Chapter 13. Filter Effects

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Greatly expanded in v0.46.

Filter Effects (Filters) are a feature of SVG that allow an SVG viewer to change the presentation of an object in a well-defined manner such as adding texture to a Fill, giving an object a blurred shadow, or modifying the object's color. Version 0.45 of Inkscape introduced support for the Gaussian Blur Filter primitive. Version 0.46 expands support to almost all SVG Filter primitives.


Support of Filters is limited or nonexistent in many web browsers. Firefox 1.5 and 2 do not support filters; Firefox 3 introduces support. Opera 9.5 supports filters. Internet Explorer supports filters through the Adobe plug-in. Squiggle (Batik) and librsvg support filters. Filters have not been widely used and thus viewers haven't received a lot of testing. Inkscape, Firefox 3, Opera 9.5, and Batik all have their quirks and will display some filters correctly but not others.