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 Download and analyze an object

This example uses the -o —output option and a hyphen (-) to get information about an object.

Use the swift download command to download the object. On this command, stream the output to awk to break down requests by return code and the date 2200 on November 16th, 2010.

Using the log line format, find the request type in column 9 and the return code in column 12.

After awk processes the output, it pipes it to sort and uniq -c to sum up the number of occurrences for each request type and return code combination.

  1. Download an object:

    $ swift -A -U test:tester -K testing \
         download -o - logtest 2010-11-16-22_access.log | awk ‘{ print $9”-“$12}’ | sort | uniq -c           
    805 DELETE-204
    12 DELETE-404
    2 DELETE-409
    723 GET-200
    142 GET-204
    74 GET-206
    80 GET-304
    34 GET-401
    5 GET-403
    18 GET-404
    166 GET-412
    2 GET-416
    50 HEAD-200
    17 HEAD-204
    20 HEAD-401
    8 HEAD-404
    30 POST-202
    25 POST-204
    22 POST-400
    6 POST-404
    842 PUT-201
    2 PUT-202
    32 PUT-400
    4 PUT-403
    4 PUT-404
    2 PUT-411
    6 PUT-412
    6 PUT-413
    2 PUT-422
    8 PUT-499
  2. Discover how many PUT requests are in each log file.

    Use a bash for loop with awk and swift with the -o —output option and a hyphen (-) to discover how many PUT requests are in each log file.

    Run the swift list command to list objects in the logtest container. Then, for each item in the list, run the swift download -o - command. Pipe the output into grep to filter the PUT requests. Finally, pipe into wc -l to count the lines.

    $ for f in `swift -A -U test:tester -K testing list logtest` ; \
            do  echo -ne “PUTS - ” ; swift -A -U test:tester -K testing download -o -  logtest $f | grep PUT | wc -l ; \
    2010-11-15-21_access.log - PUTS - 402
    2010-11-15-22_access.log - PUTS - 1091
    2010-11-16-21_access.log - PUTS - 892
    2010-11-16-22_access.log - PUTS - 910
  3. List the object names that begin with a specified string.

    Run the swift list -p 2010-11-15 command to list objects in the logtest container that begin with the 2010-11-15 string.

    For each item in the list, run the swift download -o - command.

    Pipe the output to grep and wc. Use the echo command to display the object name.

    $ for f in `swift -A -U test:tester -K testing list -p 2010-11-15 logtest` ; \
            do  echo -ne “$f - PUTS - ” ; swift -A -U test:tester \
            -K testing download -o - logtest $f | grep PUT | wc -l ; \
    2010-11-15-21_access.log - PUTS - 402
    2010-11-15-22_access.log - PUTS - 910
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