button A button that can be pressed by the user. Event handlers can be used to trap mouse, keyboard and other events. It is typically rendered as a grey outset rectangle. You can specify the label of the button using the label attribute or by placing content inside the button.
accesskey, autoCheck, checkState, checked, command, crop, dir, disabled, dlgType, group, icon, image, label, open, orient, tabindex, type
Properties and Methods:
accessKey, accessible, autoCheck, checkState, checked, command, crop, dir, disabled, dlgType, group, image, label, open, orient, tabIndex, type
checkbox An element that can be turned on and off. This is most commonly rendered as a box when the element is off and a box with a check when the element is on. The user can switch the state of the check box by selecting it with the mouse. A label, specified with the label attribute may be added beside the check box to indicate to the user as to its function.
accesskey, checked, command, crop, disabled, image, label, preference, tabindex
Properties and Methods:
accessKey, accessible, checked, command, crop, disabled, image, label, tabIndex, value
radio An element that can be turned on and off. Radio buttons are almost always grouped together in groups. Only one radio button within the same radiogroup may be selected at a time. The user can switch which radio button is turned on by selecting it with the mouse or keyboard. Other radio buttons in the same group are turned off. A label, specified with the label attribute may be added beside the radio button to indicate to the user as to its function.
accesskey, command, crop, disabled, focused, image, label, selected, tabindex, value
Properties and Methods:
accessKey, accessible, crop, disabled, image, label, radioGroup, selected, tabIndex, value
textbox A text input field in which the user can enter text. It is similar to the HTML input element. Only one line of text is displayed by default. The multiline attribute can be specified to display a field with multiple rows.
cols, disabled, maxlength, multiline, onchange, oninput, preference, readonly, rows, size, tabindex, timeout, type, value, wrap
Properties and Methods:
accessible, disabled, inputField, maxLength, readonly, select, selectionEnd, selectionStart, setSelectionRange, size, tabIndex, textLength, timeout, type, value
textbox+(Mozilla+Auto+Complete) This element is created by setting the type attribute of a textbox to 'autocomplete'. It is used to create a textbox with a popup containing a list of possible completions for what the user has started to type.
alwaysopenpopup, autoFill, autoFillAfterMatch, crop, disableAutocomplete, disabled, disablehistory, focused, forceComplete, ignoreBlurWhileSearching, inputtooltiptext, label, maxlength, maxrows, minResultsForPopup, nomatch, onerrorcommand, ontextcommand, ontextrevert, open, searchSessions, showCommentColumn, showpopup, size, tabScrolling, tabindex, timeout, type, userAction, value
Properties and Methods:
accessible, addSession, alwaysOpenPopup, autoFill, autoFillAfterMatch, clearResults, crop, disableAutocomplete, disabled, editable, focused, forceComplete, getDefaultSession, getResultAt, getResultCount, getResultValueAt, getSession, getSessionByName, getSessionResultAt, getSessionStatusAt, getSessionValueAt, ignoreBlurWhileSearching, inputField, isSearching, isWaiting, label, maxLength, maxRows, minResultsForPopup, noMatch, open, removeSession, resultsPopup, searchSessions, select, selectionEnd, selectionStart, sessionCount, setSelectionRange, showCommentColumn, showPopup, size, syncSessions, tabIndex, tabScrolling, textLength, timeout, type, userAction, value
textbox+(Firefox+Auto+Complete) This element is created by setting the type attribute of a textbox to 'autocomplete'. It is used to create a textbox with a popup containing a list of possible completions for what the user has started to type.
accesskey, autocompletepopup, autocompletesearch, autocompletesearchparam, completedefaultindex, crop, disableautocomplete, disabled, disablekeynavigation, enablehistory, focused, forcecomplete, ignoreblurwhilesearching, inputtooltiptext, label, maxlength, maxrows, minresultsforpopup, nomatch, onchange, oninput, onsearchcomplete, ontextentered, ontextreverted, open, readonly, showcommentcolumn, size, tabindex, tabscrolling, timeout, type, value
Properties and Methods:
accessible, completeDefaultIndex, controller, crop, disableAutoComplete, disableKeyNavigation, disabled, editable, focused, forceComplete, getSearchAt, ignoreBlurWhileSearching, inputField, label, maxLength, maxRows, minResultsForPopup, onSearchComplete, onTextEntered, onTextReverted, open, popup, popupOpen, searchCount, searchParam, select, selectionEnd, selectionStart, setSelectionRange, showCommentColumn, size, tabIndex, tabScrolling, textLength, textValue, timeout, type, value
description This element is used to create a block of text. The text can be set either with the value attribute or by placing text inside the open and close description tags. The value attribute is used to set text that appears in a single line. If text appears as a child of the description, it will wrap to multiple lines. If may contain arbitrary markup, which can be styled as needed.
accesskey, control, crop, disabled, value
Properties and Methods:
accessKey, accessible, control, crop, disabled, value
label This element is used to provide a label for an control element, If the user clicks the label, it will move the focus to the associated control, specified with the control attribute.
accesskey, control, crop, disabled, value
Properties and Methods:
accessKey, accessible, control, crop, disabled, value
image An element that displays an image, much like the HTML img element. The src attribute can be used to specify the URL of the image.
onerror, onload, src, validate
Properties and Methods:
accessible, src
separator Creates a small separating gap between elements. This type of separator should be used to separate parts of a dialog. It doesn't draw a bar visually, but is just a small space. It is functionally equivalent to a spacer except it defaults to a small size (usually 1.5 ems).
spacer An element that takes up space but does not display anything. It is usually used to place spacing within a container. If you don't specify that the spacer has a size or is flexible, the spacer does not occupy any space. If you want a small gap, consider using a separator instead.
progressmeter A meter which can be used to display the progress of a lengthy operation. It is drawn as a bar that is filled as the operation completes. In addition, an undeterminate progressmeter may be created by setting the mode attribute. This is used when the length of time to complete an operation is not known beforehand.
mode, value
Properties and Methods:
accessible, mode, value