
basedatepickerday — An abstract class representing a day for use with basedatepicker


LZX: basedatepickerday
JavaScript: basedatepickerday
Type: Class
Access: public
Topic: Components.Base Components
Declared in: lps/components/base/basedatepickerday.lzx


Basedatepickerday is an abstract class representing a day for use with the basedatepicker. When creating an implementation of basedatepickerday, it is expected that certain methods from basedatepicker, basedatepickerday and basedatepickerweek will be overridden to provide full functionality of a datepicker. For basedatepickerday, these methods include buttonpush(), buttonrelease(), gotFocus(), and removeFocus(). See the source code of datepicker for a more extensive example. See also basedatepicker and basedatepickerweek

Abstract class representing days for the basedatepicker.

Superclass Chain

node (LzNode) » view (LzView) » basedatepickerday

Known Subclasses

Known Direct Subclasses: datepickerday


Properties (4)

<attribute name="daynum" value="null" />
protected var daynum;
The day of the month to be displayed
<attribute name="disabled" type="boolean" value="false" />
protected var disabled : Boolean;
Indicates if this day should be enabled or disabled. The day would be disbled if it should not show it's daynum.
<attribute name="selectable" type="boolean" value="null" />
protected var selectable : Boolean;
Indicates if this day is selectable. The day is selectable if it is within the range of possible selected dates
<attribute name="selected" type="boolean" value="false" />
protected var selected : Boolean;
Indicates if this day is currently selected

Methods (4)

<method name="buttonpush" />
protected function buttonpush();
This method is called when this day has focus, and the enter key is pushed.
<method name="buttonrelease" />
protected function buttonrelease();
This method is called when this day has focus, and the enter key is released.
<method name="gotFocus" />
protected function gotFocus();
This method is called when this day recieves focus.
<method name="removeFocus" />
protected function removeFocus();
This method is called when this day looses focus.

LZX Synopsis

<class name="basedatepickerday" extends=" LzView ">
  <attribute name=" daynum " value="null" />
  <attribute name=" disabled " type="boolean" value="false" />
  <attribute name=" selectable " type="boolean" value="null" />
  <attribute name=" selected " type="boolean" value="false" />
  <method name=" buttonpush " />
  <method name=" buttonrelease " />
  <method name=" gotFocus " />
  <method name=" removeFocus " />

JavaScript Synopsis

public basedatepickerday extends  LzView  {
  protected var daynum ;
  protected var disabled  : Boolean;
  protected var selectable  : Boolean;
  protected var selected  : Boolean;
  prototype protected function buttonpush ();
  prototype protected function buttonrelease ();
  prototype protected function gotFocus ();
  prototype protected function removeFocus ();