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G3D::TextInput Class Reference

A simple tokenizer for parsing text files. More...

#include <TextInput.h>


class  BadMSVCSpecial
class  Settings
class  TokenException
class  WrongString
class  WrongSymbol
class  WrongTokenType

Public Types

enum  FS { FROM_STRING }

Public Member Functions

 TextInput (const std::string &filename, const Settings &settings=Settings())
 TextInput (FS fs, const std::string &str, const Settings &settings=Settings())
 TextInput (FS fs, const char *str, size_t strLen, const Settings &settings=Settings())
bool hasMore ()
void pushSettings (const Settings &settings)
void popSettings ()
Token read ()
void read (Token &t)
Token readSignificant ()
double readNumber ()
int readInteger ()
bool readBoolean ()
Token readStringToken ()
std::string readString ()
void readString (const std::string &s)
std::string readUntilNewlineAsString ()
std::string readUntilDelimiterAsString (const char delimiter1, const char delimiter2= '\0')
Token readCommentToken ()
std::string readComment ()
void readComment (const std::string &s)
Token readNewlineToken ()
std::string readNewline ()
void readNewline (const std::string &s)
Token readSymbolToken ()
void readSymbolToken (Token &t)
std::string readSymbol ()
void readSymbol (const std::string &symbol)
void readSymbols (const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2)
void readSymbols (const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2, const std::string &s3)
void readSymbols (const std::string &s1, const std::string &s2, const std::string &s3, const std::string &s4)
Token peek ()
int peekLineNumber ()
int peekCharacterNumber ()
void push (const Token &t)
const std::string & filename () const

Static Public Member Functions

static double parseNumber (const std::string &_string)
static bool parseBoolean (const std::string &_string)

Private Member Functions

void init ()
int eatInputChar ()
int peekInputChar (int distance=0)
int eatAndPeekInputChar ()
void nextToken (Token &t)
void parseQuotedString (unsigned char delimiter, Token &t)
void initFromString (const char *str, int len, const Settings &settings)

Private Attributes

Array< SettingssettingsStack
std::deque< Tokenstack
Array< char > buffer
int currentCharOffset
int lineNumber
int charNumber
Settings options

Detailed Description

A simple tokenizer for parsing text files.

TextInput handles a superset of C++,Java, Matlab, and Bash code text including single line comments, block comments, quoted strings with escape sequences, and operators. TextInput recognizes several categories of tokens, which are separated by white space, quotation marks, or the end of a recognized operator:

The special ".." and "..." tokens are always recognized in addition to normal C++ operators. Additional tokens can be made available by changing the Settings.

Negative numbers are handled specially because of the ambiguity between unary minus and negative numbers– see the note on TextInput::read.

TextInput does not have helper functions for types with non-obvious formatting, or helpers that would be redundant. Use the serialize methods instead for parsing specific types like int, Vector3, and Color3.

Inside quoted strings escape sequences are converted. Thus the string token for ["a\\nb"] is 'a', followed by a newline, followed by 'b'. Outside of quoted strings, escape sequences are not converted, so the token sequence for [a\nb] is symbol 'a', symbol '\', symbol 'nb' (this matches what a C++ parser would do). The exception is that a specified TextInput::Settings::otherCommentCharacter preceeded by a backslash is assumed to be an escaped comment character and is returned as a symbol token instead of being parsed as a comment (this is what a LaTex or VRML parser would do).


TextInput ti(TextInput::FROM_STRING, "name = \"Max\", height = 6");
Token t;
t =;
debugAssert(t.sval == "name");;
debugAssert(t.sval == "=");
std::string name =;;
TextInput ti(TextInput::FROM_STRING, "name = \"Max\", height = 6");
ti.readSymbols("name", "=");
std::string name = ti.readString();
ti.readSymbols(",", "height", "=");
double height = ti. readNumber();

Assumes that the file is not modified once opened.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Definition: TextInput.h:575

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G3D::TextInput::TextInput ( const std::string &  filename,
const Settings settings = Settings() 
1186  : options(opt) {
1187  init();
1188  if (options.sourceFileName.empty()) {
1190  }
1192  std::string zipfile;
1193  if (FileSystem::inZipfile(filename, zipfile)) {
1194  // TODO: this could be faster if we directly read the zipfile
1195  const std::string& input = readWholeFile(filename);
1196  size_t n = input.size();
1197  buffer.resize(n);
1198  System::memcpy(buffer.getCArray(), input.c_str(), n);
1199  } else {
1200  // Read directly into the array
1201  const uint64 n = FileSystem::size(filename);
1202  alwaysAssertM(n != uint64(-1), std::string("File does not exist: ") + filename);
1203  buffer.resize(size_t(n));
1204  FILE* f = FileSystem::fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
1205  fread(buffer.getCArray(), 1, size_t(n), f);
1206  FileSystem::fclose(f);
1207  }
1208 }
void resize(size_t n, bool shrinkIfNecessary=true)
Definition: Array.h:490
static void memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t numBytes)
Definition: System.cpp:643
const std::string & filename() const
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1238
T * getCArray()
Definition: Array.h:256
static void fclose(FILE *f)
Definition: FileSystem.h:290
std::string readWholeFile(const std::string &filename)
Definition: fileutils.cpp:101
uint64_t uint64
Definition: g3dmath.h:170
void init()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:194
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
#define input
Definition: wire_format_lite.h:242
static int64 size(const std::string &path)
Definition: FileSystem.h:462
uint64_t uint64
Definition: Define.h:149
Array< char > buffer
Definition: TextInput.h:416
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
static FILE * fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode)
Definition: FileSystem.h:282
static bool inZipfile(const std::string &path, std::string &zipfile)
Definition: FileSystem.h:264
#define alwaysAssertM(exp, message)
Definition: debugAssert.h:165

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G3D::TextInput::TextInput ( FS  fs,
const std::string &  str,
const Settings settings = Settings() 

Creates input directly from a string. The first argument must be TextInput::FROM_STRING.

1226  {
1227  (void)fs;
1228  initFromString(str.c_str(), (int)str.size(), opt);
1229 }
void initFromString(const char *str, int len, const Settings &settings)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1211

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

G3D::TextInput::TextInput ( FS  fs,
const char *  str,
size_t  strLen,
const Settings settings = Settings() 

Creates input directly from a fixed-length, non-NULL terminated string. The first argument must be TextInput::FROM_STRING.

1232  : options(opt) {
1233  (void)fs;
1234  initFromString(str, (int)len, opt);
1235 }
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
void initFromString(const char *str, int len, const Settings &settings)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1211

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

int G3D::TextInput::eatAndPeekInputChar ( )

Helper function to consume the next character in the input buffer and peek at the one following (without consuming it).

478  {
479  eatInputChar();
480  return peekInputChar(0);
481  }
int eatInputChar()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:217
int peekInputChar(int distance=0)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:252

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int G3D::TextInput::eatInputChar ( )

Consumes the next character from the input buffer, and returns that character. Updates lineNumber and charNumber to reflect the location of the next character in the input buffer.

Note: you shouldn't be using the return value of this function in most cases. In general, you should peekInputChar() to get the next character, determine what to do with it, then consume it with this function (or with eatAndPeekInputChar()). Given that usage, in most instances you already know what this function would return!

217  {
218  // Don't go off the end
219  if (currentCharOffset >= buffer.length()) {
220  return EOF;
221  }
223  unsigned char c = buffer[currentCharOffset];
226  // update lineNumber and charNumber to reflect the location of the *next*
227  // character which will be read.
229  // increment line number for \r, \n and \r\n which matches Token::NEWLINE parsing
230  if (c == '\r') {
231  ++lineNumber;
232  charNumber = 1;
234  // check for \r\n
235  if (currentCharOffset < buffer.length()) {
236  unsigned char c2 = buffer[currentCharOffset];
237  if (c2 == '\n') {
238  c = c2;
240  }
241  }
242  } else if (c == '\n') {
243  ++lineNumber;
244  charNumber = 1;
245  } else {
246  ++charNumber;
247  }
249  return c;
250 }
int length() const
Definition: Array.h:438
int charNumber
Definition: TextInput.h:442
Array< char > buffer
Definition: TextInput.h:416
int currentCharOffset
Definition: TextInput.h:422
int lineNumber
Definition: TextInput.h:432

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

const std::string & G3D::TextInput::filename ( ) const

Returns the filename from which this input is drawn, or the first few characters of the string if created from a string. If settings::filename is non-empty that will replace the true filename.

1238  {
1239  return options.sourceFileName;
1240 }
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool G3D::TextInput::hasMore ( )

Returns true while there are tokens remaining.

212  {
213  return (peek()._type != Token::END);
214 }
Definition: TextInput.h:63
Token peek()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:99

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::init ( )
194  {
195  currentCharOffset = 0;
196  charNumber = 1;
199  if (! options.caseSensitive) {
200  // Convert true and false symbols to all uppercase for fast comparisons
203  }
204 }
Set< std::string > trueSymbols
Definition: TextInput.h:398
bool caseSensitive
Definition: TextInput.h:391
Set< std::string > falseSymbols
Definition: TextInput.h:401
int startingLineNumberOffset
Definition: TextInput.h:331
int charNumber
Definition: TextInput.h:442
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
std::string toUpper(const std::string &x)
Definition: stringutils.cpp:216
int currentCharOffset
Definition: TextInput.h:422
int lineNumber
Definition: TextInput.h:432

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::initFromString ( const char *  str,
int  len,
const Settings settings 
1211  {
1212  options = settings;
1213  init();
1214  if (options.sourceFileName.empty()) {
1215  if (len < 14) {
1216  options.sourceFileName = format("\"%.*s\"", len, str);
1217  } else {
1218  options.sourceFileName = format("\"%.*s...\"", 10, str);
1219  }
1220  }
1221  buffer.resize(len);
1223 }
void resize(size_t n, bool shrinkIfNecessary=true)
Definition: Array.h:490
static void memcpy(void *dst, const void *src, size_t numBytes)
Definition: System.cpp:643
T * getCArray()
Definition: Array.h:256
void init()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:194
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
Array< char > buffer
Definition: TextInput.h:416
std::string __cdecl format(const char *fmt...) G3D_CHECK_PRINTF_ARGS
int size() const
Definition: Array.h:430
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::nextToken ( Token t)

Read the next token, returning an END token if no more input is available.

263  {
265  t._bytePosition = currentCharOffset;
266  t._line = lineNumber;
267  t._character = charNumber;
268  t._type = Token::END;
269  t._extendedType = Token::END_TYPE;
271  int c = peekInputChar();
272  if (c == EOF) {
273  return;
274  }
276  // loop through white space, newlines and comments
277  // found before other tokens
278  bool whitespaceDone = false;
279  while (! whitespaceDone) {
280  whitespaceDone = true;
282  // generate newlines tokens for '\n' and '\r' and '\r\n'
283  while (isWhiteSpace(c)) {
285  t._type = Token::NEWLINE;
286  t._extendedType = Token::NEWLINE_TYPE;
287  t._bytePosition = currentCharOffset;
288  t._line = lineNumber;
289  t._character = charNumber;
290  t._string = c;
292  int c2 = peekInputChar(1);
293  if (c == '\r' && c2 == '\n') {
294  t._string += c2;
295  }
297  eatInputChar();
298  return;
299  } else {
300  // Consume the single whitespace
301  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
302  }
303  }
305  // update line and character number to include discarded whitespace
306  t._line = lineNumber;
307  t._character = charNumber;
308  t._bytePosition = currentCharOffset;
310  if (isDigit(c)) {
311  // This is an unsigned number. Jump ahead for fast number reading.
312  goto numLabel;
313  }
315  int c2 = peekInputChar(1);
317  if ((c == '-') && isDigit(c2) && options.signedNumbers) {
318  // This is a simple number. Jump ahead for fast number reading.
319  // We treat this case specially because large (i.e., slow) files
320  // are usually large because they are full of numbers.
321  t._string = "-";
322  c = c2;
323  // Consume the minus sign
324  eatInputChar();
325  goto numLabel;
326  }
328  // parse comments and generate tokens if enabled
329  std::string commentString;
331  // check for line comments first
332  bool isLineComment = false;
333  if (options.cppLineComments && (c == '/' && c2 == '/')) {
334  // set start of line comment and eat markers
335  isLineComment = true;
336  eatInputChar();
337  eatInputChar();
338  } else if ( options.otherCommentCharacter &&
340  // set start of line comment and eat markers
341  isLineComment = true;
342  eatInputChar();
343  } else if ( options.otherCommentCharacter &&
345  // set start of line comment and eat markers
346  isLineComment = true;
347  eatInputChar();
348  }
350  if (isLineComment) {
352  // consume line comment to newline or EOF
353  c = peekInputChar();
354  while (! isNewline(c) && c != EOF) {
355  // build comment string for token
356  commentString += c;
358  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
359  }
362  t._type = Token::COMMENT;
363  t._extendedType = Token::LINE_COMMENT_TYPE;
364  t._string = commentString;
365  return;
366  } else {
367  // There is whitespace after the comment (in particular, the
368  // newline that terminates the comment). There might also be
369  // whitespace at the start of the next line.
370  whitespaceDone = false;
371  }
373  } else if (options.cppBlockComments && (c == '/' && c2 == '*')) {
374  // consume block comment to end-marker or EOF
376  // consume both start-comment chars, can't let the trailing one
377  // help close the comment.
378  eatInputChar();
379  eatInputChar();
381  // c is the next character we'll read, c2 is the one after *that*
382  c = peekInputChar();
383  c2 = peekInputChar(1);
384  while (! ((c == '*') && (c2 == '/')) && (c != EOF)) {
385  commentString += c;
387  // Eat input char may consume more than one character if there is a newline
388  eatInputChar();
390  c = peekInputChar();
391  c2 = peekInputChar(1);
392  }
393  eatInputChar(); // eat closing '*'
394  eatInputChar(); // eat closing '/'
396  c = peekInputChar();
399  t._type = Token::COMMENT;
400  t._extendedType = Token::BLOCK_COMMENT_TYPE;
401  t._string = commentString;
402  return;
403  } else {
404  // There is whitespace after the comment (in particular, the
405  // newline that terminates the comment). There might also be
406  // whitespace at the start of the next line.
407  whitespaceDone = false;
408  }
409  }
411  } // while (! whitespaceDone)
413  t._line = lineNumber;
414  t._character = charNumber;
415  t._bytePosition = currentCharOffset;
417  // handle EOF
418  if (c == EOF) {
419  return;
420  }
422  // Extended ASCII parses as itself, except for EOF
423  if (c > 127 && c < 255) {
424  t._type = Token::SYMBOL;
425  t._extendedType = Token::SYMBOL_TYPE;
426  t._string = c;
427  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
428  }
431  // Perform appropriate setup for a symbol (including setting up the token
432  // string to start with c), eat the input character, and overwrite
433  // 'c' with the peeked next input character.
434 #define SETUP_SYMBOL(c) \
435  { \
436  t._type = Token::SYMBOL; \
437  t._extendedType = Token::SYMBOL_TYPE; \
438  t._string = c; \
439  c = eatAndPeekInputChar(); \
440  }
442  switch (c) {
444  case '@': // Simple symbols -> just themselves.
445  case '(':
446  case ')':
447  case ',':
448  case ';':
449  case '{':
450  case '}':
451  case '[':
452  case ']':
453  case '#':
454  case '$':
455  case '?':
456  case '%':
458  return;
460  case '-': // negative number, -, --, -=, or ->
463  switch (c) {
464  case '>': // ->
465  case '-': // --
466  case '=': // -=
467  t._string += c;
468  eatInputChar();
469  return;
470  }
472  if (options.signedNumbers) {
473  if (isDigit(c) || (c == '.' && isDigit(peekInputChar(1)))) {
474  // Negative number. 'c' is still the first digit, and is
475  // the next input char.
477  goto numLabel;
478  } else {
479  char terminal = peekInputChar(3);
480  if (options.simpleFloatSpecials && (c == 'i') && (peekInputChar(1) == 'n') && (peekInputChar(2) == 'f') &&
481  ! isLetter(terminal) && (terminal != '_')) {
482  // negative infinity
483  t._type = Token::NUMBER;
484  t._extendedType = Token::FLOATING_POINT_TYPE;
485  t._string = "-inf";
486  eatInputChar(); // i
487  eatInputChar(); // n
488  eatInputChar(); // f
489  return;
490  }
491  }
492  }
495  // plain -
496  return;
498  case '+': // positive number, +, ++, or +=
501  switch (c) {
502  case '+': // ++
503  case '=': // +=
504  t._string += c;
505  eatInputChar();
506  return;
507  }
509  if (options.signedNumbers) {
510  if (isDigit(c) || (c == '.' && isDigit(peekInputChar(1)))) {
511  // Positive number. 'c' is still the first digit, and is
512  // the next input char.
514  goto numLabel;
515  } else {
516  char terminal = peekInputChar(3);
517  if (options.simpleFloatSpecials && (c == 'i') && (peekInputChar(1) == 'n') && (peekInputChar(2) == 'f') &&
518  ! isLetter(terminal) && (terminal != '_')) {
519  // positive infinity
520  t._type = Token::NUMBER;
521  t._extendedType = Token::FLOATING_POINT_TYPE;
522  t._string = "+inf";
523  eatInputChar(); // i
524  eatInputChar(); // n
525  eatInputChar(); // f
526  return;
527  }
528  }
529  }
531  return;
533  case ':': // : or :: or ::> or ::= or := or :>
536  if (c == ':') {
537  t._string += c;
538  eatInputChar();
540  if (options.proofSymbols) {
541  c = peekInputChar(0);
543  if ((c == '>') || (c == '=')) {
544  t._string += c;
545  eatInputChar();
546  }
547  }
548  } else if (options.proofSymbols && (c == '=' || c == '>')) {
549  t._string += c;
550  eatInputChar();
551  }
552  return;
554  case '=': // = or == or =>
557  if (c == '=') {
558  t._string += c;
559  eatInputChar();
560  } else if (options.proofSymbols && (c == '>')) {
561  t._string += c;
562  eatInputChar();
563  }
564  return;
566  case '*': // * or *=
567  case '/': // / or /=
568  case '!': // ! or !=
569  case '~': // ~ or ~=
570  case '^': // ^ or ^=
573  if (c == '=') {
574  t._string += c;
575  eatInputChar();
576  }
577  return;
579  case '>': // >, >>,or >=
580  case '<': // <<, <<, or <= or <- or <:
581  case '|': // ||, ||, or |= or |-
582  case '&': // &, &&, or &=
583  {
584  int orig_c = c;
587  if ((c == '=') || (orig_c == c)) {
588  t._string += c;
589  eatInputChar();
590  } else if (options.proofSymbols) {
591  if ((orig_c == '<') && (c == '-')) {
592  t._string += c;
593  eatInputChar();
594  } else if ((orig_c == '|') && (c == '-')) {
595  t._string += c;
596  eatInputChar();
597  } else if ((orig_c == '<') && (c == ':')) {
598  t._string += c;
600  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
602  if (c == ':') {
603  t._string += c;
604  eatInputChar();
605  }
606  }
607  }
608  }
609  return;
611  case '\\': // backslash or escaped comment char.
614  if ((options.otherCommentCharacter != '\0'
616  || (options.otherCommentCharacter2 != '\0'
617  && c == options.otherCommentCharacter2)) {
619  // escaped comment character. Return the raw comment
620  // char (no backslash).
622  t._string = c;
623  eatInputChar();
624  return;
625  }
626  return;
628  case '.': // number, ., .., or ...
629  if (isDigit(peekInputChar(1))) {
630  // We're parsing a float that began without a leading zero
631  goto numLabel;
632  }
636  if (c == '.') { // .. or ...
637  t._string += c;
638  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
640  if (c == '.') { // ...
641  t._string += c;
642  eatInputChar();
643  }
644  return;
645  }
647  return;
649  } // switch (c)
651 #undef SETUP_SYMBOL
653 numLabel:
654  if (isDigit(c) || (c == '.')) {
656  // A number. Note-- single dots have been
657  // parsed already, so a . indicates a number
658  // less than 1 in floating point form.
660  // [0-9]*(\.[0-9][f]) or [0-9]+ or 0x[0-9,A-F]+
662  if (t._string != "-") {
663  // If we picked up a leading "-" sign above, keep it,
664  // otherwise drop the string parsed thus far
665  t._string = "";
666  }
667  t._type = Token::NUMBER;
668  if (c == '.') {
669  t._extendedType = Token::FLOATING_POINT_TYPE;
670  } else {
671  t._extendedType = Token::INTEGER_TYPE;
672  }
674  if ((c == '0') && (peekInputChar(1) == 'x')) {
675  // Hex number
676  t._string += "0x";
678  // skip the 0x
679  eatInputChar();
680  eatInputChar();
682  c = peekInputChar();
683  while (isDigit(c) || ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) || ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f'))) {
684  t._string += c;
685  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
686  }
688  } else {
689  // Non-hex number
691  // Read the part before the decimal.
692  while (isDigit(c)) {
693  t._string += c;
694  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
695  }
697  // True if we are reading a floating-point special type
698  bool isSpecial = false;
700  // Read the decimal, if one exists
701  if (c == '.') {
702  t._extendedType = Token::FLOATING_POINT_TYPE;
704  // The '.' character was a decimal point, not the start of a
705  // method or range operator
706  t._string += c;
707  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
709  // Floating point specials (msvc format only)
710  if (options.msvcFloatSpecials && (c == '#')) {
711  isSpecial = true;
712  // We are reading a floating point special value
713  // of the form -1.#IND00, -1.#INF00, or 1.#INF00
714  // (with or without the trailing 00
715  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
716  char test = c;
717  if (! options.caseSensitive) {
718  test = toupper(c);
719  }
720  if (test != 'I') {
721  throw BadMSVCSpecial
722  ("Incorrect floating-point special (inf or nan) "
723  "format.",
724  t.line(), charNumber);
725  }
726  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
727  test = c;
728  if (! options.caseSensitive) {
729  test = toupper(c);
730  }
731  if (test != 'N') {
732  throw BadMSVCSpecial
733  (
734  "Incorrect floating-point special (inf or nan) "
735  "format.",
736  t.line(), charNumber);
737  }
738  t._string += "#IN";
739  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
740  test = c;
741  if (! options.caseSensitive) {
742  test = toupper(c);
743  }
744  if ((test != 'F') && (test != 'D')) {
745  throw BadMSVCSpecial
746  (
747  "Incorrect floating-point special (inf or nan) "
748  "format.",
749  t.line(), charNumber);
750  }
751  t._string += c;
753  // On older systems, there may be an extra 00 tacked on.
754  for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
755  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
756  if (c == '0') {
757  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
758  if (c != '0') {
759  throw BadMSVCSpecial
760  (
761  "Incorrect floating-point special (inf or nan) "
762  "format.",
763  t.line(), charNumber);
764  } else {
765  eatInputChar();
766  t._string += "00";
767  }
768  } else {
769  break;
770  }
771  }
773  } else {
775  // Read the part after the decimal
776  while (isDigit((char)c)) {
777  t._string += (char)c;
778  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
779  }
780  }
781  }
783  if (! isSpecial && ((c == 'e') || (c == 'E'))) {
784  // Read exponent
785  t._extendedType = Token::FLOATING_POINT_TYPE;
786  t._string += c;
788  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
789  if ((c == '-') || (c == '+')) {
790  t._string += c;
791  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
792  }
794  while (isDigit(c)) {
795  t._string += c;
796  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
797  }
798  }
800  if (! isSpecial && (t._extendedType == Token::FLOATING_POINT_TYPE) && (c == 'f')) {
801  // Trailing f on a float
802  t._string += c;
803  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
804  }
805  }
806  return;
808  } else if (isLetter(c) || (c == '_')) {
809  // Identifier or keyword
810  // [A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*
812  t._type = Token::SYMBOL;
813  t._extendedType = Token::SYMBOL_TYPE;
814  t._string = "";
815  do {
816  t._string += c;
817  c = eatAndPeekInputChar();
818  } while (isLetter(c) || isDigit(c) || (c == '_'));
820  // See if this symbol is actually a boolean
821  if ((options.trueSymbols.size() > 0) || (options.falseSymbols.size() > 0)) {
822  std::string str = t._string;
823  if (! options.caseSensitive) {
824  str = toUpper(str);
825  }
826  if (options.trueSymbols.contains(str)) {
827  t._type = Token::BOOLEAN;
828  t._extendedType = Token::BOOLEAN_TYPE;
829  t._bool = true;
830  } else if (options.falseSymbols.contains(str)) {
831  t._type = Token::BOOLEAN;
832  t._extendedType = Token::BOOLEAN_TYPE;
833  t._bool = false;
834  }
835  }
837  if (options.simpleFloatSpecials && ((t._string == "nan") || (t._string == "inf"))) {
838  t._type = Token::NUMBER;
839  t._extendedType = Token::FLOATING_POINT_TYPE;
840  }
841  return;
843  } else if (c == '\"') {
845  // Discard the double-quote.
846  eatInputChar();
848  // Double quoted string
849  parseQuotedString('\"', t);
850  return;
852  } else if (c == options.singleQuoteCharacter) {
854  // Discard the single-quote.
855  eatInputChar();
858  // Single quoted string
860  } else {
861  t._string = c;
862  t._type = Token::SYMBOL;
863  t._extendedType = Token::SYMBOL_TYPE;
864  }
865  return;
867  } // end of special case tokens
869  if ((c == EOF) || (c == '\0')) {
870  t._type = Token::END;
871  t._extendedType = Token::END_TYPE;
872  t._string = "";
873  return;
874  }
876  // Some unknown token
877  throw format("Unrecognized token type beginning with character '%c' (ASCII %d)", c, c);
878  return;
879 }
Definition: TextInput.h:61
Definition: TextInput.h:46
Set< std::string > trueSymbols
Definition: TextInput.h:398
void parseQuotedString(unsigned char delimiter, Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:882
Definition: TextInput.h:62
Definition: TextInput.h:58
bool caseSensitive
Definition: TextInput.h:391
int eatInputChar()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:217
bool proofSymbols
Definition: TextInput.h:385
char otherCommentCharacter2
Definition: TextInput.h:284
Definition: TextInput.h:45
bool contains(const T &member) const
Definition: Set.h:54
char otherCommentCharacter
Definition: TextInput.h:279
Definition: TextInput.h:50
Definition: TextInput.h:63
Definition: TextInput.h:43
Set< std::string > falseSymbols
Definition: TextInput.h:401
Definition: TextInput.h:48
bool cppBlockComments
Definition: TextInput.h:241
bool isNewline(const unsigned char c)
Definition: stringutils.h:157
Definition: TextInput.h:60
bool msvcFloatSpecials
Definition: TextInput.h:364
bool isDigit(const unsigned char c)
Definition: stringutils.h:164
Definition: TextInput.h:47
int charNumber
Definition: TextInput.h:442
Definition: TextInput.h:59
char singleQuoteCharacter
Definition: TextInput.h:316
int size() const
Definition: Set.h:50
std::string __cdecl format(const char *fmt...) G3D_CHECK_PRINTF_ARGS
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
std::string toUpper(const std::string &x)
Definition: stringutils.cpp:216
bool generateCommentTokens
Definition: TextInput.h:293
bool isLetter(const unsigned char c)
Definition: stringutils.h:171
int peekInputChar(int distance=0)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:252
#define SETUP_SYMBOL(c)
bool isWhiteSpace(const unsigned char c)
Definition: stringutils.h:150
bool singleQuotedStrings
Definition: TextInput.h:311
bool generateNewlineTokens
Definition: TextInput.h:301
bool cppLineComments
Definition: TextInput.h:249
bool simpleFloatSpecials
Definition: TextInput.h:368
int currentCharOffset
Definition: TextInput.h:422
Definition: TextInput.h:49
int eatAndPeekInputChar()
Definition: TextInput.h:478
int lineNumber
Definition: TextInput.h:432
Definition: TextInput.h:44
bool signedNumbers
Definition: TextInput.h:305

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool G3D::TextInput::parseBoolean ( const std::string &  _string)

toLower(_string) == "true"

42  {
43  return toLower(_string) == "true";
44 }
std::string toLower(const std::string &x)
Definition: stringutils.cpp:223

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double G3D::TextInput::parseNumber ( const std::string &  _string)

Includes MSVC specials parsing

46  {
47  std::string s = toLower(_string);
48  if (s == "-1.#ind00" || s == "-1.#ind" || s == "nan" || s == "NaN") {
49  return nan();
50  }
52  if (s == "1.#inf00" || s == "1.#inf" || s == "inf" || s == "+inf" || s == "Infinity") {
53  return inf();
54  }
56  if (s == "-1.#inf00" || s == "-1.#inf" || s == "-inf" || s == "-Infinity") {
57  return -inf();
58  }
60  double n;
61  if ((_string.length() > 2) &&
62  (_string[0] == '0') &&
63  (_string[1] == 'x')) {
64  // Hex
65  uint32 i;
66  sscanf(_string.c_str(), "%x", &i);
67  n = i;
68  } else {
69  sscanf(_string.c_str(), "%lg", &n);
70  }
72  return n;
73 }
double inf()
Definition: g3dmath.cpp:40
std::string toLower(const std::string &x)
Definition: stringutils.cpp:223
uint32_t uint32
Definition: Define.h:150
double nan()
Definition: g3dmath.cpp:77

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::parseQuotedString ( unsigned char  delimiter,
Token t 

Helper for nextToken. Appends characters to t._string until the end delimiter is reached.

When called, the next character in the input buffer should be first the first character after the opening delimiter character.

882  {
884  t._type = Token::STRING;
886  if (delimiter == options.singleQuoteCharacter) {
887  t._extendedType = Token::SINGLE_QUOTED_TYPE;
888  } else {
889  t._extendedType = Token::DOUBLE_QUOTED_TYPE;
890  }
892  while (true) {
893  // We're definitely going to consume the next input char, so we get
894  // it right now. This makes the condition handling below a bit easier.
895  int c = eatInputChar();
897  if (c == EOF) {
898  // END inside a quoted string. (We finish the string.)
899  break;
900  }
902  if (options.escapeSequencesInStrings && (c == '\\')) {
903  // An escaped character. We're definitely going to consume it,
904  // so we get it (and consume it) now.
906  c = eatInputChar();
908  switch (c) {
909  case 'r':
910  t._string += '\r';
911  break;
912  case 'n':
913  t._string += '\n';
914  break;
915  case 't':
916  t._string += '\t';
917  break;
918  case '0':
919  t._string += '\0';
920  break;
922  case '\\':
923  case '\"':
924  t._string += (char)c;
925  break;
927  default:
928  if (c == options.singleQuoteCharacter) {
929  t._string += (char)c;
930  break;
931  }
933  if (((c == options.otherCommentCharacter) &&
934  (options.otherCommentCharacter != '\0')) ||
935  ((c == options.otherCommentCharacter2) &&
936  (options.otherCommentCharacter2 != '\0'))) {
937  t._string += c;
938  }
939  // otherwise, some illegal escape sequence; skip it.
940  break;
942  } // switch
944  } else if (c == delimiter) {
945  // End of the string. Already consumed the character.
946  break;
947  } else {
948  // All other chars, go on to the string. Already consumed the
949  // character.
950  t._string += (char)c;
951  }
953  }
954 }
Definition: TextInput.h:57
int eatInputChar()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:217
char otherCommentCharacter2
Definition: TextInput.h:284
char otherCommentCharacter
Definition: TextInput.h:279
bool escapeSequencesInStrings
Definition: TextInput.h:269
char singleQuoteCharacter
Definition: TextInput.h:316
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
Definition: TextInput.h:41
Definition: TextInput.h:42

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Token G3D::TextInput::peek ( )

Return a copy of the next token in the input stream, but don't remove it from the input stream.

99  {
100  if (stack.size() == 0) {
101  Token t;
102  nextToken(t);
103  push(t);
104  }
106  return stack.front();
107 }
std::deque< Token > stack
Definition: TextInput.h:411
void nextToken(Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:263
void push(const Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:207

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int G3D::TextInput::peekCharacterNumber ( )

Returns the character number (relative to the line) for the next token in the input stream. See also peek.

115  {
116  return peek().character();
117 }
Token peek()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:99
int character() const
Definition: TextInput.h:133

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

int G3D::TextInput::peekInputChar ( int  distance = 0)

Returns the next character from the input buffer, without consuming any characters. Can also be used to look deeper into the input buffer. Does not modify lineNumber or charNumber.

distanceIndex of the character in the input buffer to peek at, relative to the next character. Default is 0, for the next character in the input buffer.
252  {
253  // Don't go off the end
254  if ((currentCharOffset + distance) >= buffer.length()) {
255  return EOF;
256  }
258  unsigned char c = buffer[currentCharOffset + distance];
259  return c;
260 }
int length() const
Definition: Array.h:438
double distance(double x, double y)
Definition: g3dmath.h:731
Array< char > buffer
Definition: TextInput.h:416
int currentCharOffset
Definition: TextInput.h:422

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int G3D::TextInput::peekLineNumber ( )

Returns the line number for the next token. See also peek.

110  {
111  return peek().line();
112 }
Token peek()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:99
int line() const
Definition: TextInput.h:125

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::popSettings ( )
596  {
597  options = settingsStack.pop();
598  }
Array< Settings > settingsStack
Definition: TextInput.h:409
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::push ( const Token t)

Take a previously read token and push it back at the front of the input stream.

Can be used in the case where more than one token of read-ahead is needed (i.e., when peek doesn't suffice).

207  {
208  stack.push_front(t);
209 }
std::deque< Token > stack
Definition: TextInput.h:411

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::pushSettings ( const Settings settings)

Temporarily switch parsing to use settings. Note that this will override the currently recorded sourceFilename unless you explicitly set it back.

See also
591  {
592  settingsStack.push(options);
593  options = settings;
594  }
Array< Settings > settingsStack
Definition: TextInput.h:409
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Token G3D::TextInput::read ( )

Read the next token (which will be the END token if ! hasMore()).

Signed numbers can be handled in one of two modes. If the option TextInput::Settings::signedNumbers is true, A '+' or '-' immediately before a number is prepended onto that number and if there is intervening whitespace, it is read as a separate symbol.

If TextInput::Settings::signedNumbers is false, read() does not distinguish between a plus or minus symbol next to a number and a positive/negative number itself. For example, "x - 1" and "x -1" will be parsed the same way by read().

In both cases, readNumber() will contract a leading "-" or "+" onto a number.

120  {
121  Token t;
122  read(t);
123  return t;
124 }
Token read()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:120

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::read ( Token t)

Avoids the copy of read()

127  {
128  if (stack.size() > 0) {
129  t = stack.front();
130  stack.pop_front();
131  } else {
132  nextToken(t);
133  }
134 }
std::deque< Token > stack
Definition: TextInput.h:411
void nextToken(Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:263

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

bool G3D::TextInput::readBoolean ( )
957  {
958  const Token& t = read();
960  if (t._type == Token::BOOLEAN) {
961  return t.boolean();
962  }
964  // Push initial token back, and throw an error. We intentionally
965  // indicate that the wrong type is the type of the initial token.
966  // Logically, the number started there.
967  push(t);
968  throw WrongTokenType(options.sourceFileName, t.line(), t.character(),
969  Token::BOOLEAN, t._type);
970 }
Definition: TextInput.h:60
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
void push(const Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:207
Token read()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:120

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

std::string G3D::TextInput::readComment ( )

Like readCommentToken, but returns the token's string.

Use this method (rather than readCommentToken) if you want the token's value but don't really care about its location in the input. Use of readCommentToken is encouraged for better error reporting.

1099  {
1100  return readCommentToken()._string;
1101 }
Token readCommentToken()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1085
std::string _string
Definition: TextInput.h:74

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::readComment ( const std::string &  s)

Reads a specific comment token or throws either WrongTokenType or WrongString. If the next token in the input is a comment matching s, it will be consumed.

Use this method if you want to match a specific comment from the input. In that case, typically error reporting related to the token is only going to occur because of a mismatch, so no location information is needed by the caller.

WrongTokenType will be thrown if the next token in the input stream is not a comment. WrongString will be thrown if the next token in the input stream is a comment but does not match the s parameter. When an exception is thrown, no tokens are consumed.

1104  {
1105  const Token& t = readCommentToken();
1107  if (t._string == s) { // fast path
1108  return;
1109  }
1111  push(t);
1112  throw WrongString(options.sourceFileName, t.line(), t.character(),
1113  s, t._string);
1114 }
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
Token readCommentToken()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1085
void push(const Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:207

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Token G3D::TextInput::readCommentToken ( )

Reads a comment token or throws WrongTokenType, and returns the token.

Use this method (rather than readComment) if you want the token's location as well as its value.

WrongTokenType will be thrown if the next token in the input stream is not a comment. When an exception is thrown, no tokens are consumed.

1085  {
1086  Token t;
1087  read(t);
1089  if (t._type == Token::COMMENT) { // fast path
1090  return t;
1091  }
1093  push(t);
1094  throw WrongTokenType(options.sourceFileName, t.line(), t.character(),
1095  Token::COMMENT, t._type);
1096 }
Definition: TextInput.h:61
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
void push(const Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:207
Token read()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:120

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

int G3D::TextInput::readInteger ( )

Reads a number that must be in C integer format: [ '+' | '-' ] #+ | '0x'#+

973  {
974  Token t;
975  read(t);
977  if (t._extendedType == Token::INTEGER_TYPE) { // common case
978  return int(t.number());
979  } else {
980  // Even if signedNumbers is disabled, readInteger attempts to
981  // read a signed number, so we handle that case here.
982  if (! options.signedNumbers
983  && (t._type == Token::SYMBOL)
984  && ((t._string == "-")
985  || (t._string == "+"))) {
987  Token t2;
988  read(t2);
990  if ((t2._extendedType == Token::INTEGER_TYPE)
991  && (t2._character == t._character + 1)) {
993  if (t._string == "-") {
994  return (int)-t2.number();
995  } else {
996  return (int)t2.number();
997  }
998  }
1000  // push back the second token.
1001  push(t2);
1002  }
1004  // Push initial token back, and throw an error. We intentionally
1005  // indicate that the wrong type is the type of the initial token.
1006  // Logically, the number started there.
1007  push(t);
1008  throw WrongTokenType(options.sourceFileName, t.line(), t.character(),
1009  Token::NUMBER, t._type);
1010  }
1011 }
Definition: TextInput.h:58
Definition: TextInput.h:45
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
Definition: TextInput.h:59
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
void push(const Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:207
Token read()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:120
bool signedNumbers
Definition: TextInput.h:305

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

std::string G3D::TextInput::readNewline ( )

Like readNewlineToken, but returns the token's string.

Use this method (rather than readNewlineToken) if you want the token's value but don't really care about its location in the input. Use of readNewlineToken is encouraged for better error reporting.

1130  {
1131  return readNewlineToken()._string;
1132 }
std::string _string
Definition: TextInput.h:74
Token readNewlineToken()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1117

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::readNewline ( const std::string &  s)

Reads a specific newline token or throws either WrongTokenType or WrongString. If the next token in the input is a newline matching s, it will be consumed.

Use this method if you want to match a specific newline from the input. In that case, typically error reporting related to the token is only going to occur because of a mismatch, so no location information is needed by the caller.

WrongTokenType will be thrown if the next token in the input stream is not a newline. WrongString will be thrown if the next token in the input stream is a newlin but does not match the s parameter. When an exception is thrown, no tokens are consumed.

1134  {
1135  const Token& t = readNewlineToken();
1137  if (t._string == s) { // fast path
1138  return;
1139  }
1141  push(t);
1142  throw WrongString(options.sourceFileName, t.line(), t.character(),
1143  s, t._string);
1144 }
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
Token readNewlineToken()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1117
void push(const Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:207

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Token G3D::TextInput::readNewlineToken ( )

Reads a newline token or throws WrongTokenType, and returns the token.

Use this method (rather than readNewline) if you want the token's location as well as its value.

WrongTokenType will be thrown if the next token in the input stream is not a newline. When an exception is thrown, no tokens are consumed.

1117  {
1118  Token t;
1119  read(t);
1121  if (t._type == Token::NEWLINE) { // fast path
1122  return t;
1123  }
1125  push(t);
1126  throw WrongTokenType(options.sourceFileName, t.line(), t.character(),
1127  Token::NEWLINE, t._type);
1128 }
Definition: TextInput.h:62
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
void push(const Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:207
Token read()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:120

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

double G3D::TextInput::readNumber ( )

Read one token (or possibly two, for minus sign) as a number or throws WrongTokenType, and returns the number.

If the first token in the input is a number, it is returned directly.

If TextInput::Settings::signedNumbers is false and the input stream contains a '+' or '-' symbol token immediately followed by a number token, both tokens will be consumed and a single token will be returned by this method.

WrongTokenType will be thrown if one of the input conditions described above is not satisfied. When an exception is thrown, no tokens are consumed.

1014  {
1015  Token t;
1016  read(t);
1018  if (t._type == Token::NUMBER) { // common case
1019  return t.number();
1020  }
1022  // Even if signedNumbers is disabled, readNumber attempts to
1023  // read a signed number, so we handle that case here.
1024  if (! options.signedNumbers
1025  && (t._type == Token::SYMBOL)
1026  && ((t._string == "-")
1027  || (t._string == "+"))) {
1029  Token t2(read());
1031  if ((t2._type == Token::NUMBER)
1032  && (t2._character == t._character + 1)) {
1034  if (t._string == "-") {
1035  return -t2.number();
1036  } else {
1037  return t2.number();
1038  }
1039  }
1041  // push back the second token.
1042  push(t2);
1043  }
1045  // Push initial token back, and throw an error. We intentionally
1046  // indicate that the wrong type is the type of the initial token.
1047  // Logically, the number started there.
1048  push(t);
1049  throw WrongTokenType(options.sourceFileName, t.line(), t.character(),
1050  Token::NUMBER, t._type);
1051 }
Definition: TextInput.h:58
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
Definition: TextInput.h:59
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
void push(const Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:207
Token read()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:120
bool signedNumbers
Definition: TextInput.h:305

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Token G3D::TextInput::readSignificant ( )

Calls read() until the result is not a newline or comment

24  {
25  Token t;
26  do {
27  t = read();
28  } while ((t.type() == Token::COMMENT) || (t.type() == Token::NEWLINE));
29  return t;
30 }
Definition: TextInput.h:61
Definition: TextInput.h:62
Token read()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:120

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string G3D::TextInput::readString ( )

Like readStringToken, but returns the token's string.

Use this method (rather than readStringToken) if you want the token's value but don't really care about its location in the input. Use of readStringToken is encouraged for better error reporting.

1067  {
1068  return readStringToken()._string;
1069 }
Token readStringToken()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1054
std::string _string
Definition: TextInput.h:74

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::readString ( const std::string &  s)

Reads a specific string token or throws either WrongTokenType or WrongString. If the next token in the input is a string matching s, it will be consumed.

Use this method if you want to match a specific string from the input. In that case, typically error reporting related to the token is only going to occur because of a mismatch, so no location information is needed by the caller.

WrongTokenType will be thrown if the next token in the input stream is not a string. WrongString will be thrown if the next token in the input stream is a string but does not match the s parameter. When an exception is thrown, no tokens are consumed.

See also
readString(), readStringToken(), readUntilNewlineAsString(), readUntilDelimiterAsString()
1072  {
1073  const Token& t = readStringToken();
1075  if (t._string == s) { // fast path
1076  return;
1077  }
1079  push(t);
1080  throw WrongString(options.sourceFileName, t.line(), t.character(),
1081  s, t._string);
1082 }
Token readStringToken()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1054
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
void push(const Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:207

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Token G3D::TextInput::readStringToken ( )

Reads a string token or throws WrongTokenType, and returns the token.

Use this method (rather than readString) if you want the token's location as well as its value.

WrongTokenType will be thrown if the next token in the input stream is not a string. When an exception is thrown, no tokens are consumed.

1054  {
1055  Token t;
1056  read(t);
1058  if (t._type == Token::STRING) { // fast path
1059  return t;
1060  }
1062  push(t);
1063  throw WrongTokenType(options.sourceFileName, t.line(), t.character(),
1064  Token::STRING, t._type);
1065 }
Definition: TextInput.h:57
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
void push(const Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:207
Token read()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:120

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string G3D::TextInput::readSymbol ( )

Like readSymbolToken, but returns the token's string.

Use this method (rather than readSymbolToken) if you want the token's value but don't really care about its location in the input. Use of readSymbolToken is encouraged for better error reporting.

1167  {
1168  return readSymbolToken()._string;
1169 }
Token readSymbolToken()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1147
std::string _string
Definition: TextInput.h:74

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::readSymbol ( const std::string &  symbol)

Reads a specific symbol token or throws either WrongTokenType or WrongSymbol. If the next token in the input is a symbol matching symbol, it will be consumed.

Use this method if you want to match a specific symbol from the input. In that case, typically error reporting related to the token is only going to occur because of a mismatch, so no location information is needed by the caller.

WrongTokenType will be thrown if the next token in the input stream is not a symbol. WrongSymbol will be thrown if the next token in the input stream is a symbol but does not match the symbol parameter. When an exception is thrown, no tokens are consumed.

1172  {
1173  Token t;
1174  readSymbolToken(t);
1176  if (t._string == symbol) { // fast path
1177  return;
1178  }
1180  push(t);
1181  throw WrongSymbol(options.sourceFileName, t.line(), t.character(),
1182  symbol, t._string);
1183 }
Token readSymbolToken()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1147
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
void push(const Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:207

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::readSymbols ( const std::string &  s1,
const std::string &  s2 

Read a series of two specific symbols. See readSymbol.

804  {
805  readSymbol(s1);
806  readSymbol(s2);
807  }
std::string readSymbol()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1167

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::readSymbols ( const std::string &  s1,
const std::string &  s2,
const std::string &  s3 

Read a series of three specific symbols. See readSymbol.

813  {
814  readSymbol(s1);
815  readSymbol(s2);
816  readSymbol(s3);
817  }
std::string readSymbol()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1167

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::readSymbols ( const std::string &  s1,
const std::string &  s2,
const std::string &  s3,
const std::string &  s4 

Read a series of four specific symbols. See readSymbol.

824  {
825  readSymbol(s1);
826  readSymbol(s2);
827  readSymbol(s3);
828  readSymbol(s4);
829  }
std::string readSymbol()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1167

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Token G3D::TextInput::readSymbolToken ( )

Reads a symbol token or throws WrongTokenType, and returns the token.

Use this method (rather than readSymbol) if you want the token's location as well as its value.

WrongTokenType will be thrown if the next token in the input stream is not a symbol. When an exception is thrown, no tokens are consumed.

1147  {
1148  Token t;
1149  readSymbolToken(t);
1150  return t;
1151 }
Token readSymbolToken()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:1147

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void G3D::TextInput::readSymbolToken ( Token t)

Avoids the copy of readSymbolToken()

1154  {
1155  read(t);
1157  if (t._type == Token::SYMBOL) { // fast path
1158  return;
1159  }
1161  push(t);
1162  throw WrongTokenType(options.sourceFileName, t.line(), t.character(),
1163  Token::SYMBOL, t._type);
1164 }
Definition: TextInput.h:58
std::string sourceFileName
Definition: TextInput.h:325
Settings options
Definition: TextInput.h:446
void push(const Token &t)
Definition: TextInput.cpp:207
Token read()
Definition: TextInput.cpp:120

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

std::string G3D::TextInput::readUntilDelimiterAsString ( const char  delimiter1,
const char  delimiter2 = '\0' 

Read from the beginning of the next token until the following delimiter character and return the result as a string, ignoring all parsing in between. The delimiter is not returned in the string, and the following token read will begin at the delimiter or end of file token (if they are enabled for parsing).

137  {
138 /*
139  // Reset the read position back to the start of that token
140  currentCharOffset = t.bytePosition();
141  lineNumber = t.line();
142  charNumber = t.character();
143  stack.clear();
145  if (currentCharOffset == buffer.size()) {
146  // End of file
147  return "";
148  }
149  */
150  std::string s;
152  if (stack.size() > 0) {
153  // Need to back up. This only works if the stack is actually
154  // in proper order reflecting the real file, and doesn't
155  // contain incorrectly pushed elements.
156  Token t = stack.back();
157  stack.clear();
158  currentCharOffset = (int)t.bytePosition();
159  lineNumber = t.line();
160  charNumber = t.character();
161  }
163  // Read until delimiter or eof
164  while (currentCharOffset < buffer.size()) {
165  const char c = buffer[currentCharOffset];
166  if ((c == delimiter1) || (c == delimiter2)) {
167  // Done
168  break;
169  } else {
170  s += c;
172  ++charNumber;
173  }
174  }
176  return s;
177 }
std::deque< Token > stack
Definition: TextInput.h:411
int charNumber
Definition: TextInput.h:442
Array< char > buffer
Definition: TextInput.h:416
int size() const
Definition: Array.h:430
int currentCharOffset
Definition: TextInput.h:422
int lineNumber
Definition: TextInput.h:432

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string G3D::TextInput::readUntilNewlineAsString ( )

Read from the beginning of the next token until the following newline and return the result as a string, ignoring all parsing in between. The newline is not returned in the string, and the following token read will be a newline or end of file token (if they are enabled for parsing).

180  {
181  return readUntilDelimiterAsString('\r', '\n');
182 }
std::string readUntilDelimiterAsString(const char delimiter1, const char delimiter2= '\0')
Definition: TextInput.cpp:137

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

Array<char> G3D::TextInput::buffer

Characters to be tokenized.

int G3D::TextInput::charNumber

Character number (within the line) of the next character to be consumed from the input buffer. (1 indicates first character of the line).

Note that this is the character number of the next character to be consumed from the input, not the character number of the last character consumed!

int G3D::TextInput::currentCharOffset

Offset of current character (the next character to consumed) in input buffer.

int G3D::TextInput::lineNumber

Line number of next character to be consumed from the input buffer. (1 indicates first line of input.)

Note that this is the line number of the next character to be consumed from the input, not the line number of the last character consumed!

Settings G3D::TextInput::options

Configuration options. This includes the file name that will be reported in tokens and exceptions.

Array<Settings> G3D::TextInput::settingsStack
std::deque<Token> G3D::TextInput::stack

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