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 Manage volumes

A volume is a detachable block storage device, similar to a USB hard drive. You can attach a volume to only one instance. To create and manage volumes, you use a combination of nova and cinder client commands.

 Migrate a volume

As an administrator, you can migrate a volume with its data from one location to another in a manner that is transparent to users and workloads. You can migrate only detached volumes with no snapshots.

Possible use cases for data migration:

  • Bring down a physical storage device for maintenance without disrupting workloads.

  • Modify the properties of a volume.

  • Free up space in a thinly-provisioned back end.

Migrate a volume, as follows:

$ cinder migrate volumeID destinationHost --force-host-copy=True|False

Where --force-host-copy=True forces the generic host-based migration mechanism and bypasses any driver optimizations.


If the volume is in use or has snapshots, the specified host destination cannot accept the volume.

If the user is not an administrator, the migration fails.

 Set a volume to read-only access

To give multiple users shared, secure access to the same data, you can set a volume to read-only access.

Run this command to set a volume to read-only access:

$ cinder readonly-mode-update VOLUME BOOLEAN

Where VOLUME is the ID of the target volume and BOOLEAN is a flag that enables read-only or read/write access to the volume.

Valid values for BOOLEAN are:

  • true. Sets the read-only flag in the volume. When you attach the volume to an instance, the instance checks for this flag to determine whether to restrict volume access to read-only.

  • false. Sets the volume to read/write access.

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