Captive portal & GuestNET

A Captive Portal allows you to force authentication, or redirection to a click through page for network access. This is commonly used on hotspot networks, but is also widely used in corporate networks for an additional layer of security on wireless or Internet access.


Typical Applications

  • Guest Network
  • Hotel & Camping Wifi Access
  • Bring Your Own Device (BOYD)

Template Management

OPNsense’s unique template manager makes setting up your own login page an easy task. At the same time it offers additional functionalities, such as:

  • URL redirection
  • Option for your own Pop-up
  • Custom Splash page

Zone Management

Different zones can be setup on each interface or multiple interfaces can share one zone setup. Each Zone can use a different Captive Portal Template or share it with another zone.


Secure authentication via HTTPS or splash-only portal with URL redirection to a given page Different sources can be used to authenticate a user in a zone:

  • LDAP [Microsoft Active Directory]
  • Radius
  • Local user manager
  • Vouchers / Tickets
  • No authentication (Splash Screen Only)
  • Multiple (a combination of above)

Voucher Manager

OPNsense’s Captive Portal has an easy voucher creation system that exports the vouchers to a csv file for use with you favorite application. The export allows you to print vouchers by merging them with your word or open office template and create a good looking handout with your logo and company style.

Timeouts & Welcome Back

Connection can be terminated after the user has been idle for a certain amount of time (idle timeout) and/or force a disconnect when a number of minutes have passed even if the user is still active (hard timeout). In case a user reconnect within the idle timeout and/or hard timeout no login is required and the user can resume its active session.

Bandwidth Management

The Build-in traffic shaper can be utilized to:

  • Share bandwidth evenly
  • Give priority to protocols port numbers and/or ip addresses

See also: Traffic Shaping

Portal bypass

MAC and IP addresses can be white listed to bypass the portal.

Real Time Reporting

Basic Real Time Reporting is Integrated

  • Live top IP bandwidth usage (Traffic Graph)
  • Active Sessions
  • Time left on Vouchers

Category based Web Filtering

By combining the Captive Portal with the caching proxy it is possible to utilize category web filtering and block certain content for the users and by enabling the cache reduce bandwidth and improve response times. See also: Caching Proxy

Platform Integration

Through the integrated REST API the captive portal application can be integrated with other services. See: Use the API

Configure the Portal

To setup a hotspot controller for business or hotel usage see: Setup a Guest Network