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A graph is a mathematical entity consisting of a vertex set (analogous to the set of nodes in a network) and an edge set (analogous to the set of connections between network nodes). A graph can therefore be used to describe the underlying topology of a network. For example, consider the graph shown in Figure 2.6.

Formally, the utility graph[1] consists of the following:

  • The Vertex set, {A,B,C,X,Y,Z}.

  • The Edge set, {{A,X},{A,Y},{A,Z},{B,X},{B,Y},{B,Z},{C,X},{C,Y},{C,Z}}, where each edge is represented by the pair of vertices it joins. For example, the join from vertex A to vertex X is represented as the edge, {A,X}.

In graph theory, the distance, d(X,Y), between two vertices, X and Y, is the minimum number of edges that must be traversed in order to get from vertex X to vertex Y.

For example, if you consider the utility graph shown in Figure 2.6, you can see that d(A,X)=1 and d(X,Y)=2. The shortest distance between X and Y is realised by any of the paths XAY, XBY, or XCY.

The concept of distance is useful in network theory, because it corresponds to the length of the shortest (optimal) route between any two nodes in a network.

[1] The name of this graph derives from a puzzle, where you are asked to find a way to connect each of the three houses, A, B, and C, to the three utilities, X, Y, and Z, without having any of the wires or pipes cross over (in graph theory, a graph that can be drawn without edge crossings is called planar).

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