packet - Variable in class org.red5.server.net.remoting.RemotingConnection
Remoting packet that triggered the connection.
Packet - Class in org.red5.server.net.rtmp.message
RTMP packet.
Packet() - Constructor for class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.message.Packet
Packet(Header) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.message.Packet
Create packet with given header
Packet(Header, IRTMPEvent) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.message.Packet
Create packet with given header and event context
packetReceived(IBroadcastStream, IStreamPacket) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IStreamListener
A packet has been received from a stream.
packetReceived(IBroadcastStream, IStreamPacket) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.RecordingListener
parameters - Variable in class org.red5.server.stream.ClientBroadcastStream
Streaming parameters
params - Variable in class org.red5.server.BaseConnection
Connection params passed from client with NetConnection.connect call
parent - Variable in class org.red5.server.scope.BasicScope
Parent scope.
parentContext - Variable in class org.red5.server.ContextLoader
Spring parent app context
path - Variable in class org.red5.server.BaseConnection
Path of scope client connected to
path - Variable in class org.red5.server.PersistableAttributeStore
Attribute store path (on local hard drive)
path - Variable in class org.red5.server.so.SharedObject
SO path
pause() - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IOnDemandStream
Pause the stream
pause() - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IServerStream
Toggles the paused state.
pause(Boolean, int) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IStreamService
Pauses playback
pause(int) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.ISubscriberStream
Pause at a position for current playing item.
pause(int) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.PlayEngine
Pause at position
pause(int) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.PlaylistSubscriberStream
Pause at a position for current playing item.
pause() - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.ServerStream
Toggles the paused state.
pause(int) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.SingleItemSubscriberStream
Pause at a position for current playing item.
pause(Boolean, int) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
Pause at given position.
pauseRaw(Boolean, int) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IStreamService
Undocumented Flash Plugin 10 call, assuming to be the alias to pause(boolean, int)
pauseRaw(Boolean, int) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
Undocumented Flash Plugin 10 call, assuming to be the alias to pause(boolean, int)
pauseScheduledJob(String) - Method in class org.red5.server.adapter.MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter
Pauses a scheduled job
pauseScheduledJob(String) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.scheduling.ISchedulingService
Pauses the trigger which initiates job execution.
pauseScheduledJob(String) - Method in class org.red5.server.scheduling.QuartzSchedulingService
Pauses the trigger which initiates job execution.
pauseScheduledTrigger(String) - Method in class org.red5.server.scheduling.QuartzSchedulingService
peekMessage() - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.PlayBuffer
Peek a message but not take it from the buffer.
PendingCall - Class in org.red5.server.service
Pending call is remote call operation that is in pending state.
PendingCall() - Constructor for class org.red5.server.service.PendingCall
PendingCall(String) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.service.PendingCall
Creates pending call with given method name
PendingCall(String, Object[]) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.service.PendingCall
Creates pending call with given method name and array of parameters
PendingCall(String, String, Object[]) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.service.PendingCall
Creates pending call with given method name, service name and array of parameters
pendingInMessages - Variable in class org.red5.server.net.rtmpt.BaseRTMPTConnection
List of pending incoming messages
pendingOutMessages - Variable in class org.red5.server.net.rtmpt.BaseRTMPTConnection
List of pending outgoing messages
PERMISSIONS - Static variable in class org.red5.server.Client
Name of connection attribute holding the permissions.
PersistableAttributeStore - Class in org.red5.server
Persistable attributes store.
PersistableAttributeStore(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.PersistableAttributeStore
Creates persistable attribute store
PERSISTENCE_NO_NAME - Static variable in class org.red5.server.persistence.RamPersistence
This is used in the id for objects that have a name of null
persistenceClass - Variable in class org.red5.server.scope.BasicScope
Scope persistence storage type
PersistenceUtils - Class in org.red5.server.api.persistence
Helper class for persistence.
PersistenceUtils() - Constructor for class org.red5.server.api.persistence.PersistenceUtils
PERSISTENT - Static variable in interface org.red5.server.api.IConnection
Persistent connection type, eg RTMP.
persistent - Variable in class org.red5.server.PersistableAttributeStore
Persistence flag
persistent - Variable in class org.red5.server.scope.BasicScope
Whether or not to persist attributes
persistent - Variable in class org.red5.server.so.SharedObject
true if the SharedObject was stored by the persistence framework (NOT in database, just plain serialization to the disk) and can be used later on reconnection
PERSISTENT_HEADER - Static variable in interface org.red5.server.api.remoting.IRemotingHeader
Name of header specifying new header to send.
pickupEvents(IConnection) - Method in interface org.red5.server.net.IConnectionEventQueue
Return iterator over waiting events
ping() - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.IConnection
Start measuring the roundtrip time for a packet on the connection.
ping() - Method in interface org.red5.server.jmx.mxbeans.ConnectionMXBean
ping() - Method in class org.red5.server.net.remoting.RemotingConnection
Start measuring the roundtrip time for a packet on the connection.
Ping - Class in org.red5.server.net.rtmp.event
Ping event, actually combination of different events.
Ping() - Constructor for class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.event.Ping
Constructs a new Ping.
Ping(short) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.event.Ping
Ping(short, int) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.event.Ping
Ping(short, int, int) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.event.Ping
Ping(short, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.event.Ping
Ping(Ping) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.event.Ping
ping(Ping) - Method in class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.RTMPConnection
Handler for ping event.
ping() - Method in class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.RTMPConnection
Start measuring the roundtrip time for a packet on the connection.
PING_CLIENT - Static variable in class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.event.Ping
Client ping event.
PING_SWF_VERIFY - Static variable in class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.event.Ping
SWF verification ping 0x001a
pingReceived(Ping) - Method in class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.RTMPConnection
Marks that ping back was received.
PipeConnectionEvent - Class in org.red5.server.messaging
Event object corresponds to the connect/disconnect events among providers/consumers and pipes.
PipeConnectionEvent(Object) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.messaging.PipeConnectionEvent
Construct an object with the specific pipe as the source
PipeUtils - Class in org.red5.server.messaging
Helper class for pipe structure.
PipeUtils() - Constructor for class org.red5.server.messaging.PipeUtils
play() - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IOnDemandStream
Start playback
play(int) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IOnDemandStream
Start playback with a given maximum duration.
play(Boolean) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IStreamService
Play stream without initial stop
play(String) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IStreamService
Play stream with name
play(String, int) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IStreamService
Play stream with name from start position
play(String, int, int) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IStreamService
Play stream with name from start position and for given amount if time
play(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IStreamService
Publishes stream from given position for given amount of time
play() - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.ISubscriberStream
Start playing.
play(IPlayItem) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.PlayEngine
Play stream
play(IPlayItem, boolean) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.PlayEngine
Play stream
play() - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.PlaylistSubscriberStream
Start playing.
play(IPlayItem) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.ServerStream
Play a specific IPlayItem.
play() - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.SingleItemSubscriberStream
play(String, int, int, Object) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
Plays back a stream based on the supplied name, from the specified position for the given length of time.
play(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
Publishes stream from given position for given amount of time
play(String, int, int) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
Play stream with name from start position and for given amount if time
play(String, int) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
Play stream with name from start position
play(String) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
Play stream with name
play(Boolean) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
Play stream without initial stop
play2(String, int, String, int, double, String) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
Dynamic streaming play method.
play2(ObjectMap) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
Dynamic streaming play method.
play2(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
Dynamic streaming play method.
PlayBuffer - Class in org.red5.server.stream
A Play buffer for sending VOD.
PlayBuffer(long) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.stream.PlayBuffer
Create play buffer with given capacity
PlayEngine - Class in org.red5.server.stream
A play engine for playing an IPlayItem.
PlayEngine.Builder - Class in org.red5.server.stream
Builder pattern
PlayEngine.Builder(ISubscriberStream, ISchedulingService, IConsumerService, IProviderService) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.stream.PlayEngine.Builder
PlaylistSubscriberStream - Class in org.red5.server.stream
Stream of playlist subscriber
PlaylistSubscriberStream() - Constructor for class org.red5.server.stream.PlaylistSubscriberStream
Constructs a new PlaylistSubscriberStream.
PlaylistSubscriberStream.Notifier - Class in org.red5.server.stream
Handles notifications in a separate thread.
PlaylistSubscriberStream.Notifier(IPlaylistSubscriberStream, IStreamAwareScopeHandler) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.stream.PlaylistSubscriberStream.Notifier
PluginDescriptor - Class in org.red5.server.plugin
Simple descriptor for plug-ins.
PluginDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.red5.server.plugin.PluginDescriptor
PluginLauncher - Class in org.red5.server.plugin
Creates the plug-in environment and cleans up on shutdown.
PluginLauncher() - Constructor for class org.red5.server.plugin.PluginLauncher
PluginRegistry - Class in org.red5.server.plugin
Central registry for Red5 plug-ins.
PluginRegistry() - Constructor for class org.red5.server.plugin.PluginRegistry
plugins - Variable in class org.red5.server.adapter.StatefulScopeWrappingAdapter
List of plug-in descriptors
POLL_OPERATION - Static variable in class org.red5.compatibility.flex.messaging.messages.Constants
Operation id of poll command.
POLL_WAIT_HEADER - Static variable in interface org.red5.compatibility.flex.messaging.messages.Message
polled(Object, IoEvent) - Method in class org.red5.server.net.filter.IoEventQueueThrottler
POLLING - Static variable in interface org.red5.server.api.IConnection
Polling connection type, eg RTMPT.
PONG_SERVER - Static variable in class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.event.Ping
Server response event.
PONG_SWF_VERIFY - Static variable in class org.red5.server.net.rtmp.event.Ping
SWF verification pong 0x001b
poolSize - Variable in class org.red5.server.net.remoting.RemotingClient
Maximum pool threads
position() - Method in class org.red5.io.amf3.ByteArray
Get the current position in the data.
position(int) - Method in class org.red5.io.amf3.ByteArray
Set the current position in the data.
position(long) - Method in class org.red5.io.flv.impl.FLVReader
Put the current position to pos.
position(long) - Method in interface org.red5.io.ITagReader
Move the reader pointer to given position in file.
position(long) - Method in class org.red5.io.m4a.impl.M4AReader
Put the current position to pos.
position(long) - Method in class org.red5.io.mp3.impl.MP3Reader
Move the reader pointer to given position in file.
position(long) - Method in class org.red5.io.mp4.impl.MP4Reader
Put the current position to pos.
positions - Variable in class org.red5.io.flv.IKeyFrameDataAnalyzer.KeyFrameMeta
Keyframe positions
postProcessExtension(Object, Type) - Method in class org.red5.io.object.Deserializer
Post processes the result TODO Extension Point
PREFIX_AUDIO_FRAME - Static variable in class org.red5.io.mp4.impl.MP4Reader
Audio packet prefix
PREFIX_VIDEO_CONFIG_FRAME - Static variable in class org.red5.io.mp4.impl.MP4Reader
Video packet prefix for the decoder frame
PREFIX_VIDEO_FRAME - Static variable in class org.red5.io.mp4.impl.MP4Reader
Video packet prefix for standard frames (interframe)
PREFIX_VIDEO_KEYFRAME - Static variable in class org.red5.io.mp4.impl.MP4Reader
Video packet prefix for key frames
prepareFilename(String) - Method in class org.red5.io.BaseStreamableFileService
Prepair given string to conform filename requirements, for example, add extension to the end if missing.
prepareFilename(String) - Method in interface org.red5.io.IStreamableFileService
Prepair given string to conform filename requirements, for example, add extension to the end if missing.
prepareIO() - Method in class org.red5.io.amf3.ByteArray
Create internal objects used for reading and writing.
preProcessExtension(Object) - Method in class org.red5.io.object.Serializer
Pre processes an object TODO // must be implemented
PRESERVE_DURABLE_HEADER - Static variable in interface org.red5.compatibility.flex.messaging.messages.Message
prettyPrintHex(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.red5.io.utils.HexDump
Method prettyPrintHex
prettyPrintHex(byte[]) - Static method in class org.red5.io.utils.HexDump
Method prettyPrintHex
prettyPrintHex(String) - Static method in class org.red5.io.utils.HexDump
Method prettyPrintHex
previousId() - Method in class org.red5.server.ClientRegistry
Return previous client id
previousId() - Method in interface org.red5.server.jmx.mxbeans.ClientRegistryMXBean
previousItem() - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IPlaylist
Go for the previous played item.
previousItem(IPlaylist, int) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IPlaylistController
Get previous item to play.
previousItem() - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.PlaylistSubscriberStream
Go for the previous played item.
previousItem() - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.ServerStream
Go for the previous played item.
previousItem(IPlaylist, int) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.SimplePlaylistController
Get previous item to play.
printMBeanInfo(ObjectName, String) - Static method in class org.red5.server.jmx.JMXUtil
processHeaders(IoBuffer) - Method in class org.red5.server.net.remoting.RemotingClient
Process any headers sent in the response.
processProperties(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory, Properties) - Method in class org.red5.spring.ExtendedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
PropertyConverter - Class in org.red5.server.util
Converter for properties originating from properties files.
PropertyConverter() - Constructor for class org.red5.server.util.PropertyConverter
ProtocolException - Exception in org.red5.server.net.protocol
ProtocolException(String) - Constructor for exception org.red5.server.net.protocol.ProtocolException
Create protocol exception with given message.
ProtocolException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.red5.server.net.protocol.ProtocolException
Create protocol exception with given message and cause.
ProtocolState - Class in org.red5.server.net.protocol
Represents current state of protocol.
ProtocolState() - Constructor for class org.red5.server.net.protocol.ProtocolState
PROVIDER_CONNECT_PULL - Static variable in class org.red5.server.messaging.PipeConnectionEvent
A provider connects as pull mode.
PROVIDER_CONNECT_PUSH - Static variable in class org.red5.server.messaging.PipeConnectionEvent
A provider connects as push mode.
PROVIDER_DISCONNECT - Static variable in class org.red5.server.messaging.PipeConnectionEvent
A provider disconnects.
providers - Variable in class org.red5.server.messaging.AbstractPipe
Pipe providers list
ProviderService - Class in org.red5.server.stream
ProviderService() - Constructor for class org.red5.server.stream.ProviderService
ProxyFilter - Class in org.red5.server.net.proxy
Proxy filter
ProxyFilter(String) - Constructor for class org.red5.server.net.proxy.ProxyFilter
Create proxy filter with given name
publish(String) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IStreamService
Publishes stream with given name
publish(String, String) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IStreamService
Publishes stream with given name and mode
publish(Boolean) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.stream.IStreamService
publish(Boolean) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
publish(String, String) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
Publishes stream with given name and mode
publish(String) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.StreamService
Publishes stream with given name
publishedName - Variable in class org.red5.server.stream.ClientBroadcastStream
Stream published name
publishedName - Variable in class org.red5.server.stream.ServerStream
Stream published name
pullMessage() - Method in interface org.red5.server.messaging.IMessageInput
Pull message from this input endpoint.
pullMessage(long) - Method in interface org.red5.server.messaging.IMessageInput
Pull message from this input endpoint.
pullMessage() - Method in class org.red5.server.messaging.InMemoryPullPullPipe
Pull message from this input endpoint.
pullMessage(long) - Method in class org.red5.server.messaging.InMemoryPullPullPipe
Pull message from this input endpoint.
pullMessage() - Method in class org.red5.server.messaging.InMemoryPushPushPipe
Pull message from this input endpoint.
pullMessage(long) - Method in class org.red5.server.messaging.InMemoryPushPushPipe
Pull message from this input endpoint.
pullMessage(IPipe) - Method in interface org.red5.server.messaging.IPullableProvider
pullMessage(IPipe, long) - Method in interface org.red5.server.messaging.IPullableProvider
pullMessage() - Method in class org.red5.server.scope.BroadcastScope
Pull message from pipe
pullMessage(long) - Method in class org.red5.server.scope.BroadcastScope
Pull message with timeout
pullMessage(IPipe) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.provider.FileProvider
pullMessage(IPipe, long) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.provider.FileProvider
pushMessage(IMessage) - Method in interface org.red5.server.messaging.IMessageOutput
Push a message to this output endpoint.
pushMessage(IMessage) - Method in class org.red5.server.messaging.InMemoryPullPullPipe
Push a message to this output endpoint.
pushMessage(IMessage) - Method in class org.red5.server.messaging.InMemoryPushPushPipe
Pushes a message out to all the PushableConsumers.
pushMessage(IPipe, IMessage) - Method in interface org.red5.server.messaging.IPushableConsumer
Pushes message through pipe
pushMessage(IMessage) - Method in class org.red5.server.scope.BroadcastScope
Push a message to this output endpoint.
pushMessage(IPipe, IMessage) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.ClientBroadcastStream
Currently not implemented
pushMessage(IPipe, IMessage) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.consumer.ConnectionConsumer
Pushes message through pipe
pushMessage(IPipe, IMessage) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.consumer.FileConsumer
Push message through pipe
pushMessage(IPipe, IMessage) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.PlayEngine
Pushes message through pipe
pushMessage(IPipe, IMessage) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.ServerStream
Pushes message through pipe
put(T, V) - Method in class org.red5.compatibility.flex.messaging.io.ObjectProxy
Change a property of the proxied object.
put(IoBuffer, IoBuffer, int) - Static method in class org.red5.io.utils.BufferUtils
Puts input buffer stream to output buffer and returns number of bytes written
put(String, Object) - Method in interface org.red5.server.api.cache.ICacheStore
Puts an object in the cache with the associated key.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.red5.server.cache.CacheImpl
Puts an object in the cache with the associated key.
put(String, ICacheable) - Method in class org.red5.server.cache.CacheImpl
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.red5.server.cache.EhCacheImpl
Puts an object in the cache with the associated key.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.red5.server.cache.NoCacheImpl
Puts an object in the cache with the associated key.
putAll(Map) - Method in class org.red5.compatibility.flex.messaging.io.ObjectProxy
putInteger(long) - Method in class org.red5.io.amf3.Output
putMessage(RTMPMessage) - Method in class org.red5.server.stream.PlayBuffer
Put a message into this buffer.
putServerStream(IScope, String, IServerStream) - Static method in class org.red5.server.api.stream.support.StreamUtils
Puts a server stream in the stream map
putString(IoBuffer, String) - Static method in class org.red5.io.amf.Output
Write out string
putString(String) - Method in class org.red5.io.amf.Output
putString(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.red5.io.amf3.Output
putString(String) - Method in class org.red5.io.amf3.Output
putString(String) - Method in class org.red5.io.mock.Output
putString(String) - Method in interface org.red5.io.object.Output

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