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QBoxLayout Class Reference
[QtGui module]

The QBoxLayout class lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically. More...

 #include <QBoxLayout>

Inherits QLayout.

Inherited by QHBoxLayout and QVBoxLayout.

Public Types

Public Functions

Protected Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QBoxLayout class lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically.

QBoxLayout takes the space it gets (from its parent layout or from the parentWidget()), divides it up into a row of boxes, and makes each managed widget fill one box.

Horizontal box layout with five child widgets

If the QBoxLayout's orientation is Qt::Horizontal the boxes are placed in a row, with suitable sizes. Each widget (or other box) will get at least its minimum size and at most its maximum size. Any excess space is shared according to the stretch factors (more about that below).

Vertical box layout with five child widgets

If the QBoxLayout's orientation is Qt::Vertical, the boxes are placed in a column, again with suitable sizes.

The easiest way to create a QBoxLayout is to use one of the convenience classes, e.g. QHBoxLayout (for Qt::Horizontal boxes) or QVBoxLayout (for Qt::Vertical boxes). You can also use the QBoxLayout constructor directly, specifying its direction as LeftToRight, RightToLeft, TopToBottom, or BottomToTop.

If the QBoxLayout is not the top-level layout (i.e. it is not managing all of the widget's area and children), you must add it to its parent layout before you can do anything with it. The normal way to add a layout is by calling parentLayout->addLayout().

Once you have done this, you can add boxes to the QBoxLayout using one of four functions:

Use insertWidget(), insertSpacing(), insertStretch() or insertLayout() to insert a box at a specified position in the layout.

QBoxLayout also includes two margin widths:

The margin default is provided by the style. The default margin most Qt styles specify is 9 for child widgets and 11 for windows. The spacing defaults to the same as the margin width for a top-level layout, or to the same as the parent layout.

To remove a widget from a layout, call removeWidget(). Calling QWidget::hide() on a widget also effectively removes the widget from the layout until QWidget::show() is called.

You will almost always want to use QVBoxLayout and QHBoxLayout rather than QBoxLayout because of their convenient constructors.

See also QGridLayout, QStackedLayout, and Layout Classes.

Member Type Documentation

enum QBoxLayout::Direction

This type is used to determine the direction of a box layout.

QBoxLayout::LeftToRight0Horizontal from left to right.
QBoxLayout::RightToLeft1Horizontal from right to left.
QBoxLayout::TopToBottom2Vertical from top to bottom.
QBoxLayout::BottomToTop3Vertical from bottom to top.

Member Function Documentation

QBoxLayout::QBoxLayout ( Direction dir, QWidget * parent = 0 )

Constructs a new QBoxLayout with direction dir and parent widget parent.

See also direction().

QBoxLayout::~QBoxLayout ()

Destroys this box layout.

The layout's widgets aren't destroyed.

void QBoxLayout::addLayout ( QLayout * layout, int stretch = 0 )

Adds layout to the end of the box, with serial stretch factor stretch.

See also insertLayout(), addItem(), and addWidget().

void QBoxLayout::addSpacing ( int size )

Adds a non-stretchable space (a QSpacerItem) with size size to the end of this box layout. QBoxLayout provides default margin and spacing. This function adds additional space.

See also insertSpacing(), addItem(), and QSpacerItem.

void QBoxLayout::addStretch ( int stretch = 0 )

Adds a stretchable space (a QSpacerItem) with zero minimum size and stretch factor stretch to the end of this box layout.

See also insertStretch(), addItem(), and QSpacerItem.

void QBoxLayout::addStrut ( int size )

Limits the perpendicular dimension of the box (e.g. height if the box is LeftToRight) to a minimum of size. Other constraints may increase the limit.

See also addItem().

void QBoxLayout::addWidget ( QWidget * widget, int stretch = 0, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )

Adds widget to the end of this box layout, with a stretch factor of stretch and alignment alignment.

The stretch factor applies only in the direction of the QBoxLayout, and is relative to the other boxes and widgets in this QBoxLayout. Widgets and boxes with higher stretch factors grow more.

If the stretch factor is 0 and nothing else in the QBoxLayout has a stretch factor greater than zero, the space is distributed according to the QWidget:sizePolicy() of each widget that's involved.

The alignment is specified by alignment. The default alignment is 0, which means that the widget fills the entire cell.

See also insertWidget(), addItem(), addLayout(), addStretch(), addSpacing(), and addStrut().

Direction QBoxLayout::direction () const

Returns the direction of the box. addWidget() and addSpacing() work in this direction; the stretch stretches in this direction.

See also setDirection(), QBoxLayout::Direction, addWidget(), and addSpacing().

void QBoxLayout::insertItem ( int index, QLayoutItem * item )   [protected]

Inserts item into this box layout at position index. If index is negative, the item is added at the end.

See also addItem(), insertWidget(), insertLayout(), insertStretch(), and insertSpacing().

void QBoxLayout::insertLayout ( int index, QLayout * layout, int stretch = 0 )

Inserts layout at position index, with stretch factor stretch. If index is negative, the layout is added at the end.

layout becomes a child of the box layout.

See also addLayout() and insertItem().

void QBoxLayout::insertSpacing ( int index, int size )

Inserts a non-stretchable space (a QSpacerItem) at position index, with size size. If index is negative the space is added at the end.

The box layout has default margin and spacing. This function adds additional space.

See also addSpacing(), insertItem(), and QSpacerItem.

void QBoxLayout::insertStretch ( int index, int stretch = 0 )

Inserts a stretchable space (a QSpacerItem) at position index, with zero minimum size and stretch factor stretch. If index is negative the space is added at the end.

See also addStretch(), insertItem(), and QSpacerItem.

void QBoxLayout::insertWidget ( int index, QWidget * widget, int stretch = 0, Qt::Alignment alignment = 0 )

Inserts widget at position index, with stretch factor stretch and alignment alignment. If index is negative, the widget is added at the end.

The stretch factor applies only in the direction of the QBoxLayout, and is relative to the other boxes and widgets in this QBoxLayout. Widgets and boxes with higher stretch factors grow more.

If the stretch factor is 0 and nothing else in the QBoxLayout has a stretch factor greater than zero, the space is distributed according to the QWidget:sizePolicy() of each widget that's involved.

The alignment is specified by alignment. The default alignment is 0, which means that the widget fills the entire cell.

See also addWidget() and insertItem().

void QBoxLayout::invalidate ()   [virtual]

Resets cached information.

Reimplemented from QLayoutItem.

void QBoxLayout::setDirection ( Direction direction )

Sets the direction of this layout to direction.

See also direction().

bool QBoxLayout::setStretchFactor ( QWidget * widget, int stretch )

Sets the stretch factor for widget to stretch and returns true if widget is found in this layout (not including child layouts); otherwise returns false.

See also setAlignment().

bool QBoxLayout::setStretchFactor ( QLayout * layout, int stretch )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Sets the stretch factor for the layout layout to stretch and returns true if layout is found in this layout (not including child layouts); otherwise returns false.

Member Function Documentation

QBoxLayout::QBoxLayout ( QWidget * parent, Direction dir, int margin = 0, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 )

Constructs a new QBoxLayout with direction dir and main widget parent. parent may not be 0.

The margin is the number of pixels between the edge of the widget and its managed children. The spacing is the default number of pixels between neighboring children. If spacing is -1 the value of margin is used for spacing.

name is the internal object name.

See also direction().

QBoxLayout::QBoxLayout ( QLayout * parentLayout, Direction dir, int spacing = -1, const char * name = 0 )

Constructs a new QBoxLayout called name, with direction dir, and inserts it into parentLayout.

The spacing is the default number of pixels between neighboring children. If spacing is -1, the layout will inherit its parent's spacing().

QBoxLayout::QBoxLayout ( Direction dir, int spacing, const char * name = 0 )

Constructs a new QBoxLayout called name, with direction dir.

If spacing is -1, the layout will inherit its parent's spacing(); otherwise spacing is used.

You must insert this box into another layout.

int QBoxLayout::findWidget ( QWidget * widget )

Use indexOf(widget) instead.

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Qt 4.2.3