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Location: MSVFIND.H
Link against: msgs.lib
Link against: msgs_autoshutdown.lib

Class CMsvFindOperation

class CMsvFindOperation : public CMsvOperation;


Encapsulates a text search operation.

The class offers an interface for locating messages which contain specified text. Messages may contain data created for, or received from, any of the transport protocols that are supported by the Messaging Architecture (e.g. Email, FAX and SMS).

Clients create a new instance for each search operation to be performed. They are also responsible for destroying the instance once a search operation is complete.

Clients can derive from this class, typically to implement their own version of the function IsValid().



Defined in CMsvFindOperation:
CMsvFindOperation(), ConstructFindInChildrenL(), ConstructFindInSelectionL(), DoCancel(), FinalProgress(), FindInChildrenL(), FindInSelectionL(), GetFindResult(), IsValid(), ProgressL(), RunL(), ~CMsvFindOperation()

Inherited from CActive:
Cancel(), Deque(), EPriorityHigh, EPriorityIdle, EPriorityLow, EPriorityStandard, EPriorityUserInput, IsActive(), IsAdded(), Priority(), RunError(), SetActive(), SetPriority(), TPriority, iStatus

Inherited from CBase:
Delete(), operator new()

Inherited from CMsvOperation:
Extension_(), Id(), Mtm(), Service(), SystemProgress(), iMsvSession, iMtm, iObserverRequestStatus, iService

Construction and destruction


IMPORT_C ~CMsvFindOperation();




protected: IMPORT_C CMsvFindOperation(CMsvSession &aSession, const TDesC &aTextToFind, TMsvPartList aPartList, TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus);


Constructor, specifying search parameters.


CMsvSession &aSession

An open session with the Message Server

const TDesC &aTextToFind

The text to be found. The length of the text to be found must not be greater than KMsvMaxFindTextLength.

TMsvPartList aPartList

The parts of the messages which are to be searched.

TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus

Request status of an observer to signal when the search is complete.

Panic codes


306 aTextToFind is longer than KMsvMaxFindTextLength (debug builds only). In release builds, a USER 11 panic will occur.


Member functions


static IMPORT_C CMsvFindOperation *FindInChildrenL(CMsvSession &aSession, const TDesC &aTextToFind, TMsvId aParentId, TMsvPartList aPartList, TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus);


Creates a new search operation to search for text within a specified root, folder or service.

Searching for messages is done recursively through all child services and folders. All messages found are searched for text.


CMsvSession &aSession

An open session with the Message Server.

const TDesC &aTextToFind

The text to be found. The length of the text to be found must not be greater than KMsvMaxFindTextLength, otherwise the function raises a MSGS 306 panic.

TMsvId aParentId

The entry Id of the root, a folder or a service. If this is the Id of the root entry, then all messages stored in the message store on the Symbian OS phone are searched. The function leaves with the KErrArgument code if this is neither the entry Id of the root, nor a folder nor a service.

TMsvPartList aPartList

The parts of the messages which are to be searched.

TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus

The request status object. This is set when the search operation is complete. The is set to: KErrNone, if the search operation completes successfully.

Return value

CMsvFindOperation *

Pointer to the new search operation object.


static IMPORT_C CMsvFindOperation *FindInSelectionL(CMsvSession &aSession, const TDesC &aTextToFind, const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection, TMsvPartList aPartList, TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus);


Creates a new search operation to search for text within a specified selection of messages.

The function leaves with the KErrArgument code if the first entry in the selection is not recognised as a message.


CMsvSession &aSession

An open session with the Message Server.

const TDesC &aTextToFind

The text to be found. The length of the text to be found must not be greater than KMsvMaxFindTextLength, otherwise the function raises a MSGS 306 panic.

const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection

A selection of messages to search. The function raises a MSGS 258 panic if the selection is empty (i.e. there are zero messages in the selection).

TMsvPartList aPartList

The parts of the messages which are to be searched.

TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus

The request status object. This is set when the search operation is complete. The is set to: KErrNone, if the search operation completes successfully. KErrArgument, if any of the entries in the selection, apart from the first, cannot be recognised as a message.

Return value

CMsvFindOperation *

Pointer to the new search operation object.


virtual IMPORT_C const TDesC8 &ProgressL();


Returns progress information.

Progress information supplies sufficient data to drive a progress gauge for the text search operation and also identifies the message currently being searched. It does not provide any information about the search progress within a message.

Return value

const TDesC8 &

A reference to a descriptor holding progress information. Progress information is encapsulated by a TMsvFindOperationProgress type object and this is returned as a package buffer, a TPckgBuf<TMsvFindOperationProgress> object.


virtual IMPORT_C const TDesC8 &FinalProgress();


Returns progress information after the search operation is complete.

The function returns the same information as ProgressL() but can only be called after the search operation is complete. The function raises a MSGS 285 panic if it is called while the search operation is still in progress.

Return value

const TDesC8 &

A reference to a descriptor holding progress information. Progress information is encapsulated by a TMsvFindOperationProgress type object and this is returned as a package buffer, a TPckgBuf<TMsvFindOperationProgress> object


inline const CMsvFindResultSelection &GetFindResult() const;


Returns the result of the search operation.

If the search operation is still in progress, then the results returned are those that have been found at the time of this call.

Return value

const CMsvFindResultSelection &

A reference to the search operation results.


protected: IMPORT_C void ConstructFindInChildrenL(TMsvId aId);


Second phase constructor, for constructing a search of an entry and of all its children.


TMsvId aId

The entry Id of the root, folder or service to search


protected: IMPORT_C void ConstructFindInSelectionL(const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection);


Second phase constructor, for constructing a search of a specified selection of messages.


const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection

A selection of messages to search.

Panic codes


258 The selection is empty


private: virtual IMPORT_C void DoCancel();


Implements cancellation of an outstanding request.

This function is called as part of the active object's Cancel().

It must call the appropriate cancel function offered by the active object's asynchronous service provider. The asynchronous service provider's cancel is expected to act immediately.

DoCancel() must not wait for event completion; this is handled by Cancel().


private: virtual IMPORT_C void RunL();


Handles an active object's request completion event.

A derived class must provide an implementation to handle the completed request. If appropriate, it may issue another request.

The function is called by the active scheduler when a request completion event occurs, i.e. after the active scheduler's WaitForAnyRequest() function completes.

Before calling this active object's RunL() function, the active scheduler has:

1. decided that this is the highest priority active object with a completed request

2. marked this active object's request as complete (i.e. the request is no longer outstanding)

RunL() runs under a trap harness in the active scheduler. If it leaves, then the active scheduler calls RunError() to handle the leave.

Note that once the active scheduler's Start() function has been called, all user code is run under one of the program's active object's RunL() or RunError() functions.


private: virtual TBool IsValid(const TMsvEntry &aEntry) const;


Determines whether a message is to be included in the text search operation.

The function acts as a filter that decides whether a message should be included in the text search operation. The function is called before the message is searched.

The default implementation always returns true.

Clients can provide their own implementation.

Note: Messages which are not included in the search are still included in the count of entries completed.


const TMsvEntry &aEntry

The entry Id for a message.

Return value


True, if the message is to be searched. False if the message is not to be searched.