
baselistitem — a group of these are managed by a baselist


LZX: baselistitem
JavaScript: baselistitem
Type: Class
Access: public
Topic: Components.Base Components
Declared in: lps/components/base/baselistitem.lzx


See baselist for details.

A group of items that typically is used within a baselist.

Superclass Chain

node (LzNode) » view (LzView) » basecomponent » basevaluecomponent » baselistitem

Known Subclasses

Known Direct Subclasses: basetab, basetabelement, listitem, radiobutton, radioitem


Properties (1)

<attribute name="selected" value="false" />
public var selected;
Whether this item is selected. Our containing list will adopt the value of this component when it is selected.

Methods (1)

<method name="_setSelected" args="s" />
protected function _setSelected(s);
this is a setter for the selected attribute it simply calls the parent's select method, which is responsible for calling setSelected If you want to set whether this view is selected, use setAttribute('selected', true)

Events (2)

<attribute name="onselect" />
public event onselect;
Event sent when the user makes a selection.
<attribute name="onselected" />
public event onselected;
Event sent when this item is selected.

LZX Synopsis

<class name="baselistitem" extends=" basevaluecomponent ">
  <attribute name=" selected " value="false" />
  <event name=" onselect " />
  <event name=" onselected " />
  <method name=" _setSelected " args="s" />

JavaScript Synopsis

public baselistitem extends  basevaluecomponent  {
  public var selected ;
  prototype public event onselect ;
  prototype public event onselected ;
  prototype protected function _setSelected (s);