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Theorem List for Quantum Logic Explorer - 1-100   *Has distinct variable group(s)
0.1  Ortholattices
0.1.1  Basic syntax and axioms
Syntaxwb 1 If a and b are terms, a = b is a wff.
wff a = b
Syntaxwle 2 If a and b are terms, a =< b is a wff.
wff a =< b
Syntaxwc 3 If a and b are terms, a C b is a wff.
wff a C b
Syntaxwn 4 If a is a term, so is a'.
term a'
Syntaxtb 5 If a and b are terms, so is (a == b).
term (a == b)
Syntaxwo 6 If a and b are terms, so is (a v b).
term (a v b)
Syntaxwa 7 If a and b are terms, so is (a ^ b).
term (a ^ b)
Syntaxwt 8 The logical true constant is a term.
term 1
Syntaxwf 9 The logical false constant is a term.
term 0
Syntaxwle2 10 If a and b are terms, so is (a =<2 b).
term (a =<2 b)
Syntaxwi0 11 If a and b are terms, so is (a ->0 b).
term (a ->0 b)
Syntaxwi1 12 If a and b are terms, so is (a ->1 b).
term (a ->1 b)
Syntaxwi2 13 If a and b are terms, so is (a ->2 b).
term (a ->2 b)
Syntaxwi3 14 If a and b are terms, so is (a ->3 b).
term (a ->3 b)
Syntaxwi4 15 If a and b are terms, so is (a ->4 b).
term (a ->4 b)
Syntaxwi5 16 If a and b are terms, so is (a ->5 b).
term (a ->5 b)
Syntaxwid0 17 If a and b are terms, so is (a ==0 b).
term (a ==0 b)
Syntaxwid1 18 If a and b are terms, so is (a ==1 b).
term (a ==1 b)
Syntaxwid2 19 If a and b are terms, so is (a ==2 b).
term (a ==2 b)
Syntaxwid3 20 If a and b are terms, so is (a ==3 b).
term (a ==3 b)
Syntaxwid4 21 If a and b are terms, so is (a ==4 b).
term (a ==4 b)
Syntaxwid5 22 If a and b are terms, so is (a ==5 b).
term (a ==5 b)
Syntaxwb3 23 If a and b are terms, so is (a <->3 b).
term (a <->3 b)
Syntaxwb1 24 If a and b are terms, so is (a <->3 b).
term (a <->1 b)
Syntaxwo3 25 If a and b are terms, so is (a u3 b).
term (a u3 b)
Syntaxwan3 26 If a and b are terms, so is (a ^3 b).
term (a ^3 b)
Syntaxwid3oa 27 If a, b, and c are terms, so is (a == c ==OA b).
term (a == c ==OA b)
Syntaxwid4oa 28 If a, b, c, and d are terms, so is (a == c, d ==OA b).
term (a == c, d ==OA b)
Syntaxwcmtr 29 If a and b are terms, so is C (a, b).
term C (a, b)
Axiomax-a1 30 Axiom for ortholattices.
a = a''
Axiomax-a2 31 Axiom for ortholattices.
(a v b) = (b v a)
Axiomax-a3 32 Axiom for ortholattices.
((a v b) v c) = (a v (b v c))
Axiomax-a4 33 Axiom for ortholattices.
(a v (b v b')) = (b v b')
Axiomax-a5 34 Axiom for ortholattices.
(a v (a' v b)') = a
Axiomax-r1 35 Inference rule for ortholattices.
a = b   =>   b = a
Axiomax-r2 36 Inference rule for ortholattices.
a = b   &   b = c   =>   a = c
Axiomax-r4 37 Inference rule for ortholattices.
a = b   =>   a' = b'
Axiomax-r5 38 Inference rule for ortholattices.
a = b   =>   (a v c) = (b v c)
Definitiondf-b 39 Define biconditional.
(a == b) = ((a' v b')' v (a v b)')
Definitiondf-a 40 Define conjunction.
(a ^ b) = (a' v b')'
Definitiondf-t 41 Define true.
1 = (a v a')
Definitiondf-f 42 Define false.
0 = 1'
Definitiondf-i0 43 Define classical conditional.
(a ->0 b) = (a' v b)
Definitiondf-i1 44 Define Sasaki (Mittelstaedt) conditional.
(a ->1 b) = (a' v (a ^ b))
Definitiondf-i2 45 Define Dishkant conditional.
(a ->2 b) = (b v (a' ^ b'))
Definitiondf-i3 46 Define Kalmbach conditional.
(a ->3 b) = (((a' ^ b) v (a' ^ b')) v (a ^ (a' v b)))
Definitiondf-i4 47 Define non-tollens conditional.
(a ->4 b) = (((a ^ b) v (a' ^ b)) v ((a' v b) ^ b'))
Definitiondf-i5 48 Define relevance conditional.
(a ->5 b) = (((a ^ b) v (a' ^ b)) v (a' ^ b'))
Definitiondf-id0 49 Define classical identity.
(a ==0 b) = ((a' v b) ^ (b' v a))
Definitiondf-id1 50 Define asymmetrical identity (for "Non-Orthomodular Models..." paper).
(a ==1 b) = ((a v b') ^ (a' v (a ^ b)))
Definitiondf-id2 51 Define asymmetrical identity (for "Non-Orthomodular Models..." paper).
(a ==2 b) = ((a v b') ^ (b v (a' ^ b')))
Definitiondf-id3 52 Define asymmetrical identity (for "Non-Orthomodular Models..." paper).
(a ==3 b) = ((a' v b) ^ (a v (a' ^ b')))
Definitiondf-id4 53 Define asymmetrical identity (for "Non-Orthomodular Models..." paper).
(a ==4 b) = ((a' v b) ^ (b' v (a ^ b)))
Definitiondf-o3 54 Defined disjunction.
(a u3 b) = (a' ->3 (a' ->3 b))
Definitiondf-a3 55 Defined conjunction.
(a ^3 b) = (a' u3 b')'
Definitiondf-b3 56 Defined biconditional.
(a <->3 b) = ((a ->3 b) ^ (b ->3 a))
Definitiondf-id3oa 57 The 3-variable orthoarguesian identity term.
(a == c ==OA b) = (((a ->1 c) ^ (b ->1 c)) v ((a' ->1 c) ^ (b' ->1 c)))
Definitiondf-id4oa 58 The 4-variable orthoarguesian identity term.
(a == c, d ==OA b) = ((a == d ==OA b) v ((a == d ==OA c) ^ (b == d ==OA c)))
0.1.2  Basic lemmas
Theoremid 59 Identity law.
a = a
Theoremtt 60 Justification of definition df-t 41 of true (1). This shows that the definition is independent of the variable used to define it.
(a v a') = (b v b')
Theoremcm 61 Commutative inference rule for ortholattices.
a = b   =>   b = a
Theoremtr 62 Transitive inference rule for ortholattices.
a = b   &   b = c   =>   a = c
Theorem3tr1 63 Transitive inference useful for introducing definitions.
a = b   &   c = a   &   d = b   =>   c = d
Theorem3tr2 64 Transitive inference useful for eliminating definitions.
a = b   &   a = c   &   b = d   =>   c = d
Theorem3tr 65 Triple transitive inference.
a = b   &   b = c   &   c = d   =>   a = d
Theoremcon1 66 Contraposition inference.
a' = b'   =>   a = b
Theoremcon2 67 Contraposition inference.
a = b'   =>   a' = b
Theoremcon3 68 Contraposition inference.
a' = b   =>   a = b'
Theoremcon4 69 Contraposition inference.
a = b   =>   a' = b'
Theoremlor 70 Inference introducing disjunct to left.
a = b   =>   (c v a) = (c v b)
Theoremror 71 Inference introducing disjunct to right.
a = b   =>   (a v c) = (b v c)
Theorem2or 72 Join both sides with disjunction.
a = b   &   c = d   =>   (a v c) = (b v d)
Theoremorcom 73 Commutative law.
(a v b) = (b v a)
Theoremancom 74 Commutative law.
(a ^ b) = (b ^ a)
Theoremorass 75 Associative law.
((a v b) v c) = (a v (b v c))
Theoremanass 76 Associative law.
((a ^ b) ^ c) = (a ^ (b ^ c))
Theoremlan 77 Introduce conjunct on left.
a = b   =>   (c ^ a) = (c ^ b)
Theoremran 78 Introduce conjunct on right.
a = b   =>   (a ^ c) = (b ^ c)
Theorem2an 79 Conjoin both sides of hypotheses.
a = b   &   c = d   =>   (a ^ c) = (b ^ d)
Theoremor12 80 Swap disjuncts.
(a v (b v c)) = (b v (a v c))
Theoreman12 81 Swap conjuncts.
(a ^ (b ^ c)) = (b ^ (a ^ c))
Theoremor32 82 Swap disjuncts.
((a v b) v c) = ((a v c) v b)
Theoreman32 83 Swap conjuncts.
((a ^ b) ^ c) = ((a ^ c) ^ b)
Theoremor4 84 Swap disjuncts.
((a v b) v (c v d)) = ((a v c) v (b v d))
Theoremor42 85 Rearrange disjuncts.
((a v b) v (c v d)) = ((a v d) v (b v c))
Theoreman4 86 Swap conjuncts.
((a ^ b) ^ (c ^ d)) = ((a ^ c) ^ (b ^ d))
Theoremoran 87 Disjunction expressed with conjunction.
(a v b) = (a' ^ b')'
Theoremanor1 88 Conjunction expressed with disjunction.
(a ^ b') = (a' v b)'
Theoremanor2 89 Conjunction expressed with disjunction.
(a' ^ b) = (a v b')'
Theoremanor3 90 Conjunction expressed with disjunction.
(a' ^ b') = (a v b)'
Theoremoran1 91 Disjunction expressed with conjunction.
(a v b') = (a' ^ b)'
Theoremoran2 92 Disjunction expressed with conjunction.
(a' v b) = (a ^ b')'
Theoremoran3 93 Disjunction expressed with conjunction.
(a' v b') = (a ^ b)'
Theoremdfb 94 Biconditional expressed with others.
(a == b) = ((a ^ b) v (a' ^ b'))
Theoremdfnb 95 Negated biconditional.
(a == b)' = ((a v b) ^ (a' v b'))
Theorembicom 96 Commutative law.
(a == b) = (b == a)
Theoremlbi 97 Introduce biconditional to the left.
a = b   =>   (c == a) = (c == b)
Theoremrbi 98 Introduce biconditional to the right.
a = b   =>   (a == c) = (b == c)
Theorem2bi 99 Join both sides with biconditional.
a = b   &   c = d   =>   (a == c) = (b == d)
Theoremdff2 100 Alternate defintion of "false".
0 = (a v a')'
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