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An Introduction to Tkinter

Basic Widget Methods :::

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Basic Widget Methods

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 Chapter 44. Basic Widget Methods

The following methods are provided by all widgets (including the root window). In the method descriptions, self refer to the widget via which you reached the method.

The root window and other Toplevel windows provide additional methods. See the Window Methods section for more information.



config(options...), configure(options...). Change one or more options for self.


config(), configure(). Return a dictionary containing the current settings for all widget options. For each option key in the dictionary, the value is either a five-tuple (option, option database key, option database class, default value, current value), or a two-tuple (option alias, option). The latter case is used for aliases like bg (background) and bd (borderwidth).

Note that the value fields aren't correctly formatted for some option types. See the description of the keys method for more information, and a workaround.


cget(option). Return the current value for the given option.

Note that option values are always returned as strings (also if you gave a nonstring value when you configured the widget). Use int and float where appropriate.


keys(). Return a tuple containing the options available for this widget. You can use cget to get the corresponding value for each option.

Note that the tuple currently include option aliases (like bd, bg, and fg). To avoid this, you can use config instead. On the other hand, config doesn't return valid option values for some option types (such as font names), so the best way is to use a combination of config and cget:

    for item in w.config():
        if len(item) == 5:
            option = item[0]
            value = w.cget(option)
            print option, value

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