
basedatepickerweek — An abstract class representing a week for use with basedatepicker


LZX: basedatepickerweek
JavaScript: basedatepickerweek
Type: Class
Access: public
Topic: Components.Base Components
Declared in: lps/components/base/basedatepickerweek.lzx


Basedatepickerweek is an abstract class representing a week for use with the basedatepicker. See also basedatepicker and basedatepickerday

Abstract class representing weeks for the basedatepicker.

Superclass Chain

node (LzNode) » view (LzView) » basedatepickerweek

Known Subclasses

Known Direct Subclasses: datepickerweek


Properties (1)

<attribute name="dayclass" value="$once{classroot.dayclass}" />
protected var dayclass;
Name of the day class instance to use.

Methods (10)

<method name="focusOnDay" args="d" />
protected function focusOnDay(d);
Set the focus on a day.
<method name="getFirstDayInMonth" />
protected function getFirstDayInMonth() : number;
Returns the day in this week that is the first day of the month.
<method name="getLastDayInMonth" />
protected function getLastDayInMonth() : number;
Returns the day in this week that is the last day of the month.
<method name="init" />
public function init();
<method name="isFirstDayInMonth" args="d" />
protected function isFirstDayInMonth(d) : boolean;
Answers the question: Is the given day the first day of the month?
<method name="isFirstWeek" />
protected function isFirstWeek() : boolean;
Answers the question: Is this the first week of the month?
<method name="isLastDayInMonth" args="d" />
public function isLastDayInMonth(d) : boolean;
Answers the question: Is the given day of the week the last day of the month?
<method name="isLastWeek" />
protected function isLastWeek() : boolean;
Answers the question: Is this the last week of the month?
<method name="removeFocusFromDay" args="d" />
protected function removeFocusFromDay(d);
Remove the focus from a day.
<method name="setStartingDay" args="d, max, earlydate, latedate" />
protected function setStartingDay(d, max, earlydate, latedate);
Sets daynum of each day in this week, starting with the first day of the week. Also sets the disabled and selectable attributes for each day as appropriate.

LZX Synopsis

<class name="basedatepickerweek" extends=" LzView ">
  <attribute name=" dayclass " value="$once{classroot.dayclass}" />
  <method name=" focusOnDay " args="d" />
  <method name=" getFirstDayInMonth " />
  <method name=" getLastDayInMonth " />
  <method name=" init " />
  <method name=" isFirstDayInMonth " args="d" />
  <method name=" isFirstWeek " />
  <method name=" isLastDayInMonth " args="d" />
  <method name=" isLastWeek " />
  <method name=" removeFocusFromDay " args="d" />
  <method name=" setStartingDay " args="d, max, earlydate, latedate" />

JavaScript Synopsis

public basedatepickerweek extends  LzView  {
  protected var dayclass ;
  prototype protected function focusOnDay (d);
  prototype protected function getFirstDayInMonth () : number;
  prototype protected function getLastDayInMonth () : number;
  prototype public function init ();
  prototype protected function isFirstDayInMonth (d) : boolean;
  prototype protected function isFirstWeek () : boolean;
  prototype public function isLastDayInMonth (d) : boolean;
  prototype protected function isLastWeek () : boolean;
  prototype protected function removeFocusFromDay (d);
  prototype protected function setStartingDay (d, max, earlydate, latedate);