
Fabric8 provides many tools to help you work with Kubernetes and OpenShift

  • Maven Plugin helps you work with fabric8 and kubernetes from inside maven, your builds and releases
    • docker:build builds the docker image for your maven project
    • docker:push pushes the locally built docker image to the global or a local docker registry
    • fabric8:json generates kubernetes json for your maven project
    • fabric8:apply applies the kubernetes json into a namespace in a kubernetes cluster
  • Java Libraries provides a number of Java libraries for working with and testing Kubernetes, Docker, etcd, ActiveMQ etc.
  • CDI provides an easy way to work with Kubernetes services using the CDI Dependency Injection approach
  • Testing helps you perform integration and system tests of your apps on top of Kubernetes
  • Forge Addons provides a universal command line shell and IDE plugins for working with your projects and fabric8
  • QuickStarts provide a really easy way to get started