Uses of Class

Packages that use Type
gnu.bytecode Contains classes to generate, read, write, and print Java bytecode in the form of .class files. 
gnu.expr Supports Expression, and various related classes need to compile programming languages. 
gnu.jemacs.lang Contains classes to implement the Emacs Lisp language. 
gnu.kawa.functions Various core run-time functions and operators. 
gnu.kawa.lispexpr Support classes for compiling and running Lisp languages. 
gnu.kawa.reflect Contains classes to use reflection. 
gnu.kawa.xml Classes for using XML within Kawa. 
gnu.mapping Supports Procedure, and various related classes needed at run-time by dynamically typed languages (such as Scheme and ECMAScript). 
kawa.lang Core Kawa classes for Scheme and Lisp compile-time. 
kawa.standard Primitive Scheme syntax and functions. 

Uses of Type in gnu.bytecode

Subclasses of Type in gnu.bytecode
 class ArrayType
 class ClassType
 class ObjectType
          Semi-abstract class object reference types.
 class PrimType

Fields in gnu.bytecode declared as Type
 Type ArrayType.elements
protected  Type Location.type
static Type[] Type.typeArray0

Methods in gnu.bytecode that return Type
 Type ArrayType.getComponentType()
 Type Type.getImplementationType()
          The type used to implement types not natively understood by the JVM.
 Type ArrayType.getImplementationType()
 Type ObjectType.getImplementationType()
 Type[] Method.getParameterTypes()
 Type Method.getReturnType()
 Type Location.getType()
static Type Type.getType(java.lang.String name)
          Find an Type with the given name, or create a new one.
static Type Type.lookupType(java.lang.String name)
static Type Type.lowestCommonSuperType(Type t1, Type t2)
          Computes the common supertype Interfaces are not taken into account.
static Type Type.make(java.lang.Class reflectClass)
 Type CodeAttr.popType()
 Type Type.promote()
 Type ObjectType.promote()
 Type[] CodeAttr.saveStackTypeState(boolean clear)
          Return an object encapsulating the type state of the JVM stack.
static Type Type.signatureToType(java.lang.String sig)
          Get a Type corresponding to the given signature string.
static Type Type.signatureToType(java.lang.String sig, int off, int len)
          Get a Type corresponding to the given signature string.
 Type CodeAttr.topType()

Methods in gnu.bytecode with parameters of type Type
 Field ClassType.addField(java.lang.String name, Type type)
 Field ClassType.addField(java.lang.String name, Type type, int flags)
 Variable CodeAttr.addLocal(Type type)
          Add a new local variable (in the current scope).
 Variable CodeAttr.addLocal(Type type, java.lang.String name)
          Add a new local variable (in the current scope).
 Method ClassType.addMethod(java.lang.String name, int flags, Type[] arg_types, Type return_type)
          Add a method to this ClassType.
 Method ClassType.addMethod(java.lang.String name, int flags, Type[] arg_types, Type return_type)
          Add a method to this ClassType.
 Method ClassType.addMethod(java.lang.String name, Type[] arg_types, Type return_type, int flags)
 Method ClassType.addMethod(java.lang.String name, Type[] arg_types, Type return_type, int flags)
 Variable Scope.addVariable(CodeAttr code, Type type, java.lang.String name)
static boolean CodeAttr.castNeeded(Type top, Type required)
abstract  int other)
          Return a numeric code showing "subtype" relationship: 1: if other is a pure subtype of this; 0: if has the same values; -1: if this is a pure subtype of other; -2: if they have values in common but neither is a subtype of the other; -3: if the types have no values in common.
 int other)
 int other)
 int other)
 int other)
 void Method.compile_checkcast(Type type)
 void CodeAttr.emitArrayLoad(Type element_type)
          Load an element from an array.
 void CodeAttr.emitArrayStore(Type element_type)
          Store into an element of an array.
 void CodeAttr.emitCheckcast(Type type)
 void CodeAttr.emitConvert(Type from, Type to)
 void CodeAttr.emitDup(Type type)
 void CodeAttr.emitInstanceof(Type type)
 void CodeAttr.emitNewArray(Type element_type)
 void CodeAttr.emitNewArray(Type element_type, int dims)
          Compile code to allocate a new array.
 void CodeAttr.emitNot(Type type)
 void CodeAttr.emitPrimop(int opcode, int arg_count, Type retType)
 void CodeAttr.emitPushConstant(int val, Type type)
 void CodeAttr.emitTryStart(boolean has_finally, Type result_type)
 Method ClassType.getDeclaredMethod(java.lang.String name, Type[] arg_types)
          Look for a matching method.
 Method[] ClassType.getMatchingMethods(java.lang.String name, Type[] paramTypes, int flags)
 Method ClassType.getMethod(java.lang.String name, Type[] arg_types)
 Method ObjectType.getMethod(java.lang.String name, Type[] arg_types)
static boolean Type.isMoreSpecific(Type[] t1, Type[] t2)
          Return true iff t1[i].isSubtype(t2[i]) for all i.
static boolean Type.isMoreSpecific(Type[] t1, Type[] t2)
          Return true iff t1[i].isSubtype(t2[i]) for all i.
 boolean Type.isSubtype(Type other)
          Return true if this is a "subtype" of other.
static Type Type.lowestCommonSuperType(Type t1, Type t2)
          Computes the common supertype Interfaces are not taken into account.
static ArrayType ArrayType.make(Type elements)
          Find or create an ArrayType for the specified element type.
static Method Method.makeCloneMethod(Type returnType)
          Make a generic "clone" method.
 void Method.maybe_compile_checkcast(Type type)
 void ClassTypeWriter.printSignature(Type type)
 void CodeAttr.pushType(Type type)
static void Type.registerTypeForClass(java.lang.Class clas, Type type)
          Register that the Type for class is type.
 void CodeAttr.restoreStackTypeState(Type[] save)
          Restore a type state as saved by saveStackTypeState.
 void Location.setType(Type type)

Constructors in gnu.bytecode with parameters of type Type
ArrayType(Type elements)
Type(Type type)
Variable(java.lang.String name, Type type)

Uses of Type in gnu.commonlisp.lang

Methods in gnu.commonlisp.lang that return Type
 Type CommonLisp.getTypeFor(java.lang.Class clas)
 Type CommonLisp.getTypeFor(java.lang.String name)

Uses of Type in gnu.expr

Subclasses of Type in gnu.expr
 class PairClassType
          A class type implemented as a pair of an interface and a class.

Fields in gnu.expr declared as Type
static Type[] Compilation.apply0args
static Type[] Compilation.apply1args
static Type[] Compilation.apply2args
static Type[] Compilation.applyNargs
static Type[] Compilation.int1Args
 Type LambdaExp.returnType
          If non-null, the type of values returned by this function.
static Type[] Compilation.string1Arg
static Type[] Compilation.sym1Arg
protected  Type ApplyExp.type
          Cache for getType().
 Type Literal.type
protected  Type Declaration.type
protected  Type QuoteExp.type

Methods in gnu.expr that return Type
 Type Language.asType(java.lang.Object spec)
          "Coerce" a language-specific "type specifier" object to a Type.
 Type TypeValue.getImplementationType()
          The lower-level Type used to represent instances of this type.
 Type Language.getLangTypeFor(Type type)
 Type PrimProcedure.getParameterType(int index)
 Type[] PrimProcedure.getParameterTypes()
 Type PrimProcedure.getReturnType()
 Type LambdaExp.getReturnType()
          The return type of this function, i.e the type of its returned values.
 Type PrimProcedure.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type Inlineable.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type ConditionalTarget.getType()
 Type ExitExp.getType()
 Type ReferenceExp.getType()
 Type IgnoreTarget.getType()
 Type IfExp.getType()
 Type ApplyExp.getType()
 Type BeginExp.getType()
 Type LambdaExp.getType()
 Type ThisExp.getType()
 Type SetExp.getType()
 Type ConsumerTarget.getType()
 Type LetExp.getType()
 Type Declaration.getType()
 Type StackTarget.getType()
 Type QuoteExp.getType()
 Type SeriesTarget.getType()
abstract  Type Target.getType()
 Type Expression.getType()
          Return the Type used to represent the values of this Expression.
 Type Language.getTypeFor(java.lang.Class clas)
 Type Language.getTypeFor(Expression exp)
 Type Language.getTypeFor(Expression exp, boolean lenient)
 Type Language.getTypeFor(java.lang.Object spec, boolean lenient)
 Type Language.getTypeFor(java.lang.String name)
 Type ApplyExp.getTypeRaw()
 Type LambdaExp.restArgType()
          Return the parameter type of the "keyword/rest" parameters.
static Type Language.string2Type(java.lang.String name)

Methods in gnu.expr with parameters of type Type
 Declaration ScopeExp.addDeclaration(java.lang.Object name, Type type)
          Create a new declaration in the current Scope.
 Field Compilation.allocLocalField(Type type, java.lang.String name)
 void Expression.compile(Compilation comp, Type type)
 void ConditionalTarget.compileFromStack(Compilation comp, Type stackType)
 void IgnoreTarget.compileFromStack(Compilation comp, Type stackType)
 void CheckedTarget.compileFromStack(Compilation comp, Type stackType)
 void ConsumerTarget.compileFromStack(Compilation comp, Type stackType)
 void StackTarget.compileFromStack(Compilation comp, Type stackType)
 void SeriesTarget.compileFromStack(Compilation comp, Type stackType)
abstract  void Target.compileFromStack(Compilation comp, Type stackType)
protected  boolean StackTarget.compileFromStack0(Compilation comp, Type stackType)
 void SeriesTarget.compileFromStackSimple(Compilation comp, Type stackType)
static void PrimProcedure.compileInvoke(Compilation comp, Method method, Target target, boolean isTailCall, int op_code, Type stackType)
          Emit the actual invoke operation, after arguments have been pushed.
static void StackTarget.convert(Compilation comp, Type stackType, Type targetType)
static void CheckedTarget.emitCheckedCoerce(Compilation comp, LambdaExp proc, int argno, Type type)
static void CheckedTarget.emitCheckedCoerce(Compilation comp, LambdaExp proc, int argno, Type type, Variable argValue)
static void CheckedTarget.emitCheckedCoerce(Compilation comp, java.lang.String procname, int argno, Type type)
protected static void StackTarget.emitCoerceFromObject(Type type, Compilation comp)
 java.lang.String Language.formatType(Type type)
static Target CheckedTarget.getInstance(Type type)
static Target StackTarget.getInstance(Type type)
static Target CheckedTarget.getInstance(Type type, LambdaExp proc, int argno)
static Target CheckedTarget.getInstance(Type type, java.lang.String procname, int argno)
 Type Language.getLangTypeFor(Type type)
static PrimProcedure PrimProcedure.getMethodFor(ClassType procClass, java.lang.String name, Declaration decl, Type[] atypes, Language language)
static PrimProcedure PrimProcedure.getMethodFor(Procedure pproc, Declaration decl, Type[] atypes, Language language)
 int GenericProc.isApplicable(Type[] args)
 Declaration Compilation.letVariable(java.lang.Object name, Type type, Expression init)
 Declaration Compilation.loopVariable(java.lang.Object name, Type type, Expression init)
static PrimProcedure PrimProcedure.makeBuiltinBinary(int opcode, Type type)
static PrimProcedure PrimProcedure.makeBuiltinUnary(int opcode, Type type)
static Target Target.pushValue(Type type)
          Return a Target to push a value of specified type on JCM stack.
 void LambdaExp.setCoercedReturnType(Type returnType)
 void PrimProcedure.setReturnType(Type retType)
 void LambdaExp.setReturnType(Type returnType)
 void ApplyExp.setType(Type type)
 void Declaration.setType(Type type)
 void Compilation.usedClass(Type type)
          Called for classes referenced in bytecode.

Constructors in gnu.expr with parameters of type Type
CheckedTarget(Type type)
CheckedTarget(Type type, LambdaExp proc, int argno)
CheckedTarget(Type type, java.lang.String procname, int argno)
Declaration(java.lang.Object s, Type type)
Literal(java.lang.Object value, Type type, LitTable litTable)
PrimProcedure(int op_code, ClassType classtype, java.lang.String name, Type retType, Type[] argTypes)
PrimProcedure(int op_code, ClassType classtype, java.lang.String name, Type retType, Type[] argTypes)
PrimProcedure(int opcode, Type retType, Type[] argTypes)
PrimProcedure(int opcode, Type retType, Type[] argTypes)
QuoteExp(java.lang.Object val, Type type)
StackTarget(Type type)

Uses of Type in gnu.jemacs.lang

Methods in gnu.jemacs.lang that return Type
 Type ELisp.getTypeFor(java.lang.Class clas)
 Type ELisp.getTypeFor(java.lang.String name)

Uses of Type in gnu.kawa.functions

Methods in gnu.kawa.functions that return Type
 Type AddOp.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type Convert.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type NumberCompare.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type MakeList.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type IsEq.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type GetModuleClass.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type ValuesMap.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type AppendValues.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
static Type Arithmetic.kindType(int kind)

Methods in gnu.kawa.functions with parameters of type Type
static int AddOp.classify(Type type)
          Classify an expression according to its numeric type.
static int Arithmetic.classifyType(Type type)
static java.lang.Object GetNamedPart.getTypePart(Type type, java.lang.String name)
static Expression Convert.makeCoercion(Expression value, Type type)
          Convenience method to make an Expression that coerces a value.
static Expression GetNamedPart.makeExp(Type type, java.lang.String member)

Uses of Type in gnu.kawa.lispexpr

Subclasses of Type in gnu.kawa.lispexpr
 class LangObjType
 class LangPrimType
          Use to implement some special types that convert differently.

Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr that return Type
static Type LangObjType.coerceToType(java.lang.Object obj)
static Type LangObjType.coerceToTypeOrNull(java.lang.Object type)
 Type LangObjType.getImplementationType()
 Type LangPrimType.getImplementationType()

Methods in gnu.kawa.lispexpr with parameters of type Type
 int other)
 int other)
 Method LangObjType.getMethod(java.lang.String name, Type[] arg_types)

Uses of Type in gnu.kawa.reflect

Subclasses of Type in gnu.kawa.reflect
 class OccurrenceType
          A type that matches some number of repetitions of a basetype.
 class SingletonType

Fields in gnu.kawa.reflect declared as Type
static Type OccurrenceType.emptySequenceType

Methods in gnu.kawa.reflect that return Type
 Type OccurrenceType.getBase()
 Type FieldLocation.getFType()
          Get the type of the field.
 Type OccurrenceType.getImplementationType()
 Type SingletonType.getImplementationType()
static Type OccurrenceType.getInstance(Type base, int minOccurs, int maxOccurs)
 Type ArrayLength.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type SlotGet.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type SlotSet.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type StaticSet.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type InstanceOf.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type StaticGet.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type ArraySet.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type ArrayGet.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type TypeSwitch.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type ArrayNew.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
static Type OccurrenceType.itemPrimeType(Type type)
          QUery formal semantics "prime type"

Methods in gnu.kawa.reflect with parameters of type Type
static int Invoke.checkKnownClass(Type type, Compilation comp)
          Check if class exists.
 int other)
 int other)
static Type OccurrenceType.getInstance(Type base, int minOccurs, int maxOccurs)
static char OccurrenceType.itemCountCode(Type type)
          Returna a quantifer kind for a sequence type.
static boolean OccurrenceType.itemCountIsOne(Type type)
static boolean OccurrenceType.itemCountIsZeroOrOne(Type type)
static int OccurrenceType.itemCountRange(Type type)
          Return a conservative estimage on the min/max number of items of a type.
static Type OccurrenceType.itemPrimeType(Type type)
          QUery formal semantics "prime type"
static long ClassMethods.selectApplicable(PrimProcedure[] methods, Type[] atypes)
          Re-order the methods such that the ones that are definite applicable (all argtypes is subset of parameter type) are first; those possibly applicable next (argtype overlaps parameter types); and ending with those definitely not applicable (some argtype does overlap its parameter type).

Constructors in gnu.kawa.reflect with parameters of type Type
ArrayGet(Type element_type)
ArrayLength(Type element_type)
ArrayNew(Type element_type)
ArraySet(Type element_type)
OccurrenceType(Type base, int minOccurs, int maxOccurs)
StaticGet(ClassType ctype, java.lang.String name, Type ftype, int flags)
StaticSet(ClassType ctype, java.lang.String name, Type ftype, int flags)

Uses of Type in gnu.kawa.servlet

Methods in gnu.kawa.servlet that return Type
 Type GetRequest.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type GetResponse.getReturnType(Expression[] args)

Uses of Type in gnu.kawa.xml

Subclasses of Type in gnu.kawa.xml
 class AttributeType
          Matches an attribute name pattern.
 class ElementType
 class NodeSetType
 class NodeType
          A SeqPosition used to represent a node in (usually) a TreeList.
 class ProcessingInstructionType
 class XDataType
          An atomic type as used in XML Schema and related languages.
 class XIntegerType
          A restriction (sub-range) of the integer type.
 class XStringType
 class XTimeType

Methods in gnu.kawa.xml that return Type
 Type NodeType.getImplementationType()
 Type ProcessingInstructionType.getImplementationType()
 Type ElementType.getImplementationType()
 Type AttributeType.getImplementationType()
 Type XDataType.getImplementationType()
static Type NodeSetType.getInstance(Type base)
 Type CoerceNodes.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type MakeAttribute.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type MakeElement.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type UnionNodes.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type SortNodes.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type NodeConstructor.getReturnType(Expression[] args)

Methods in gnu.kawa.xml with parameters of type Type
 int other)
 int other)
static Type NodeSetType.getInstance(Type base)

Constructors in gnu.kawa.xml with parameters of type Type
NodeSetType(Type itemType)
XDataType(java.lang.Object name, Type implementationType, int typeCode)

Uses of Type in gnu.mapping

Methods in gnu.mapping that return Type
 Type MethodProc.getParameterType(int index)

Methods in gnu.mapping with parameters of type Type
 int MethodProc.isApplicable(Type[] argTypes)
          Test if method is applicable to an invocation with given arguments.

Constructors in gnu.mapping with parameters of type Type
WrongType(int n, java.lang.Object argValue, Type expectedType)
WrongType(Procedure proc, int n, java.lang.Object argValue, Type expectedType)

Uses of Type in gnu.xquery.lang

Methods in gnu.xquery.lang that return Type
static Type XQuery.getStandardType(java.lang.String name)
 Type XQuery.getTypeFor(java.lang.Class clas)
 Type XQuery.getTypeFor(java.lang.String name)

Methods in gnu.xquery.lang with parameters of type Type
 java.lang.String XQuery.formatType(Type type)

Uses of Type in gnu.xquery.util

Methods in gnu.xquery.util that return Type
 Type OrderedMap.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type ValuesFilter.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type ArithOp.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type RelativeStep.getReturnType(Expression[] args)

Uses of Type in kawa.lang

Methods in kawa.lang that return Type
 Type Translator.exp2Type(Pair typeSpecPair)
          Extract a type from the car of a pair.
 Type SetFieldProc.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type GetFieldProc.getReturnType(Expression[] args)

Constructors in kawa.lang with parameters of type Type
GetFieldProc(ClassType ctype, java.lang.String name, Type ftype, int flags)
SetFieldProc(ClassType ctype, java.lang.String name, Type ftype, int flags)

Uses of Type in kawa.standard

Methods in kawa.standard that return Type
static Type Scheme.exp2Type(Expression exp)
          Convert expression to a Type.
static Type Scheme.getNamedType(java.lang.String name)
 Type prim_throw.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type not.getReturnType(Expression[] args)
 Type Scheme.getTypeFor(java.lang.Class clas)
 Type Scheme.getTypeFor(java.lang.String name)
static Type Scheme.getTypeValue(Expression exp)
          If exp is a "constant" Type, return that type, otherwise return null.
static Type Scheme.string2Type(java.lang.String name)