9. Developing User Interfaces

This section provides information about developing user interfaces (UI) for edX applications.

All new edX pages should be composed of elements and styling shown in the edX Pattern Library. You can use JavaScript from the edX UI Toolkit JavaScript library to implement pages in a way that is consistent with edX UI architecture.

The Open edX wiki includes additional details about developing edX user interfaces. For more information, see edX Front End Development.

9.1. Using the edX Pattern Library

The edX Pattern Library is a collection of web application components and visual styles that you can use to develop UIs that are consistent with the edX platform.

The edX Pattern Library is available at ux.edx.org.

The edx-platform GitHub repository includes an example web page that demonstrates using the Pattern Library. You can use the example page as a template for creating your own new LMS or Studio pages.

To create a new page using the Pattern Library, you use the same main.html template as for non-Pattern Library pages, and pass the following context parameters.

    'disable_courseware_js': True,
    'uses_pattern_library': True,

When you create a page using the Pattern Library, create two new root syntactically awesome style sheets (Sass) files for your page, one for left-to- right (LTR) and one for right-to-left (RTL) localizations. For more information about Sass, see the Sass site.

The RTL version of the style sheet must have the same filename as the LTR version but ending with -rtl.

Register the two new style sheets in the PIPELINE_CSS configuration. You can see the full list for the LMS in lms/envs/common.py.

After you register the LTR and RTL style sheets, you refer to the configuration name in your Mako template. Mako will then dynamically pick either the LTR or the RTL version based upon the current user’s localization preference.

The following example shows how a pair of style sheets are registered in the PIPELINE_CSS configuration.

'style-learner-dashboard': {
    'source_filenames': [
    'output_filename': 'css/lms-learner-dashboard.css',
'style-learner-dashboard-rtl': {
    'source_filenames': [
    'output_filename': 'css/lms-learner-dashboard-rtl.css',

After you register your Sass style sheets, you must also declare the name of your Sass files at the top of your main Mako file. The following example declares files that are configured with the names style- learner-dashboard and style-learner-dashboard-rtl.

<%! main_css = "style-learner-dashboard" %>

You can refer to the following examples.

9.2. Using the edX UI Toolkit

The edX UI Toolkit is a JavaScript library for building edX web applications. The UI toolkit consists of:

  • Backbone views to implement patterns as defined by the edX Pattern Library.
  • Utility methods to simplify the creation and testing of user interfaces.

The edX UI Toolkit is available from the edx-ui-toolkit GitHub repository . For more information about the UI Toolkit, see ui-toolkit.edx.org .

For more information about writing JavaScript for edX UIs, see EdX JavaScript Style Guide.

9.3. Adding a UI Page

This topic is a collection of things to think about when creating a new page in Studio or the LMS.

You should also read Contributing to Open edX to understand more general best practices, as well as how to submit your new code for review.

9.3.1. Use JavaScript Instead of CoffeeScript

The edX front end code base is currently a mixture of CoffeeScript and JavaScript. The edX development team is now standardizing the use of JavaScript for new work. There are a number of reasons for this decision, including the following list.

  • It is hard to jump back and forth between the two syntaxes.
  • It adds a compilation step which slows down iterative development.
  • Most third party libraries are implemented and documented in JavaScript.
  • Client-side debugging is done in JavaScript, which makes it hard to correlate to the original code.
  • The diff-cover tools are not compatible with CoffeeScript so code coverage is not tracked.
  • A lot of the traditional benefits of CoffeeScript can now be achieved using JavaScript libraries.

All new front end development should be done in JavaScript, while legacy CoffeeScript code will be converted on an as-needed basis. For pragmatic reasons, targeted changes to CoffeeScript will still be accepted.

For more information about writing JavaScript for edX UIs, see EdX JavaScript Style Guide.

9.3.2. Use RequireJS to Manage File Dependencies

All new pages should use RequireJS to manage loading of file dependencies.

  • Use the standard syntax to load JavaScript dependencies.


    For the LMS, you have to wrap each call to define or require in order for it to work with the namespaced version of RequireJS.

    ;(function (define) {
        'use strict';
        define([...], function (...) {
    }).call(this, define || RequireJS.define);
  • Use RequireJS Text for your templates (see Ensure That RequireJS Optimizer Can Optimize Your JavaScript for details).

  • Create a factory class that is included by your Mako template using require_module.

    • This Mako function ensures that the factory is loaded correctly for both the optimized and non-optimized pipeline.
    • When accessed in the optimized mode, the query parameter ?raw will be added to the URL to ensure that the file is not post-processed.


    require_module is needed for the unified optimizer pipeline in Studio.

  • If you need server-side data passed to your page, pass it as one or more parameters to your factory.

    For information about avoiding cross-site scripting, see JavaScript Context in Mako.

  • For information about adding third-party JavaScript libraries, see Adding JavaScript Libraries.

  • If the dependency is pre-loaded, then be sure to specify its path as empty in build.js so that the optimizer does not include it in the bundled file. This is especially important for files that are used by both by JavaScript leveraging RequireJS and “non-RequireJS JavaScript” within the same page.

    paths: {
        'gettext': 'empty:',
        'jquery': 'empty:',

See an example Mako code block in JavaScript Context in Mako.

The following list includes more examples.


Using RequireJS in XBlocks is not currently supported. Future development is planned to add this support.

9.3.3. Adding JavaScript Libraries

Install JavaScript libraries using the npm package manager.

If the library you want to add is available from npmjs.com, update edx- platform’s package.json file to reference the library. Use the tilde ~ prefix for the version to allow patches to be picked up automatically.

For more information about versioning, see semver.org.

Execute the following command to install your library.

paver install_prereqs

Add the new library to the list of npm-installed libraries.

Execute the following command to make your library available as a Django static asset (choose LMS, Studio, or both).

paver update_assets lms --settings=devstack

To add the new library to the LMS, follow these steps.

  1. Add the library to the lms/env/common.py file at https://github.com/edx /edx-platform/blob/master/lms/envs/common.py#L1246
  2. Add the library to lms/static/lms/js/require-config.js.

Add the new library to the list of vendor libraries that are installed by update_assets. Update the variable NPM_INSTALLED_LIBRARIES in /pavelib/assets.py.


Reference the unminified version of the library. This allows debugging tools to step through readable library code, and the Django static asset pipeline will ensure that it get optimized for production.

If you cannot use npm, check the file into the common/static/js/vendor directory.

9.3.4. Use Underscore and RequireJS Text for Client-Side Templates

The edX development team has standardized using Underscore for all client-side templates. There are some things to consider.

  • Add your templates to a static/templates directory in your Django app.
  • If you need mock HTML for Jasmine, put them in a subdirectory named mock.
  • Use RequireJS Text to load your templates (note that most code today statically includes the template in the page).

RequireJS Text is superior to the old mechanism of statically including the templates in the Mako-generated HTML for several reasons.

  • Mako templates no longer need to explicitly include every template that is needed in the HTML.
  • The template lookup is much faster when optimized for production use because JavaScript code does not have to extract the templates it needs from the DOM. For developers, the templates are fetched asynchronously like any other RequireJS dependency.
  • The templates get included in the minified .js file for the page so the content is only downloaded once and then cached in the browser. Including the template in the Mako template causes it to be downloaded every time.
  • Unit tests do not need to load all the templates into fixtures for the views to work, as the view will load its template dependencies directly.

Here are a few examples.

9.3.5. Ensure That RequireJS Optimizer Can Optimize Your JavaScript

We use RequireJS Optimizer to optimize the JavaScript that we use in production. This works as part of the production pipeline to merge all of a page’s JavaScript and templates into a single minified file. This greatly reduces the number of files that the browser needs to request, as well as the number of bytes that need to be fetched. Furthermore, in the LMS un-optimized RequireJS files are never cached, leading to significant performance degradation.

The basic approach is to move all of the page view construction logic into a single factory file. This factory is responsible for creating the models and views required to render the page. The idea is that the optimizer can produce a single minified file for the factory by statically determining all of its dependencies.

  • Structure your page so that it has a single root factory file (see Use RequireJS to Manage File Dependencies).

    Be sure to use require_module to load the factory as described above.

  • List your factory in the RequireJS Optimizer build file.

  • By default, devstack runs with unoptimized files so that changes are picked up immediately.

    To run with optimized files, specify the --optimized parameter to Paver’s devstack command:

    paver devstack lms --optimized
  • Note that Bokchoy tests run with optimized files to verify that they are being generated as expected.

  • Be sure to test your page in a production environment, checking that all dependencies are included in the optimized factory file.

    • For LMS files, take care that all of the JS files have a MD5 hash code between their filename and the js extension. Files without MD5 hash codes will not be cached in production and indicate incorrect optimization.
    • Studio RequireJS files currently do not use the MD5 hashing mechanism, and instead store files within a unique directory that changes with each release. We hope to change this in the future.

9.3.6. Use Backbone to Build Your New UI

Code written with Backbone is more modular, more extensible, and more easily unit tested with Jasmine.

See How to add a new feature to LMS or Studio to see how to structure your Backbone code.