13.2. EdX Objective-C Style Guide

This section describes the requirements and conventions for contributing Objective-C programming to the edX platform.

13.2.1. Principles

  • Favor clarity and simplicity. Remember the principle of least surprise.
  • Build strong interface boundaries. Sometimes this results in a little more code. This is okay. For example, do not expose a whole child object just to expose one of its properties. Instead add a trampoline method.
  • Work with the compiler and type system not around it. If you are trying to solve a problem and there is a way to get the compiler to check it, do that. Once again, the shortest way to do something is not always the best way to do something.
  • Break functionality into unit testable pieces.
  • Avoid inheritance. Inheriting from some system classes, like UIViewController and UIView, is of course, necessary and sometimes a class hierarchy is the right pattern, but we strongly prefer to use composition and delegation over inheritance. If you are designing something with inheritance always think about if there’s a way to change your design to not use it.

13.2.2. Syntax and Organization

  • Follow the rules in Apple’s guidelines except where they directly contradict what follows.

  • You can automatically apply many of these formatting suggestions by typing gradle format into a terminal from the project root directory.

  • Method names in Cocoa have a grammar. Compare the -getObject:atIndex: method of NSArray to a hypothetical -get:index method. -getObject:atIndex: is much more descriptive and also sounds more natural in English. However, note that this is not the same grammar as English. For example, as described in Apple’s documentation, the word and preceding an argument is not necessary even though it would be necessary in some cases for the method signature to form an English sentence.

  • When in doubt, think about how something would look if it were part of one of Apple’s core frameworks such as UIKit.

  • #import declarations should be in the following groups, ordered alphabetically within each group:

    1. System headers (including third party libraries)
    2. Header for current file (only if in a .m file)
    3. Project headers

    For example,

    // MyClass.m
    #import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>
    #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
    #import "MyClass.h”
    #import “OEXSomething.h”
    #import “OEXWhatever.h”
  • Avoid #import in headers where possible. This makes dependencies more explicit and results in fewer headers included. This improves compilation speeds. Instead use the @class and @protocol forward declarations.

    // Good
    @class SomeClass;
    @interface OtherClass
    - (instancetype)initWithSomeClass:(SomeClass*)object;
    // Bad
    #import "SomeClass.h"
    @interface OtherClass
    - (instancetype)initWithSomeClass:(SomeClass*)object;
  • Avoid #define. Instead use constant declarations. They are more accessible to the compiler. For example, “Quick Open” does not work with macros. Additionally, macro functions are error prone and hard to debug. Some examples follow:

    extern NSString* const OEXExampleKey = @"OEXExampleKey";
    extern CGFloat const OEXExampleConstant = 3;

    For C macros with logic, consider if you can just use a regular function instead of the macro.

  • Constants that are local to a single file should be declared static.

  • Use spaces for indentation instead of tabs. This is the Xcode default.

  • Prefer properties over bare instance variables. In general, you should only mention an ivar in a setter for that property.

    // Good
    @interface SomeClass
    @property (strong, nonatomic) NSString* foo;
    // Bad
    @interface SomeClass {
        NSString* _foo;
    // Worse
    @interface SomeClass {
        NSString* foo;
  • Use a leading underscore to name an ivar. However, you should favor properties and auto synthesis and almost never refer to an ivar explicitly. Sometimes you do need to synthesize an ivar explicitly, for example when implementing a protocol. Again, those should use leading underscores.

    @synthesize something = _something;
  • Do not bother with @synthesize for autosynthesized properties.

  • Private methods do not need a leading prefix like _ or p_. Their private nature is implied by their absence from a class’s header file.

  • Methods added in categories to system libraries should be prefixed oex_ (for Open edX). Categories have a flat namespace. Using a prefix means our additions will not interfere with any other libraries.

  • Follow the standard Cocoa file naming conventions:
    • Class Example should be in OEXExample.[hm]
    • Category SomethingAdditions on class OEXExample should be in OEXExample+SomethingAdditions.[hm]
    • A view controller for the Example screen should be in OEXExampleViewController.[hm]
    • A view that displays an Example should be in OEXExampleView.[hm]
  • Categories should be named for the functionality they provide.
    // Good
    @interface NSString (OEXFormattingAdditions)
    //... functions that control formatting
    // Bad
    @interface NSString (OEXHelpers)
    // ... functions that do many different kinds of things
  • Delegate methods should include a sender as the first argument. This allows the owner to distinguish which object is sending the message and sometimes to avoid having an extra ivar.

    // Good
    @interface SomeClassDelegate
    - (void)tabView:(TabView*)tabView choseTabAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
    // Bad
    @interface SomeClassDelegate
    - (void)choseTabAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
  • Only put properties and methods in headers that need to be part of a class’s interface. Everything else should be declared in a class continuation in the implementation file.

  • Avoid lazy initialization of properties. Otherwise, it is hard to reason about property accesses. With lazy initialization, even read only objects have complicated threading behavior.

    // Bad
    @interface SomeClass
    @property (strong, nonatomic) OtherClass* field;
    @implementation SomeClass
    - (OtherClass*)field {
        if(_field == nil) {
            _field = [[OtherClass alloc] init];
        return _field;

    Instead, add an explicit creation function like makeFieldIfNecessary or just instantiate it in -init. For expensive things, the caller should have control, and for cheap things you are not gaining any performance advantage for the cost of decreased determinism.

  • Avoid Key Value Observing. It is occasionally the only way to observe something, but do not design interfaces that use it. It is an error prone API.

  • Do not use exceptions for control flow. They should only be for top level failure conditions indicating programmer error. ARC is not thread safe by default and Swift does not even have exceptions.

  • Use line comments (//) instead of block comments (/* */). They are easier to stack and Xcode has a keyboard shortcut for them (⌘-/).

  • Use triple slash comments (///) to create inline documentation. For example:

    /// Method that does a thing
    - (void)someMethod { }
  • Always comment the type of the contents of collection types like NSArray and NSDictionary. This makes the expectations of the code clear. For example:

    @interface SomeClass
    /// Contents are NSString*
    @property (copy, nonatomic) NSArray* elements;
  • Comparisons should be explicit for when checking pointers for null. For example:

    // Good
    SomeObject* object = ...;
    if(object == null) {
    // Bad
    SomeObject* object = ...;
    if(!object) {
  • Separate binary operands with a single space, but unary operands and casts with none.

    1 + 2   // Good
    1+1     // Bad
    1+ 1    // Bad
    -3      // Good
    - 3     // Bad
  • Always use braces on control structures, even if they are optional. For example:

    // Good
    if(someCondition) {
    // Bad
    if(someCondition) aSingleLine();
  • Properties should be marked nonatomic unless there is a very good reason otherwise. Marking a property atomic should signal that you have thought hard about the threading behavior of this property and very intentionally decided that it should work through atomic properties and not by isolating access to a queue.

  • Declare memory semantics. All properties should be marked strong, weak, or assign. There are defaults for different types that are usually right, but making it explicit forces you to think about whether you are creating cycles in memory.

    // Good
    @property (strong, nonatomic) SomeObject* foo;
    // Bad
    @property SomeObject* foo;

13.2.3. Writing Tests

  • Unit test files are typically oriented around testing a single file. The name of a test file should be the name of the file being tested but with the word Tests at the end. As an example, a test file for OEXSomeClass.m is OEXSomeClassTests.m

  • Tests should always run against test data, not a current user’s. This means that after the tests are over, it should be as if they never ran.

  • Network data should always be mocked. The tests should have the exact same result whether or not an Internet connection is available to the test runner.

  • If you need to expose a method just for testing, prefix it t_. This indicates that it should only be used by test code. This will often come up with view tests since their programmatic interface is often much simpler than their UI contract. When exposing such methods, you should ensure that a refactor or redesign of that view should not invalidate the test.

    For example, a login screen might have a t_tapLogin method that triggers the action of the login button. Even if the login screen is refactored or redesigned it will probably still have a login button that can be tapped so it is safe to make this part of the contract. However, this logic does not extend to the login button itself. There are a number of ways to implement what appears to the user as a button, such as gesture recognizers and overriding touchesBegan:, so exposing a t_loginButton method returning a UIButton would violate this rule.

  • Do not redeclare a method as public inside the test. This is fragile since changes will not be caught by the compiler.

    // Good
    // SomeClass.h
    @interface SomeClass
    @interface SomeClass (Testing)
    - (BOOL)t_isVisible;
    // SomeClass.m
    @implementation SomeClass (Testing)
    - (BOOL)t_isVisible {
        return [self isVisible];
    // Bad
    // SomeClass.h
    @interface SomeClass
    // SomeClass.m
    @implementation SomeClass
    - (void)isVisible {
    // SomeClassTests.m
    @interface SomeClass (Testing)
    - (void)isVisible;