Groups, Users, and Limits

Stackato users can be assigned to specific groups, and each group can have a set of limits assigned to it regarding apps, services, and memory usage.

To see commands related to groups, use stackato help or see the Command Reference.

You can also manage groups, users, and limits in the Management Console. Users and groups have different limit settings. Applications pushed into groups have that application's limits applied to that group's limits.

Basic Group Management

To create a new group:

$ stackato groups create developers
Creating New Group: OK


Group names cannot contain spaces.

To delete a group:

$ stackato groups delete managers
Deleting Group: OK

For a list of all groups and members:

$ stackato groups

| Group      | Members                 |
| developers | [email protected]      |
| managers   |                         |


Group-Level Limits

A group can have a number of limits set for it:

$ stackato limits developers --mem 2048 --services 5 --apps 2 --appuris 5 --sudo true
Updating Group Limits: OK

--mem sets the amount of memory allowed in megabytes. Can also be specified in gigabytes in the format --mem 2G.

--services sets the number of services allowed.

--apps sets the number of apps allowed.

--appuris sets the number of app URIs allowed.

--sudo sets whether or not the sudo command can be used. Use true or false. The default setting is false.

To view the current limits for a group:

$ stackato limits developers

| Limit    | Value |
| mem      | 2048  |
| services | 5     |
| apps     | 2     |
| appuris  | 5     |
| sudo     | true  |

User-Level Limits

A user can have limits set specifically without the use of a group:

$ stackato limits [email protected] --mem 2048 --services 5 --apps 2 --appuris 5 --sudo true
Updating Group Limits: OK

--mem sets the amount of memory allowed in megabytes. Can also be specified in gigabytes in the format --mem 2G.

--services sets the number of services allowed.

--apps sets the number of apps allowed.

--appuris sets the number of app URIs allowed.

--sudo sets whether or not the sudo command can be used. Use true or false. The default setting is false.

Use stackato limits to see limits on the user level:

$ stackato limits [email protected]

Group: [email protected]
| Limit    | Value |
| mem      | 2048  |
| services | 10    |
| apps     | 12    |
| appuris  | 4     |
| sudo     | true  |

Managing Users and Groups

Users can be added to one or more groups. To add a user to a group:

$ stackato groups add-user developers [email protected]
Adding User To Group: OK

View the users that are part of a group with this command:

$ stackato groups users developers

| Member                  |
| [email protected]      |

To remove a user from a group:

$ stackato groups delete-user developers [email protected]
Removing User From Group: OK


To import a list of system users, or export a list of the current users for migration to a new system, log in to the micro cloud VM or core node as the 'stackato' user and run the kato data users command.

The kato data users export command generates CSV file with the following columns:


Using the --include-password-hashes option adds bcrypt password hashes in a passwordhash column:


The kato data users import will accept CSV files with the following columns. The header row is required:




The isadmin and groups columns are both optional. The password or passwordhash columns must be provided when adding new users, but are optional if you are updating existing users with new isadmin or group values. Password hashes must be in bcrypt format (as exported with --include-password-hashes).

A --dry-run option is available if you would like to test the import/export before actually running it.

Working with Groups

While working with groups, you can set a particular one to be the "current group":

$ stackato group developers
Successfully set current group to [developers]

Subsequent commands will use the current group if you do not specify one in a command:

$ stackato limits

Group: developers
| Limit    | Value |
| mem      | 2048  |
| services | 10    |
| apps     | 15    |
| appuris  | 4     |
| sudo     | true  |

To switch groups, just run stackato group with another group name. To remove the set group, run stackato group --reset.


The STACKATO_GROUP environment variable can be set in the local shell to set the active group for the stackato client. For example:

$ export STACKATO_GROUP='web-dev'

Subsequent stackato commands will operate under the 'web-dev' group. To override this, use the --group option:

$ stackato apps --group example-dev

With this variable set, the stackato group command is ignored until the STACKATO_GROUP is explicitly unset: