4.3. Custom JavaScript Applications

4.3.1. Overview

You can include custom JavaScript applications (also called custom JavaScript problems or JS input problems) in a course. You add the application directly into edX Studio.

When you create a JavaScript application, Studio embeds the problem in an inline frame (HTML iframe tag) so that learners can interact with it in the LMS.

See the following sections for more information:

See The Custom JavaScript Display and Grading Example Template for information about the template application built in to edX Studio.

Course teams should see the following sections of the Building and Running an edX Course guide.

The rest of this section provides more information for developers who are creating JavaScript applications for courses on the edX platform.


This section assumes proficiency with JavaScript and with how problems are constructed in edX Studio. If you intend to grade learners’ interactions with your JavaScript application, you must also be proficient with Python.

4.3.2. Grading Options for Custom JavaScript Applications

When using a JavaScript application in your course content, you have three options.

  1. A JavaScript application that visually demonstrates a concept or process. The application would not require learner interaction, and learners would not be graded.
  2. A JavaScript application that requires learner interaction but does not grade performance. Referred to as a formative assessment, such an application provides feedback to learners based on their interactions.
  3. A JavaScript application that requires and grades learner interaction. Referred to as a summative assessment, such an application can be used to evaluate learning against a standard. To use the JavaScript application as a summative assessment and have learner performance integrated into the edX grading system, you must also use basic Python code in the component.

These options are explained through examples below.

4.3.3. Use a JavaScript Application Without Grading

The simplest option is to use JavaScript to show content to learners, and optionally to provide feedback as a formative assessment.

  1. In edX Studio, upload an HTML file that contains the JavaScript you want to show learners.
  2. Copy the Embed URL of the file.
  3. Create a Custom JavaScript Display and Grading Problem. The template for the problem contains the definition for a sample JavaScript application that requires and grades learner interaction.
  4. Edit the XML of the component to remove grading information and refer to the HTML file you uploaded:
     width="width needed to display your application"
     height="height needed to display your application"
     html_file="Embed URL of the HTML file"

For example:


4.3.4. Use a JavaScript Application for a Summative Assessment

To use a JavaScript Application for a summative assessment and have learner results calculated by the edX grading system, you must: getState() Function

Your application must contain a getState() function that returns the state of all objects as a JSON string.

The getState() function retrieves the state of objects in the application, so each learner experiences that application in its initial or last saved state.

The name of the getState() function must be the value of the get_statefn attribute of the jsinput element for the problem.

For example:

<customresponse cfn="vglcfn">
    <jsinput get_statefn="JSObject.getState"
        . . . . setState() Function

Your application must contain a setState() function.

The setState() function is executed when the learner selects Submit.

The function saves application’s state so that the learner can later return to the application and find it as he or she left it.

The name of the setState() function must be the value of the set_statefn attribute of the jsinput element for the problem.

For example:

<customresponse cfn="vglcfn">
    <jsinput set_statefn="JSObject.setState"
        . . . . getGrade() Function

Your application must contain a getGrade() function.

The getGrade() function is executed when the learner selects Submit. The getState() function must return the state of objects on which grading is based as a JSON string.

The JSON string returned by getGrade() is used by the Python code in the problem to determine the learner’s results, as explained below.

The name of the getGrade() function must be the value of the gradefn attribute of the jsinput element for the problem.

For example:

<customresponse cfn="vglcfn">
    <jsinput gradefn="JSObject.getGrade"
        . . . .

4.3.5. Grade the Student Response with Python

To grade a learner’s interaction with your JavaScript application, you must write Python code in the problem. When a learner selects Submit, the Python code parses the JSON string returned by the application’s getGrade() function and determines if the learner’s submission is correct or not.


Grading for JavaScript applications supports determining if a learner’s submission is correct or not. You cannot give partial credit with JavaScript applications.

In the Python code, make sure you follow these guidelines.

  • Enclose all code in a script element of type loncapa/python.
  • Import json
  • Define a function that is executed when the learner selects Submit, and that meets the following requirements.
    • Is placed before the customresponse element that defines the problem.
    • By default is named vglcfn
    • Has two parameters: e for the submission event, and ans, which is the JSON string returned by the JavaScript function getGrade().
    • Must return True if the learner’s submission is correct, or False if it is incorrect.

The structure of the Python code in the problem is shown in this example.

    <script type="loncapa/python">
        import json
        def vglcfn(e, ans):
            Code that parses ans and returns True or False
    <customresponse cfn="vglcfn">
    . . . .

4.3.6. XML for Custom JavaScript Applications

The problem component XML that you define in Studio to provide learners with a JavaScript application has the following structure.

    <!-- Optional script tag for summative assessments -->
    <script type="loncapa/python">
        import json
        def vglcfn(e, ans):
            Code that parses ans and returns True or False
    <customresponse cfn="vglcfn">
</problem> jsinput attributes

The following table describes the attributes of the jsinput element.

Attribute Description Example
gradefn The function in your JavaScript application that returns the state of the objects to be evaluated as a JSON string. JSObject.getGrade
get_statefun The function in your JavaScript application that returns the state of the objects. JSObject.getState
set_statefun The function in your JavaScript application that saves the state of the objects. JSObject.setState
initial_state A JSON string representing the initial state, if any, of the objects. ‘{“selectedObjects”:{“cube”:true,”cylinder”:false}}’
width The width of the iframe in which your JavaScript application will be displayed, in pixels. 400
height The height of the iframe in which your JavaScript application will be displayed, in pixels. 400
html_file The name of the HTML file containing your JavaScript application that will be loaded in the iframe. /static/webGLDemo.html
sop The same-origin policy (SOP), meaning that all elements have the same protocol, host, and port. To bypass the SOP, set to true. false