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Theorem List for Quantum Logic Explorer - 101-200   *Has distinct variable group(s)
Theoremdff 101 Alternate defintion of "false".
0 = (a ^ a')
Theoremor0 102 Disjunction with 0.
(a v 0) = a
Theoremor0r 103 Disjunction with 0.
(0 v a) = a
Theoremor1 104 Disjunction with 1.
(a v 1) = 1
Theoremor1r 105 Disjunction with 1.
(1 v a) = 1
Theoreman1 106 Conjunction with 1.
(a ^ 1) = a
Theoreman1r 107 Conjunction with 1.
(1 ^ a) = a
Theoreman0 108 Conjunction with 0.
(a ^ 0) = 0
Theoreman0r 109 Conjunction with 0.
(0 ^ a) = 0
Theoremoridm 110 Idempotent law.
(a v a) = a
Theoremanidm 111 Idempotent law.
(a ^ a) = a
Theoremorordi 112 Distribution of disjunction over disjunction.
(a v (b v c)) = ((a v b) v (a v c))
Theoremorordir 113 Distribution of disjunction over disjunction.
((a v b) v c) = ((a v c) v (b v c))
Theoremanandi 114 Distribution of conjunction over conjunction.
(a ^ (b ^ c)) = ((a ^ b) ^ (a ^ c))
Theoremanandir 115 Distribution of conjunction over conjunction.
((a ^ b) ^ c) = ((a ^ c) ^ (b ^ c))
Theorembiid 116 Identity law.
(a == a) = 1
Theorem1b 117 Identity law.
(1 == a) = a
Theorembi1 118 Identity inference.
a = b   =>   (a == b) = 1
Theorem1bi 119 Identity inference.
a = b   =>   1 = (a == b)
Theoremorabs 120 Absorption law.
(a v (a ^ b)) = a
Theoremanabs 121 Absorption law.
(a ^ (a v b)) = a
Theoremconb 122 Contraposition law.
(a == b) = (a' == b')
Theoremleoa 123 Relation between two methods of expressing "less than or equal to".
(a v c) = b   =>   (a ^ b) = a
Theoremleao 124 Relation between two methods of expressing "less than or equal to".
(c ^ b) = a   =>   (a v b) = b
Theoremmi 125 Mittelstaedt implication.
((a v b) == b) = (b v (a' ^ b'))
Theoremdi 126 Dishkant implication.
((a ^ b) == a) = (a' v (a ^ b))
Theoremomlem1 127 Lemma in proof of Th. 1 of Pavicic 1987.
((a v (a' ^ (a v b))) v (a v b)) = (a v b)
Theoremomlem2 128 Lemma in proof of Th. 1 of Pavicic 1987.
((a v b)' v (a v (a' ^ (a v b)))) = 1
0.1.3  Relationship analogues (ordering; commutation)
Definitiondf-le 129 Define 'less than or equal to' analogue.
(a =<2 b) = ((a v b) == b)
Definitiondf-le1 130 Define 'less than or equal to'. See df-le2 131 for the other direction.
(a v b) = b   =>   a =< b
Definitiondf-le2 131 Define 'less than or equal to'. See df-le1 130 for the other direction.
a =< b   =>   (a v b) = b
Definitiondf-c1 132 Define 'commutes'. See df-c2 133 for the other direction.
a = ((a ^ b) v (a ^ b'))   =>   a C b
Definitiondf-c2 133 Define 'commutes'. See df-c1 132 for the other direction.
a C b   =>   a = ((a ^ b) v (a ^ b'))
Definitiondf-cmtr 134 Define 'commutator'.
C (a, b) = (((a ^ b) v (a ^ b')) v ((a' ^ b) v (a' ^ b')))
Theoremdf2le1 135 Alternate definition of 'less than or equal to'.
(a ^ b) = a   =>   a =< b
Theoremdf2le2 136 Alternate definition of 'less than or equal to'.
a =< b   =>   (a ^ b) = a
Theoremletr 137 Transitive law for l.e.
a =< b   &   b =< c   =>   a =< c
Theorembltr 138 Transitive inference.
a = b   &   b =< c   =>   a =< c
Theoremlbtr 139 Transitive inference.
a =< b   &   b = c   =>   a =< c
Theoremle3tr1 140 Transitive inference useful for introducing definitions.
a =< b   &   c = a   &   d = b   =>   c =< d
Theoremle3tr2 141 Transitive inference useful for eliminating definitions.
a =< b   &   a = c   &   b = d   =>   c =< d
Theorembile 142 Biconditional to l.e.
a = b   =>   a =< b
Theoremqlhoml1a 143 An ortholattice inequality, corresponding to a theorem provable in Hilbert space. Part of Definition 2.1 p. 2092, in M. Pavicic and N. Megill, "Quantum and Classical Implicational Algebras with Primitive Implication," _Int. J. of Theor. Phys._ 37, 2091-2098 (1998).
a =< a''
Theoremqlhoml1b 144 An ortholattice inequality, corresponding to a theorem provable in Hilbert space.
a'' =< a
Theoremlebi 145 L.e. to biconditional.
a =< b   &   b =< a   =>   a = b
Theoremle1 146 Anything is l.e. 1.
a =< 1
Theoremle0 147 0 is l.e. anything.
0 =< a
Theoremleid 148 Identity law for less-than-or-equal.
a =< a
Theoremler 149 Add disjunct to right of l.e.
a =< b   =>   a =< (b v c)
Theoremlerr 150 Add disjunct to right of l.e.
a =< b   =>   a =< (c v b)
Theoremlel 151 Add conjunct to left of l.e.
a =< b   =>   (a ^ c) =< b
Theoremleror 152 Add disjunct to right of both sides.
a =< b   =>   (a v c) =< (b v c)
Theoremleran 153 Add conjunct to right of both sides.
a =< b   =>   (a ^ c) =< (b ^ c)
Theoremlecon 154 Contrapositive for l.e.
a =< b   =>   b' =< a'
Theoremlecon1 155 Contrapositive for l.e.
a' =< b'   =>   b =< a
Theoremlecon2 156 Contrapositive for l.e.
a' =< b   =>   b' =< a
Theoremlecon3 157 Contrapositive for l.e.
a =< b'   =>   b =< a'
Theoremleo 158 L.e. absorption.
a =< (a v b)
Theoremleor 159 L.e. absorption.
a =< (b v a)
Theoremlea 160 L.e. absorption.
(a ^ b) =< a
Theoremlear 161 L.e. absorption.
(a ^ b) =< b
Theoremleao1 162 L.e. absorption.
(a ^ b) =< (a v c)
Theoremleao2 163 L.e. absorption.
(b ^ a) =< (a v c)
Theoremleao3 164 L.e. absorption.
(a ^ b) =< (c v a)
Theoremleao4 165 L.e. absorption.
(b ^ a) =< (c v a)
Theoremlelor 166 Add disjunct to left of both sides.
a =< b   =>   (c v a) =< (c v b)
Theoremlelan 167 Add conjunct to left of both sides.
a =< b   =>   (c ^ a) =< (c ^ b)
Theoremle2or 168 Disjunction of 2 l.e.'s.
a =< b   &   c =< d   =>   (a v c) =< (b v d)
Theoremle2an 169 Conjunction of 2 l.e.'s.
a =< b   &   c =< d   =>   (a ^ c) =< (b ^ d)
Theoremlel2or 170 Disjunction of 2 l.e.'s.
a =< b   &   c =< b   =>   (a v c) =< b
Theoremlel2an 171 Conjunction of 2 l.e.'s.
a =< b   &   c =< b   =>   (a ^ c) =< b
Theoremler2or 172 Disjunction of 2 l.e.'s.
a =< b   &   a =< c   =>   a =< (b v c)
Theoremler2an 173 Conjunction of 2 l.e.'s.
a =< b   &   a =< c   =>   a =< (b ^ c)
Theoremledi 174 Half of distributive law.
((a ^ b) v (a ^ c)) =< (a ^ (b v c))
Theoremledir 175 Half of distributive law.
((b ^ a) v (c ^ a)) =< ((b v c) ^ a)
Theoremledio 176 Half of distributive law.
(a v (b ^ c)) =< ((a v b) ^ (a v c))
Theoremledior 177 Half of distributive law.
((b ^ c) v a) =< ((b v a) ^ (c v a))
Theoremcomm0 178 Commutation with 0. Kalmbach 83 p. 20.
a C 0
Theoremcomm1 179 Commutation with 1. Kalmbach 83 p. 20.
1 C a
Theoremlecom 180 Comparable elements commute. Beran 84 2.3(iii) p. 40.
a =< b   =>   a C b
Theorembctr 181 Transitive inference.
a = b   &   b C c   =>   a C c
Theoremcbtr 182 Transitive inference.
a C b   &   b = c   =>   a C c
Theoremcomcom2 183 Commutation equivalence. Kalmbach 83 p. 23. Does not use OML.
a C b   =>   a C b'
Theoremcomorr 184 Commutation law. Does not use OML.
a C (a v b)
Theoremcoman1 185 Commutation law. Does not use OML.
(a ^ b) C a
Theoremcoman2 186 Commutation law. Does not use OML.
(a ^ b) C b
Theoremcomid 187 Identity law for commutation. Does not use OML.
a C a
Theoremdistlem 188 Distributive law inference (uses OL only).
(a ^ (b v c)) =< b   =>   (a ^ (b v c)) = ((a ^ b) v (a ^ c))
Theoremstr 189 Strengthening rule.
a =< (b v c)   &   (a ^ (b v c)) =< b   =>   a =< b
0.1.4  Commutator (ortholattice theorems)
Theoremcmtrcom 190 Commutative law for commutator.
C (a, b) = C (b, a)
0.1.5  Weak "orthomodular law" in ortholattices.

All theorems here do not require R3 and are true in all ortholattices.

Theoremwa1 191 Weak A1.
(a == a'') = 1
Theoremwa2 192 Weak A2.
((a v b) == (b v a)) = 1
Theoremwa3 193 Weak A3.
(((a v b) v c) == (a v (b v c))) = 1
Theoremwa4 194 Weak A4.
((a v (b v b')) == (b v b')) = 1
Theoremwa5 195 Weak A5.
((a v (a' v b')') == a) = 1
Theoremwa6 196 Weak A6.
((a == b) == ((a' v b')' v (a v b)')) = 1
Theoremwr1 197 Weak R1.
(a == b) = 1   =>   (b == a) = 1
Theoremwr3 198 Weak R3.
(1 == a) = 1   =>   a = 1
Theoremwr4 199 Weak R4.
(a == b) = 1   =>   (a' == b') = 1
Theoremwa5b 200 Absorption law.
((a v (a ^ b)) == a) = 1
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