surface get_image(const image::locator &i_locator, TYPE type)
function to get the surface corresponding to an image.
bool has_shift_modifier() const
editor_action * click_right(editor_display &disp, int x, int y)
Right click does nothing for now.
map_location previous_move_hex_
The hex previously used in move operations.
GLenum GLsizei GLenum GLenum const GLvoid * image
double get_zoom_factor() const
Returns the current zoom factor.
Container action wrapping several actions into one.
surface scale_surface(const surface &surf, int w, int h)
bool has_ctrl_modifier() const
virtual void set_mouse_overlay(editor_display &disp)
Set the mouse overlay for this action.
std::set< map_location > get_contiguous_terrain_tiles(const map_location &start) const
Get a contiguous set of tiles having the same terrain as the starting location.
virtual editor_action * key_event(editor_display &disp, const SDL_Event &e)
Function called by the controller on a key event for the current mouse action.
editor_action * key_event(editor_display &disp, const SDL_Event &e)
Force a fake "move" event to update brush overlay on key event.
surface adjust_surface_alpha(const surface &surf, fixed_t amount, bool optimize)
Select the given locations.
void update_brush_highlights(editor_display &disp, const map_location &hex)
Unconditionally update the brush highlights for the current tool when hex is the center location...
GLclampf GLclampf GLclampf alpha
void set_mouseover_hex_overlay(const surface &image)
mouseover_hex_overlay_ require a prerendered surface and is drawn underneath the mouse's location ...
Manage the empty-palette in the editor.
Encapsulates the map of the game.
editor_action * click_perform_right(editor_display &disp, const std::set< map_location > &hexes)
Right click/drag.
Base class for all editor actions.
std::set< map_location > affected_hexes(editor_display &disp, const map_location &hex)
Overridden to allow special behavior based on modifier keys.
Deselect the given locations.
editor_action * click_perform_left(editor_display &disp, const std::set< map_location > &hexes)
Left click/drag selects.
const editor_map & map() const
std::set< map_location > affected_hexes(editor_display &disp, const map_location &hex)
The affected hexes of a brush action are the result of projecting the current brush on the mouseover ...