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1.2.2.  Right-Click Options

Going back to our Bill of Materials example, let's look at another fundamental feature involving the right-click button on your computer mouse.


For Macintosh users who don"t have a dual button mouse, use the CTRL key on your keyboard when clicking on a record to reveal the right-click options.

xTuple ERPs are full of displays similar to our sample Bill of Materials example. Display screens feature parameter settings at the top of the screen—and a main display area located toward the bottom of the screen. Whenever you encounter a display like this, you can right-click on a line in the display to reveal a host of additional options, as shown in the following screen:

Bill of Materials with Right-Click Detail

As you can see, right-clicking on a component Item in the Bill of Materials screen gives you access to the following options:

Right-click options will vary from screen to screen. In our sample Bill of Materials example, the right-click options basically mirror the functionality of buttons already available within the screen. This will not always be the case, though. Often, the right-click feature reveals important and useful functionality not to be found on the main display screen.