Fabric8 Documentation


The following example shows you how to build a docker image and run it on Kubernetes.

Make sure you have followed the Get Started Guide so you should have things running and you have setup your local machine.

Also check out how to develop applications locally.

Build the camel-servlet web application

From the distribution or source code perform these commands to push the docker image:

git clone https://github.com/fabric8io/quickstarts.git
cd quickstarts

Now let's navigate to the specific quickstart:

cd quickstarts/war/camel-servlet
mvn clean install docker:build 

Now let's deploy the image into the Kubernetes environment:

mvn fabric8:json fabric8:apply

You should now be able to view the quickstart in the fabric8 console. On the Services tab you will see the camel-servlet URL which will take you to the running example.