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 Manage flavors

In OpenStack, a flavor defines the compute, memory, and storage capacity of a virtual server that users can launch. As an administrative user, you can create, edit, and delete flavors.

Only administrative users can create and manage flavors.

A flavor consists of the following parameters:

Table 1.1. Flavor parameters
Parameter Description

Flavor Name

The flavor name.


Number of virtual CPUs to use.


Amount of RAM to use, in megabytes.

Root Disk

Amount of disk space (in gigabytes) to use for the root (/) partition.

Ephemeral Disk

Amount of disk space (in gigabytes) to use for the ephemeral partition. If unspecified, the value is 0 by default.

Ephemeral disks offer machine local disk storage linked to the life cycle of a VM instance. When a VM is terminated, all data on the ephemeral disk is lost. Ephemeral disks are not included in any snapshots.

Swap Disk

Amount of swap space (in megabytes) to use. If unspecified, the default is 0.


The flavor ID is generated by OpenStack if the option selected is auto.

By default, this field is set to auto.


Indicates if the flavor is public.

The default flavors are:

  • m1.tiny (1 VCPU/0 GB Disk/512 MB RAM)

  • m1.small (1 VCPU/20 GB Disk/2048 MB RAM)

  • m1.medium (2 VCPU/40 GB Disk/4096 MB RAM)

  • m1.large (4 VCPU/80 GB Disk/8192 MB RAM)

  • m1.xlarge (8 VCPU/160 GB Disk/16384 MB RAM)

 Create flavors

  1. Log in to the dashboard.

    Choose the admin project from the CURRENT PROJECT drop-down list.

  2. On the Admin tab, click the Flavors category.

  3. Click Create Flavor.

  4. In the Create Flavor window, enter or select the following values:

    Flavor Info tab


    Enter the flavor name.


    The flavor ID, generated by OpenStack.


    Enter the number of virtual CPUs to use.

    RAM MB

    Enter the amount of RAM to use, in megabytes.

    Root Disk GB

    Enter the mount of disk space in gigabytes to use for the root (/) partition.

    Ephemeral Disk GB

    Enter the amount of disk space in gigabytes to use for the ephemeral partition. If unspecified, the value is 0 by default.

    Ephemeral disks offer machine local disk storage linked to the life cycle of a VM instance. When a VM is terminated, all data on the ephemeral disk is lost. Ephemeral disks are not included in any snapshots.

    Swap Disk MB

    Enter the amount of swap space (in megabytes) to use. If unspecified, the default is 0.

  5. In the Flavor Access tab, you can control access to the flavor by moving projects from the All Projects column to the Selected Projects column.

    Only projects in the Selected Projects column can use the flavor. If there are no projects in the right column, all projects can use the flavor.

  6. Click Create Flavor.

 Update flavors

  1. Log in to the dashboard.

    Choose the admin project from the CURRENT PROJECT drop-down list.

  2. On the Admin tab, click the Flavors category.

  3. Select the flavor that you want to edit. Click Edit Flavor.

  4. In the Edit Flavor window, you can change the flavor name, VCPUs, RAM, root dish, ephemeral disk, and swap disk values..

  5. Click Save.

 Delete flavors

  1. Log in to the dashboard.

    Choose the admin project from the CURRENT PROJECT drop-down list.

  2. On the Admin tab, click the Flavors category.

  3. Select the flavors that you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete Flavors.

  5. In the Confirm Delete Flavors window, click Delete Flavors to confirm the deletion. You cannot undo this action.

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