Havana Haunted by the Dead

Felix Lee of Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre in Taiwan contributed this story.

I just upgraded OpenStack from Grizzly to Havana 2013.2-2 using the RDO repository and everything was running pretty well—except the EC2 API.

I noticed that the API would suffer from a heavy load and respond slowly to particular EC2 requests, such as RunInstances.

Output from /var/log/nova/nova-api.log on Havana:

2014-01-10 09:11:45.072 129745 INFO nova.ec2.wsgi.server
0c6e7dba03c24c6a9bce299747499e8a 7052bd6714e7460caeb16242e68124f9] "GET
HTTP/1.1" status: 200 len: 1109 time: 138.5970151

This request took more than two minutes to process, but it executed quickly on another co-existing Grizzly deployment using the same hardware and system configuration.

Output from /var/log/nova/nova-api.log on Grizzly:

2014-01-08 11:15:15.704 INFO nova.ec2.wsgi.server
ebbd729575cb404081a45c9ada0849b7 8175953c209044358ab5e0ec19d52c37] "GET
HTTP/1.1" status: 200 len: 931 time: 3.9426181

While monitoring system resources, I noticed a significant increase in memory consumption while the EC2 API processed this request. I thought it wasn't handling memory properly—possibly not releasing memory. If the API received several of these requests, memory consumption quickly grew until the system ran out of RAM and began using swap. Each node has 48 GB of RAM, and the "nova-api" process would consume all of it within minutes. Once this happened, the entire system would become unusably slow until I restarted the nova-api service.

So, I found myself wondering what changed in the EC2 API on Havana that might cause this to happen. Was it a bug or normal behavior that I now need to work around?

After digging into the nova code, I noticed two areas in api/ec2/cloud.py potentially impacting my system:

        instances = self.compute_api.get_all(context,

        sys_metas = self.compute_api.get_all_system_metadata(
            context, search_filts=[{'key': ['EC2_client_token']},
                                   {'value': [client_token]}])

Since my database contained many records—over 1 million metadata records and over 300,000 instance records in "deleted" or "errored" states—each search took ages. I decided to clean up the database by first archiving a copy for backup and then performing some deletions using the MySQL client. For example, I ran the following SQL command to remove rows of instances deleted for more than a year:

mysql> delete from nova.instances where deleted=1 and terminated_at < (NOW() - INTERVAL 1 YEAR);

Performance increased greatly after deleting the old records and my new deployment continues to behave well.

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