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Qt 3 Support Members for QTextStream

The following class members are part of the Qt 3 support layer. They are provided to help you port old code to Qt 4. We advise against using them in new code.

Public Types

Public Functions

Static Public Members

Member Type Documentation

enum QTextStream::Encoding

QTextStream::Latin11Use setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("ISO-8859-1")) instead.
QTextStream::Locale0Use setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()) instead.
QTextStream::RawUnicode5Use setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-16")) instead.
QTextStream::Unicode2Use setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-16")) instead.
QTextStream::UnicodeNetworkOrder3Use setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-16BE")) instead.
QTextStream::UnicodeReverse4Use setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-16LE")) instead.
QTextStream::UnicodeUTF86Use setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")) instead.

Also, for all encodings except QTextStream::Latin1 and QTextStream::UTF8, you need to call setAutoDetectUnicode(false) to obtain the Qt 3 behavior in addition to the setCodec() call.

See also setCodec() and setAutoDetectUnicode().

Member Function Documentation

int QTextStream::fill ( int f )

Use setPadChar() instead.

int QTextStream::flags () const

Use fieldAlignment(), padChar(), fieldWidth(), numberFlags(), integerBase(), realNumberNotation(), and realNumberNotation instead.

int QTextStream::flags ( int f )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Use setFieldAlignment(), setPadChar(), setFieldWidth(), setNumberFlags(), setIntegerBase(), setRealNumberNotation(), and setRealNumberNotation instead.

int QTextStream::precision ( int p )

Use setRealNumberPrecision() instead.

QString QTextStream::read ()

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Use readAll() or readLine() instead.

void QTextStream::setEncoding ( Encoding encoding )

Use setCodec() and setAutoDetectUnicode() instead.

int QTextStream::setf ( int bits )

Use setFieldAlignment(), setPadChar(), setFieldWidth(), setNumberFlags(), setIntegerBase(), setRealNumberNotation(), and setRealNumberNotation instead.

int QTextStream::setf ( int bits, int mask )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Use setFieldAlignment(), setPadChar(), setFieldWidth(), setNumberFlags(), setIntegerBase(), setRealNumberNotation(), and setRealNumberNotation instead.

void QTextStream::unsetDevice ()

Use setDevice(0) instead.

int QTextStream::unsetf ( int bits )

Use setFieldAlignment(), setPadChar(), setFieldWidth(), setNumberFlags(), setIntegerBase(), setRealNumberNotation(), and setRealNumberNotation instead.

int QTextStream::width ( int w )

Use setFieldWidth() instead.

Member Variable Documentation

const int QTextStream::adjustfield

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::basefield

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::bin

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::dec

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::fixed

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::floatfield

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::hex

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::internal

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::left

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::oct

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::right

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::scientific

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::showbase

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::showpoint

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::showpos

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::skipws

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

const int QTextStream::uppercase

Use the new QTextStream manipulators instead.

Copyright © 2007 Trolltech Trademarks
Qt 4.2.3