»Appendix B. S1 Variable Reference: Most Recent Entries

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GLOBAL_HEAD - Any arbitrary HTML you want placed in the <HEAD> of the page being displayed. This is a good place to put CSS or META tags. Being global, this will be placed in any view type. If you want to add tags for one certain view type, use , , , or .
LASTN_ALTPOSTER - When a user other than the journal owner posts a top-level journal entry in a journal, this variable is inserted into the %%altposter%% property of .
LASTN_ALTPOSTER_PIC - Goes into %%pic%% in .
LASTN_CURRENT - When a user has specified "current" information (like current music or current mood), then this variable is added to the %%currents%% property of .
LASTN_CURRENTS - When a user has specified "current" information (like current music or current mood), then this variable separates those entries apart from the rest of the journal entry in .
LASTN_DATE_FORMAT - Describes how dates/times are formatted in each variable.
LASTN_END_DAY - The opposite of . This variable is inserted into %%events%% in the .
LASTN_EVENT - An event from the user's journal. A bunch of these (as specified by ) get put together to form the %%events%% property of the variable. See also and .
LASTN_EVENT_PRIVATE - An optional specialized form of to be used on entries that are marked as "private" (only the original poster can see them). If you leave this blank, the standard event variable will be used instead.
LASTN_EVENT_PROTECTED - An optional specialized form of to be used on entries that are marked as "friends" or "custom" (only a select group of people can see them). If you leave this blank, the standard event variable will be used instead.
LASTN_HEAD - Any arbitrary HTML you want placed in the <HEAD> of the page. This is a good place to put CSS or META tags. If you want to add the same tags to all your pages, use .
LASTN_NEW_DAY - Before any that's on a day that no other event has been shown before, this block is inserted into %%events%% in the .
LASTN_OPT_ITEMS - This is an integer value between 1 and 50 that sets how many items are shown in the "events" property of the variable.
LASTN_PAGE - The HTML for the most recent journal entries page (lastn mode) that's sent to the browser. Customize this as you'd like your page to look.
LASTN_RANGE_HISTORY - This should be the text that says the user is not viewing the most recent entries, but are rather viewing a ways into the history.
LASTN_RANGE_MOSTRECENT - This should be the text that says the user is viewing the top (most recent) entries, and there are %%numitems%% of them.
LASTN_SKIP_BACKWARD - The HTML to make the link to the next (less recent) page of the lastn view... going back in time.
LASTN_SKIP_FORWARD - The HTML to make the link to the previous (more recent) page of the lastn view... going forward in time.
LASTN_SKIP_LINKS - If the user can go back a page or forward a page, this variable is inserted into the %%skiplinks%% property of .
LASTN_SKIP_SPACER - The HTML shown if both the skip backward and skip forward elements are displayed.
LASTN_SUBJECT - When a journal entry has a subject, this variable is inserted into the %%subject%% property of .
LASTN_TALK_LINKS - Define here HTML (if any) that you want to be displayed for the links to read comments and post comments on the current event. The contents of this variable are inserted into %%talklinks%% in if the user has their message boards enabled.
LASTN_TALK_READLINK - If there are comments on the existing journal entry being displayed, then one of these variables is inserted into the %%readlink%% property of .
LASTN_USERPIC - Creates the IMG tag needed to show your picture on the last-n page.
LASTN_WEBSITE - When the user has specified their website URL, this variable goes into the %%website%% property of .


The default view, a reverse-chronological list of the last 'n' items in your journal, where 'n' is an integer value that the user may specify. Usually 'n' defaults to something like 20.

Example page[o]»