacuum_heap(), moveLeafs(), nextval_internal(), pg_sequence_parameters(), pgstat_gist_page(), pgstat_heap(), pgstatginindex(), ResetSequence(), RestoreBackupBlockContents(), scanGetCandidate(), scanPendingInsert(), scanPostingTree(), seq_redo(), shiftList(), spgAddNodeAction(), spgbuild(), spgdoinsert(), spgGetCache(), SpGistGetBuffer(), SpGistUpdateMetaPage(), spgMatchNodeAction(), spgprocesspending(), spgRedoAddLeaf(), spgRedoAddNode(), spgRedoCreateIndex(), spgRedoMoveLeafs(), spgRedoPickSplit(), spgRedoSplitTuple(), spgRedoVacuumLeaf(), spgRedoVacuumRedirect(), spgRedoVacuumRoot(), spgSplitNodeAction(), spgvacuumpage(), spgWalk(), visibilitymap_truncate(), writeListPage(), and XLogRecordPageWithFreeSpace().
{ LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK); ReleaseBuffer(buffer); }
Definition at line 71 of file bufmgr.c.
Referenced by BgBufferSync().
double bgwriter_lru_multiplier |
Definition at line 72 of file bufmgr.c.
Referenced by BgBufferSync().
PGDLLIMPORT char* BufferBlocks |
Definition at line 22 of file buf_init.c.
Referenced by InitBufferPool().
PGDLLIMPORT Block* LocalBufferBlockPointers |
Definition at line 44 of file localbuf.c.
Referenced by InitLocalBuffers().
PGDLLIMPORT int32* LocalRefCount |
Definition at line 45 of file localbuf.c.
Referenced by AtEOXact_LocalBuffers(), AtProcExit_LocalBuffers(), ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(), DropRelFileNodeAllLocalBuffers(), DropRelFileNodeLocalBuffers(), IncrBufferRefCount(), InitLocalBuffers(), LocalBufferAlloc(), LockBufferForCleanup(), MarkLocalBufferDirty(), PrintBufferLeakWarning(), ReleaseAndReadBuffer(), and ReleaseBuffer().
PGDLLIMPORT int NBuffers |
Definition at line 52 of file ipc_test.c.
Referenced by AtEOXact_Buffers(), AtProcExit_Buffers(), BgBufferSync(), BufferShmemSize(), BufferSync(), CheckpointerShmemInit(), CheckpointerShmemSize(), CLOGShmemBuffers(), CreateCheckPoint(), DropDatabaseBuffers(), DropRelFileNodeBuffers(), DropRelFileNodesAllBuffers(), GetAccessStrategy(), hashbuild(), InitBufferPool(), InitBufferPoolAccess(), initscan(), LogCheckpointEnd(), NumLWLocks(), pg_buffercache_pages(), SpinlockSemas(), StrategyGetBuffer(), StrategyInitialize(), StrategyShmemSize(), and XLOGChooseNumBuffers().
PGDLLIMPORT int NLocBuffer |
Definition at line 41 of file localbuf.c.
Referenced by AtEOXact_LocalBuffers(), AtProcExit_LocalBuffers(), check_temp_buffers(), DropRelFileNodeAllLocalBuffers(), DropRelFileNodeLocalBuffers(), FlushRelationBuffers(), GetLocalBufferStorage(), InitLocalBuffers(), and LocalBufferAlloc().
PGDLLIMPORT int32* PrivateRefCount |
Definition at line 23 of file buf_init.c.
Referenced by AtEOXact_Buffers(), AtProcExit_Buffers(), ConditionalLockBufferForCleanup(), HoldingBufferPinThatDelaysRecovery(), IncrBufferRefCount(), InitBufferPoolAccess(), InvalidateBuffer(), LockBufferForCleanup(), MarkBufferDirty(), MarkBufferDirtyHint(), PinBuffer(), PinBuffer_Locked(), PrintBufferLeakWarning(), ReleaseAndReadBuffer(), ReleaseBuffer(), and UnpinBuffer().
Definition at line 80 of file bufmgr.c.
Referenced by assign_effective_io_concurrency(), and BitmapHeapNext().
Definition at line 73 of file bufmgr.c.
Referenced by FlushBuffer(), and ReadBuffer_common().
Definition at line 70 of file bufmgr.c.
Referenced by mdread(), and ReadBuffer_common().