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image Namespace Reference

this module manages the cache of images. More...


class  adjust_alpha_modification
 Adjust Alpha (ADJUST_ALPHA) modification. More...
struct  background_modification
 Fill background with a color (BG). More...
class  bl_modification
 Gaussian-like blur (BL) modification. More...
class  blend_modification
 Color blending (BLEND) modification. More...
class  blit_modification
 Scale (BLIT) modification. More...
struct  brighten_modification
 Overlay with ToD brightening (BRIGHTEN). More...
class  bw_modification
 Black and white (BW) modification. More...
singleton  cache_type
class  color_adjustment_resetter
class  crop_modification
 Crop (CROP) modification. More...
class  cs_modification
 Color-shift (CS, R, G, B) modification. More...
struct  darken_modification
 Overlay with ToD darkening (DARKEN). More...
class  fl_modification
 Mirror (FL) modification. More...
class  gs_modification
 Grayscale (GS) modification. More...
class  light_modification
 LIGHT (L) modification. More...
class  locator
struct  manager
 the image manager is responsible for setting up images, and destroying all images when the program exits. More...
class  mask_modification
 Mask (MASK) modification. More...
class  modification
 Base abstract class for an image-path modification. More...
class  modification_queue
 A modified priority queue used to order image modifications. More...
class  negative_modification
 Make an image negative (NEG) More...
class  o_modification
 Opacity (O) modification. More...
class  plot_alpha_modification
 Plot Alpha (Alpha) modification. More...
class  rc_modification
 Recolor (RC/TC/PAL) modification. More...
class  rotate_modification
 Rotate (ROTATE) modification. More...
class  scale_exact_modification
 Scale exact modification. More...
class  scale_into_modification
 Scale into (SCALE_INTO) modification. More...
class  scale_modification
 Scaling modifications base class. More...
struct  sepia_modification
 Give to the image a sepia tint (SEPIA) More...
class  swap_modification
 Channel swap (SWAP). More...
class  wipe_alpha_modification
 Wipe Alpha (Wipe_Alpha) modification. More...
class  xbrz_modification
 xBRZ scale (xBRZ) modification More...


typedef cache_type< surfaceimage_cache
typedef cache_type< bool > bool_cache
typedef std::map
< t_translation::t_terrain,
typedef std::basic_string
< signed char > 
 light_string store colors info of central and adjacent hexes. More...
typedef std::map< light_string,
typedef cache_type< lit_variantslit_cache


enum  TYPE {
 UNSCALED : image will be drawn "as is" without changing size, even in case of redraw SCALED_TO_ZOOM : image will be scaled taking zoom into account HEXED : the hex mask is applied on the image SCALED_TO_HEX : image will be scaled to fit into a hex, taking zoom into account TOD_COLORED : same as SCALED_TO_HEX but ToD coloring is also applied BRIGHTENED : same as TOD_COLORED but also brightened. More...


void flush_cache ()
size_t hash_value (const locator::value &val)
static bool localized_file_uptodate (const std::string &loc_file)
static std::string get_localized_path (const std::string &file, const std::string &suff="")
static void add_localized_overlay (const std::string &ovr_file, surface &orig_surf)
static surface load_image_file (const image::locator &loc)
static surface load_image_sub_file (const image::locator &loc)
static signed char col_to_uchar (int i)
light_string get_light_string (int op, int r, int g, int b)
 return light_string of one light operation(see above) More...
static surface apply_light (surface surf, const light_string &ls)
surface load_from_disk (const locator &loc)
void set_pixel_format (SDL_PixelFormat *format)
 sets the pixel format used by the images. More...
void set_color_adjustment (int r, int g, int b)
 will make all scaled images have these rgb values added to all their pixels. More...
void set_team_colors (const std::vector< std::string > *colors=nullptr)
 set the team colors used by the TC image modification use a vector with one string for each team using nullptr will reset to default TC More...
const std::vector< std::string > & get_team_colors ()
void set_zoom (int zoom)
 sets the amount scaled images should be scaled. More...
template<scaling_function F>
static surface scale_xbrz_helper (const surface &res, int w, int h)
static scaling_function select_algorithm (gui2::tadvanced_graphics_options::SCALING_ALGORITHM algo)
static surface get_hexed (const locator &i_locator)
static surface get_scaled_to_hex (const locator &i_locator)
static surface get_tod_colored (const locator &i_locator)
static surface get_scaled_to_zoom (const locator &i_locator)
static surface get_brightened (const locator &i_locator)
static TYPE simplify_type (const image::locator &i_locator, TYPE type)
 translate type to a simpler one when possible More...
surface get_image (const locator &i_locator, TYPE type=UNSCALED)
 function to get the surface corresponding to an image. More...
surface get_lighted_image (const image::locator &i_locator, const light_string &ls, TYPE type)
 function to get the surface corresponding to an image. More...
surface get_hexmask ()
 function to get the standard hex mask More...
bool is_in_hex (const locator &i_locator)
 function to check if an image fit into an hex return false if the image has not the standard size. More...
bool is_empty_hex (const locator &i_locator)
 function to check if an image is empty after hex cut should be only used on terrain image (cache the hex cut version) More...
surface reverse_image (const surface &surf)
 function to reverse an image. More...
bool exists (const locator &i_locator)
 returns true if the given image actually exists, without loading it. More...
static void precache_file_existence_internal (const std::string &dir, const std::string &subdir)
void precache_file_existence (const std::string &subdir="")
 precache the existence of files in the subdir (ex: "terrain/") More...
bool precached_file_exists (const std::string &file)
bool save_image (const locator &i_locator, const std::string &filename)
bool save_image (const surface &surf, const std::string &filename)
bool update_from_preferences ()
 initialize any private data, e.g. algorithm choices from preferences More...
surface getMinimap (int w, int h, const gamemap &map_, const team *vm=nullptr, const std::map< map_location, unsigned int > *reach_map=nullptr)
 function to create the minimap for a given map the surface returned must be freed by the user More...


mini_terrain_cache_map mini_terrain_cache
mini_terrain_cache_map mini_fogged_terrain_cache
mini_terrain_cache_map mini_highlighted_terrain_cache
static int last_index_ = 0
static std::set< std::stringfuzzy_localized_files
static SDL_PixelFormat last_pixel_format

Detailed Description

this module manages the cache of images.

With an image name, you can get the surface corresponding to that image.

Typedef Documentation

typedef cache_type<bool> image::bool_cache

Definition at line 138 of file image.hpp.

typedef cache_type<surface> image::image_cache

Definition at line 134 of file image.hpp.

typedef std::basic_string<signed char> image::light_string

light_string store colors info of central and adjacent hexes.

The structure is one or several 4 chars blocks (L,R,G,B) where RGB is the color and L is the lightmap to use: (-1:none, 0-5:transition in each direction, 6:full hex)

Definition at line 149 of file image.hpp.

typedef cache_type<lit_variants> image::lit_cache

Definition at line 156 of file image.hpp.

typedef std::map<light_string, surface> image::lit_variants

Definition at line 154 of file image.hpp.

typedef std::map<t_translation::t_terrain, surface> image::mini_terrain_cache_map

Definition at line 140 of file image.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum image::TYPE

UNSCALED : image will be drawn "as is" without changing size, even in case of redraw SCALED_TO_ZOOM : image will be scaled taking zoom into account HEXED : the hex mask is applied on the image SCALED_TO_HEX : image will be scaled to fit into a hex, taking zoom into account TOD_COLORED : same as SCALED_TO_HEX but ToD coloring is also applied BRIGHTENED : same as TOD_COLORED but also brightened.


Definition at line 208 of file image.hpp.

Function Documentation

static void image::add_localized_overlay ( const std::string ovr_file,
surface orig_surf 

Definition at line 466 of file image.cpp.

References filesystem::load_RWops(), surface::null(), and sdl_blit().

Referenced by load_image_file().

static surface image::apply_light ( surface  surf,
const light_string &  ls 
static signed char image::col_to_uchar ( int  i)

Definition at line 569 of file image.cpp.

Referenced by get_light_string().

bool image::exists ( const image::locator i_locator)
void image::flush_cache ( )
static surface image::get_brightened ( const locator &  i_locator)

Definition at line 837 of file image.cpp.

References brighten_image(), ftofxp, get_image(), game_config::hex_brightening, and TOD_COLORED.

Referenced by get_image().

static surface image::get_hexed ( const locator &  i_locator)
surface image::get_hexmask ( )

function to get the standard hex mask

Definition at line 1115 of file image.cpp.

References get_image(), game_config::images::terrain_mask, and UNSCALED.

Referenced by get_hexed(), is_empty_hex(), is_in_hex(), load_image_sub_file(), and editor::mouse_action::set_terrain_mouse_overlay().

surface image::get_image ( const image::locator i_locator,
TYPE  type 

function to get the surface corresponding to an image.

Definition at line 878 of file image.cpp.

References image::locator::add_to_cache(), BRIGHTENED, create_optimized_surface(), get_brightened(), get_hexed(), get_scaled_to_hex(), get_scaled_to_zoom(), get_tod_colored(), HEXED, image::locator::in_cache(), image::locator::is_void(), load_from_disk(), image::locator::locate_in_cache(), SCALED_TO_HEX, SCALED_TO_ZOOM, simplify_type(), TOD_COLORED, and UNSCALED.

Referenced by help::help_text_area::add_img_item(), gui2::timage::calculate_best_size(), ng::campaign::create_image_surface(), events::console_handler::do_layers(), draw_background(), unit_drawer::draw_bar(), display::draw_border(), mp::wait::leader_preview_pane::draw_contents(), gui::scrollbar::draw_contents(), dialogs::unit_preview_pane::draw_contents(), mp::ui::draw_contents(), editor::editor_display::draw_hex(), wb::attack::draw_hex(), wb::suppose_dead::draw_hex(), arrow::draw_hex(), game_display::draw_hex(), display::draw_hex(), editor::item_palette::draw_item(), editor::unit_palette::draw_item(), editor::terrain_palette::draw_item(), draw_label(), game_display::draw_movement_info(), draw_panel(), gui::multimenu::draw_row(), mp::gamebrowser::draw_row(), footsteps_images(), get_brightened(), get_cursor(), dialogs::units_list_preview_pane::get_details(), dialogs::unit_types_preview_pane::get_details(), display::get_flag(), display::get_fog_shroud_images(), get_hexed(), get_hexmask(), gui::menu::style::get_item_image(), get_lighted_image(), unit_frame::get_overlaped_hex(), storyscreen::floating_image::get_render_input(), get_scaled_to_hex(), get_scaled_to_zoom(), display::get_terrain_images(), get_tod_colored(), getMinimap(), gui::multimenu::hit_checkbox(), help::image_width(), game_launcher::init_video(), intf_get_image_size(), is_empty_hex(), is_in_hex(), gui::menu::imgsel_style::load_image(), load_image_file(), load_image_sub_file(), gui::button::load_images(), game_display::new_turn(), image::brighten_modification::operator()(), image::darken_modification::operator()(), storyscreen::part_ui::prepare_background(), unit_frame::redraw(), unit_drawer::redraw_unit(), display::refresh_report(), halo::halo_impl::effect::render(), storyscreen::part_ui::render_story_box_borders(), save_image(), gui::scrollbar::scrollbar(), editor::mouse_action_item::set_item_mouse_overlay(), editor::mouse_action_map_label::set_mouse_overlay(), editor::mouse_action_village::set_mouse_overlay(), editor::mouse_action_select::set_mouse_overlay(), editor::mouse_action_paste::set_mouse_overlay(), editor::mouse_action_starting_position::set_mouse_overlay(), editor::mouse_action::set_terrain_mouse_overlay(), editor::mouse_action_unit::set_unit_mouse_overlay(), about::show_about(), and gui::tristate_button::tristate_button().

light_string image::get_light_string ( int  op,
int  r,
int  g,
int  b 

return light_string of one light operation(see above)

Definition at line 573 of file image.cpp.

References col_to_uchar().

Referenced by display::draw_hex(), and display::get_terrain_images().

surface image::get_lighted_image ( const image::locator i_locator,
const light_string &  ls,
TYPE  type 

function to get the surface corresponding to an image.

after applying the lightmap encoded in ls type should be HEXED or SCALED_TO_HEX

Definition at line 1063 of file image.cpp.

References image::locator::access_in_cache(), image::locator::add_to_cache(), apply_light(), create_optimized_surface(), get_image(), HEXED, image::locator::in_cache(), image::locator::is_void(), image::locator::locate_in_cache(), scale_surface(), SCALED_TO_HEX, and game_config::tile_size.

Referenced by apply_light(), display::draw_hex(), and display::get_terrain_images().

static std::string image::get_localized_path ( const std::string file,
const std::string suff = "" 
static surface image::get_scaled_to_hex ( const locator &  i_locator)

Definition at line 805 of file image.cpp.

References get_image(), HEXED, and surface::null().

Referenced by get_image().

static surface image::get_scaled_to_zoom ( const locator &  i_locator)

Definition at line 823 of file image.cpp.

References surface::get(), get_image(), surface::null(), game_config::tile_size, and UNSCALED.

Referenced by get_image().

const std::vector< std::string > & image::get_team_colors ( )

Definition at line 731 of file image.cpp.

static surface image::get_tod_colored ( const locator &  i_locator)

Definition at line 817 of file image.cpp.

References adjust_surface_color(), get_image(), and SCALED_TO_HEX.

Referenced by get_image().

surface image::getMinimap ( int  w,
int  h,
const gamemap map,
const team vw,
const std::map< map_location, unsigned int > *  reach_map 

function to create the minimap for a given map the surface returned must be freed by the user

Definition at line 43 of file minimap.cpp.

References adjust_surface_color(), preferences::allied_color(), blit_surface(), gui2::cache, game_config::color_info(), create_color(), create_neutral_surface(), sdl::create_rect(), DBG_DP, preferences::enemy_color(), sdl::fill_rect(), gui2::event::find(), team::fogged(), resources::gameboard, get_image(), team::get_minimap_color(), terrain_type_data::get_terrain_info(), gamemap::h(), HEXED, i, terrain_type::id(), int(), int_to_color(), display::is_blindfolded(), terrain_type::is_combined(), team::is_enemy(), is_odd(), terrain_type::is_village(), make_neutral_surface(), mini_fogged_terrain_cache, mini_highlighted_terrain_cache, mini_terrain_cache, preferences::minimap_draw_terrain(), preferences::minimap_draw_villages(), terrain_type::minimap_image(), terrain_type::minimap_image_overlay(), preferences::minimap_movement_coding(), preferences::minimap_terrain_coding(), gamemap::on_board(), team::owns_village(), color_range::rep(), scale_surface_sharp(), resources::screen, sdl_blit(), team::shrouded(), surf, gamemap::tdata(), game_config::team_rgb_range, gui2::terrain, gamemap::total_height(), gamemap::total_width(), terrain_type_data::underlying_union_terrain(), preferences::unmoved_color(), display_context::village_owner(), t_translation::VOID_TERRAIN, and gamemap::w().

Referenced by ng::scenario::create_image_surface(), display::draw_minimap(), gui2::tminimap::get_image(), and mp::gamebrowser::populate_game_item_map_info().

size_t image::hash_value ( const locator::value val)
bool image::is_empty_hex ( const locator &  i_locator)

function to check if an image is empty after hex cut should be only used on terrain image (cache the hex cut version)

Definition at line 1146 of file image.cpp.

References image::locator::add_to_cache(), get_hexmask(), get_image(), HEXED, image::locator::in_cache(), image::locator::locate_in_cache(), and mask_surface().

Referenced by terrain_builder::tile::rebuild_cache().

bool image::is_in_hex ( const locator &  i_locator)

function to check if an image fit into an hex return false if the image has not the standard size.

Definition at line 1121 of file image.cpp.

References image::locator::add_to_cache(), get_hexmask(), get_image(), image::locator::in_cache(), in_mask_surface(), image::locator::locate_in_cache(), and UNSCALED.

Referenced by unit_frame::get_overlaped_hex().

surface image::load_from_disk ( const locator &  loc)
static surface image::load_image_file ( const image::locator loc)
static surface image::load_image_sub_file ( const image::locator loc)
static bool image::localized_file_uptodate ( const std::string loc_file)
void image::precache_file_existence ( const std::string subdir)

precache the existence of files in the subdir (ex: "terrain/")

Definition at line 1229 of file image.cpp.

References filesystem::get_binary_paths(), and precache_file_existence_internal().

Referenced by terrain_builder::terrain_builder().

static void image::precache_file_existence_internal ( const std::string dir,
const std::string subdir 
bool image::precached_file_exists ( const std::string file)

Definition at line 1240 of file image.cpp.

Referenced by image_exists().

surface image::reverse_image ( const surface surf)

function to reverse an image.

The image MUST have originally been returned from an image:: function. Returned images have the same semantics as for get_image()

Definition at line 1165 of file image.cpp.

References flip_surface(), and itor.

Referenced by dialogs::unit_preview_pane::draw_contents(), halo::halo_impl::effect::render(), and display::render_image().

bool image::save_image ( const locator &  i_locator,
const std::string filename 
bool image::save_image ( const surface surf,
const std::string filename 
template<scaling_function F>
static surface image::scale_xbrz_helper ( const surface res,
int  w,
int  h 

Definition at line 758 of file image.cpp.

References surface::get(), and scale_surface_xbrz().

static scaling_function image::select_algorithm ( gui2::tadvanced_graphics_options::SCALING_ALGORITHM  algo)

Definition at line 765 of file image.cpp.

References scale_surface(), and scale_surface_nn().

Referenced by update_from_preferences().

void image::set_color_adjustment ( int  r,
int  g,
int  b 

will make all scaled images have these rgb values added to all their pixels.

i.e. add a certain color hint to images. useful for representing day/night. Invalidates all scaled images.

Definition at line 698 of file image.cpp.

References g.

Referenced by editor::editor_controller::execute_command(), image::color_adjustment_resetter::reset(), display::update_tod(), and gui2::tcustom_tod::update_tod_display().

void image::set_pixel_format ( SDL_PixelFormat *  format)

sets the pixel format used by the images.

Is called every time the video mode changes. Invalidates all images.

Definition at line 666 of file image.cpp.

References flush_cache(), last_pixel_format, and LOG_DP.

Referenced by CVideo::init_window(), CVideo::make_fake(), CVideo::make_test_fake(), and CVideo::setMode().

void image::set_team_colors ( const std::vector< std::string > *  colors)

set the team colors used by the TC image modification use a vector with one string for each team using nullptr will reset to default TC

Definition at line 722 of file image.cpp.

Referenced by do_gameloop(), and display::init_flags().

void image::set_zoom ( int  zoom)

sets the amount scaled images should be scaled.

Invalidates all scaled images.

Definition at line 736 of file image.cpp.

References amount, and game_config::tile_size.

Referenced by display::bounds_check_position(), display::display(), and display::set_zoom().

static TYPE image::simplify_type ( const image::locator i_locator,
TYPE  type 

translate type to a simpler one when possible

Definition at line 844 of file image.cpp.

References BRIGHTENED, ftofxp, image::locator::get_loc(), game_config::hex_brightening, HEXED, SCALED_TO_HEX, SCALED_TO_ZOOM, game_config::tile_size, TOD_COLORED, UNSCALED, and map_location::valid().

Referenced by get_image().

bool image::update_from_preferences ( )

initialize any private data, e.g. algorithm choices from preferences

Definition at line 1274 of file image.cpp.

References preferences::get(), and select_algorithm().

Referenced by do_gameloop(), and gui2::tadvanced_graphics_options::post_show().

Variable Documentation

std::set<std::string> image::fuzzy_localized_files

Definition at line 400 of file image.cpp.

int image::last_index_ = 0

Definition at line 189 of file image.cpp.

SDL_PixelFormat image::last_pixel_format

Definition at line 664 of file image.cpp.

Referenced by set_pixel_format().

mini_terrain_cache_map image::mini_fogged_terrain_cache

Definition at line 186 of file image.cpp.

Referenced by getMinimap().

mini_terrain_cache_map image::mini_highlighted_terrain_cache

Definition at line 187 of file image.cpp.

Referenced by getMinimap().

mini_terrain_cache_map image::mini_terrain_cache

Definition at line 185 of file image.cpp.

Referenced by getMinimap().