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Figure 2.1 shows a single network connector from broker A to broker B. The arrow on the connector indicates the direction of message propagation (from A to B). Subscriptions propagate in the opposite direction (from B to A). Because of the restriction on the direction of message flow in this network, it is advisable to connect producers only to broker A and consumers only to broker B. Otherwise, some messages might not be able to reach the intended consumers.

When the connector arrow points from A to B, this implies that the network connector is actually defined on broker A. For example, the following fragment from broker A's configuration file shows the network connector that connects to broker B:

The networkConnector element in the preceding example sets the following basic attributes:

By default, after passing through a network connector, subscriptions to the same queue or subscriptions to the same topic are automatically consolidated into a single subscription known as a conduit subscription. Figure 2.5 shows an overview of how the topic subscriptions from two consumers, C1 and C2, are consolidated into a single conduit subscription after propagating from broker B to broker A.

In this example, each consumer subscribes to the identical topic, t, which gives rise to the subscriptions, C1:t and C2:t in broker B. Both of these subscriptions propagate automatically from broker B to broker A. Because broker A has conduit subscriptions enabled, its network connector consolidates the duplicate subscriptions, C1:t and C2:t, into a single subscription, B:t. Now, if a message on topic t is sent to broker A, broker A sends a single copy of the message to broker B, to honor the conduit subscription, B:t. Broker B then sends a copy of the message to each consumer, to honor the topic subscriptions, C1:t and C2:t.

It is essential to enable conduit subscription in order to avoid duplication of topic messages. Consider what would happen in Figure 2.5 if conduit subscription was disabled. In this scenario, two subscriptions, B:C1:t and B:C2:t, would be registered in broker A. Now, if a message on topic t is sent to broker A, broker A would send two copies of the message to broker B, to honor the topic subscriptions, B:C1:t and B:C2:t. Broker B would then send two copies of the message to each consumer, to honor the topic subscriptions, C1:t and C2:t. In other words, each consumer would receive the topic message twice.

Conduit subscriptions can optionally be disabled by setting the conduitSubscriptions attribute to false on the networkConnector element. See Balancing Consumer Load for more details.

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