
Fabric8 iPaaS provides an Integration Platform As A Service consisting of:

  • Console provides a nice web console based on hawtio for working with your integration services
  • API Registry provides a global view of all of your RESTful and web service APIs that is displayed in the Console allowing you to inspect and invoke all the endpoints
  • MQ implements Messaging As A Service with Apache ActiveMQ on Kubernetes.
  • MQ AutoScaler monitors and scales the Apache ActiveMQ brokers running on Kubernetes

Then to help you and your team provision and manage your integration services:

  • Management consolidated Logging and Metrics to visualise and diagnose your integration solutions
  • Continuous Delivery provides a development, building, releasing and provisioning pipeline
  • Chat provides a hubot app and a notification engine to post build completion events to a chat room (which defaults to one room per kubernetes namespace).
  • API Management allows you to add governance and metrics to your integration services


To install this app please see the Install Fabric8 on OpenShift Guide