
vscrollbar — Provides a vertical scrollbar.


LZX: vscrollbar
JavaScript: vscrollbar
Type: Class
Access: public
Topic: Components.Laszlo Components
Declared in: lps/components/lz/vscrollbar.lzx


This tag creates a vertical scrollbar. If you do not specify a scrolltarget the scrollbar will automatically be aligned to the right and size its height to its parent's height. It is expected that the parent view be smaller than the scrolltarget and set clip=true. The scrolling effect is produced by moving the scrolltarget while its visible region is clipped by the parent view.

If you would like the target view to start scrolled, simply set its y position to a negative number. For example, y=-10 will cause the view to be scrolled 10 pixels.

[Note] Note
If you have no horizontal scrollbars in your application, using the vscrollbar tag will make the applications slightly smaller, than if you were to use <scrollbar axis="y">.

Example 50. Simple scrollbar

          <canvas height="160" bgcolor="silver">
          <view name="main" x="20" y="20" bgcolor="white"
          width="100" height="80" clip="true">
          <view name="contents">
          <text multiline="true">

In the example above, the scrolltarget is the contents view. A scrollbar moves its scrolltarget along its axis. The attribute that is controlled by the scrollbar may be specified as the scrollattr, overriding the default value of x or y.

The vertical scrollbar manipulates the y position of a target view that is clipped by its parent, creating a scrolling effect when the user clicks up/down arrows, clicks on the scroll track or drags the thumb.

Superclass Chain

node (LzNode) » view (LzView) » basecomponent » basescrollbar » vscrollbar

Known Subclasses


Properties (1)

<attribute name="disabledbgcolor" value="null" />
public var disabledbgcolor;
If this is defined, it will be used as the scrollbar's background color when it is disabled. If not provided, the scrollbar will use the bgcolor of its closest parent that has a bgcolor defined.

LZX Synopsis

<class name="vscrollbar" extends=" basescrollbar ">
  <attribute name=" disabledbgcolor " value="null" />

JavaScript Synopsis

public vscrollbar extends  basescrollbar  {
  public var disabledbgcolor ;