
multistatebutton — a button with multiple states, such as a toggle button


LZX: multistatebutton
JavaScript: multistatebutton
Type: Class
Access: public
Topic: Components.Base Components
Declared in: lps/components/base/multistatebutton.lzx


A multistatebutton is an extension of the basebutton class to address the more general class of buttons that can have multiple states, and where each state has it own mouseup, mouseover, and mousedown images. Like the basebutton class, the construction of a multistatebutton starts with a multiframe resource.

The example below create a play/pause button, using the following resources:

With a multistatebutton, the following must be specified explicitly:

the initial state of a button
the number of frames (of a multiframe resource) used for a single button state - NOTE: all states must be the same length
the total number of states of the button - 1 (since states are counted starting from 0).
              <!-- first create the multi-frame resource and give it a name -->
              <resource name="mybutton_rsrc">
                 <!--  State: 0 -->
                 <!-- first  frame of state 1 = mouseup   image of the button -->
                 <frame src="../images/multistatebutton/state0-mouseup.jpg"/>
                 <!-- second frame of state 1 = mouseover image of the button -->
                 <frame src="../images/multistatebutton/state0-mouseover.jpg"/>
                 <!-- third  frame of state 1 = mousedown image of the button -->
                 <frame src="../images/multistatebutton/state0-mousedown.jpg"/>
                 <!--  State: 1 -->
                 <!-- first  frame of state 2 = mouseup image of the button -->
                 <frame src="../images/multistatebutton/state1-mouseup.jpg"/>
                 <!-- second frame of state 2 = mouseover image of the button -->
                 <frame src="../images/multistatebutton/state1-mouseover.jpg"/>
                 <!-- third  frame of state 2 = mousedown image of the button -->
                 <frame src="../images/multistatebutton/state1-mousedown.jpg"/>

Example 33. Assigning resources to a button

            <canvas height="60">
              <include href="multistatebutton-resources.lzx"/>
              <!-- Second, assign the resource to a basebutton tag -->
              <multistatebutton name="myButton" resource="mybutton_rsrc"
                                statenum="0" statelength="3" maxstate="1"/>

Now, the multistatebutton will stay in state "0" until you switch states. This can be accomplished by calling myButton.setStateNum(number).

Example 34. Switching button states

            <canvas height="60">
              <include href="multistatebutton-resources.lzx"/>
              <multistatebutton name="myButton" resource="mybutton_rsrc"
                                statenum="0" statelength="3" maxstate="1"
                 <method name="toggle">
                    if (this.statenum == 0) this.setStateNum(1)
                    else this.setStateNum(0)

Superclass Chain

node (LzNode) » view (LzView) » basecomponent » basebutton » multistatebutton

Known Subclasses


Properties (3)

<attribute name="maxstate" type="number" value="0" />
public var maxstate : Number;
the largest number allowed for the value of statenum, default: 0
<attribute name="statelength" type="number" value="3" />
public var statelength : Number;
the number of frames in a state, default: 3
<attribute name="statenum" type="number" value="0" />
public var statenum : Number;
the current state, default: 0

Methods (2)

<method name="setStateLength" args="s" />
public function setStateLength(s);
setter for the statelength attribute
<method name="setStateNum" args="s" />
public function setStateNum(s);
setter for the statenum attribute

LZX Synopsis

<class name="multistatebutton" extends=" basebutton ">
  <attribute name=" maxstate " type="number" value="0" />
  <attribute name=" statelength " type="number" value="3" />
  <attribute name=" statenum " type="number" value="0" />
  <method name=" setStateLength " args="s" />
  <method name=" setStateNum " args="s" />

JavaScript Synopsis

public multistatebutton extends  basebutton  {
  public var maxstate  : Number;
  public var statelength  : Number;
  public var statenum  : Number;
  prototype public function setStateLength (s);
  prototype public function setStateNum (s);